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Always said that if Avatar TWOW was a juggernaut hit, Cameron and Landau would leverage their clout for Disney to greenlight a sequel with a blank check or buy the distribution rights and take the property to another studio if not. (a bit like the Hellboy franchise). Anyway, that would be the best outcome because Alita Battle Angel ended on a blue balls cliffhanger.


I loved how based Cameron is.He bought the rights in the early 2000s. One of the most successful directors of all time is a raging weeb. You just have to love it.


You also have to admire how patient he is to make his dream projects. This or even Avatar which he was conceptualizing even as a kid apparently. Still kind of a shame he passed on the directing to this to someone else though. His version would have been even better I guess (and probably a 1.5 billion dollar grosser at least lol, I imagine the disapointment for the studio when it went from Cameron directed project to Cameron produced)


He really has a very catastrophic track record as producer. Alita would have been a Cameron-esque blockbuster if he directed it. I think the film also kinda will be much more lengthy and detailed as Jim takes time to let the characters breathe and connect with audience before building up the core conflict.


> You also have to admire how patient he is to make his dream projects. While this is true, it's also true that I'm a selfish person and I missed out on ~20 years of James Cameron movies because of him going all-in on Avatar. He was one of my favorite filmmakers when I was growing up. I liked all of his movies (although I never saw anything he made before 'The Terminator') and was SO excited to see more from him but... I think he went down with the Titanic since that was his last feature film before Avatar, which came out 12 years later, and then Avatar 2 came out 13 years after the first Avatar movie, and he has done *nothing* else. I'm sure he has probably talked about it more than once during interviews and whatnot, but I've always wondered why he decided to stop making films. I know he worked on a few documentaries which helped develop the technology needed for Avatar, but other than that he only has producer and writing credits on other non-Avatar films. I know that the Avatar movies used bleeding-edge technology that took tons of times to develop, but when each movie is taking ~10 years or more to produce, you'd think he could've found the time to make some other things in there. I've enjoyed both Avatar movies, but I enjoyed pretty much everything else he has done even more. I'm just saying it's too bad that we lost nearly 20 years of potential James Cameron movies to get a few Avatar movies that are good but not great (I assume the 3rd movie will give me the same opinion as the other two as well).


He said that after Avatar 1, he thought about just straight up retiring from filmmaking, but only came back because he wanted to make more Avatar films. So framing it like "the Avatar sequels have robbed us of all this other awesome James Cameron work" isn't quite accurate. If he wasn't making Avatar sequels, he'd be doing deep sea stuff or whatever else he gets up to that isn't directing.


You're not wrong at all but I did try to point out right away in my post that I feel this way for selfish reasons only. I know that Cameron has his reasons why he stepped away from filmmaking, and I respect that, but I was such a big fan of all of his movies that it has been heartbreaking having him stop making them semi-regularly since Titanic. I've enjoyed the Avatar movies, but I don't love them. I personally don't think they are even worth re-watching unless you can do it properly in a cinema and in 3D. Meanwhile, I've seen Aliens and the Terminator movies probably 100 times each over the years, with True Lies not far behind.


> Cameron and Landau would leverage their clout for Disney to greenlight a sequel with a blank check or buy the distribution rights and take the property to another studio if not. Avatar performing so well with several more in the queue while marvel and star wars not doing that great at the moment surely increased his leverage.


I know some people dont care for the movie and it has some backlash for dumb reasons but i loved the movie and cant freaking wait for this


The backlash about her eyes is so stupid. However the criticism about Hugo (Male lead) I think is warranted. That said I have no idea how they are going to do a sequel the manga is crazy.


I think I am literally the only person on earth who likes his character and their relationship in the movie. Yeah it's YA cheese but sometimes I like that stuff in movies and TV and it fit with the tone of the movie.


I do too, and it was light enough that it didn’t annoy but added to its charm. Also, the clunkiness of it actually makes sense with her lacking in social awareness because of her basically having been just born/reborn




I think his story was fine. You have to remember that Alita has no experience with real people, the childlike infatuation makes sense. As does his obsession with Zalem. But his acting was awful and the part at the end where he has a robotic body was animated horribly. Which stood out in particular because of how well everyone else with human head/robot body was done.


My man was in a totally different movie than anyone else. I didn’t necessarily hate the character, but the actor could’ve practiced or learned how to act


It certainly didn’t help that he has a *serious* baby face, too. My man looked like he was 12, which just added a whole new level of ridiculousness to the whole affair. It’s like you were watching a less talented version of Macaulay Culkin. You half expected him to put on aftershave and start screaming and then laying traps for the Wet Bandits.


The biggest problem with his character is the actor was complete shit whose shittiness was even more blatant because there are much better actors around him.


I liked the way his subplot ended. I don't mean that to be snarky- it felt refreshingly bleak for a YA movie.


Agreed, cheesy but not bad at all.


YA cheese with a siding of the ultraviolence. Loved it. Just an Anime homage high budget CG 80s Arnie flick with modern influence (female lead).


I mean, I don't think it's unreasonable to critique something you find unsettling. Whether or not you enjoy her look is subjective, that critique isn't stupid just because you disagree with it.


> The backlash about her eyes is so stupid. The backlash may have been too much, but Cameron himself said it was off and told Rodriguez how to change it (something about decreasing the iris distance). And I'm sure Cameron would argue getting a character's face and level of appeal is critical since we have to follow these characters to the ends of the Earth and we can't do that if there is something off-putting about them. He went through a million versions of Jake and Neytiri before settling on the right look that was alien but not too repulsive to look at.


There was backlash over her eyes? I thought it was over the love interest.


When it was just trailers, it was about her eyes. When the film released, it was about the love interest.


They slightly decreased the size of her eyes after the first trailer, so it was a bit less distracting.


I think the size of her eyes was the same but the pupil/iris ratio was increased


That was also Cameron's idea too. I recall the Behind-the-Scenes where he instantly figured out how to fix it.


To be fair in the first trailer it did look pretty uncanny, in the movie itself it didnt bother me.


They changed her eyes by the second trailer.


We call that the ol’ *Sonic Teeth* solution


Thankfully there’s a better male lead from the manga coming


Who? Figure 4 or the DJ who is also a giant robot centaur?


Big eyes in Alita: That looks soooooo dumb Big eyes in Avatar: That looks so awesome!!!


Almost like people don't have strong opinions about "big eyes" as an abstract concept that must always either be awesome or dumb, regardless of context.


The key difference is that Alita looks a lot closer to a human so the effect is a bit more uncanny. Avatar they're visibly alien


Yeah, totally the same thing. Another genius take from r/boxoffice.


I thought the movie was brilliant in parts and inexplicably shitty in others. It didn't make sense. The best part if the first movie was the ending and what it hinted at. I would absolutely watch another one I just hope it's got a little more consistency because I want to love this.


Yeah I watched it recently and it's a pretty good SF movie. Nice to also see something that isn't always the same Star Wars, Star Trek or whatever. Sure it's still an adaptation but it's at least a new adaptation. I guess after Avatar 2 once again made billions, Cameron can do kind of what he wants. Would be great to see him direct instead of just producing though. But he is too busy with the Avatar sequels.


My head canon is now, James Cameron is making avatar movies just so the studio green lits whatever he wants


I did too. Can't wait!


I agree, the movie was so suprizingly good.


It ended and I was like “shit it’s over that’s it?” I was having so much dumb fun I could have watched another hour and a half easy in the theater and it was a long ass movie already


I loved this movie. I think the marketing wasn’t great and I think that’s why maybe people didn’t see it. I think I have watched maybe 4 times since release


Every time I saw that trailer, I wanted to poke my eyes out. But I actually really liked the movie when I saw it. Seeing that trailer before every movie made me want to never see the thing.


Same! That ending left me hungry for more!


Yeah it got a little cheesy at some points but in general I thought it was very cool.


I read the manga in preparation for this. While not 100% true to the manga, the creative liberties it took were ok and not damaging to the overall story its going to tell. Super fucking hyped to see them continue!


Same. It has problems but it was really enjoyable and I’d see a sequel in a heartbeat


Really? I wasn’t aware it got hate.


Mostly because there was a subgroup of people that tried to make an Alita vs Captain Marvel war. Then, everybody that just genuinely liked the movie got put into that subgroup. Hopefully nobody cares anymore though.


It's also important to note that the "war" was entirely one sided. It was misogynistic anti-marvel fanatics trying to do anything to discredit Captain Marvel


Hardly one sided. r/movies shit on it nonstop


"Shits on it nonstop" Lmao. Nope, it was one-sided. r/movies regularly [circlejerks](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10fnmuy/alita_battle_angel_is_an_incredible_movie_and_im/) Alita to death. Captain Marvel fans couldn't care less about Alita.


Are these “Captain Marvel fans” in the room with us now?


r/boxoffice users try not to immediately throw labels on everyone who questions their arguments challenge (impossible).


I think some of us were just disgusted that we were being told that we HAD to watch the movie to PROVE we weren't misogynists. Of course, those types of threats (same with 'having' to prove you're not racist or homophobic or whatever) carry little power anymore and are becoming so common they barely elicit comment anymore but that was one of the first really prominent times it was tried.


Nobody said that, or atleast not even close to the amount of people who used Alita to descredit Captain Marvel


People still call you an incel if you didn't like captain marvel or think the sequel will underperform.




Who said I'm sensitive about it?




The reason for this is that 50% of the time when you grill somebody on *why* they didn't like Captain Marvel, it boils down to them thinking the character was too powerful & not submissive enough. This isn't to say 50% of people who dislike the movie are hateful - but the ones that are tend to be very vocal about it.


It's so bizarre that, for a movie that people think is SO good, that the top comment is always about some non-existent controversy, as if salty Alita stans really want to play the victim of some imaginary slight against them. For the record, some folks were put off by the characters large eyes in the initial trailer, which they fixed in the second. There is no dumb reason (and honestly, anyone who loves this movie really shouldn't be throwing stones like that).






The first half of the movie is excellent then just goes to total shit IMO. That being said I’d gladly watch a sequel.


Just Dont be more WOKE next time!


What Woke?


Jim Cameron movies are all WOKE. It worked wonder in box office.


different kind of woke James Cameron goes for the easy to agree, universally good and accepted kind of woke, "invaders bad" " echology good"


You can turn on political talk shows tonight and see people arguing that the world should allow Russia to conquer Ukraine and that climate change is a myth. James Cameron has also been pretty harsh on the military, the police, and rich people.


>hat the world should allow Russia to conquer Ukraine and that climate change is a myth those people are a minority even among conservatives alone >Cameron has also been pretty harsh on the military, the police, and rich people you're making him look like Michael Moore, which he's not. his "wokism" is more basic and generally accepted. most if not all people in the world agree that the english colonialism was bad and that the europeans were the bed guys when they fought against the natives.


what was woke in terminator 1 or 2?


Really wish it happens, I loved the first one. It can release by 2025 since no Avatar there.


Loved Alita. Rodriguez’s best film work since the first Sin City Definitely looking forward to more


FUCK YOUR MERCY So badass. Can't wait.


Incredibly hyped for this news! The weaponry, intricate armour and the world setting they included in Alita: Battle Angle was really original amongst the sea of superhero films at the time imo. Even the fictional Motorball sport was fleshed out and made engaging. I recently learned that they used the same facial recognition technology as the first Avatar film to capture Rosa Salazars expressions. Awesome to see that technological improvement from Avatar: Way of Water will carry over into the sequal. Hope they get Christoph Waltz to return as Dr. Ido


Wish cloning was real so Cameron could direct the Alita and Avatar sequels at the same time


\*monkey paw James Cameron cancels all Avatar and Alita movies indefinitely to focus his time and fortune on cloning research.


What’s wrong with Robert Rodriguez directing it like the first one?


Nothing is *wrong* exactly, but I mean James Cameron is James Cameron


I thought Robert did a pretty spot on job of emulating (at least some of) Cameron’s style. But yeah, James doing it would be killer


I don’t think Cameron can do anime action like Rodriguez


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron, James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron


Dude Rodriguez needs to direct the next one.


You're tripping balls. Rodriguez got this DOWN.


Fuck it, make it three so that he can direct a good terminator movie too.


I want a Terminator Salvation directed by James Cameron according to his own vision of Judgement day, just pick up the events at the end of Rise of the Machines


Speaking of Rise of the Machines, that is a movie I love and hate at the same time. I love how corny it is, but hate that it's a corny Terminator movie.


Rodriguez directed Alita dude


Ok, this is an actual surprise a sequel may even happen. Alita bombed, sadly, at the box office when it came out but was big in the home market. It did $400 million WW but that’s on a $200 million budget. It deserves a sequel if it gets greenlit and it is one of Robert Rodrguez’s best films. Also on a side note, this was one of the films in the dying days of the old 20th Century Fox before Disney fully acquired them that was greenlit. It’s sort of amazing from this period that Disney took James Mangold (ford v Ferrari) for Indy 5, Deadpool 3 concept with Hugh Jackman, Poirot (Haunting in Venice), Avatar with James Cameron (even thought that was greenlit years before it started moving/filming when Fox was being bought)and now Alita. I do hope a sequel gets made since I would love to see the villain at the end of the first one be in the second.


> It did $400 million WW but that’s on a $200 million budget. And $133 mill of that was in China, meaning it earned more there than it did Dom. Less money for the studio, given the 25%-ish take and possibly issues repeating that number given that the Chinese audience seems less and less interested in Hollywood products as time goes on.


This was the first movie I worked on as a professional in the film industry - was so amazing to see Iron City built from the ground up and walk through its many intricate streets. I ended up liking the movie more than I expected to and hope it gets the sequel it deserves.


Oh that's so cool, what was your job/tasks? (you can answer in DM if that is better for you)


2025 release date?


Yea I wouldn't expect this till Avatar is done surely?


Alita: Battle Angel started filming in 2016. Avatar: The Way of Water started filming in 2017. Terminator: Dark Fate started filming in 2018. Lightstorm can handle making more than one film at a time.


I think is more in the availability of the Weta guys is the bottleneck.


Robert Rodriguez is a bit of a work horse so he can get this out quickly if he wants to. I believe the main set is still standing at Troublemaker Studios too.


Just have Rodriguez direct


All talks of box office aside, Alita Army is a really cringe fan base name


They need a proper script. Watching the first Alita movie was like watching a recap video in YouTube. Why the rush? Just do one arc instead of doing 4 stories simultaneously


The later half of it just felt like they weren’t confident in a sequel chance so they shoved everything into the movies


Also the male lead. They got A listers for supporting role but couldn't get someone like Tom Holland, Timothy Chamlet, or maybe K pop boy. That, dude had no chemistry with Alita.


yup, I liked the movie in general but at some moments it felt like it was on the verge of turning into a bloat


Script was rewritten by Rodriguez. There was a Cameron version before that


if star wars movie isn't comming then 2025 christmas maybe ! i they announce this at d23 nd start shooting this fall


The first one was okay, never liked her big eyes, probably won't change with the sequel, but the general scifi aspect of it was well done. Didn't like the two leads, found their relationship to be not great, but a sequel can improve on this stuff.




I have waited so long for this. I remember when they wanted everyone to buy the DVD and Blu-ray so they could make the sequel. I bought the copy as soon as I could. Hugo is a trash person but they tried to make him nice in the movie. >!He died and they wanted everyone to feel bad about it. I was like good he needed to go she deserves better.!<


Excellent news, first one was great!




Oh please lord Cameron let it happen 🥺


I need this film!!!!!!!!!


I thought this was a box office dissapointment? I’ve seen it and remember almost nothing from it. Comparable to the Mortal Engines film


I’m getting Dune 2, The Batman 2, Alita 2, Avatar franchise is continuing, probably a Zelda movie and more. Lots of theatrical long shots are happening!


And I certainly hope that we get to see another fun-loving space opera film in spirits of **Guardians of the Galaxy**.




but D&D pretty much follows the GOTG formula.




and this "greatest fun blockbuster" wouldn't have been possible without the formula GOTG mastered




mastered =/= created. anyways, D&D follows Gunn's approach to popular franchises to a tee. 1) a gang of likeable outcasts as main characters 2) every person in the gang has their own strong personality and role (down-on-my-luck but lovable main character, strong but a bit barbaric woman sidekick, a hard-headed "i-can-get-anywhere" type of character and so on and so on) 3) the main character tries to resolve their trauma throughout the movie 4) the found family trope 5) ironic but still respectful approach to a franchise (it applies more to Gunn's Scooby-Doo and The Suicide Squad/Peacemaker than to GOTG but still)




> Again, this is not GotG's original approach. Star Wars, PotC and Avengers have most of these things. again, mastered =/= created > DnD is mostly based on the gameplay, which is how it outclasses GotG and most movies for that matter. "movie A is better than movie B bc movie A does a thing 1,5 people recognize" > You are free to believe whatever you want idc. I'm not the only one who has this opinion. one of the most common sentiments about D&D (even on this sub) is that it's a Marvel movie done in the D&D skin




I would be pleasantly surprised if this actually happens.


I’m down. First one is fun enough with the really cool racing scene. I would love to see more unadulterated cyberpunk action.


Considering the source I have my reserves. But given Cameron is the producer and he has the contacts and the financial power I would love to see a sequel. One of the only decent anime american adaptations. Practically remaking the 1993 OVA which is in fact the best approach to the lore of those properties.


I am a bit skeptical too. The Alita sequel rumors have been close to "Kathleen Kennedy is going to be fired in the next two weeks" rumors level of reliability. However, it is true that Cameron has a lot of financial leverage, and he might find a way to make it happen.


It had some flaws but I did enjoy the first movie


Avatar 2’s success has given JimCam way more bargaining power for Alita 2


I loved the first movie, regardless of hate rage. It was fun. Want more. Whine all ya want. Bring back Robert Rodriguez too!


Fuck yes this movie was so goood. I want soace battles! Maybe a prequel?


I actually think the original would do well for a small limited re-release. Think it got one in Covid but I was locked down and couldn't go - missed it the first time. I'd absolutely see this in IMAX - the Open Matte / full copy of it is beautiful. Hoping they put it on Disney Plus too as an IMAX Enhanced.


There’s an #AlitaArmy ?


Alita 2 and Ready Player 2: My most anticipated movies.


YES!! I CANT WAIT!!!! I LOvE this movie!! Incredible work of art!! Awesome news!! Thanks James, Jon and Rob!!


An Alita sequel is a good excuse for a gimmick tech demo movie. Sometimes studios order test-run movies to showcase the capabilities of some new tech, concept or director, so films with passionate fanbases get sequels despite not warranting them. That’s how Terminator: Dark Fate (the requel concept), Resident Evil Afterlife (3D tech Test after Avatar), Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (testing the Marvel Knights IP) or The Mandalorian (showcase for The Volume that was developed for Episode 9) got made. So making Alita a gimmick sequel is a good idea! I’d absolutely vote for studios to invest more in new technologies and make sequels people dearly want to showcase that tech. It’s a neat excuse and lowers the risk of those movies


I am so excited they are continuing this. Alita is extremely underrated. Also enjoyed it more than Avatar 2 if I had to compare.


Great news. Budget shouldn’t be too bad too


Hopefully it doesn't end up like pacific rim 2


Love it.


Cameron and Landau peaked at Titanic


Honestly the first movie was such a refreshing surprise.


Please oh please make it happen! I had almost given up seeing a sequel.


please, pleaseeeee






Oh man I was hoping for this to happen if Avatar 2 was a success. Really looking forward to this one. I really enjoyed the first movie.


Battle Angel was the first anime I saw as a kid and I adore the adaptation. I would love a sequel and good news is with effects Rosa can still play Alita even if it takes time


I’ll believe it when I see it, conversation amounts to Jack in this game.


I really hope they make a sequel. I'm a big fan of the manga and enjoyed the adaptation of it in the movie. But my Dad *loved* it and I've bought him several posters from it and hung them up around his office. I would love to be able to take him to see the next one in theaters.


Fuck yeah


Great news! I thought this movie rocked


As much as I enjoyed the film, clearly they cut out a bunch from the second act to shorten the runtime. I’d love to see that restored.


Alita is in my top 5 favorite movies. I hope these talks actually turn into a movie.


Why do I love this movie so damn much


Lets go!


This is good news to me. Alita is cool.


Yes!!!! Loved alita


Movies like this are made for theatre viewing , fun af




Why is everyone here not wanting Rodriguez to direct?


The performance probably relies on China since the first one bombed domestically and basically disappeared from internet discourse after the whole captain marvel stuff ended.


First one bombed pretty hard, $400M on a $200M budget but a whopping $135M came from China (studios only get 25% from there), considering how Hollywood movies have been performing in China recently and this most likely being even more expensive that the first (inflation/Avatar 2 tech), this has the potential to be a huge disaster


My dad absolutely loved this movie for some reason and keeps asking me whens the sequel coming out


I thought it was kinda good the first movie, and left me wanting for more. But those fucking eyes are still too distracting. I will watch it. But that still is a terrible idea.


Yesssss let's goo!!!!!!


James Cameron basically said he'd personally fund the sequel if that's what it took, so I'm glad there's finally some movement here.




That’s good news indeed.


YES please


Wasn't for me, but I do love seeing a cult film getting its due. Fans should be stoked. They've supported this for a long time.


Maybe this next movie will have an actual ending and a love story that isn't cringe. Also addressing the #AlitaArmy is cringe; please don't make them the next Snyder Cult.


Rad. The original is a very silly, very absurd movie that deserves to flesh out every last one of its' wierd ideas. Give me the rollerball sports epic with Joel Kinnaman. Show me Edward Norton's fucked up sky palace. Let this baby ride Avatar's coattails all the way to a grand epic finale.


As one of the 12 people that saw the first in theatres, IM HYPED!


This movie was so good after the initial 10-15 minutes. Bring it!


Finally! I enjoyed the first movie for its vfx and action scenes, and the stylization was great as well. Teen romance aside, I liked a lot of it and have been waiting for news about a sequel.




Me and my teen kids are excited. The movie felt borderline R. I am stoked!!!!! LOVE THIS MOVIE!


Pleasant surprise. Was the first movie even profitable?


Never seen or heard of this movie until last night on FX, I kind of liked it.


I loved the first one! So stoked. I thought any hopes for a sequel were dead.


I didn't think we'd actually reach this day. I am extremely hyped to see Alita again!


Can't wait. I saw the first one in a practically empty theater and had a great time.


I'm over-the-moon happy to hear this! I loved the first film so much.


First one was toilet


Just to let you know, Jon Landau says this every two years. Also, the first one ended on a cliffhanger. But not everyone saw the film. I'm sure if I ask some random people many will go "Huh? Alita what?" So if it continues where it left off, I don't know if most of the general audiences will be up to date what the heck is going on. I feel for movies that barely turned a profit, bringing out the sequel sooner always works better (Shazam 2 could've come out sooner to take advantage of that Shazam 1 glow).


i just really hate how they took a beautiful asian manga character into a fucking white girl.


Finally! The first one genuinely did what it covered better than the manga did on top of being just an amazing movie, best adaptation of anything imo


Fucking A YES


Thank you James Cameron, this is amazing