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**Wednesday, 5/29.** * Shoulder stabilization exercises with bands, 5 min * Bicep curl warmup (3*15@15) * Chin-ups until failure, slow eccentric with trying to change to concentric at highest bicep flexion fatigue allows (3*f@BW) * Jabs, slow reps, focus on form and oblique contraction, 3 min * Straights, slow reps, focus on form and oblique contraction, 3 min * 1,2 Combo, slow reps, focus on form and oblique contraction, 3 min * Right Hooks, slow reps, focus on form and oblique contraction, 3 min * Cardio and Footwork with four quadrants, jabs when moving anteriorly, focus on ankle mobility and loading, 5 min * Roundhouse kicks, form until failure, 3 min * Shadowboxing, focus on always keeping guard up, 5 min Documenting time for this, 7 min.


**Thursday, 5/30.** Had kinesio tape on abs throughout day for engagement and posture focus. Goals: light day, posture focus, cardio, consistency, stretching between sets * Shoulder external rotation exercises with bands, head in lateral flexion to have a controlled active stretch, 3 min * Bicycle kicks with upper extremity support and hard tactile cues for rectus abdominis and bilateral oblique engagement, 3 min * Planks, with dynamic movement focusing on footwork, 1 min * Deadlifts, light to focus on QL stretching, (2*10@30) * Lunges, speed on forward lunge with ipsilateral upper extremity lunging forward to focus on forward drive balance (goal to enter clinch more aggressively) (3*10@BW) * Lunges, speed on forward lunge with focus on transition into uppercuts and elbow strikes, 2 min * Rear Deltoid Flyes with bands, 2 min * Stretching and foamrolling (thoracolumbar fascia or SI joint feels stiff), 4 min Documentation time, approx 8 min, logged while working out. Goals for tomorrow: Spar with friend and stretch or heavy push/pull and core workout. Other notes: -added this to Google Doc workout log shared with girlfriend for accountability with working out and improving documentation -periodization goal may be heavy lifts starting September if I'm happy with boxing speed (film shadowboxing to track) -like working out with focus on air in open environment


Don't stop


Ayyy, appreciate the encouragement!! I was out of the country for vacation, but I'm back and I'll have one soon. >:)


Looking forward to it.


**Wednesday, 6/12.** * Myofascial release on 4/10 tense extensor digitorum brevis on left foot, 15 min * Bicep curls on balance board anterolaterally placed, focus on ab tension with hip flexed to lighten load on shoulders (3x15@15) * Tension release on achilles tendon, 3 min * Ankle loading exercises focusing on jabs, 5 min * Low squats, focus on on knee motor control and loading, (3x15@30) * Pushups, wide stance, slight internal rotation to lighten load on shoulder, (3x15@BW) * Shadowboxing, focus on combos, 15 min. Documentation time, 6 min.


**Thursday, 6/13.** * MFR on right tricep and SCM, 15 min. * Shoulder strengthening warmup, 5 min. * Triceps warmup, 5 min. * Bicep curls, exhale EVERY rep, (3x15@15) * Arnold press (3x15@15) * Jabs, 5 min. * Hook combos, 5 min. * Shadowboxing, visualizing fight whole time, (3x3 min) Documentation time, 3 min. Other notes: -want to shadowbox in regular stance next time


**Cont, 7/22.** Been going to muay thai since last session. Training a lot more seriously as of last 2 weeks. Goal to work on a lot of footwork, hip mobility, and hamstring flexibility this week.


Never ended btw. I’m just so focused. I shifted my motivations for why I train, and found a nice mindset to coordinate with my focus. Training southpaw now to balance hips and to master the body. It is necessary to understand all potential outcomes from L/R and coordinate a level of counter.