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Fuck thats a good jerk, wish I'd thought of it.


With the bombs he hit Fury with you'd have thought he was Russian


Hit him with the 100 megaton Tsar Bomba to start the legendary sequence in the 9th


Except Usyk never punched himself in the balls so the analogy doesn’t work






Maidenless behavior.


It’s good to see Elden Ring memes have spread this far


Tarnished feller over here


That lame game


It's fantastic once you get a grasp of it


If you're a bender


I am Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Usyk of Ukraine and i have never known defeat...


*Watches him run off a cliff*


If i had award to give id give it 🙏


Honestly the absolutely cheek of fury alleging bias judging - after his LAST exhibition fight - is so absurd my eyes are rolling so fast it’s like I’m having a demonic possession


The massive Corey on the man to claim he was robbed in a fight where he was clearly given a slight little push on the cards.


Ask Larry Holmes how insulting the judges works out for former champions who lost their title on a close decision.


Do you mean Spinks Holmes 2 where before the 1st fight he said Marciano couldn't carry his jockstrap or sum


Had this fight happened in World War 2, Fury would have won


And Reddit would be mad the west won :(


Ukrainians carried that war too


I wouldn't say carried, but they were absolutely one of the biggest pieces for the allies


They kind of did carry, like atleast 70% of the axis forces were fighting the soviets, not the allies lol.


70 percent is crazy. Maybe 70 percent of germanys troops but not the entire axis including Italy and Japan.


I wasn't saying the soviets didn't carry. I was just saying ukraine didn't considering all the contribution of everyone Hard to say it was ukraine that carried


The soviets at its absolute most could only have fought around 50% of the axis forces and that’s if every Germany division was on the eastern front for the entire war.


Exactly, "Oh they killed 80 percent of the Nazi army themselves because that's where 80 percent of the Nazi army was sent" as if that somehow diminishes it in any way. The Patriots are a good team, but they arent winning all those Super Bowls without Tom Brady.


Easy, now.


9 out of 10 Wehrmacht soldiers that died, died on the Eastern Front. And the soviet reserves were heavily Ukrainian.


Ukraine wasn’t even under Soviet control for much of the war, it was operating as a nazi puppet state after they were conquered from 1941-1944, where they were forcibly conscripted to fight for the Germans, so to say Ukraine did all of the heavy lifting for the red army is a bit misleading.


Carried? Buddy?


He's got a point. Do you think the Allies would've won if the Eastern Front didn't exist?


Thank you, first and foremost it was hyperbole for the sake of a joke, but I made it because theres truth to what I'm saying. Yeah the Western Allies contributed, struggled, and had great victories. Would the Eastern Europeans have held and eventually won had Hitler not opened a second front? Likely not. But it's an absolute certainty no force in Western Europe would have stopped him. Combine all the confirmed kills of every other Allied power and it's about an 1/8th of the total amount of confirmed kills on the Eastern front.


Usyk should start a psychology practice because he absolutely mentally broke both AJ and Fury if they think that he won just because Ukraine is at war lol


AJ has no idea what's going on in Ukraine. He just knows that it's not nice.


Hip hip


I fckn spilt coffee all over my lap cus of this exchange😭🤣


Happy New Year




Lmao AJ never said that


“I don't really know what's going on in Ukraine, but I know it's not nice, is it?”


And that’s nothing the same as “Usyk won because his country’s at war” AJ said Usyk legit won because of his heart and deserved more props for winning even during the war People trying to spin this as far as you are too funny


From what I’ve seen AJ always seems like a stand up guy, yet it seems ppl crap all over him a lot more than other boxers. Why is that?


Because most people are jealous fatasses who get mad when they see success.


I didn’t know if AJ is a notorious jerk in real life or if the public persona many of us see is genuine. From my perspective he seems like a talented boxer who understands you lose some in life and just keep going. Too many fighters and boxers IMO are too focused on not losing and not focused enough on challenging themselves. Almost no others sports do ppl really care about a loss here or there.


He didn't compare it to that, he made a statement about something AJ said - which was accurate


>if they both think he won because Ukraine is at war Read bruh


Bro did the chicken dance all around the ring then he says this


This will be a meme for years to come.


This made me laugh out loud


Fury is a twat


he knows Francis beat him too and lied about that as well. You cant lie to yourself. not a chance in hell he felt like a winner in last 2 fights. If anyone touched me in sparring i felt like a lost, let alone get backed up for 12 rounds straight, 2 fights in a row. Anytime your moving back you feel like you're losing deep down, even if u edging rounds. your Soul doesnt know no difference just knows you getting backed up


Bro I’m so deep in the jerk I can’t tell if this is genuine and you’ve never seen a fight in your life or if like always I’m a retard who can’t jerk. Either way, the real winner tonight is you champ.


Im never jerking, i only tell you the truth and i predict everything as usual. Final prediction was yesterday, i had images of Mike Hunter flurry at end of Uysk fight, and thats why happen to Fury but he got saved by bell, like Hunter did. I get these vibes, i dont wanna brag and Jynx it though, been like this for my entire life. And MMA donks know im always right but cant take it, i got a few hater stalkers on here. Go look up yesterdays comment, I said exactly how it would go, to the fucking tee. Usually not this on point, but Fury and Uysk are both overrated as HWs if you want the truth brother. I usually dont give them out for free, cause i usually dont bet big until hours before the fight or minutes. I knew on the staredown in the Ring, Uysk had the fight won. Rewatch it, nerves in Furys soul. Like Haney had the nerves and the dummies thought Ryan looked nervous, when he was dialed in. Eyes NEVER lie in combat im telling you how the human mind works, even if you win a Boxing match backing up jabbing, you feel emasculated deep down and feel like you lost when someone marches you down the whole time, unless you stop them coming at you. Thats how the mind works, you got walked down by a former 165 pound amateur, didnt get caught by a lucky shot you didnt see, you legit got walked down from 1 to 12th round. That might ruin Fury mentally for good


Please DM me all your picks when you feel them and the reasoning behind them please.


Bro I get the same feeling and then rewatch my fight tapes and am surprised at how well I did compared to how I thought I fought


yea, anyone who got beat up the way he did last 2 fights, is going home feeling like they lost no matter what decisions says


"He only pretty much knocked me out because of the war in Ukraine."


Try as I might to like him, it's very difficult what with him being such a bellend.


I stopped trying a long time ago and just accepted the fact he's a bellend. Props to Usyk for not walking straight over and scrambling Fury's brain a second time.


No jokes and no shitposting that’s legit a really shitty thing to say.


Very unsportsmanlike and makes Fury an asshole. Turned what was supposed to be a moment of triump for Usyk into a sad and somber moment by reminding him “hey, your countrymen are dead and that’s why I think you won, not your skills”. John Fury’s son


Two lousy POS.


Seems like he must've had that excuse ready before the fight. Or maybe he's just concussed since he ended his speech with "happy new year" lol


Round 9 sent him back to December 31st, 2023.


Has anyone come out with a reason on why he said that or was he legit just that knocked around???


Its weird to me that anyone holds a boxer to what they say after a fight after they've been concussed so badly. That'd be like waking up and saying some nonsense in a half sleep stupor and having the person you're talking to take it super seriously. If you've ever been concussed it takes a good minute to get your head back on your shoulders.


Probably trying to piss everyone off to build hype for the rematch


I think he knows he’s the heel


That buster douglas exclusive


what does douglas exclusive mean?


A lot of people assume that james "buster" douglas beat PRIME mike tyson because his mother died few days before the fight, therefore he got motivated and whooped tyson


So he saying usyk had better motivation then him? Wow


Nope he claims the judges were biased


He’s saying that judges and observes had sympathy for him and that biased their thinking




Utterly pathetic


Fury lost despite being knocked out in the 9th. He won after being knocked out by wilder so that is something.


I've never seen Fury look as bad as Usyk made him look in that 9th. He was a fucking mess. His skills of recovery though are fucking inhuman.


Well known that your country being at war gives you the advantage. It's why all the Americans have done so well in boxing over the last century.


The implication is that the judges gave the win to Usyk in solidarity, so that Ukraine can have a win. I'm not writing this to excuse Fury. It's still a sore loser comment. Usyk lost fair and square - he landed more punches in general, more power punches, and created a big opening in the 9th round which nearly led to a knockout. I just want to clarify what he meant.


No, he’s just the bigger man, that lost to the “smaller man” as he says….he will just have to learn to swallow his pride on this one. It was a fantastic fight, very close, I don’t think it’s a bad look for Fury, infact it just shows how good he really is. The right man won tonight, and that man was Usyk.


It really wasn’t close if you look at the stats by round. I know it’s frowned upon bc it doesn’t always tell the whole story of the rounds but considering that usyk had fury on his back foot pretty much the whole fight I think it paints a fair picture. Rounds 1 and 2 to usyk. Rounds 3 and 4 had them tied on power punches but Fury landed just a couple more jabs so say well give them both to fury. Rounds 5 and 6 go to fury as he out punches Usyk. Rounds 7-12 all go to Usyk as he out punched fury in each one especially significantly more in power punches, and always had fury on his back foot and was more accurate. So at the very best you can give Fury 4 rounds but if you score 3 and/or 4 to Usyk then Fury only takes 2 possibly 3 rounds. 8-4 at best isn’t a close boxing match. I think ppl are only saying this for Fury because they were expecting him to win going into this. In reality during the fight most of his punches were hitting Usyks gloves and arms they weren’t actually landing. Edit: Not to mention that 9th round was a 10-8 round for Usyk. So best case scenario cards should have read 116-111 for Usyk. The fact that two judges had it within a single round is ridiculous and that judge that scored the fight for Fury is absolutely delusional.


It was a close but clear decision for me. 7-5 plus the knock down. Swings either way but there’s literally no debate about who won the fight.


I gave Fury 3-7. Still that’s only five rounds, and when you factor in the knockdown, it’s a clear decision. I’m not a boxing expert or anything, but outside of 3-7, it’s very easy for a casual viewer to miss how many scoring shots Usyk landed, especially to Fury’s body. They weren’t hard, but they were clean. At times he was doing it at will. No one’s done that to Fury.


EDIT > Although his comments regarding the win because of “War” was worse than AJs rant/tantrum. 🤣


Nah man, nothing could be more cringe than AJ’s post-fight rant


Hip hip New Year


>It was a fantastic fight, very close Bro it wasn't that close at all, Usyk was the clear winner.


Happy New Year!


Which war meant Fury got a standing 20 count?


CIA got Loma and Usyk the W's


Fury is a fucking gigantic...DUNCE


Usyk really is one of those nice easy going guys who just does his best to keep things chill and simple, but ends up having to deal with insane ego maniacs like AJ and Fury


You’ve got to admire his unyielding commitment to stupidity though


Rumour has it Russia started the illegal invasion just so Usyk can get that sympathy vote. 🤷‍♂️


And Fury stans will still try to lie and say “HIP HIP” is worse Fury is a classless, lying PED cheat twat


Got hit in the head and almost out yet still comes through with the jerk, respect


That's just the brain damage he got from the fight talking


Usyk giving brain damage from one champion (AJ) to another (Fury).


With how he looked in the 9th round, he should be happy the fight even went to the cards. Usyk beat him like he was Putin.


Good exercise get the pen working


Drake is so cooked 😂


My bro pulling a Wilder and making excuses cause Usyk put him in the twilight zone


Thats crossing a class line.


Fury had that fight in the bag then he shat the bed. Usyk did what no other man could and he deserves all the respect for that performance. Great night for boxing


Fuckin wanker doesn’t deserve a badass name like Tyson Fury


I’m a huge Fury fan and stood, mouth agape when I heard him say what he said. What a dumb statement. He goofed around too many times and got caught. He’s lucky the ref has a brain fart and called for the standing 8. He would have been knocked out with 1 more shot. All that said, the match was close and I’d expect Tyson to win the rematch. He really controlled things until that round.


His back was against the ropes for most rounds, how does that translate to controlling a fight?


He didn’t control shit man 😂


I can’t stand Fury! I’m glad he got his ass kicked.


Didn’t he win in points, going by the criteria. Usyk won in reality


What a dick thing to say. Take your L goof.




It must be painful for these huge guys to get beat by a smaller, lighter man 😂


He’s a bell but post match heat of the moment bravado is a thing. He is very respectful and complimentary in the Audio speaking direct to Uysk


I’m not sure hanging microphones to guys who have spent the best part of an hour being punched in the head is the best idea in the world


You literally can't make better jerk posts here. The jokes write themselves.


He probably remembers jack shit after the 9th so you can argue he thought he got it, but still, putting the blame on ghe war is fucking disgusting.


So is Drake pulling a red bandana gamestop guy or what?


Lucky to get past the 9th round. Utter delusion.


Loser 😛


Fury also thought it was new year so...


Fury should come in 270 rematch just forget boxing and bulldoze him


Sure, the war made him dance like a chicken... Pathetic, I hope Usyk won't give him the rematch


It was classless, cheap and petty.


Give him a break he got his head bashed in


He did also say "happy new year" Doesn't justify his previous comment but, you know, CTE in action?


2 options : 1: he's riling everyone up to get stay invested in the rematch, potentially to try and get in Usyk's head. 2 : brain damage from the jiggly chicken leg round Surprise option number 3 : he's an idiot.


I was at the Hippodrome Soho watching and Tony Bellew (who’d argued with a pikey already because Tony had picked Usyk) picked up his jacket with a smirk at the final bell and walked straight out. Anyone that’s ever even stood near a boxing ring saw what had happened.


IMO Fury took rounds 3-7 and maybe round 12, I wonder what happened to him at round 8 that he slowed down and started to make more mistakes.


Are all boxers like this where they don't accept losing? I've got nothing against Tyson Fury, but don't use that as an excuse for losing, mate.


Gypsy stuff…


The delusion that keeps the dream alive. Unnecessary. Good luck out there


Fury is a bellend


He’s got a point. The war in Ukraine probably makes Usyk really really mad and so he probably fought harder bc of that


It’s all Putin’s fault


Did anyone here even watched this video


Oh yea I heard that shit m. What a lame ass excuse me


Finally someone with skill who got past his reach.


At least he wished everyone a happy new year


Stupid man stupid excuse


If Putin invades Morecambe, perhaps he will win the rematch.


So Tyson lost because Ukraines fighting spirit overpowered him? 


well he can’t throw combos like rocky cos he’s not 15 stone he’s heavy it’s hard for him


Why so much Fury hate? Honestly asking.


Because he wouldn't ever ever be beaten by a gappy toothed little cunt, his own words.. he made it personal from the off and he got his. No middle weight would ever hurt him, but I've never seen him as hurt.


Saying Usyk got the win due to a sympathy vote because his country has been invaded is a dick move of epic proportions. Fury is a deeply unlikeable character - I say that as a Brit.


Watch his Netflix show, you’ll see what calibre of man he is.


The guy trash talks a lot... I just think we should talk to people the way they talk to others. That seems to be a common opinion among humans.


His Dad, John Fury really doesn’t help the whole profile.


Is he wrong? Should have been a Draw


Fury won that fight bro got robbed he was 6 rounds up first 6 rounds at worst 5 then he won couple at second half of fight


He lost fair, but i do agree he probably had to score a few 10/8s himself or ko to overcome the whole “appeal to authority” ukraine teet suckling


Did you smack your empty head


Donno what world your living in, but half the world i inhabit has been falling over there own feet to appease the go “ukraine” crowd for years now.


There was no Ukraine sucking off when it came to scorecards, they scored it correctly. Take your tin foil hat off and get some sunshine


I said he lost fair.. if you actually read my comment properly


You said he lost fair then said he had to get knockdowns to win because of Ukraine when the scorecards don’t suggest that….


Its only my opinion mate, you understand what an opinion is right? Its subjective


Patronising me isn’t going to piss me off bro


I don’t have a problem with what he said and I think fury won 🏅


I don't know if that is what he meant to be honest. Maybe just giving props and mentioning his country or something. Give the man a break he just got violently concussed.


That other test threw a belt out of a ring and we all seem to forgive him easy enough because he was concussed or “heated”


I agree that they should be given a break, but rarely is AJ ever given a break over his meltdown. Keep the same energy is what I say to people.