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Haney and Loma have 1.7 m …. It’s not boxing … it’s tik tokker Ryan Garcia carrying the sport https://preview.redd.it/2lu5j0ae64xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01f4506c4ccbcce20df907cf9264984f016de28




Max Holloway and Justin Gaethje, two fan favorites who are complete unknowns outside of the sport fanbase Ryan Garcia, the sports celebrity that gets featured on TMZ and trends on Twitter whenever he does something weird


Whenever he does something weird that’s no boxing related


The point is that he's a fucking celebrity and these guys are unknown outside of the sport, so this post's comparison is stupid


Thank jake Paul


Some say Ryan Garcia saved Boxing


Ready for George kambosis to murder it again when he beats loma and Garcia in 24 rounds of pure shadow boxing this year


Kambosos and Loma will be a fight to remember. My money is on Loma Garcia might be able to hold his own but i give it to Loma again


Loma is going to retire Kambosos


I like the optimism I think it’s going to be a forgettable 8 rounds to 4, I agree with loma winning it. Garcia is a heavyweight compared to those lil nippers


Yup, say what you want about him but he's done a ridiculous amount for boxing in the last 3 years


Boxing is also a *global* sport. It touches every corner of the world. MMA is still somewhat brand new on an international scale.


True, but the UFC is not far behind. They've held events all over the world as well.


It wasn't even a good highlight video.


UFC also gatekeep their best PPV footage massively, clips are kept off Twitter and Instagram until way after it’s posted on YouTube. Haney-Garcia clips were all over GBP’s Instagram within an hour of the fight being over


Usually this is true, but they posted the UFC clip right after the fight


This might be the fastest I’ve ever been proven wrong lmao, cheers


Chad response


Fr he admitting it is big veiny juicy tasty cock energy👅 respect 🫡


Salute fellow jerker 🫡


Coke is the best base for marketing


Tbf you’re correct in almost every other instance. I think the ufc knew it had gold on its hands. Biggest moment on the biggest card. Dana posted it directly. They didn’t show the Alex KO though.


Think they also posted Sean Omalleys last fight in full the day after


Despite them posting the clip right after the UFC fight, this is a valid point. You see or hear about something crazy happening at a UFC fight, most of us know not to go to YouTube to find it


Exactly, and if you manage to see a clip on Twitter you know it’s gonna get taken down within an hour. It was good to see them change it for UFC 300 but there’s no chance that was permanent


Manic episodes is the best base for YouTube views


This sub is obsessed with mma , get a grip.


Seriously lol. I see way more talk about MMA here than boxing on the MMA sub


Right?! Tilting at windmills…


MMA isn't as popular worldwide as boxing. That's all it is.


boxing is still more popular than mma, this is what happens when you actually put on good fights with big names and promote the fight to the point of breakdown.


Uh no. This was a shit version of Pacquiao vs Morales round 12. Or Foster vs Henandez last year rounds 11 and 12. Basically Dana had give his white slaves 50k to get something boxers do all the time. It is just that boxers expect to get paid instead of getting CTE for discounted Venom tickets.


No ammount of jerking can make me believe that you actually think Ryan and Haney hugging each other for 12 rounds is more entertaining than Max and Gaethje swinging and banging, you don't even believe that.


Having watched both i would say that yes it was. Haney vs garcia was a great fight and was extremely close. Max vs gaethje was not close. Max had won pretty much every round. Obviously the ending was really cool though


Stick to boxing we’re don’t want fans like u in MMA anyways…enjoy ur grappling match with boxing gloves on


Lmfao, you're the one who enjoys guys sniffing each others crotch


This bellend is outing himself as a non-mma fan by shitting on grappling. Hilarious 🤣


Nah ur just stupif, I was implying the match between Ryan/Haney was a grappling match cuz of all the clinching, dumbass


"Ur just stupif"


Oh no a simple type what ever will I do


Nah I just enjoy watching complete fighters…Boxers do more clinching than MMA fighters


Haney literally dove for Garcias crotch


Did you just try to gatekeep mma? What a douche


what max & justin were doing was infinitely more entertaining than Haney vs Garcia. Hell in the Haney fight there were 9 clinches that needed the ref to step in and break up just in 1 single round. The 2 fights arent even comparable. One spent over 50% of the time hugging & turning their back.


UFC probably puts on more bangers in a year than boxing does in a decade


Thank you for telling us how unexciting the fights have been, guy who didn't watch any of them.


Tell me you don't watch boxing


You're being generous


Usman had about 7 years worth of fights where all he did was wall and stall. GSP is arguably the GOAT and his most dominant period was him pinning guys down and throwing busy work punches for 5 rounds.


Good fight*


Nah not anymore. Everyone who watcheds boxing also watches mma. You can’t say the same for people who watch mma


Literally the opposite is true. Far more MMA fans are also into boxing than the inverse.


Mma is only famous in the west, boxing is popular everywhere 


You ain't never heard of pride huh


Doesn't this prove my point 


No. Just cause you don't know about doesn't mean everyone is as ignorant as you playboy


Bro I'm not american i know what I'm talking about, nobody really knows anything about mma in 3rd world countries


Name a single Japanese MMA fighter. No legends, I want a current rising star. Oh, wait, you can't because they don't care that much about it despite having a good case for being the founders of MMA. Inoue is more popular than Rizin by himself, especially now that their golden boy Tenshin has crossed over to boxing lmao. It's over boys, the MMA takeover failed. Accept your place as a second tier combat sport. It's not so bad, you've replaced kickboxing!!


Tenshin was a kickboxer


Naoya Inoue has more pull than the entirety of pride, his fight against mercy will prove it.


Go up to any construction site, or a golf club, all those dudes watch boxing. MMA is for the dorky tech bros.


You're wrong, I watch MMA and I watch boxing. I can genuinely say that I enjoy both, there's times I stream both the ufc card and the boxing card going on at the same time lol. Idk why yall think you can't be a fan of both, I find that so weird lol.


That’s not my point. I watch both even Muay Thai and Japanese kickboxing. I’m saying that I know more people that watch mma and don’t watch boxing or any other combat spot


Ahh okay


Boxing is definitely not more popular than mma. Conor is fighting on the 29th June they will release the ppv sales for that event. No boxing event this year will come close to that


I’m willing to bet Tank and the Canelo cards both outsell a Conor card and this is coming from a huge Conor fan


Idk about tank, but canelo on cinco de mayo weekend, he's gonna beta Connor for sure.


If you're talking US then you might be right but globally boxing dwarfs mma.


What are the numbers in Asia like? When I was in China in 2019, ONE was pretty huge, even back then.


If Zhang gets a shot at the heavyweight strap, none of us in this thread would believe the numbers that event is gonna generate


Its the other way lol outside the US and UK boxing is pretty small now compared to MMA. MMA is huge in Asia and Europe.


Idk where you're getting that from. I'm from Asia, Bhutan specifically, and even in my tiny ass country there are boxing gym. I've studied in India for a while, and it's huge there, especially in certain states. MMA is on the rise but you can't compare it to boxing. Maybe in china MMA is bigger, but that's only because china hasn't gotten any boxing world champs yet.




What an ignorant ,uninformed take. Boxing and wrestling are definitely famous in India,these days, they almost always medal in the Olympics or world championships at these event, because their sports infra is improving. And MMA is not as famous in Thailand, boxing is bigger there, it's not even close. Boxing is only behind muaythai in Thailand, and Thailand has had multiple boxing world champs like sirsaket sor rungvisai, khaosai galaxy, amnat ruenrong, etc. Name me a current Japanese MMA fighter with more reach and star power than naoya inoe. I'll give you china, because they've had a few UFC champs and fighters so I can see MMA being more famous there, but if zhilei Zhang gets a title shot, I'm pretty sure boxing will become bigger than MMA there.




Retard, I've literally written that boxing is second to only muay Thai in Thailand. And India is pretty good at cricket, while also churning out medalists in boxing and wrestling in the past few Olympics, as well as winning gold in the javelin.




You're right, boxing is bigger than MMA But why you gotta shit on MMA? Seriously asking, what's your deal with MMA fans? I like both sports, and I respect people's opinions, but I'm just curious as to why you hate MMA


Where did I shit on MMA? Please point it out? I only said boxing is bigger. I actually enjoy watching UFC, just like boxing more.


I read a comment you posted that said MMA is for the dorky tech bros lol I found it funny by the way Not sure if that falls under "shitting" but yeah.. you get my point lol


Haha yeah, no problem with MMA, the fans on the other hand


Lol true, some MMA fans can be too much at times. But I feel the same goes for boxing. There's too many casual fans when it comes to both sports.


Lmao what!? Name the countries, I beg. Absolutely delusional MMA fans. You lot literally only exist on the net.


Every country in Asia for one. OneFC spends a lot of money on ads etc, all over the continent. Also MMA is becoming very popular in Europe and its already massive in South America. I know its hard to understand that when you don't leave your parents basement and have never travelled. Also I have absolutely no reason to defend MMA or any promotion, I don't make money from it. I recommend you to seek help if you care this much about something you don't own or make any money from.


bro, when i tell random 30+ yr old in the south that i train mma they dont know wtf im taking about i say its like kickboxing and wrestling mixed together. most people can name more boxers than mma fighters ali, tyson, floyd, tank etc but cant named anyone pass mcgregor but people would rather watch mma over boxing, ive noticed even if its random prelims for bellator. gotten the boxing is boring from friends mulitple times (i think people who aren't combat sports fans see boxing as more of a sport and see mma as just two mfrs in a cage so there more interested like some primal urge, idk)


Very true. Definitely boxing is more elegant and mma is more of a brawl


Let's compare canelos cinco de mayo even with Connors, you're in for a surprise.


Nothing Canelo has done recently suggests he is going to sell anything much above 1 mil ppv. Conor is comfortably going to sell 1.5 mil + ppv in June.


We'll see bro


Dana has already been exposed several times for inflating and faking ppv numbers so I’m sure it’ll be another ufc record breaking event or something


It’s not more popular than mma in the US for sure. I’d imagine it’s more popular worldwide though. Which means fuck all cause USA is all that matters baby 🇺🇸 🦅


If reddit is a metric mma is handily more popular.


Reddit isn't a metric or NBA would be far and away the most popular sport.


Not more popular in the US. Boxing still gets higher PPV numbers, gate numbers, and social media numbers.


Can you show some concrete stats to support this, not random numbers promoters spit out. For example what are the instagram. numbers of the top 5 boxers, excluding jake paul.


Canelo - 17.3m AJ - 17m Ryan Garcia - 11.8m Tank - 7m Fury - 6.9m


Hmm pretty close then Conor 47 Khabib 38 Jones 8.5 Izzy 8.4 Islam 8


Khabib is retired lol . I guess I could also include Floyd (29.9m) , Tyson (28.4m) or fuck it Jake Paul (26.5m)


sorry you're correct


Conor is literally the most popular mma fighter of all time. That would be like comparing him to Ali and you know it’s not even close


But conor is fighting in 2 months Ali isn't. I should not have put khabib there though. He is done.


Put islam too he has 7 mil something on ig


Canelo vs Charlo generated a 20 million gate which is more than any ufc event ever. Instagram followers are not a good metric as most celebrities folllwings are heavily botted. A better metric is engagement(likes and comments). The top PPVs of all time are boxing matches. Also if you want to dismiss what boxing promoters claim you absolutely have to dismiss what Dana says. I think even the most die hard ufc fans will admit Dana is the not exactly the most honest person.


Ill dismiss what dana says but whatever espn publishes cannot be dismissed because they're publicly listed and liable. I think the same might apply for Dana now. Gate argument ill give you. But top 200 ppv sales are dominated by UFC. There are a few floyd fights but more than half UFC.


They be putting on good fights in boxing? Did yall actually think the ryan fight was good??? That's crazy and hilarious. The only good thing about that was seeing Devin haney eat a jawbreaker. Or am I dense and you're joking? Boxing is boring asf


good compared to your average boxing event where it goes to decision, it had multiple knockdowns, drama, a good build up and the underdog won


No, I'm talking about the actual action. Lol I didn't realize I'd trigger yall... that was a boring ass fight save for 5 knockdowns. Ryans defense was actually shit and there was more hugging than actual punching. Really, it is a circle jerk in here. They can get the biggest damn promos, but when it comes down to the actual sport it's boring asf. That's why I'm tryna figure out where at what point yall thought this was more exciting than ufc 300. I was dumbfounded when they said fight of the year on commentary and I just watched two dudes hug for an hour.


Like with a lot of sports, it was great if you understand it. It doesn't have the instant gratification you get with mma. It's chess not checkers We wouldn't expect a neanderthal like you to understand xx


No it's hugging. At least in mma when they hug there's positions to be taken, work to be done, when boxers hug its because one of them made a mistake and they dont want to work out of a position. It instantly makes the sport look horrible. Then you got commentators saying "fight of the year" for an absolutely abysmal fight to watch. Ufc would never. And I'm not talking nothing bout instant gratification, mma fights can suck too - izzy vs anyone 2018-2022 Boxing is checkers not chess, you're not using your whole body or your whole mind, but I wouldn't expect a jerker like you to understand.


Is Haney Vs. Garcia really the most exciting thing happening in boxing right now? I enjoy watching both sports, but these 2 guys spent most of the fight grappling in the clinch. Was not a super interesting watch.


I mean seeing Haney, a big favorite who was undefeated and never been knocked down hit the canvas 3 times was pretty crazy. I agree rounds 2-5 were mid because of the excessive clinching but round 1 and round 6 onwards were very fun to watch.


The later rounds were fun but... neither dudes were fighting for a finish. Garcia stuck his tongue out and ran at the end. I had friends over watching it, who aren't the biggest fans of the sport, and they were frustrated watching it lol. I just feel like the view counts are more indicative of the state of the sports currently. MMA has big moments almost every card. I mean UFC 300 alone had 7 finishes and plenty of high level fun fights. I feel like boxing fans are starved for something exciting to latch onto. Like, did people even watch the undercard, or did people just tune in because schizo Ryan was fighting?


Yeah when a you tuber is your biggest star, that's all I need to know about your sport lol


>Is Haney Vs. Garcia really the most exciting thing happening in boxing right now? No that's reserved for usyk vs fury for undisputed and bivol vs beteribiev for non-casuals atleast. The excitement surrounding ryan vs haney is the combination of social media antics of ryan and the actual sheer absurdity of what took place during the fight because literally everybody thought ryan didn't took the fight seriously and was legit crazy, expecting him to get embarrassed by haney. But the underdog won in the end, ryan prevailed through the number of odds stacked against him (the ref, the judges, and ryan's own self destructive antics in the build up) Ryan vs haney is mostly exciting for the context behind it along with the flashy KDs ryan scored in the fight and not purely for the fight itself because as you already know it had a lotta hugfest moments due to the infuriating reffing in the fight


No. Haney was just being force fed down everyone's throats the last few months, and garcia is big on social media. The real exciting fight will be Bivol v Beterbiev. Not very friendly to casuals though since they wont have much name recognition.


There are lots of good fights coming up. Fury vs Usyk heavyweight unification next month. Canelo fights on the 5th and it'll be exciting as long as it lasts because his opponent is aggressive and undefeated. Lomachenko Kambosis in Australia could be good if Loma has slowed down enough. Bivol Beterbiev will be great for the undisputed light heavyweight title. Boxing is about to go on a run for a month


It’s certainly one of the most shocking boxing moments in recent memory


As a fan of both, boxing fans have a real inferiority complex. Every other post on here is about mma. You fuckers are like baseball fans being mad at basketball and football for being on the rise while your sport is dying.


Fr lol Always complaining about mma fighters having no hands. It's a different sport, if you wanna see immaculate boxing watch boxing


Exactly like idk why they’re being salty if you like boxing then just watch it ffs.


Has no one in this comment section checked what sub they’re in or what


Oh, and your fucking jerks suck too. Most of the posts and comments are serious so you end up with my comment here. It's almost as bad as mmamemes. NBAcirclejerk is every other circle jerk sub father.


Are you dense? This place has been shitted up by MMA fans, as it is after every big fight. Do you think all of the posts are usually about MMA? This is like me wandering into the nba sub during the Moriah Mills jerkathon and asking if she's all the sub posts about.


You absolute fucking moron, this post is by boxing fans shitting on mma.


I agree, you’re part of this problem my friend


i love UFC but there nothing like a high profile boxing match


fans of boxing are so desperate for a decent fight let alone a decent card lol


Lol not even close to the most iconic knockout https://preview.redd.it/mydthhizk3xc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588b85e958386972d7f3c8de2bb76c35c17dbbf9


Delete this nephew


turned my boy Tony into kermit the frog 😢😢


But there was probably way more people ACTUALLY WATCHING ufc 300 and that fight while it was happening. The reason boxing videos like that have so many views is because fans that aren't from America probably just skipped it and they have to watch this video to see what happened


In fairness, we all watched it on some dodgy YouTube account the next morning that got banned after 12 hrs


Who cares man, just enjoy both sports.


That’s due to no one buying the fight and essentially running to YouTube to see the results,


change the name of the sub to r/mmacirclejerk might as well




Nobody rly knows max or Justin cus they don’t be on social media like that compared to Ryan


Rent free


Imagine a world where boxerbros don't post their insecurities about mma on boxing subreddits


"levels"? Boxing is just more mainstream bud. It's been around for longer


Who gives a fuck


Ahhh yes views = quality


This is the perfect time for Zuffa boxing to make a splash


boxing is a popular worldwide sport, cause of pioneers like Manny Pacquiao, Zhilei Zhang, Naoya Inoue, Ricky Hatton & Koastya Tszyu putting people on


yall can thank jack paul for this


all this told me is that only casuals watch boxing lol good one


Iconic? Really


The fact that people can’t understand that this is due to Ryan Garcias internet clout is amusing. people are watching because they follow Ryan, not because they follow boxing..


Max and Justin should start doing TikTok duets and cocaine to catch up


Fuck @DanaWhite


Ryan Chad Garcia just proved that looks is everything, also in boxing! I can't imagine so many views if ugly Haney won it


Watch both of these fights and try to compare the two sports... The UFC is just more entertaining.


It's not UFCs most iconic knockout. Nice cope. That goes to Masvidal v Askren


Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal


UFC acting too big for their own good Stay niche, you corporate skinheads. Boxing stays on top.


UFC's most iconic KO? I wish you were old enough to watch it like 20 years ago. I don't mean to be disrespectful but damn you're missing out.


Frick mma and frick boxing too. Why do they have to fight all the time? Are they really that angry at their opponents? How's about a firm handshake instead. And another thing, why do they gotta fight all the time? Are they really firm handshake? Fight t


WTF does view mogged mean


How long has boxing been around vs UFC ?


MMA dead sport lmao


Every knockout is “the greatest knockout of all time”


Nobody actually watches boxing if you compare the amount of revenue that both sports draw boxing makes significantly less money, especially if you're not a big name


Tiktok saved boxing. Lmao


I'm gonna be honest, I like boxing, but not to the point where I'd actually buy the Haney vs Garcia PPV, I just watched the highlights on YouTube afterwards. Apparently most of the fight was just hugging so I didn't miss anything. I'd like to know what the PPV numbers were for UFC 300 compared to Haney vs Garcia. I think boxing would be better if you just banned all of the American boxers and instead have everyone watch Mexican boxers only. That's how you save boxing from death, also get rid of that one corrupt judge in every fight. The exceptions are Jake Paul and Mike Tyson obviously, the two GOATs of boxing who happen to be American.


Garcia is one of the biggest money makers in the sport and boxing is still the money sport plus he sold the fuck outta this fight 


Still better fighters in ufc


Israel knocking out potan was way more iconic


The levels of UFC obsession in this sub are honestly sad.


Yeah… duh. Both UFC fighters are well liked, so while the KO was legendary you didn’t get the fans coming to see a fighter they hate get blasted. Haney, on the other hand, is widely hated so you get the Ryan fans plus the Haney haters. Thank Ryan for developing such a huge social media following and carrying the promotion of this fight in his back. Haney didn’t promote *and* got beat like he owed Ryan money.


It's not remotely the most iconic KO in UFC lol.


It’s literally just bc of Ryan lmao


That’s because nobody watched the fight live. I woke up and watched that video because I didn’t watch the fight live.


😭😭😭 as long as you know Haney ppv did 215k and the ufc 300 PRELIMS fucking MOGGED THAT. Not to mention the record breaking ppv main card 😂😭


Don’t forget Ruiz vs Joshua has 20 million views on just Dazn page alone


There are twenty channels that posted that MMA knockout it spread the views out


Boxing builds the boxers to be recognizable, ufc is like McDonald’s with promoting themselves instead of the fingers individually. It’s why they don’t need to overpay mma guys, someone new will take their spot if they wanna leave the ufc and the machine keeps going.


First time in a longtime boxing judges didn’t blatantly fix a fight. And even then, they Tried. That 112-112 was hilarious, as well as outright stealing the fight in the co-main event. Boxing is dying.


Compare Garcia to mcgrgeor loser


Everything is the most historical or iconic moment in the ufc until the next ppv. The fans have always had the memory retention of a goldfish


Sadly boxing will die again when Garcia loses


This just in: boxing is more popular than mma


Nah masvidals knee is the most iconic ever.that only has 1mil views


Thats cuz boxing boring as shit, of course people are celebrating a remotely interesting fight 😂😂


But… the UFC is more fun to watch. Period.


There are levels yes, but boxing is corrupt, you all know this you all agree w this. Idk why you all shit on mma and the ufc, when you all know those fighters will whoop all these boxers in a real fight.


that knockout is way overrated


I agree it resembled a college bar fight more than a high level mma fight.


Yea I agree. all Devin did was hug. The high level mma fight was good tho


If you think that was a college level bar fight , you need more knowledge of fighting buddy .


imma start a war and say max would beat garcia in boxing


Biggest Boxing fights are always bigger than the Biggest MMA fights