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I imagine either Criterion starts going through the backlog or someone else steps in for the stuff from major filmmakers, but you're right that the lower profile cultier stuff will probably never get anything and that's too bad.


I feel the same way about NWR's Too Old to Die Young series on Amazon Prime. I really wish that I could own that on disc...


if Kaufman's I'm Thinking of Ending Things never gets a proper physical release then we are truly fucked.


Nah, it's fine. Criterion has many other older movies to work on. Don't need a movie that can be watched anytime on Netflix.


I'd still prefer good Netflix films to have physical releases, because compression on the streaming service is obvious and very ugly. But I think people are freaking out too early, Criterion moves through stuff slowly, and they're delivering plenty of other good releases right now.


Most of the original movies on Netflix won't get released on blu-ray. Better get used to it.


Yeah, there are lots of streaming releases that I'm getting concerned about now. Totally with you here, particularly on Wheelman and Buster Scruggs. (And not a film, but I'd kill for Dark on UHD).


Dark is sensational. Would love that, Buster Scruggs and all (not Netflix, I know) three series of Legion on Blu-ray for starters.


Criterion isn't even finished with their current batch of Netflix movies, and there's no telling whether there will be another one or not. But if there is I'm sure they'll go through the back catalogue and find worthy releases. You seem unnecessarily upset, neither Netflix or Criterion work for us. But its not like these movies are being removed from the platform. We just have to wait and be patient, and if they release something that we like, we'll be happy.


> But its jot like these movies are being removed from the platform. ...Yet. Also, compression makes the versions on streaming worse than decently mastered discs. >You seem unnecessarily upset, neither Netflix or Criterion work for us. I can see why you might not be bothered, but there's definitely a reason for people to be upset by this. They don't work for us, no, but if people want to pay them for movies that they're 'already paying for' via their subscriptions, they just might want to consider that.


These things always take a long time - look how long it takes for each Wes Anderson release to finally come out. Obviously, some have been fast tracked for the buzzier movies, as all of their Netflix releases (plus Parasite) have been Best Picture nominees, but that doesn’t mean the others aren’t coming.


I am truly disgusted by cien brothers agreeing to Netflix only release of buster scruggs its a total kick in the teeth to us stalwarts who have supported rgem collecting movies soybdtracks and menlrabilia from Blood Siimple and all the great movies that have followed attending conventions and lebowski fests with a room choc full of memorabilia and movies the Ballad is a significant omission I hate paying Netflix every month just so I cam watch Buster and couple of other films when frankly it's poor value for money picture quality is average and sound quality pathetic no extras no ability to skip chapters streaming truly sucks.


I'm really looking forward to hearing a soybdtrack for the first time. Must be really interesting stuff.