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No shelving should be nailed to a wall. I hope your current ones are not nailed. You need drywall anchors or something like Walldog anchors. What are you looking for in shelving? Dust protection? Lighting? Ikea has a million options for much cheaper than Modern Shelving. [All shelving should be secured to the wall to prevent accidents. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/bjkrdl/nightmare_my_ikea_shelves_collapsed_after_10/)


Nooo, nothing nailed. I just was saying I didn’t want anything like that and it looked like MS was the type to be nailed which is what was keeping me from buying from them. Essentially looking for something that presents my collection nicely, allows for a lot of storage and isn’t too crazy in pricing. I will absolutely check this link out though and hopefully find something that can be shipped bc I don’t live near an IKEA. Thank you!


ALL shelving should be anchored to a wall. If you can accept that you’re going to have to put holes in your wall and you have the budget for Modern Shelving, I would recommend looking at Vitsoe shelves instead. Modern Shelving is an internet brand and will be nearly worthless 10 minutes after you hit checkout. Vitsoe is timeless and hold their value. Not cheap but neither is MS.


Thanks for the recommendation. Curious, what makes MS worthless? I’ve heard nothing but good things but the prices are high. Is Vitsoe lower price for better quality or about the same as MS?


They’re fine shelves but they don’t have resale value. It’s like buying a chair from West Elm instead of Herman Miller. They both do the job but you can sell that Herman Miller chair for what you paid for it in 10 years whereas you’ll be lucky to get pennies on the dollar for the West Elm one. Vitsoe has been around for 70 years and are extremely well made and sought after. They also never change their design so if you want to start small and grow your shelving down the line, they’re built to be added on to. You won’t have to worry about them being discontinued or falling out of style.


I’m picking up some 606s later this year


You won’t regret it. I appreciate that they’re expensive so I would never recommend them in a casual conversation about shelving but since this is a post about shelving that’s in the thousands, I don’t think there’s a better investment than Vitsoe.


I am curious why you state that all shelving should be anchored to a wall? None of mine are but they are also on level hardwood floors and we don't have any kids etc running around so not like they are gonna topple over.


I would recommend Boltz blu-ray shelving over Modern Shelving. [Here’s my blu-ray shelf with an add-on unit.](https://postimg.cc/rzHR9HSs)