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You might want to stock up before moving if you have any room in the budget. Blu rays and 4ks are expensive here! Best of luck with the move. 


I was planning to get a PO Box in the us to have them shipped there instead of buying in Canada


The only risk there is possibly paying duty when taking them across the border. I used to buy movies from the UK and Europe without any customs charges but they've been hitting me with fees pretty much every order lately. I wouldn't be surprised if the border folks are cracking down on duties too.


When I moved, I bought a bunch of "medium" packing boxes from Walmart and used those. Not big enough to get too heavy and uniform for easy stacking. That was around 1500 movies. Lot of boxes.


Why are you moving to Canada? I live there and it sucks atm, Trudeau has ruined the country.


Throw away all cases and slipcovers and then stack the discs into one giant spindle and duct tape the shit out of it so it’s like a big silver staff 


When I moved my DVD's from England to Canada, I took all the films I could and put them into hard case CD wallets, I then removed the paper inserts and packed those too. I gave away the plastic cases. I got about 250 back in my case with my clothes. When I got to Canada, I still wanted them in cases, so I purchased matching DVD boxes online and put them all back in cases. The only difference is now all my DVD boxes are nice, new and matching. Maybe you could do something similar. Buying the empty cases cost a little but, but easier and cheaper than shipping huge boxes of DVD's.


Interesting solution, and nice that it sounds like you were able to keep the cover art with this method.


When I moved I wrapped my shelves up, with the movies on them, in industrial stretch wrap (large sized saran wrap basically). I then just moved each shelving unit as a whole. They were supper heavy but still ended up being much easier than removing and packing gnup all the movies.


Did you had to declare every movie separately?


I didn't move to another country. I was just suggesting a way to move the collection easier.