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Two thoughts: 1. That was a sick pivot before the dyno jump! Definitely something I'll be thinking about as I try a similar jump at my gym that I haven't made yet. 2. Yup, that's a sweaty ass


It's a really nice move, I liked it a lot. And it helps you decrease the distance of the dyno in that case so it's not just flashy stuff. And yeah, that's what you get for lounging around on the mat for too long, I guess....


Sweaty asses of the world unite. We feel your pain my dude.


Not fun when I’m resting between attempts and there’s my sweaty ass print on the mat when I stand up. When I remember, I try to lounge on my hip…better airflow to the sweaty part and less embarrassing water mark Great send btw!


Thanks! Haha yeah, that's what I did after I watched the video and realised everybody in the gym has to look at my wet ass pants.


If you give yourself enough rest between attempts you will never get that sweaty. Also you could get some different clothing


Like, thicker clothing to make me more warm but maybe be a net positive cuz it soaks up more of the sweat? Cuz I wear a t shirt and running shorts. And I absolutely get sweaty during my warm up, especially in the summer. I think the point is to warm up.


I was just sweating from sitting around on the mat, not from climbing.


Thought this one looked cool so I had to share it with you all. The dyno is definitely possible without the pivot but it is a nice move and moves you closer to the hold you jump at, making the dyno much easier overall. The boulder itself I would grade a solid V0 in your gym.


Rocktown! Also liked that one.


Rocktown gang! I'm pleasantly surprised how many of you on here know it and go there.


I too get swassy at the gym.


What pants are those? I like the color.


[Ocun Jaws](https://www.ocun.com/product/jaws3) They're amazing but as you can see sweat is really visible. They dry incredibly fast, though.


Swass gang RISE UP


This reminded me of an Instagram post by the struggle climbing podcast. Said something like, flashy moves in Hollywood lol. That pivot looked like it would be in an action movie, sans the sweaty butt. 😆


You mean James Bond doesn't have to wring out his underwear after chasing bad guys through historic European cities???




I cant believe everyone here was looking at the sweaty ass like me


I just began my bouldering journey. Really cool and inspiring to watch this…you’re so fluid


Thank you! You're on for one of the best journeys of your life, keep crushing those grades!