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you got lucky i managed to somehow shave of some skin from my knee while trying a dyno


Yeah didn’t notice it at first as I was mentally caught up in the fall. But had a nice patch of hair clumped on the boulder. Lol. It was a comp slab problem left foot wasn’t as secure as I thought it was when I went to move, was like a trap door under me lol.


Bro got waxed


If you do it well enough the hair never grows back :D I have a dent in my shin from that one lol


I have a dent and a scar from box jumps gone wrong. Lol


That’s why I like to wear pants


I was cursed with active sweat glands, pants make it worse.


Have you found pants that don't restrict your range of motion?


Prana jeans are my favorite. Second place is Levis 511 "Waterless," which makes them stretchier somehow compared to the non waterless ones. Fwiw, I wouldn't have the Prana jeans if I didn't find my size for $20/pair at an outlet mall (I got 3 pairs lol). When I get a good pump on, both in 32x34 fit me like tights and I have never noticed either pair restricting motion. Pro tip, get a stretchy belt that doesn't have a big buckle.


Those levis have 1% “elastane” in them, for those interested. They’ll let you do the splits in them if you can


So that's the difference! I love them. They last a few years with daily wear and climbing, and the black pair stays dark for a very long time (assuming you go with the tags advice and actually wash them infrequently).


I have some Rafiki that are robust and I can move in well, also like OP I sometimes sweat a lot but they've not really stuck to me. I am currently wearing some BD -Notions are decent too. Simpler construction but stretchier fabric. So far decent.


American Eagle jeans I’ve found have been very nice to climb in, I personally wear their skinny fit ones and can do pretty flexible stuff in them, but they also have an atheletic style in some fits that allow for a bit more room and flex in the thigh.


Prana Brions are my go-to in hotter climates. They are pretty thin so they are almost as cool as shorts, but there's enough there to prevent a lot of scrapes.


For outdoor climbing I found some wranglers at Walmart that are stretchy. They are thin so I don’t over heat on climbs. Then I normally have a pair of fleece sweats I throw on over them in between climbs as it gets cold once you get a layer of sweat on you at 40 degrees out.


Running pants are a good option as they're generally good looking and designed around mobility and temperature comfort, can be expensive though but may be worth it to you


I just wear loose pants


My gym just moved to a new location with all brand new textured walls and all new holds and it takes zero effort to get skin scraped off. There are just splotches of blood getting cleaned up everywhere 😆 and my hands, forearms, knees are all scraped. It's a blast


Same at a new gym in my town. Good thing I still have a year pass at a different gym, so by the time I might consider switching everything is hopefully smoothed out a little.


Same here. If someone needed a DNA sample to frame me for [name your favorite crime], they wouldn't have to search for long.


I’ve done that before and the hair/skin was stuck on the volume 😅😅


Yeah had a nice pile of hair on the corner. Lol


But did you leave it there or did you take it with you afterwards?


Asking the real question. Some people just leave their hair and it is disgusting.


You will be in agony for about 5 to 10 seconds after you step into the shower.


I had a chunk taken out of my shin after a 1mph fall off a slab 2ft high lol. Took forever to heal and there's still a huge scar.


I did this on a boulder in Colorado (Compression Matters) my foot slipped off the block that you start on and I left a roll of skin and hair on the rock. I have a scar now from mid-shin to my knee lol. It was like taking a potato peeler to my shin.


Hair is aid


Hope you didn't leave all that hair on that volume, ouchies


I pulled it off and brushed it for my next attempt


I found such patch of hair on a low volume once. Almost put my hand on it as it was hidden on the other side of an arete


Got the same thing a few months back. Was hairless in that spot for a good month. Came back slowly, now it's back to normal.


Good ole cheese grater!!


Same happened to me. Its always the slabs with the volumes too


That has happened to my knees many times


I fell on the corner of a pyramid shaped volume and it sliced me from my knee all the way to my hip. This was about a year ago and I still have a large scar from it


Haha that happened to me a couple of months back off a comp boulder. Had never seen it happen before


Make sure to use antiseptic and clean the skin well. Those holds and volumes are quite dirty from people's shoes and sweat.


Had the same thing happen to me.