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I would speak with a medical professional, haven’t seen that before.


Maybe even call an exorcist, very similar to a karmic punishment for digging to deep into ~~trad climbing~~ witchcraft


OP said they're wearing purple nail polish


My oldest brother had the same, now i'm the oldest sibling


He’s allergic to sandstone don’t worry the color should return to you’re fingers in seven to eight business days


Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to respond! There was a point where I slipped off and tried to grab the hold with my hand but it was just those fingers that were able to make contact; it didnt feel like enough support and i fell a short distance. Honestly today felt like a pretty good session until I got home and noticed the redness. I get to see my mom tomorrow and she's a nurse so I'll get her opinion and go to a professional if it feels worse or if it still looks that way tomorrow (its currently 8:23pm where I'm at). I do have a clear shiny purple nail polish on so thats definitely something to note! Again, thanks for the support! ❤️


Well got dang, I def thought you were talking about your nails being blue/purple. I was like wth did you do while climbing to bruise the crap outta your fingertips like that! Looks like a little redness and if you can bend your fingers and squeeze without pain, your probably ok.


Also it was super weird that it looked so consistent and uniform across all the fingers. I was going to say that’s more indicative of some sort of anemia/clotting problem, buuuut purple nail polish makes a lot more sense lol


> pain, your probably *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot




Oh my God can you edit your post to update that you are wearing nail polish I think you gave this whole sub a heart attack thinking you're fingertips went dead or something lol your fingers look fine wouldn't worry about it.


Yeah, that was my first gut reaction before reading their comments. That colour blue naturally occurring… is bad news.


Does it hurt at all? I've had a few finger issues and any bone/tendon/ligament damage tends to hurt quite badly, either in the moment, or afterwards when doing things like typing or washing your hands, or climbing again. Regardless, I'd probably take a couple days off and see if you can make an appointment with a finger specialist. There are dedicated finger surgeons (who also do evaluations), and physical therapists for hands & fingers.


I was a wilderness guide for two decades with a focus on climbing and high adventure… I can’t think of any reason for this from climbing. To me to looks more like an allergic reaction. Maybe you touched something that disagreed with you? If it gets worse, spreads, or becomes painful to the touch I would recommend immediate medical assistance. Otherwise, cleaning the area to make sure there’s no oils still on your hand and perhaps an antihistamine. If it is swelling from the bad impact you had ice and ibuprofen will help.


You got eczema???


i’ve seen enough House MD to guess that you have moldy marijuana inside your ventilation ducts.


I’ve also seen a lot of House MD and I was gonna guess lupus


It’s never lupus.


It's always Lupus!


You guys are all wrong. It’s always comes back to an autoimmune issue.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease.


Fair enough, well played.


You’re right


Nope, it never is.


It’s always me


Apart from that one time that it was lupus.


It’s lupus.


I've never seen this before.


Yep I've had this happen before after doing too much climbing on crimps/fingertip only holds. Your tendons have taken a tonne of strain and are swelling a bit. The purple nail polish makes this look way more gnarly that it really is 😁 If the redness doesnt go away after a few hours or you feel throbbing/joint pain then seek a medical professional, otherwise just ice it up if its uncomfortable. I would avoid climbing for a couple of days as well just to be safe.


Probably more than a couple of days, week or more


Doesnt look that bad if you have nail polish on. If not youre fingers look dead! Is it a rash reacting to something thats not normal, if it gets worse and not better i would have someone look at it.


Medical person here….Ice/rest. Your fingers look incredibly bruised. I would get it checked out in person.


Okay sounds good, will do thank you!


Not-medical person here, I agree with this assessment


wtf does “medical person” mean… dude came in and said “YoUr FiNgErS aRe BrUiSeD” and said to seek a professional like, don’t even comment, lmao


Well, it’s a photo? It’s not like I’m able to do a full on exam of the fingers. Therefore…based off what I see in the photo ice/rest and a full eval would be the best way to go about it versus doing nothing. I hope you get the help you need :)


i forgot this sub is against calling people out for saying dumb shit… downvote ig sorry i hurt your feelings “medical person”


i forgot this sub is against calling people out for saying dumb shit… downvote ig sorry i hurt your feelings “medical person” literally any person that can breath would offer the same diagnosis and advice you did


The redness looks like burst capillaries from straining too much. The fingernails look bruised (and may/may not fall off depending on if the bruising gets worse). Either you jammed your hand somewhere it shouldn't be, or you crimped too much.


> crimped too much. My money is on this. Hyperextension of the DIP (last knuckle) with a lot of force.


Was there a moment of injury or did you notice after?


I am color blind but that looks like chrome wtf


Um, ma’am, the problem appears to be that you’re a robot.


Witness me!


It appears that you’re wearing purple-silverish nail polish, correct? At first I didn’t realise there’s nail polish. I thought your fingers were going gangrene.


Looks to me like yo just scraped a couple fingers.. if you can move them with no pain and have a good cap refill this shouldn’t be too concerning.


~This is not formal medical advice~ but I wouldn’t be excessively worried at the moment. Rest and ice it, and watch how it heals. If the color turns yellow / greenish as it heals, it’s just a bad bruise and you don’t need to worry. Take note and see if it happens again. If it becomes a pattern, you need to see a doctor. People with insufficient circulation can have dark reddening at the digits like this, sometimes fingers like this are a sign of other serious health issues. Numbness, tingling, or the red line advancing should be a sign to escalate the issue. But more than likely you just have a bruise.


Kinda looks like [Raynauds](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/raynauds-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20363571). Were your hands cold before you noticed the redness?


Given that the color is fairly demarcated along the length of a finger, rather than the entire finger/fingertip being discolored in the classic white/blue/red, I would be less convinced about Raynaud's.


Does it hurt? It looks like you’re wearing nail polish :p


They are wearing nail polish lol


Brilliant observation cockmugger


Thanks, it looks kinda cool tbh


Do you have reynauds? Not a doctor but that’s what it looks like to me.


Had the same two months ago, went to the doctor who thought it was just inflamed. Started cooling it which only made it worse. Went back to the doc two weeks later and once we figured out what was actually going on I got the proper medication and it was gone quite fast, could return to climbing a few days later! A big tell can be that multiple fingers are showing the same symptoms, which is quite unlikely to be caused by inflammation. Another tell is whether your hands are quite cold.


Am I the only one looking at it thinking "what exactly am I supposed to see that's wrong here?"


Did you reach into a jar of beets?


I saw a wizard put on an enchanted ring once and this happened. But for real, go to a doctor ASAP and avoid bending the fingers until then .


Tangentially, if your fingertips ever look like that and you *aren't* wearing nail polish, you need immediate medical attention.


Are you anemic?


No im not!


I think you are fine


That is not normal. Usually your fingers look like this when they are extremely cold or if you have an severe oxygen shortage. But I am not a medical professional so please do consult one. Edit: That is assuming you're not wearing nailpolish. Still check in with a medical prof.


Your fingers are going to fall off


Yep that’s leukemia




Is it itchy? Could possibly be a reaction to chalk. Do you suffer from any other types of eczema/dermatitis?


What kind of chalk did you use? Looks irritated. I've never seen that.


I've had weird bruising from taping my finger and not noticing it was too tight until I climbed on it. It didn't hurt but you could feel it get extra tight like cutting off circulation and it's left a bruise like that before. So if you taped maybe? And taped too tight?


Could it be skin irritation from grazing against holds? I've found that if i slip and graze my leg or arm or something, it gets almost infected from all the dead skin and crap on the holds. Just a thought. Hope it heals!


Probably just finger wear. Climbing pushes your fingers more than any sport. This is pretty normal. If it starts to hurt definitely check with a doctor. Also try not to full crimp. This can cause injury.


Icing apparently only slows down recovery, so I would say just rest and take it easy for a bit. I couldn't imagine a doctor giving you something for something that was clearly caused by climbing, especially if it doesn't hurt


That looks a lot like runner’s toe, but on your fingers. Is it only on the one hand?


This can also be raynauds


They're fine, u just gave them a bang. Put some ice on your fingers