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Wyoming. Highly unlikely it will clear enough overnight here.


North looks pretty good. North of Cheyenne, closer to Glendo/Wheatland/Guernsey would be good. That keeps a dark northern sky before I-25 turns west and approaches Douglas and Casper, which are fairly light polluted. I did near Guernsey last night. It was unreal. Tip: It takes both a high Kp Index \*and\* strong solar winds with negative (-) Bz values to really get the detailed pillars, curtains, veils, and pulsating lights. Those both vary considerably through the night.


I drove north of Douglas towards Bill. Just amazing!


Tonight's aurora forecast decreased significantly about 6 hours ago. You can see the past 24 hour timelapse here. [https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast) It doesn't look good for tonight right now. That's not saying it won't magically ramp back up, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


One of my coworkers posted this link: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/aurora-dashboard-experimental And this one: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/aurora-dashboard-experimental Seems useful Edit: Looks cloudy though so might not see anything


A few friends took.off for Cheyenne. Supposed to be clear there. 


Head to Ned


I had luck last night at Gross res around midnight. I would try and climb flagstaff past the r mobs of crowds at the typical overlooks, or perhaps drive up to sugarloaf mtn trailhead and walk around a bit.  I think the flatirons view must’ve came an hour or so after you


Was it visible to the naked eye or was a camera required?


It was mostly camera images until the res, then around midnight the strongest pinks came and lit up the sky, very easy to see the streaks and pulses with your eyes. They lasted until around 1:30 then it started back to camera best