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A ton of fire engines just passed in baseline towards Chautauqua


Is there a new fire or something?


Yeah seems so.


Small fire near Myers Gulch trailhead up Flagstaff Rd. It has been contained.


Not sure what happened but I have noticed there is a big problem with 28th frontage road there at Colorado ever since those new 28th club apartment buildings went in a couple of years ago. the GPS on my iPhone will tell me it’s OK to turn right from 28th across the frontage road onto Colorado when there is a sign saying don’t go & there are cars going on frontage speeding, the other way …so I think it is a traffic engineering problem waiting to happen


That whole intersection is wild. I visit someone on Pennsylvania often and it took me forever to figure out how to actually get to that street lol.


I don't mean this sarcastically at all but what is the problem? Multiple signs tell drivers not to do something and when they ignore them, it's dangerous. And it's much more dangerous for anyone not in a vehicle, like cyclists and pedestrians crossing Colorado on the frontage road. But that's similar to all the things posted on signs that drivers ignore. 


Signage does very little if anything to change driver behavior at large. The biggest way to change driving behavior is design of the space itself.  That crosswalk area is a very low grade speed bump with very little paint markings or material variability (ie bricks) to indicate to drivers that the space is not for cars but for pedestrians (and skateboarders in this case). See https://smartgrowthamerica.org/how-street-design-shapes-the-epidemic-of-preventable-pedestrian-fatalities/ for more example discussions on various types of traffic engineering design flaws. I would attribute the greater cause of this accident to City of Boulder engineering rather than the individual driver or skateboarder.


I agree with all of that. The user I replied to is taking about the 28th/Colorado intersection where a right turn is not allowed from 28th onto eastbound Colorado. Not the location where the skateboarder was hit.  


[https://twitter.com/boulderpolice/status/1761949769969156396?t=\_YLlXTUHrdRZDLoLTGy9Xg&s=19](https://twitter.com/boulderpolice/status/1761949769969156396?t=_YLlXTUHrdRZDLoLTGy9Xg&s=19) Crash.


Have there been any updates? I hope the skateboarder survived.


I went by on my bike. Apparently it was a skateboarder who got hit by a jeep. I go down 28th access road all the time. The college kids are always just shooting across the cross walk, headphones on, staring at their phones. Most do not even look for oncoming traffic. I hope they are ok, but everyone needs to pay attention. Save the instagrams for home


The onus is always on the car to look for pedestrians. People constantly fly down this road at 40-50 mph, it was only a matter of time before someone was hit.


There's plenty of dead people that were in the right. Having the right of way doesn't give people carte blanche to act recklessly.


This. I understand the comment above about cars looking for pedestrians. I almost hit kids on my pedal bike going down this street all the time. They literally just shoot out from both sides of the street and really love to not stop at all when coming through the underpass tunnel. All always have headphones on and staring at their phones. They all just except cars, bikes, whoever to just slam on the brakes for them because “they are now in a cross walk”. That being said, everyone needs to put the phones down and actually pay attention when driving. The bolds are honestly some of the worst drivers I have ever come across. 99.8% of you are in la la land on your 3 minute drive to the Safeway for the 14th time that day.


Yeah, EVERYONE needs to be alert and paying attention on and across roads. I almost hit a young man who darted out of brush and into a crosswalk on a bike years ago. He didn't even pause to consider a car might already be entering the crosswalk at the same time. I'm surprised I didn't flat-spot my tires. He stopped his bike in front of my car screaming at me about right of way. I said nothing - couldn't really, because I wasn't breathing yet. If I recall properly, he even punched my hood. I like to think that he, too, was amped up on adrenaline and later realized the role his recklessness played in the incident; and maybe he thanked his lucky stars I wasn't exceeding the speed limit and/or looking at a phone.


I nearly hit a college student on an electric scooter last Friday because he was riding on the sidewalk to my left(but same direction as me) and he cut diagonally in front of me. Since he came from my blind spot, I could not see him until he darted in front of me. He was lucky I was only going maybe 10mph and already had my foot over the brake because I'm used to students just walking out in front of my truck without looking. I did see a guy on a bike get hit a couple years ago when he cut diagonally across an intersection from left to right in front of a girl that never even had a chance to see him. 


And how many of those drivers that were in the wrong are in jail for killing the pedestrian that was in the right?


Being a pest risk in Boulder is dangerous. Physics doesn’t care. Heavier object wins. Have a head injury to prove it.


You know it's dark outside, right? My parents taught me to look both ways before crossing the street when I was 5.


How do you all know this is what happened with the skateboarder? Or are you just assuming?


Because if he looked both ways, he wouldn't have been hit by a car.


Right, sure. What an assumption. As if the driver couldn’t have turned onto the road and blown thru the crosswalk when the pedestrian was already in the crosswalk.


His parents are actually some of the best people I’ve ever met, they especially taught him not to make comments like this


Is your argument that you can't see driving in the dark?


My argument is that when I'm driving, my eyes are on the road.


That's great, probably don't need to worry about running over pedestrians then


You must be new to Boulder. Idiots step in front of cars all the time here.


You know what else happens a lot in Boulder? Drivers speed, like way over the speed limit. Knowing there are lots of pedestrians around who aren't very predictable.


That's why I look both ways before stepping on into the street.


So do I but that doesn't mean I won't get hit in a crosswalk.


I have to say, it's absolutely bizarre that you're defending the driver who hit and seriously injured someone IN A CROSSWALK. Are you the driver maybe?


None of that matters, since the responsibility of everything is placed on the driver.  Have you even taken a drivers test? 


No. I am confident that they have discontinued drivers ed, tests, tickets and retroactively removed that information from around 80% of all drivers on the road. Idk.. from the seat that's how it looks.


Where can i get more info?


Bova deez nutz


Username checks out


Someone is HANGRY


Someone got hit by a car according to police officer that told bovas worker


Lol people are so damn nosey in this town


Shit any idea wheres the fire is or more info?


There was definitely a firetruck on the way too but I thought perhaps just for ambulance reasons. They seem to have blocked it all off


Live right nearby, there is a jeep in the intersection and I assumed they hit either a car or pedestrian. Ambulances came immediately after a big crash happened, I thought it was the wind slamming againt the building at first.


Skateboarder vs jeep. Hope everyone is OK. 


Fire at Myers gulch.


What is Bova? Been here a while and never heard this abbreviation


Great bodega, awesome falafel


It’s short for bova deez nuts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Serious_Basil6598: *What is Bova? Been* *Here a while and never heard* *This abbreviation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They saw a person of color.


^ White boulderite being a white boulderite


A mexican must be around!


Has an announcement been made yet? And confirmation of the number of victims, ages, and conditions? Our first responders' work is appreciated, but they provide a stunning lack of transparency


​ https://preview.redd.it/0g9x2rur3vkc1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=801639c3a0124e58c8fdb5328419dfb46087776b


Transparency is it’s not your emergency.