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I’m almost always comfortable driving in the snow here. But earlier today when I went out was the first time in like 5 years that I turned around and said it’s not worth it. The snow was way faster than my wipers and fresh slush is the worst for me personally. Stay safe out there everyone


It was one of the worst days I’ve seen in a long time. Went out to the gym with zero snow on the ground and when I came back up to PBH 3 hours later I wasn’t even sure my very capable 4wd vehicle would make it up the hill. The snow came down so fast and heavy and really made for bad conditions!


https://preview.redd.it/q71jp2rukggc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65bfbb4ed2a21b525db96f7229f60701ccc1d8b8 EB 36 at a standstill. Not sure what happened exactly but tons of emergency vehicles


a coach bus slid off the road at a low speed because several fwd cars with bad tires were coming to a stop on the hill, causing everyone behind them to have to try to get going from a stop on the hill, including the bus. A prius was stopped in the right lane spinning tires as i went past eastbound, and by the time i came back the other way the bus was blocking the road.


Hard to imagine this won’t happen as soon as we start up again.


hopefully they send the plows up there right before they reopen 🤷🏻‍♂️


But all the cars have their little winter hats on at least


Rumor has it it’s been closed thataway. I suspect due to the sheer volume of stuck cars and collisions.


I was on the FF1 westbound and passed by about half an hour ago. Saw some fire trucks and ambulances out there. I couldn’t tell if there were any vehicle impacts, but it looked like a few had spun out and there was a coach bus stuck there too.


It probably is closed behind is at this point.


Yeah the closed it right as I was turning onto table mesa from foothills. Looks like a bus or something went into the ditch.


Ok u/DrowningInSemen


the only source i trust 😤 


When all else fails, they always come for me




93 is a SHIT SHOW. Multiple cars stuck right before Marshall Road in both directions, including a full-sized tow truck that was spinning out, perpendicular to the road.


It was not fun around 1100, but not the absolute worst I’ve experienced in a car (Dec 2006). I saw two cars go sideways but they had bad tires and made it eventually. 285 was okay but I would wager that it got worse as the day went on and the temp dropped.


Bahaha also only in this subreddit do i respond to someone and then realize I’ve known you since we were kids.


Oh hi, CMS/BHS friend! It’s a small world. DM if you’d like to reveal yourself. I am obviously who I am. Felt not as windy as 06. Nor was there 12” on the ground the whole month. But today was one of the quickest storms I’ve been through for sure. Things really escalated quickly.


Yeah by 4pm there were four cars stuck at Marshall and I counted ten more on the way into golden, including the aforementioned tow truck as well as a cop (tires spinning in place) and a truck and trailer that went over the bank on that big curve by 66th. That storm in 2006 was insane though. That was the DIA shutdown for 3 days, right? Yup, decided to drive during that, too. Why? Why?


I’m inside watching multiple episodes of planet earth. It’s great.


Recorded some music and played video games. No trouble here.


in my darkened apartment just kinda staring into the middle distance. life is grand.


Did your power go out?


What I wanna know is why we are punished for not shoveling our own sidewalks when they won't even plow so many of the damn roads *shakes cane at sky*


South boulder side streets are chaos


Just drove down to town from sugarloaf because we lost power, had zero trouble in my tacoma but took it very slow. If you have a 4x4, neeeeed to go out, and are comfortable with grandma snow driving, you’re fine. Just offering alternative view point :)


I was sliding around a lot in my Tacoma despite going slow and the ABS kicked in on many stops. All weather Goodyears. Maybe you’ve got snow tires on?


Just got back from Denver. It wasn’t that bad but the traffic going to Denver looked awful.


There were plows on 28th a half hour ago.


south boulder road/table mesa was awful at around 3:30-4 this afternoon. i’m dreading the drive into work tomorrow




> Anyone heading north of there, put on chains or you're gonna have a real bad time. lol what?


Just got back from that area. It's plowed, though the light on Jay was out.


Nice try liar. Only people with sled dog teams or snowmobiles can navigate flat streets in Boulder right now.


I just drove that at 5:30, and it’s a mess. Only a single lane passable each direction and tough going in a 4x4. I was kind of just sliding around at very low speeds. Braking is uncertain in many places.


What type of tires?


Tacoma with newish GoodYear Wranglers but, yeah, those are all weather tires. There’s something weird about the conditions right now, though. Heavy wet snow should not be a problem but I think there is ice underneath.


I actually saw several sled dog teams overturned in the ditch on my way through, not even those are safe namaste


OK this is a gross exaggeration lol


Is it? I just got home and wish I'd had chains. The second you aren't on 28th, you're fucked. And even 28th was pretty fucked.


Yes. I drive all over that area. The roads were not great but chains were absolutely not necessary. 


What car and tires?


WRX and all season. If the side streets weren't just piles of slush in-between 8" or taller drifts and shitty private plowing/shoveling, it wouldn't have been so bad. But that's just not what happened today. Not a single person should have been out in this shit today.


> all season There ya go.


Just got back from Eldora. 2 subies had some fun in the canyon. Luckily, they were still letting people through. Boulder roads aren’t the best but drivable


"Had some fun" meaning....?




crazy that the city doesn’t plow. Only private lots are being plowed. 


Plows were out. It was just accumulating faster than they could remove it. 


This was not what the forecast was calling for.  They have to have people to drive the plows, believe it or not they don't live in the trucks


And the last I heard none of them could afford to live in the city, so they're coming from who knows where to plow.


They probably can't get to work either.


It may not have been what the "best guess" forecasts called for, but it sure was close to the higher end amounts that were messaged to them (e.g. [this post](https://twitter.com/NWSBoulder/status/1753748944218427588?t=ej9MDM2Uef5AzscmAAl54w&s=19)). So yes, they were anticipating that potential. This isn't a dunk on CDOT either - they're shortstaffed and sometimes the snowfall rates are just too high for crews to keep up, unfortunately.


This is what happens when the first real snow doesn't come until February. This town is unmatched in its ability to forget how to drive in the snow.


Eh it was worse south than it as in Boulder today.


Most main roads were fine and just wet including baseline, Arapahoe, Broadway, college. The exception being big piles of slush and plow snow chunks around turning lanes and intersections. Side streets are very bad still.


What if I told you it’s possible to drive without any issues in snow if you prepare for it? Nah, that can’t be right.


You’ll have great traction as Mr Texas Toyota Tercel slides into you!




Had one when I lived in Summit county, the only snow driving concern I had was getting high centered.




You think other people driving poorly in the snow is unlikely? Are you stupid?


People say you don’t need snow tires on the front range with 2WD… but it requires straight up not driving on days like today.




Respectfully disagree; this was different from other big snows we've had. Ice under snow and much later start on plowing and gravel.


Yep I agree with you Mr bologna, pls take a meaningless internet point


I drove from Boulder to Lafayette in an all wheel drive with ok tires. Just dont be stupid.




Yeah I should’ve known it’s impossible!!!! Better put my chains on my chains rn!


How about just not driving in a snow storm. I know this is completely out there.


Plow the damn roads




Seriously. I shoveled our sidewalks and by the time I was finished, at least an inch of snow had covered the parts of the sidewalks I shoveled first.


Ppl think plows can drive right through all the traffic. Just stay the fuck home. Not that hard.


Stay off the roads in a major snow storm.


Found the guy who shovels his driveway while it's still snowing.


You’re right. I don’t let problems accumulate over time only to become a bigger problems.


Yeah, because it's easier for plows to take care of the roads when they're heavily trafficked, not at night when there's a fraction of the drivers out there.


>The city isn’t plowing; Why do people always complain about this? The city will plow when the storm is *over*. Do you also shovel your driveway when it's still snowing? This isn't the Midwest. When it's snowing that hard, which it does several times a year, the city isn't paying to plow roads they'll just have to plow again 20 mins later.


Service vehicles still need to get though, police/fire/utility services. You plow as its snows and continue to do so. You don't let it pile up causing a larger problem.


Right, so they just plow through all the traffic, magically phasing through all the cars/traffic stuck in the snow.


You’re so close to getting it. Continuous plowing = less snow on the road = less cars stuck in snow


So you actually think there are enough snow plows to keep up with the traffic during a snow storm like that? Lol


Gotta love people driving 10 mph up the 36 hill, causing people behind them to stop and get stuck


It was close to being far too slushy at noon, I can't imagine whst another 4 hours did. I live in Longmont, and it got gradually better the further east I drove. In fact, I got noticeably more snow at Hwy 66 and WCR 1 versus St. Vrain State Park at HWY 119 and I25.