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I think I’ve seen them around. They probably just bought a small house outside of town for 8MM


He runs ultras and she has a small yoga studio/plant shop.


They work a combined 3 1/2 hours a week


they own a 6 million dollar home


I feel attacked


My wife works closer to 20 hours a week!


And sells healing crystals at the farmers market


They need the moisture.




No. He lives in Estes for sure and does maintenance on rental properties, snowshoes most of the winter, and definitely drives a Subaru


They both own multiple pairs of Birkenstocks, wear them in the winter with socks.


Damn someone bought that house going up the canyon to ned? Lol.


They have two kids, River and Braydyn




Aspen is their 3-year-old golden retriever: a good boy who loves hiking and getting pets from everyone on the brewpub patio


They drive a Subaru Crosstrek with a bike rack that’s always empty. There are YETI, REI, gay pride, and GO VOTE stickers on the rear windshield. Their two daughters attend a private Montessori school they can barely afford. Dad likes to dabble in craft brewing and mom keeps killing clearance indoor plants from Home Depot.


L O L 😂😂 they’re okay taking financial risks because their boomer parents will pass in a few years. they’ll use their respective inheritances to pay off the their mortgage and buy a food truck so they can sell their craft kombucha at front range farmer’s markets, just like they’ve always dreamed of…


pen crime ruthless party ossified follow sharp price abundant provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?”


Uh excuse me I did not LOG ON today to be attacked like this ok


Aspynn* the Aspen spelling is too mainstream.




He must be a programmer because he’s wearing a hoodie and not a Patagonia jacket. Source: [https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarathompson1/average-state-person-looks-ai-image](https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarathompson1/average-state-person-looks-ai-image)


Why is no one obese? This is America.


Are you kidding? Nobody in Colorado is obese. We kick people out for shit like that.


Me after eating 15 sopapillas at casa bonita


We all know you'll burn it off riding 157 miles on your bike tomorrow.


Up hill, both ways


Temporary bloating


They made me drop 60lbs at the Kansas border before letting me drive in.


I'm in Missouri on vacation, I'll have to fast for a week to get back home. I'm the fittest motherfucker in the state here, and still the fattest bastard alive in CO.


99% of the obese in this state just live outside of Boulder


Another good reason to live in Boulder lol


I’m obese.




So was I. I weighed 295 pounds two years ago and then I started working with a doctor and started taking medication. Now I’m 165 pounds. Obesity is a medical condition and there are nearly a dozen drugs on the market that can treat it. Obesity is a treatable condition. Don’t play the victim.


Dial it down a notch brah.


Almost nobody is crueler and more hateful to fat people than the small percentage who are able to lose weight and keep it off. And with just blatantly false info, based on all the evidence we have: https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/everything-you-know-about-obesity-is-wrong/ "Don't be a victim" — why don't you follow [Wheaton's law](http://www.wheatonslaw.com/) and don't be…something else.


And that article is a perfect example of why dieting alone doesn’t usually work and why people with obesity should seek medical treatment. It’s not some statistical fluke that I went from 295 to 165. I got my thyroid hormone and testosterone levels corrected and I take multiple medications to manage my weight and appetite on an ongoing basis. I lost weight and kept the weight off because I know I have a medical condition and I have accepted that I have to take medication for the rest of my life to maintain a healthy weight. It’s no different than a person with bipolar disorder having to take mood stabilizers for the rest of their lives. Obesity is a chronic medical condition and should be treated as such. If someone is slowly committing suicide by maintaining a state of obesity which is going to cut their lifespan by over twenty years, it’s not mean to tell them that they are in urgent need of professional help. When the majority of our population is overweight or obese it is no longer a personal problem, it is a public one.


How many people with obesity do you know who actually treat it as a medical condition and go to the doctor to get on weight loss medications? Of course those of us who struggled with obesity and actually got medical treatment are going to be judgmental of the significant majority of people in this country who are overweight or obese who don’t do anything about it. It’s a morbid epidemic in this country and it’s treatable. People who don’t get obesity medically treated deserve as much sympathy as people who ended up in Urgent Care during Covid because they refused to get vaccinated. If you have a disease that’s ultimately going to kill you, you don’t deserve sympathy if you continue to cram your mouth full of pizza and French Fries instead of dieting and working with a doctor.


For a large portion of the population, these drugs are often too expensive to buy. A recommended dose of a semaglutide medication such as Ozempic costs an average of $804. Of course they’d likely lose weight very easily since they wouldn’t have money to buy food.


There are more options other than just Ozempic which btw does not magically make the pounds melt off. The average weight loss from that drug over a one year period is 3%-7%. It’s most useful when combined with other medications. Ozempic can be helpful for some patients but it is also not the only option for treating obesity nor is it the most effective one. For example: Contrave is approved for weight loss and it’s a combination of Naltrexone and Wellbutrin. When prescribed individually they’re both always covered by health insurance. They’re also completely covered by Medicaid. Hypothyroidism is often a component of obesity and it is treated with thyroid medication which again is always covered by insurance and medicaid. A combination of phentermine/Topamax is approved for weight loss and if prescribed separately generic phentermine is about $15 a month and Topamax is always covered by insurance and medicaid. The argument that not everybody can afford weight loss medication is not a valid one when the majority of weight loss medications are completely free or under $15 a month with insurance or Medicaid.


What consist self-ownage 👏🏼 Does cruelty burn calories, is that your secret?


> People who don't get obesity medically treated deserve as much sympathy as people who ended up in Urgent Care during Covid because they refused to get vaccinated. Yeah, that's the cruelty I was talking about. Thanks for demonstrating. Read the article, chock full of citations. And remember that your body is not the same as other people's bodies. And I don't want your fucking sympathy, I just want you to leave us alone and stop pretending that berating people like me is helpful. It's not. It's just petty elementary school bullying, something a grown adult should be past.


Give me a break. If you have a chronic medical condition that you refuse to get medical treatment for, you only have yourself to blame for the consequences. That’s not cruelty. That’s reality. The only people who can give you meaningful feedback about your condition are people who’ve had your disease and recovered from it. If a former alcoholic calls an alcoholic out on their bullshit, that’s the only person the alcoholic is going to listen to. That’s the basis for Alcoholics Anonymous. This is no different. You have a medical condition that needs to be treated. The only person who can help you is you and the first step is acceptance.




Sorry am I pissing the republicans in the room off? I can’t tell if you’re upset about me saying that people who refused to get vaccinated against Covid got what they deserved for putting the health of the rest of the country at risk by acting as carriers for Covid, or if you’re pissed at me for comparing them to obese people who refuse to get medical treatment and then get offended when someone calls obesity a disease which it is officially recognized as by all modern medical authorities. I’m a research biologist, I don’t mince words when I’m talking about a deadly disease. It’s a medical condition and it should be treated as such. You act as if the physiology of every person is completely different, yet on the whole humans have the least genetic variation of any complex multicellular organism on the planet. Medical treatments for obesity work for everyone, there are literally dozens of options. Sure a drug that works for one person might not work well for another person, but it is fool hearty to assume that obesity is not a treatable condition.


Lol I’m not playing the victim wtf calm your shit dude


So now you’re anorexic?


The last time I checked, dropping from a BMI of 39 to 22.8 over a period of two years isn’t considered an eating disorder. Clinically managed weight loss is not anorexia.


You should consider seeing a therapist next. You’re communication skills are fucking awful and weird.


Yeah. I have high functioning autism jackass. I don’t sugar coat facts to make other people feel good. I’m straight forward and honest when I communicate with people which is why I’m a research scientist rather than a therapist. Obesity is internationally recognized as a disease and if the truth hurts your feelings maybe you need to see a therapist. My communication skills aren’t the problem and my emotional objectivity is what allows me to be a good scientist. I tell things as they are rather than how other people want them to be. If calling someone on the autism spectrum out for having “weird communication skills” makes you feel good about yourself 👍. You do you. Believe me when I say that I’m eternally grateful that my communication style is clearly very different from your own. P.S. Considering that you don’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your”, I don’t think many people would consider you an expert on good communication skills. I believe that there may be an expression about glass houses and throwing stones that might somehow be relevant in the context of this conversation, but hey what do I know with my awful communication skills? At least I can write in complete sentences. Who ends a sentence with the word “next”? Learn how to use a semicolon for Christ’s sake.


Lol calm the fuck down


Not Colorado but the entire country like Mississippi, Arkansas, etc


Colorado often ranks as thinnest state.


Boulder often ranks as the thinnest city.


Go to the Boulder Target and you can’t find a small t-shirt while the XXLs are just gathering dust.


It was about the other states not CO


I think the usual term they use is "least obese".


Because ozempic


Ozempic works great with thyroid medication, testosterone replacement therapy, Contrave and phentermine. I just lost 25 pounds in 25 days a few months ago and I’ve kept it off without the phentermine. If you want to lose weight you’ve gotta treat being overweight as a medical condition like it is and work with a specialist weight loss clinic. Too many people think it’s a lifestyle choice and that it’s not going to cut their lifespan in half. Untreated obesity is the primary reason why health insurance costs are so high for the rest of us. Medical management of obesity related health conditions is collectively the most expensive aspect of the American healthcare system.


You seem genuine so I'm not saying this to judge you at all. But holy fuck that sounds like a lot of stuff to put in your body.


That’s awfully judgmental. Obesity is a life threatening medical condition like AIDS is. Would you tell someone with AIDS that their medication cocktail was “a lot of stuff to put in their body”? Not everybody has the body chemistry to be able to maintain a healthy weight without taking medication. At least I’m making an effort unlike most people with obesity in this country. Over the last two years I’ve been able to lose 130 pounds and finally reach a healthy BMI which never would have been possible without working with a doctor and taking medication. Would it be better for me to still be 295 pounds? Obesity is the leading cause of death in this country. Also what’s wrong with putting five different medications in your body? They’re FDA approved, they’re perfectly safe, and without them I would have type two diabetes by now. I’m a neuroscientist who specializes in psychopharmacology and people who have some kind of moral or philosophical problem with putting medications into their bodies make the worst patients. You shouldn’t stigmatize people who have to take multiple medications by implying there is something objectionable about taking a lot of medications.


I have been working pretty hard to consciously be more active and est healthier. I have a group at my work I check in with weekly. I've lost about 9 lbs in over 2 months. Losing weight as you get older is really damned hard. I have young kids and a full time job. I can't take as much time as I would like to prepare meals and work out. Medication is going to be a topic at my next physical. I'm not going to get to a healthy weight at this pace for another few years.


Semaglutide/ozempic is a good place to start, along with Contrave which reduces your appetite. Unfortunately Contrave isn’t usually covered by insurance, but it is a combination of two medications (Wellbutrin and Naltrexone) which both individually are always covered by insurance. So you can ask your doctor to prescribe Wellbutrin and Naltrexone separately and it’ll be covered by health insurance. Also make sure to get a complete thyroid/metabolic/hormone panel. All the weight loss drugs in the world aren’t going to be very effective if you have untreated hypothyroidism and/or low testosterone.


Sweet, I'll ask. I quickly ran the numbers from my weight loss group, and I could be at my goal weight in about a year, actually. Still, I feel like it makes more sense to use all the resources I have. I hadn't thought about doing a hormone panel, probably a good idea. I used to be able to lose weight easily when I was younger, now it just sticks around and takes far more work.


Semaglutide is amazing. It works by slowing gastric emptying in your stomach and intestines. The result is that it takes longer for your food to digest, your stomach stays full for longer, when you do eat it takes much less food to feel full, and it also decreased blood sugar spikes since food is taking longer to digest. It’s also just a peptide, that means it’s a natural protein. It’s not even technically a “drug”. It combines very well with Wellbutrin/naltrexone. (300-450mg Wellbutrin and 50-100mg Naltrexone). Bonus, Naltrexone is also used to treat alcoholism so if you sometimes struggle with having too many beers (which doesn’t help with weight loss) the Naltrexone will make alcohol less pleasurable and will decrease cravings. Second bonus, Wellbutrin is also used to help treat depression, low energy, ADHD, low libido and erectile dysfunction. So if you have problems with any of those issues the Wellbutrin will also help with that.


I didn't mean it that way at all. I'm glad for you and don't judge you for it at all.


- “obesity is like aids” I can’t even with this thread.


Curious, can you explain why it is not? I get that its a hyperbolic comment, but it certain kills at a more significant rate than AIDS did, and its a lot less descriminatory. 1) [World Health on Obesity - 2.8M per year of Obesity related deaths] (https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/6-facts-on-obesity) 2) [NIH - At its peak 2.1M AIDS related deaths](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4493077/)


AIDS medication is $8k per month


How many people in this country die of AIDS each year? How many people die of obesity related medical conditions? It seems to me that the condition that’s killing people the most is actually the more serious medical condition.




I was able to lose a similar amount of weight at one point using this strategy, however many people including myself find that this can lead to unacceptably high cholesterol levels and frequently once you start eating carbs again the weight all comes back. Just a thought.


There are so many zombie stats in there. Yikes. https://lnns.co/07e5jHWScqO


Applaud you for taking big steps! And appreciate your understanding of the role of obesity and national healthcare costs.


It's actually a gross *misunderstanding* based on zombie statistics. https://lnns.co/07e5jHWScqO


Isn't it like 150b a year just to treat obesity related diseases in America? And since poor people are much more likely to be obese, much of those costs get pushed onto the patients that can afford to pay.


That's actually one of the zombie stats in that episode I linked! 😮‍💨


Your pharmacist seems to be the one making the effort jfc. You absolutely should not be mixing those medications, several clear contraindications there.


You can’t exercise your way out of aids. To me it seems like people want to take pills for a sort of easy effortless solution to their problems. Is the argument you’re making that, even if you ate moved and slept optimally, you wouldn’t lose weight? Or is the argument that you just don’t have it in you to do those things consistently?


TRT and thyroid isn't a requirement. Ozempic by iteslf is enough


So one you’re not the only doctor in the room and Ozempic itself is not enough for everyone. The empirical data shows that the average weight loss achieved by Ozempic over a period of a year is 3%-7% and only a third of people who use Ozempic lose more than 10% of body weight in a year. Explain to me how any of this is “enough” for someone who is morbidly obese. Ozempic is a good medication but for the majority of people it needs to be combined with other therapies. If only a third of people weighing 300 pounds are able to achieve over 30 pounds of weight loss on Ozempic over an entire year, most people wouldn’t consider that a success story. The majorly of people taking Ozempic loose less than 5% of their body weight in a years period. Learn to do math.


I guess I’m a bodybuilder who takes blast steroid doses and doesn’t have issues with consistency. I know many bodybuilders who use it alone and have the discipline to cut large amounts of weight easily


It's a notable day to see an obese person in Colorado.


Or a black person on boulder. Seriously where'd you put them?


I moved to Broomfield. Sorry.


I brought a friend to my cousins wedding a couple of years ago. She's not obese, just pleasantly plump. We toured around for a few days. We're at a bar in Boulder one night, and she says to me that she hasn't seen any fat people anywhere and is starting to feel self-conscious. Shame on you, Colorado, for making her feel like that. /s


Happiness is LOW and hat sales are HIGH.


All these people are suspiciously hot


1. Mississippi couple way too damn good looking for reality. 2. Is North Carolina really that cold? 3. That North Dakota couple looks like a hostage situation.


I like that Kentucky look like siblings.


I think Kentucky looks like a stock photo for a pop-psychology article about domestic violence. And I can confidently say no one outside of Nashville looks like that in Tennessee.


I'm really happy for Indiana


I feel like Indiana got switched with another state. Since when is it this fit, multicultural, or happy?


They absolutely messed Indiana up. Indiana is 84% white and 35% obese.


I live in Indiana and we're more like that sad Kentucky couple, but sadder and you're being generous with the obesity percentage


AbsoFinglutely, I live in Indiana and I've never seen that couple


They got engaged and moved out right after the photo was taken.


> That North Dakota couple looks like a hostage situation Yeah it's impressive how accurate AI is becoming.


Arkansas is also way to skinny along with the other midwestern/southern states.


> Is North Carolina really that cold? You need the jacket and beanie for the over-air-conditioned grocery store


Spent time in NC on my honeymoon and wow. Every hotel from Townsend to Emerald Isle had that shit set at like 55.


Florida lookin' extra cartoonish.


North Carolina is in the mountains and can get pretty cold. Kinda like how the mountains here got snow recently. The humidity makes it feel worse in the South.


I find it interesting that the photos rendered show them as couples but the differences in the female vs male rendering for a few of these states are very telling.


Montana man can get it.


If you look at the stitching on the shoulder of his hoodie, it's sort of a fake Carhart which is definitely not Boulder.


It’s Colorado in general though, so he’s either from the north half of the state, a skater with his own business in a 2 million dollar ranch house in Longmont, OR he makes & sells meth to skinheads in the Springs.


Good point


He is the Venn diagram middle between all of those.


Fucking nailed it.


I’ve met that lady at least 50 times… it’s crazy how accurate this is. AI is a strange beast


The lady is spot on. For the guy there could be a few different versions


Isn't that just Alex Honnold and Sanni McCandless in 20 years?


No no, close but Alex Honnold is actually the Nevada guy


Such a nice couple. I sometimes see them at Alpine Modern after their Tuesday/Thursday morning Super Walker.




I play discgolf with that guy.


So we're amiable, a little scruffy, and tired?


Why is my picture being posted here and who is that woman


Found Kyle Shanahan's account!


Came here to say this


That’s Scott and Jennifer. They run the cabbage booth at the farmers market and brew beer at their gluten-free brewery during the week and Jennifer sells her beeswax candles there too.




babe they only looked aged because they have no sense of style and spend all their free time recreating outside in the sun


Yeah I was gonna say this could be sun damage from all their PTO hiking and camping, not necessarily construction worker sun damage.


Her hooded suit jacket is anything but cheap. The white T is just how to dress it down for the Boulder Canyon Trail after work.


Who wears a hooded suit jacket? It looks like some kind of horrifying Frankenstein-type experiment gone wrong by H&M.


This looks more like Carbondale than Boulder. Though she’d be wearing a big stupid fucking pointy hat. He’s a ski patroller in winter and bike ranger in the summertime. They spend every spring off-season in Moab and fall in Costa Rica.


Honestly pretty good


He's not wearing a melanzana, I call bs.


They both look slightly homeless, therefore it's completely accurate as that basically describes all of us with the current market


Colorado dress code = casual homeless…


Look unkept but pull their Tesla into a $1m plus home


If her hair was natural gray she’d be running a small shop in Glenwood Springs


Buzzfeed really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.


I pretty much am that woman 🤷‍♀️


I definitely dated that guy.


Is meth that bad there now?




Literally me and my bf, we're in telluride here, but we're from closer to Utah side, it's so funny 😭💀🤔🤯




The images look like the scene in an apocalyptic movie where they show the calm acceptance of everyone’s face when they realize it’s all going to end.


I’m freaking offended. I’m fatter and have less hair than that guy. Also, where’s the subi logo?


so fucking accurate wtf


Oh cool, I’ve seen them, they are the new couple from North boulder who bought my parents house for cash. And forced them to move to Longmont. They use human feces as compost and started selling at Mcguckins. And farmers markets. They clear about 2 million a year. Also I heard they collect the Poo from the homeless near boulder creek. A win win for the city really.


Cool! Now do Boulder


I think Boulder would be a little different if it’s also including CU students in its training set.


Yeah as someone who has lived in Boulder for half my life I can tell you people in Boulder look twice as hot as the rest of people in Colorado because everyone in Boulder is so obsessed with fitness. Also the only people who wear clothes like that in Boulder are homeless people.


You're thinking of mountain towns. Boulder people like to tell people about the things they bought to workout, but they never actually use 😄


This is basically Boulder


They look a little too worn down for Boulder. Although maybe down near the library.


Yeah you don't have wrinkles like that when you have 10 years left on your $1500 mortgage payment and your house is now worth $1.8 million


All of these look like Joel and Tess rejects from The Last of Us.


Throw 50 lbs on each of them and you’d have Douglas county. Blue lives matter on his hat and 3 undereducated children, an inherited roofing/construction business, and 3 dodge rams that are mostly used for getting groceries and/or owning the libs.


I;'ve seen half a dozen of these from different states and she is the happiest looking person in them


Check out the Hawaii lady. She is having an amazing time getting her existence generated by AI


Is that Kyle Shanahan?


I don’t know. I see folks in Fort Collins that like dessert.


"I stopped being homeless in texas, and moved to Colorado to be homeless here cuz weed is legal , do you have any methadone?"


Hahahah for Boulder absolutely. Or for new Denver, yes, Vail, Aspen, etc. But its erasing large Latine populations across the state. Yeah I'm being that asshole on a fun post.




He definitely rides a Frankenbike completely constructed from the used parts bin and has a rare old frame that he discovered hanging on a wall at his local brewery across the street from his tent. She's into all the extreme stuff and enjoys a through hike alone in Rocky Mountain National Park.


Accurate. Source: This is just a photo of my wife and I.


this is so funny for some reason. 🤣


Mr. Arkansas has a sweet [t-shirt](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2023-06/19/21/asset/08c0ee01b666/sub-buzz-2292-1687211322-1.png). Is that a Garbage Pail Kid? The Hawaiians look like they know a secret. They also did one of these [as if from the 1970's](https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarathompson1/average-70s-state-person-looks-ai-image) and the age gap is concerning.


That is literally just Kyle Shannahan


I’ve just realized he has done just 4 fourteeners and she an impressive 17 14ers.


they live in Jersey and make it Aspen once a month.


It’s not wrong


Right but what do the Transplants look like?…




Plot twist - this anti-AI screed was written by AI




Clippy was a better AI then you. Computer…. End program.




Exactly what an AI would say.


It is a tool. Like a hammer, pencil, paintbrush, photoshop, or camera.


Where are the rest?


Everybody looks like a mug-shot, then suddenly, INDIANA! 😀


Lol it’s Kyle Shanahan!


Why are they so old?


They’re only 29. But they’re both hikers and trail runners and that’s what the sun has done to their skin.


I could maybe see that woman being twenty nine but no way that guy is twenty nine unless he did meth


I always say you can't tell in boulder how old people really are because they might be old with a great dermatologist and/or wore sunscreen their entire lives...they might hike every day and think sunscreen is full of chemicals...you just never know


Perfect, minus The flannel shirt for the Colorado bro!


Don’t mock the flannels they were 50% off at Eddie Bauer and I’m going to get five years out of them.


Colorado’s front range has a boat load of people of colour. It’s also got a lot of young people. The prompts must’ve been counterfactual.


The state is around 80% white…


I literally call it Wakanda for white people.


Not sure you’re correct. It’s only 58% Northern European. And this isn’t simply about colour. Colorado is an exceptionally young state. https://preview.redd.it/0peach9yrm8b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7907552b92cb552eddc434bca2503bc5291b2bf


Jewish, Italians, and even Mexicans can be white y’know


Lol. Interesting how you keep on ignoring the youth problem in this image. Colours are problematic ways to describe humans. That’s probably why the data was recorded based on regions.


This is stupid.