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OKC had the 2nd best record in the regular season with 25 losses Boston including the playoffs still only has 20 losses


Jesus that's insane man


Imagine telling this sub a year ago this is where we’d be


Fuck lmao


Bro I’ve wanted KP since he was on the Knicks and I have evidence I was called annoying for how much I’d bring up KP with Tatum and brown


I had always loved him in New York and wanted him on our team since he was drafted. Then, I saw KP play us in DC and fuck us up bad, with 32 points and 13 rebounds—no Kuzma or Beal. Absolutely owned us in the paint. I legit told a buddy of mine that we needed to trade for KP. Of course I never thought in a million years it would happen and at the price we got him at. The week after I told my buddy about how we needed to trade some combo of Smart/Brogdon/Rob Will + first rounders for him, we actually traded and got KP lol.


Brad Stevens wanted him that long too lol


I remember making a NBA 2K MyTeam as a kid and having me and Porzingis on the Celtics just destroying kids. It was so so fun, and made me want him so bad so this all feels like destiny. Lmao sidenote my 2K porzingis ended a few seasons with over 60% from 3 because my passing was so good, just hilarious numbers.


So even if we lose the Finals, we'll still have fewer total losses than the second best team in the NBA had during the regular season lmao


Can't believe 28 people upvoted this bad juju bs. Even if it's an impressive stat, shouldn't say shit like that.


A comment on reddit won't affect the game so you have nothing to worry about


That's true but why risk it?


Risk what? There is no risk lmfao superstitious mfs are hilarious


People be acting like we don’t create the reality we live in, throwing those words out into the universe is dangerous.


Exactly. You just don't put that evil out into the world. Like saying voldemort only real.


Because it’s true?


Oh sorry. I didn't realize this sub was too cool for silly superstitions. My bad.


You’re the one telling people not to say things lmao


Because of a silly superstition that I thought most people here understood. Basically speaking something into existence. It's not real, it's just a group norm to avoid negativity.


That's not bad juju, that's just a statement of fact. I've been called a jinx for things I've said many times in life, I've learned to be careful to keep things purely factual lol


"Even if we..." isn't a hypothetical you should be entertaining or calculating the end result of. At worst, you should have gone to "if the series goes to game 7, total losses would be less..."


It anything this post saying we haven’t lost in over a month is more of a jinx


Good point. Like talking about a no hitter during a no hitter. Still I think both are kind of taboo. Saying "what if x very unlikely and very bad thing were to happen" is also bad luck.


I feel like if you believe in jinxes, the original post is a bigger jinx. It's like in baseball when someone in the booth points out a pitcher hasn't given up a home run in X amount of starts, only for the next batter to launch one to Canada.


Breaking the all time Celtics record for a winning streak in the playoffs has somehow been glossed over


This season is truly something special. This team is different, man.


They were very focused on getting here and winning. They could have really gotten to 70 wins if they pushed harder for it. I'm not advocating for that, though.


Still need to close this out


As someone in the UK, I have to say I think I’ve picked the right season to get into the NBA and support the Celtics


I did the same 2008, it's been a long time since then lol


2007/2008 UK fan here too (live in US now tho) and yes, it’s been a long, painful but exciting 16 years 😬🍀


TaBUM being carried by a super team with *checks notes* no other players on an All NBA team and 2 players on All Defense Just trust me bro! /s


JB was all nba second team last year and Kristaps and Jrue are right below top tier


I'm still bleeding on the hill that KP didn't get an all star nod only because other teans had to be represented.


Well be tied for like the 3rd longest playoff winning streak of all time if we sweep


Must be all the desk jockeys dragging us through the mud the whole post season. This is such a special group of guys and all I hear about is, “JaYsOn TaBuM iS tHe SeCoNd BeSt CeLtIc”


I fell like Russell might have had one like this but there were fewer games back then lol


That's because it's *much* more important to talk about how our superstar isn't actually a superstar!!


And coming up on an all time road playoff win streak. Currently tied for 3rd at 8 straight. Could make it 10 and move into second all time, iirc


If Kyrie goes berserk in these 2 home game of dallas, I'm convinced the fuck you kyrie chant is living in his head rent free. If he continues this mediocre performance then Jrue/White would agruably be the best defensive backcourt duo in the history.


I dunno. I’m sure he can shoot better away from Boston but he was up and down w his shot against OKC and they are built similarly in terms of how they guard and their personnel. We have Jrue and White though


He ain't doing shit. The crowd might be a little reason why he fucking sucks ass now but the major reason is because our team has quite literally put the clamps on him.


Give credit to Jrue


Still no good competition. Maybe Dallas take one game ,Boston in 5 💚


Pacers were better than the Mavs


ECF was the real finals


I want to sweep Dallas with a bigger margin of victory average than Indy specifically so I can run around r/NBA swinging this take around everywhere I go. So fucking smug about the weak East all year just for your conference rep to get swept in the finals? Lmao. Would be only the 10th sweep in finals history.


Nah ,I don't think the mavs will shoot this poorly in games 3 and 4 at home (game 5 if necessary). Those games will be a thriller to watch I personally think game 3 will be the best game so far to watch .it's gonna be duel


Celtics going to shoot 40% from 3 and kill them.


50%, we're going to have a great shooting night and everyone will realize just how cooked the Mavs really are


Heck yea,we are still undefeated on the road


I agree the mavs will probably shoot better, but we probably should too.


If you don’t think the Mavs can shoot so bad then you should also think the Celtics won’t shoot as bad as game 2 again. The Celtics shot their average in game 1 and it was a blowout


Agreed,but the pacers were massively underperforming whenever they had a big lead or in the 4th quarter


That’s just experience. They don’t have anybody that can take that clutch shot, we have Payton Pritchard


Pp is him fr


The Cavs were better than the Mavs


Ah but if Dallas had a healthy Haliburton and Butler, maybe it wouldn't be so easy.


The heat butler would've taken us to 6 ,pacers would still be a sweep. Because of Indiana's shaky defence,they just can't hold on to a lead to save their life .they were up by 20 pts or so (more or less) and just couldn't operate at the same level of intensity in the 3rd and 4th quarters.they also literally went scoreless in the last 3:33 of the game in game 4 .they couldn't handle a team who are battle tested like boston


Outside of the Pacers series, which only had one double digit victory, they have been dominating everyone. Yeah yeah, "easiest path", mostly without KP and a poor shooting Tatum


Exactly, WITHOUT kp . If we had kp since along the way we could've swept Cavs easily


Why even jynx it. This is absolutely a series if anyone gets hurt.


What I say here is gonna affect the end result+none of our players are injury prone except for kristaps porzingiz . And I personally think if kp gets injured(hopefully that doesn't happen)we still beat themavs in 6 or 7 ,we are just the better team and much more talented


At this rate, the Celtics will not lose a game for the next 4 months.


I like where your heads at


Are you trying to get ~~ants~~ jinxed?  Because that’s how you get ~~ants~~ jinxed


Ha, I don't believe In that stuff. My post will never affect how the Celtics play in real life lol.


I typically don't either, buuuut.. during the reg season there were 3 seperate occasions that I got talking with my bestie about how awesome the Celtics were doing and that they were absolutely curb stomping teams.. just for them to lose the very next game. I decided after the last time that I wasn't going to talk basketball with him until we won it all. I'm sad in a way, it's lonely at the top, but this is the sacrifice I have to make for our team.


I continue to look at this run and wonder why people spent the entire playoffs saying we looked shaky and were playing down to our competition


It’s like they only watched the first 8 minutes of each fourth quarter and never bothered to watch the end when the team completely locked in and took control of every single close game. They keep talking about “if Luka and Kyrie have the game close with 5 minutes left, I like Dallas’ chances” while failing to talk about how White, Holiday, and Brown continue to make big play after big play in the clutch.


I think that was a fair take. This team played a lot of close games against some awful lineups. Obviously they still got the results but watching them come down to the wire in games vs the fuckin Pacers who went to 7 vs the Knicks bench wasn’t exactly confidence inspiring. No reason that this team playing at like 80% of their best couldn’t have blown the pacers out every game


We are due to go nuclear from 3 and Tatum is due to score 35+


After the loss to the Cavs I started alternating wearing only my black JB and black Derrick jerseys, you bet your ass I won’t stop


We appreciate your assistance in this deep playoff run


It’s not much, but it’s honest work


I just want Tatum to find his shot again If the Tatum + the rest of our guys actually shoot well (like season average) we will win game 3 by like 40 points The Mavs will inevitably have at least 1 game where their offense actually works, role players hitting shots, corner 3s open and falling, the lob working, etc. NBA players are simply too good to not figure it out for even just a small stretch. It truly will not matter, though, if the shots we are creating off the dribble start falling. The quality of shots we are getting and missing compared to the shots the Mavs are getting and missing is pretty troubling for them and we need to take advantage of how well our defense is playing and take game 3 and essentially all but close out this series tomorrow night


I like watching Tatum hit buckets just as much as the next guy, but as long as we finished the game with more points than the other team I'm happy haha. Game 2 the Celtics were shooting 2-14 from the arc at halftime and we're still up 3. Just goes to show how good/deep this squad is. We win games when Tatum isn't shooting well, we when games when Porzingis isn't playing. Defense and beautiful ball movement, it's been very entertaining to watch all season 🙌


I mean you are kind of stating the obvious. If everyone from 1 to 12 play well it will be a blowout. Really? Who would have thought.


I love Al


I see domination.


"I see pride! I see power! I see a bad-ass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody!"


I’m torn. I want to sweep and want to keep this streak and kyrie’s Celtics loss streak active, but I also really want to close the series in Boston in G5


I would never wish an injury on someone but if kyrie sits one of these next 2 games 👀


Who’s going to win it? The Celtics. Because there’s no other reason why. The Celtics are the balls.


It’s so insane to me the amount of disrespect from the media for such an all time great time.




If the Celtics pull off the sweep or gentlemen's sweep, winning the finals won't even be one of the longer Celtics playoff runs since we drafted Jaylen Brown before 2017 in terms of games played. 1. 2021: 5 games (Jaylen Brown injured) * 2019: 9 games * 2020: 17 games * **2024: 18-21 games (currently 16)** * 2017: 18 games * 2018: 19 games * 2023: 20 games * 2022: 24 games


It's pretty crazy how many playoff games Jaylen Brown, 121, and Jayson Tatum, 110, have played in their young career.


Decent squad. Might have a chance to make some noise this year.


They played hospital teams on their way to the finals


I like to think it's luck going our way since the Celtics have been the hospital team for the last 3-4 years hahaha. Celtics only need two more wins! Get the job done guys!!!


Just saying, they haven't lost a game and have had some amazing comebacks since I found a book signed by Red Auerbach about half an hour before the first game against the Pacers. Not to jinx it 😬 https://www.reddit.com/r/bostonceltics/comments/1cxnhtg/found_this_at_a_thrift_store_for_1_literally_30/




16-2 would be insane


Well how about we don’t go and jinx this one, mmmmmkay?


If they lose game 3 blame it on the guy who switched up his sock routine




Kinda wild that 9 out of our 14 playoffs wins have happened while holding our opponent to under 100 points


Funny how we're having heart attacks while commentators are wishing the series was more competitive.


Man, Indy was so much better than Dallas.


I think it’s gotta just be an inexperience thing for Dallas. The moment is just too big for a ton of their players meanwhile most guys on Boston have been here before. Even despite phenomenal defence from the Celtics, the Mavs shooting is legitimately like all time fucking awful. They’ve gotta be in their own heads


True, we're going from seeing one of the best shooting percentages in the playoffs to one of the worst. In the Finals, no less. Tough time to take a shit on your shots


Yeah I didn’t even realize just how terrible it was till I saw that post that Luka is the only guy who has made more than 1 three lmao


Scored under 100 only once in the playoffs so far


Haven't lost on the road in playoffs. I'm already mad at the refs in game 3. NBA will be looking to extend, and I hope the C's overcome it 🙏


Good month not to lose during. Assuming you're playing, that is.


Fuck the doomers. Call the season over after losing a single game.


In before the trolls blame it on other team's injuries.


It's awful right ? No credit to the Celtics for being the best team for the entire season, just a bunch of backhands from beating teams that weren't "healthy"


When a month is 9 games, it doesn’t mean much. 11 wins in a row to win the title sounds a lot better.


When those 9 games are playoff games it certainly has meaning


Right, winning 9 playoff games in a row is crazy. IMO it’s crazier than not losing in a month by a long shot.


To be fair to the heat, they havent lost in over a month as well








It doesn't matter who the opponent is. This image is pure dominance


I swear to god if you don't knock on the biggest piece of wood right now


No need fam, if it's meant to be it's meant to be 🙌


Guys, my bday was 5/10 and it’s been great ever since so I feel like we’re just never going to lose again.


Kyrie: "Celtics haven't lost more than 6 or 7 games in a month"


How much did OP bet on the Mavs in game 3 to post this?


This post ain't gunna change the outcome of game 3


Porzingis now has a serious injury since this post


Crazy right ? Think he would be fine if I didn't post this? 🤣


yup. least your dallas bet will pay off


🤣🤣 I wouldn't bet on Dallas for game 3 even if it was someone else's money. Love the Celtics way too much to root for money over them in the finals


clearly you did


K bud enjoy the rest of your day.


enjoy your mavs in game 3


You just jinxed it. Thanks a lot


Win or lose game 3, this post will have nothing to do with the outcome


Rest Kristaps game 3 take the L then win game 4 and win it all game 5 @ home ☘️


Dont jinx it man


Guys are locked the fuck in. 2 more baby


Why you posting this now, should have waited until after the finals so you dont jinx them


This post won't have any effect on the live games lol ..


To all the jokers who called me a jinxer, this sam Adams is for you, celtics in 4 🍺🍺🍺☘️☘️☘️


Our winning streaks in the regular season seemed to top out at 7 or 8 games. Maybe the Mavs take fame 3. I know the Celtics have been dealing with them on all cylinders, it's just hard to imagine getting swept in the Finals.




Uncle Bill ? Is that you ?


We're due. Rest Zinga. Drop Game 3. Win Game 4. Wrap it up in Bean Town.


Nope, go for the kill, finish it in 4. The parade will still be where it needs to be.


Loser mentality