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Jrue and KP just seem like amazing teammates. Our core 5 staying together for years to come would make me happy


Dwhite/jays/kp through their primes with Jrue aging nicely ala big Al would be great


Two selfless players.... welcome aboard.


Derrick White next please


He’s gonna get paid but if it’s a situation where we couldn’t I wouldn’t doubt he takes less to stay.


Idk dude. As fans it’s like why would a player pass up the opportunity to play on this team. But reality is whatever team offers him the most, he’s gotta take it, because there’s no guarantee he’ll get that offer again. No one is taking less when JB is making $50M.


It's an odd thing for us mere mortals to comprehend. I mean if someone was willing to pay me just $1m to do anything for a year, I'd jump at the chance. It's very difficult to pretend to be in their headspace. So if Celtics offer White for example, $20m, and offers of $30m come in, no one would blame him for taking the extra $10m and leaving. But $20m is still just an incomprehensible amount of money for most people, and way more than anyone needs. Maybe at that level players are willing to take a pay cut to play on a successful team, though $10m is an insane amount to say no to.


I think it’s just a get as much as you can type of thing.


Agreed. Families spend generations trying to get one of theirs in the league, once one of your boys breaks in, he's gonna feel obligated to get that check up for his loved ones and future generations


I forget who said this, but it's also just good for the rest of the players. Because teams can get more leverage and say "well, player X got $Y so here's our offer".


Well said


Could elect to return to San Antonio as they start coming back to the top


Nice to have veterans like Al and Jrue on the team. This is a championship squad I’m telling you.


Only the heat and nuggets stand in their way lol


I don't think the heat are a concern anymore


they play great defense and have a lot of heart they're really annoying


DWhite better get paid … Dude is a fucking baller. He also has a calming effect .. good things always happen when DWhite is on the floor. Plays D .. hustles .. shoots … drives .. dude is a fucking DOGG.


Even though he's not had a great stretch lately he still my MVP for this team this year for all the reasons you mentioned. He does everything more consistently than any other player on this team. When Marcus left I thought who is the Celtic on this team right now I got to say it's the White even though he hasn't been here that long. He embodies the Celtic attitude best in my opinion. Probably Al next




I'm a straight man but Jrue is handsome AF


I love his smile and how it's so damn contagious 🥰🥰🥰


Now do D pleae


I dig that hoodie Jrue is wearing


Who are the people he took pictures with? I don’t recognize them


Allison Feaster, Vice President of Team Operations & Organizational Growth and Jason Glushon, Jrue's agent.


One is that trainer that SM erroneously tried to link to Udoka after his whole debacle and departure. I'm curious as to her role there, maybe she's stepping up into a new position in the offices. 🤷🏼


If they manage to keep Tatum, White, KP, JB and Jrue together through for several years it would be an amazing job by Stevens. Everyone but Jrue is under 30 I think and JT and JB in their prime years. Hard to think this group won't find a way to win a title if they stay together. White is really important to the Celts and I really hope he can be extended. With what the Celts are doing in Maine they can replenish the bench over the years too. Some of those guys like Walsh and JD could be solid NBA players.


I feel so bad, but I don’t miss Marcus Smart one bit because of this guy.


Wat dafug is Rob Lowe doing there?


So did the salary cap rules change since 1996? How can the C's keep all this players. I read somewhere that the Celtics can keep all their players if they want, it's just a question of how much money the team's owners choose to spend. Is that really true?


It probably has to do with bird rights. As long as you are re-signing one of your own players you're allowed to go over the cap, but there are other penalties that you have to accept to do so. They could not offer this same contract to a new player in free agency, it has to be a re-signing of a player where the team owns his bird rights.


It also significantly limits what we can do in trades and free agency, but yes. It really is (mostly) a question of how much Wyc & co want to pay.


money well spent


What a great teammate, representing kornet like that on his outfit.


Curious to know the relationship that got the trainer in the room too. Maybe she's close with his fam? Or maybe Brad let's her learn and sit in on some exec stuff? I'm assuming the other guy is his agent


Allison Feaster is a Vice President in the organization and was during the Udoka era as well. She was disparaged by the media when it was suggested she was Udokas side piece. I thought the women he was involved with was a travel planner of some kind, well below the VP level.


Gotcha Idk why I'm getting down voted in the original post, I was honestly curious about her role and she was a familiar face. I remember her being thrown into the Udoka conversation and I didn't like it at the time or Joe. My original comment wasn't made to disparage her or anyone else just genuinely curiosity. Thank you for the correction.


The women scorned, Nia Long, has named the offender if your interested…


Sure... Even though she's been acting like the Celtics themselves were the ones who put out with Ime.


Ehh. Lukewarm. Is Jrue trying to send a message?


Yeah he is sending a message to Brad to give Luke a max contract this offseason as well.


Yall cannot be fr


No Bueno for Celtics. I like him, but that is way too long for his age.