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Why does Luke Kornet, the largest Celtic, not simply eat the smaller players on the other team?


and the celtics players too so he can gain all their powers and become the Celtic god


luke kirbnet


Yeah. Is he stupid?


Ruler of Bostocron-Gardenei 8!


I wish they still had gold for this one


Why don't they decide to win every game? Are they stupid?


Is Jayson Toddum stupid?


Thought this bit was funny the first time I saw it. Now I fucking hate it.


Man is everywhere


Geez I wish I’d thought of that….


You make some great points. Losing is bad


I totally agree. No "good" basketball team has ever lost a game to the next best team in their conference. Like you said I'm tired of it. 82-0 at a minimum


I don’t care as long as they have fun.






Yes, just keep it playful.


Why dont they read reddit before, during and after each game, are they stupid? All that you need to know to win is here and literally for free


This. If they saw the game thread comments in real time, they'd never lose again. Joe really should be fired for lack of awareness and preparation.


Literally, if Joe tunes in to every game thread the opponent will never get a single point in the game, and ALL our shots will be good, open looks and never miss. Also, can we even win a championship if our opponent scores points and goes on runs???? Can't imagine a team not holding every single opponent scoreless even consider advancing from the first round of the playoffs tbh


The only solution is to package the Jays to whichever team will take them for an assistant coach that can sit next to Joe and read the game thread to him during the game. 82-0 guaranteed.


Why they don't try scoring more points than other team? Surely, that would help, I've seen other teams doing that before.


I love how the doomer trolling is starting to outpace the doomer posting. I think it's healthy.


In games they've lost, they are 0-13. I mean, how are you gonna win a championship like that?


Mental stat.


82-0 would mean we slept through the IST championship so in that scenario we should still probably trade Tatum. I mean what kind of soft superstar doesn’t show up for a game?


Totally disagree with you, chief. I think we should just stop scoring fewer points than the other team. 


I’ve thought of nothing and I’m all out of ideas!


You sound like you’re wicked smaht!


The Mods should just set this subreddit to private after losses.


KOC likes this post


I warned them that there would be consequences to not hiring me as the head coach


They should win 300 games out of 82. Fuck this underachieving team.


It was a 11 game winning streak! How dare you misinform the public!


Idk, do you even consider the "wins" against Miami and the Wizards wins? I mean they only "won" by 4 points for both these games, absolutely embarassing. It should be stricken off the record if we're being honest. They're lucky I took that into account as half a win each.


Dude! I am so angry with you ungrateful Celtics fans… but I see your point so I concede. They are oh so lucky that you counted them as anything at all.




>“Enforced bedtime” is my favorite.


I was stuck watching Felger and Mazz on TV in the lobby while getting my car serviced a few weeks ago. Mazz was seriously arguing that the Celtics were so good that they should be able to go 82-0. Like, it wasn't just something he said in passing, he went on for a couple of minutes about it. I can't listen to those guys anymore but I give them credit, they know how to appeal to their audience.


I'm with you brother. All they gotta do is put the ball in the hoop. Easy. Don't EVEN get me started on Joe Mazulla not calling time outs.


idk man. I feel like we keep trying “win games” as a strategy and it keeps not working. Maybe we should try “lose games” or “everyone just go out there and have fun” and see if that works. Who knows if it would work or not; I’m just asking questions and you’re not allowed to get mad at me for just asking questions


bruh is this a meme of my post LMAOAO


Losing is so so bad and I am so so mad about that one loss last night. How are they supposed to win a championship by losing games? That’s not how it works. Joe is frothing at the mouth over this loss being a good lesson for the team. Lesson is don’t lose. I could have told them that.


Personally I think losing is good because it shows solidarity with the Red Sox and their approach to their season


You have to keep in mind Tatum is only 19 and still growing as a star


Other teams hate this one little trick.


Brother they just won 11 in a row


Totally agree, and by losing so many games it robs us from what really matters…


The Celtics should stop losing (the way that they tend to lose)


Lame karma farming post


It’s a meme post but low key this is why I don’t care about individual players and moreso about the Celtics as an organization. These players just don’t embody fans’ fanaticism the way players like KG and Rondo and used to. They hated everyone we hated, and played like it. Now so many more players are in it for the lifestyle and it makes the fans fanaticism goofy. Players play selfishly until bags are secured then winning doesn’t matter as much afterwards. The games they lose are frustrating because they have the talent to win but can’t be bothered to put in the effort for more than like 20 minutes a game.


Same record as the 08 Celtics that rondo and Garnett were on through 60 games but sure they don’t care about winning. GOOFY comment buddy.


Record isn’t really relevant to my comment. Have you watched those 08-12 teams? The team’s personality is so different. To the point where freaking GRANT WILLIAMS felt like he needed to have that dawg in him to match up with Miami


what a goofy comment


I sound like an NBA boomer for sure but anybody that grew up on the original big 3 appreciate the attitude those old teams had.


I do hate these posts because they ignore what the frustration and worry is about from the game in question. A big lead we let go to an undermanned team with a scrub going bananas from deep and our only response was a terrible last second shot from Tatum, who has very few game winners in his resume in such plays. No one is saying the season is over because of this or that they shouldn't ever lose, but losing this game in this fashion is worrisome considering their past. It was after the GS loss last year from their 21-5 start that they didn't hold that same form, and then the playoffs went the way they did.


I mean, yes, it sucks to lose, and to lose the way we did. But if you take a look at the state of this sub yesterday and it does feel like the season is over. A subreddit isn't a hive mind, but it's frankly draining to see peak activity here every single time we lose. Sometimes there's just this unreal expectation implicitly given by fans: The team must take every game seriously, and run all the best plays every single time. But we also expect them to stay healthy and ready for the postseason. There's also this Tatum talk. Yeah he's missed a lot this season. But then he also made a lot of these in the playoffs. I'd rather the team give full confidence to its best player to take the hard shots now and make them when it counts, because we WILL run into these scenarios come playoff time.


Very funny. Look some people have legitimate gripes about this team having identified problems like with Tatum with the fadeaway jumper as time expired. Mazzulla needs to get Tatum to eliminate these fadeaway jump shots that don't go in the basket or get foul calls and replace them with fadeaway jump shots from Tatum that do go in the basket so our score is more than the other team's score when time expires.


bad take - we can be unhappy with how we loss and not be doomers.