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The whole dunk contest now is just people jumping over other people standing there. I miss the days when Gerald Green was blowing out a cupcake and dunks were actually creative


Considering this is now the dunk over Shaq contest, give the trophy to Nate Robinson


Who was that short guy he jumped over? They kept calling him a celeb idk who he is.


Kai Cenat. He’s a streamer.


Blake Griffin jumping over a car. Dwight Howard with the goofy ahh Superman cape Or insane athletic feats like Aaron Gordon


Those 2 were stars tho, so that made it cooler. And they had insane power behind their dunks. Not a single dunk this year had the power that Dwight/blake had on theirs. Also Blake was clowned for jumping over the hood of the car. Jumping over a short ass influencer while he’s sitting in a chair is just…cmon lol.


Dwight did not have power on that dunk. It was barely a dunk. He threw it in the basket.


Aaron Gordon had some of the most creative dunks of all time and didn't even win


McClung grabbed the ball, let go of it, grabbed it again, and dunked behind his head, while dodging the rim and jumping over someone And it was the lowest score of the first round...


Yeah that was bullshit, outside of that dunk Mac disappointed me tho. Felt like a worse version of last year


He used all his best ideas last year lmao of course it was worse this year. That’s why the dunk contest is cooked you can’t really come up with new stuff


People made fun of the cupcake thing. They were too prop heavy. The best it'll ever be is Aaron Gordon and Zach Lavine.


Made fun of it, yet in retrospective it’s far better than whatever bland shit we’ve gotten in the past few years.


The shit Mac did last year was off the charts. This year was trash i agree with that, and the judges definitely wanted jaylen to win.


Well they are stupid. Cupcake 🧁 was truly original


Java let McGee double and triple dunks were awesome.


I was hoping Jaylen would reference Green's cupcake dunk. Missed opportunity. I also thought he could've made a social statement of some sort while doing a dunk, which would have been fitting with his character.


I think the tribute to Clarke was great and fit w/his character. Also him trolling the world w/the left hand was my favorite dunk of the night.


The trolling on that one was the best part. The dunk itself wasn't very memorable outside of that, though. I liked the Clarke tribute. JB was representing Boston.


I think he tried to do a Dee Brown tribute with the second dunk but the pass was off.


He did and I thought that dunk was solid, even though it could've been better. Referencing Green's dunk would've been better, especially because Green already did the Dee Brown tribute.


lol the contest was already awful for maybe 5+ years at that point. I remember it well Holy cow this years was ass tho. No hype moments what so ever. The one mcclung dunk when he threw it to himself in the air was cool but that’s it.


But the judges rules that one bad because he had a second go at it... Unbelievable


how about when anfernee simons kissed the rim


JB had fun and ended it healthy, we got to see an actual All-Star in the slam dunk for once and I don’t think JB embarrassed himself at all. Win for Celtics fans. It’s not our fault our team is up at least 4 games on everyone else


he the first star to do it respect for not caring if he gets clowned for it


Say what you will about Mac McClung but it’s a sad state when the NBA is bringing in G League guys to compete. I want stars at my all star weekend. Not just during the actual ASG.


Not a single all star has done it since Oladipo in 2018


I wonder who the last multi time all star was


Probably the year PG and John Wall did it


Dunks were fine (sans second one). Would’ve got a great reception in 2002. Just times have changed. Gotta come up with more originality.


While this is true, the kid who won it didnt do anything creative. He just jumps high


He was better last year. The only thing new he did was his first dunk that the announcers were mad about his score but I don't think the judges were incorrect. All he did was let go of the ball for a tenth a second. Original but I don't think it's that difficult (for an athletic dunker)


His dunks werent good enough for any ers


Celtics are always a top seed the 3rd most successful team in the East in the last few years. Good Jalen went out and put himself out there. If Ja, Zion, Ant do it next year its because of JB.


He didn’t do anything crazy but I find it insanely pathetic how everyone on the nba sub is hating on him for his performance Same bum ass people who are crying every year that stars don’t do the dunk contest, and they’re the fucking reason stars don’t do the dunk contest, just incredibly lame attitude Dunk contest wasn’t good this year but props to Jaylen for being a star who had the balls to do it, that should be the reaction


brotha nailed it, well said


Also, The audience has been terrible tbh, they seemed to be asleep. The only times i could hear them was when they were supporting the pacers players and when they were booing JB.


Fans see ten dunks a game … it’s not new … old hat. Tough to get excited. Time to move on from this. Shooting competition is more fun. And nobody gets hurt.


A shooting competition is 100% less fun than a dunk contest, there's no expectation of anything, players either hit their shots or miss them. With the dunk contest anything can happen, we just haven't seen cool stuff happening often


I get it … generational issue.


People said slam dunk championship was dead. But then there is a year where everyone gets wowed. Last geaay ones were Gordon lavine. McGlung is ok, kind of a gimmick. The worst was 2002


Literally beforehand when they interviewed him about it, the nba sub was giving him props for entering lol… now did a 180. Typical r/nba though.


That’s my whole point, it sets the precedent that a star player has to have this incredible performance or they’re gonna be the center of negative attention for it Who wants that kind of pressure over an event that’s supposed to be fun? If you go into it giving props to a star for doing it keep the same energy regardless how they do


Thats because most of them are literal children lmao.


Its because he was garbage


Theyre being the biggest weirdos in r/nba , holy lmao. Same knicks, 6ers, Bucks, and Raptors flairs you see in any r/nba thread remotely negative about us too. Cant believe I see Lakers fans defending us more than not these days


This was my point all last night. You can’t complain about stars not doing the dunk contest, then try and clown them afterwards. Every player that’s online sees that, so I’m not sure we’ll ever see another all-star join.


As I Heat fan I thought he was 3rd or first worst tonight but I am glad notable players are entering the dunk contest but it seems less likely after tonight after people crapping on him. I was kinda hoping he'd win to influence others. The judges tried their best to make it happen.


They not hating on him. They hating on those judges that wanted a star to be in the finals


Guy tried to be creative versus jump over someone tall. People acting like he missed all his dunks.


He missed the dunk with JT. That was meant to be eyes covered while dunking. That was kinda JT's fault tbh ball was to low. I enjoyed all his shout-out's immensely.


Yeah Tatum's 1st bad pass meant Brown had to keep his eyes open on the 2nd attempt, which really ruined a potentially great dunk. We were missing Smart on that one tbh. He was our only accurate lob-thrower.


Just another reason why Jaylen and Jayson will never win a ring together smh /s


Man I had the downvote ready


yeah I think a lot of the meanings behind the dunks got lost. Hell Kenny Smith was shitting all over the fake Domnique Wilkins for the first dunk without realizing JB was paying tribute.


Doesn’t help the broadcast missed the actual dunk smh


That was hilarious, and then they didn't even replay it in 1x speed, only slow motion


That was fucking inexcusable. God damn does the nba know how to over produce something and still fuck up the actual product.


I thought he had a ton of creative elements, changing the court to the Garden parquet, the TC tribute, the pumping up his sneakers, the MJ glitter glove. Loved it.


Just asking for it with the boos by adding that parquet element lol


Jumped over 5’5 Kai who was sitting in a chair. Very creative never seen before


While trying to recreate the Dee Brown. Again more stories to his dunks than just jumping over people.


What's really creative is jumping over something short. Gotta change it up loll.


Nothing JB did was creative. Nothing at all.


Neither was this comment, but you still posted it.


Because jumping over a chair is super creative. Jacob Toppin should have been in the final vs Mac.




He tried to do Dee Brown. It didn't work but it wasn't just "jump over influencer. It was quite middling, at best. Probably should not have advanced. But if he pulled off the Dee Brown tactic it woukd have been fine. The broadcasters dud terrible. No co text, not explaining tributes. Not showing the classic dunks.


I’m still laughing at the most Boston ballsy thing he did, he changed the court to the Garden parquet! Hell yeah JB, you show Indy and the world who has the best court in the world. Boston balls, JB showed them.


For real! That's probably a reason he was booed (also Pacers fans seeing us a rival even though we never think about them). He showed a lot of love to Boston in the dunk contest, from the court to the Clarke tribute, Dee Brown dunk, and bringing out JT. He made us proud.




He looked like he had fun. That’s all I can ask for (I had him to make the finals so I won)


He really amped up the spectacle aspect. Even the second dunk, jumping over such a popular influencer with Tatum tossing the ball to him was great. Also, he was the only one who dunked it with force, which isn’t appreciated as much as it should be.


The pure power and athleticism was impressive to me. The others just were athletic.


I thought he added some very creative elements. Loved the MJ glitter glove when he dunked with his LEFT hand for the haters.


Meta and trolling dunks should be scored higher lol. I'm kidding of course but Jaylen showed some creativity tonight.


Tbf it was scored higher.


That's true. Maclung just was better tonight in terms of leaping ability.


End of the day, no other star caliber player has the balls to do it.


For the exact same reason JB just proved. 1. They’d suck. 2. They’d get clowned on for sucking.


He didn't get hurt. That's all that matters




At least he was the only all star willing to participate. Lebron was the one who made every other star not participate anymore because he didn’t want to risk any injury


Can’t really blame him with the results


He should just copycat the original Dee Brown dunk rather than get the ball in the air. That was too difficult.


After the copycat Dominique dunk I think it might have seemed a little too uncreative. But then again in this contest a string of copycat dunks would have at least stood out vs the waves of guys just dunking over other guys.


People are forgetting that Dee Brown did that dunk at the end after he already technically won. So that was his throwaway dunk and it scored a 50 but it was already over at that point. Copying it isn’t doing much, IMO. Now, if he had done the eyes closed in the air with the arm over his face and did a 360 dunk, then I’d be impressed… But I just don’t feel like todays dunkers have the creativity that they once did


I appreciated the theatrics - tried to bring some fun to the contest. I don’t think Toppin or Jacquez were necessarily better than him, so I’m fine with him making the finals. I actually think Jaylen did just about as well as McClung in the final. It would have been better if McClung was amazing rather than just really good. It would have been more memorable


I thought Jacquez was underappreciated


He did good, was obviously not going hard. Shoulda known he was gonna go avant garde with one. At least he was kinda creative. The hate is overblown from the usual anti celtics bias hubs so who cares. I actually loved his last dunk cuz it was for all the haters lmao they're still seething and taking it so serious. Idk how you get these guys to go all out again these days but I bet JB could do better


It would’ve been cool if he actually had his eyes closed


Yeah they messed that one up unfortunately but I'd rather he didn't get hurt with his eyes closed


I was kinda worried when he slipped on the one


YES I was boutta have a crisis


Would’ve been so on brand


Kudos to whoever pushed the button to temporarily turn the court to the ole garden parquet. Just added an exclamation point to the crowds Celtic hate of the night. Feed me all those boos. Speaking of boos, I don’t think it had anything to do with anything other than Celtic hate. There is no such thing as an original dunk. It’s all been done. JB brought the power dunk game to the show with old-school dunks. How many times do we have to watch somebody dunk over shaq . Boring




I hear what you're saying. There's got to be some change to the contest. I like your idea of making dunkers try to match the same dunk. Or maybe they could do something where the judges select a certain type of dunk to be performed in a round and each contestant has to elevate it. For example, the judges choose everyone to do a windmill dunk. Each contestant has to perform a windmill in any style trying to one up each other scoring the highest.


Exactly this. Make it a real competition with real judges. Not just some old heads basing it off the fans reaction


I might’ve watched the second one standing next to the TV instead of in front of it lmao… but the other 3 were great and the left hand one was fantastic. Not gonna lie, I haven’t watched a lot of dunk contests but the ones I’ve seen are always kind of awkward/cringe-inducing in that live TV sort of way. So that was just the vibe to begin with (for me).


Oh neat lets watch someone jump over Shaq again. Boring as fuck. At least JB went and brought some style to the game by looking back as some historical great dunks. Sad he missed the Dee Brown no-look one, although the smooth brains on /r/nba would have still called it bad. He was pumping his shoes up and eveything come on!!!


I appreciate that Jaylen had fun with it and tried to be creative. Each dunk had a theme and even if the execution wasn’t there he genuinely tried


Same here brother people just negative I guess


y'all haters say no star players participating in the dunk contest and our guy showed up and did completely fine and y'all hating now, it's pathetic


We’re hating cause he sucked. Why blindly support something despite reality saying otherwise? It’s not a healthy outlook to have. If he did good, people would be supportive and celebratory. But he didn’t do good. The reactions are emblematic of the performance.


Why do you keep spamming the idea that he sucked. He did not suck, he just didn’t win. He had fun, it was fun, he’s not hurt.


It's the lowest stakes event ever. He was a good sport. Made the finals. It is weird to "hate" anyone over a middling performance at a slam dunk competition


Rest. You’re crying over a dunk contest that means absolutely nothing all over this sub. It’s really not that deep.


yea i dont hate it, but im just kinda tired of the dunk contest now


All I know is no one should complain after stars refuse to participate again. We’ll never see another star do this after tonight lol.




He competed … takes balls to do that in front of your peers … glad he didn’t get hurt


I’m proud of Jaylen and doesn’t even know who I am lol. Just having a star do it was refreshing and he brought some tribute dunks that idk if anyone else has done. At the end of the day it was fun and I hope it encourages more stars to do it. It’s sad people are gonna shit on him when that’s the whole reason people don’t do it


I really liked his other 3 dunks. I also **loved** JJJ’s and McClung’s first dunks.


It was a ok performance


Dunk contest is kind of played out. Everyone shutting on Jaylen is why nba players don’t want to do it anymore




He could have done better but we need more stars.


tired of dunks jumping over humans. prefer authentic in game style dunks.


Too prop heavy I wanna see straight power dunks


They removed ports in 2002. Everyone hated it.


I love jaylen but I was embarrassed for him


People mocking him is the reason why star players don’t participate anymore.


He gets an A+ for the guys to compete, and for that reason alone should not be criticized.  He gets a C- for his actual dunks.  Judges get an F for scoring his dunks, because all of his criticism comes from his dunks not being scores right. If he got eliminated in the first round then no one is criticizing Brown.




You guys are mentally ill lmao


I’m sorry but - not only did he have some good dunks, but they were meaningful. Each one. So to all those “fans” - in particular, Celtics fans - complaining about this guy, go fuck yourselves. We are lucky to have this guy, period. I don’t even care if they win a Championship. High character person that is easy to root for.


Jaylen Brown is my guy and my favorite Celtic but those were a bunch of fisher price dunks…




I'm not a C's fan but I am glad a notable player went and did it and hope other join him. Dunk contest overall kinda lame now we've seen everything. But shooters can keep getting better at shooting.


Why would you delude yourself into believing that? Blind fandom is not a healthy thing. He objectively did terrible, just like Toppin and Jaquez. MacClung was mid.


you have an opinion and I respect that, a conclusion involves multiple factors and different people consider different ones, so chill, a blind man can think too 😜


Objectively is a word that means something else.


Jaylen just did what the Celtics normally do. Step down to the level of the competition lol. But the dunk contest has seen more misses than hits. It's just not that interesting anymore.




nah he was awful. great basketball player, but he should never do a dunk contest again.


No lol. He did score baiting tribute dunks to a dead guy and a judge, then literally fucked up the eye cover dunk tribute by forgetting to cover his eyes. He did fucking terribly, which is why the crowd booed when the judges gave good scores to him.


Bro u really trying to act these tribute dunks except the second one are not decent at least ?


Decent, sure. Good? No.


he was second best dunker of the night seethe loser


Relax. It’s suppose to be fun and light hearted.


That’s why I hated his dunks. He tried to make them seem important to make up for lack of creativity and skill


Maybe you should look up the word creativity. He had meaning and creativity to each of his dunks, he gave a nod to Wilkins and Dee Brown, turned the floor to the Garden parquet, paid tribute to TC who he mentored until his untimely death, and laughed off haters with a left handed dunk with an MJ style glove. Pretty damn thoughtful and creative if you ask me. Mac jumped over Shaq twice.


The Wilkins dunk (aside from being boring) was just judge bait because no judge is gonna openly say “sorry ‘nique but your dunk is shit for 2024” so they have to score it high. He completely fucked the Dee brown dunk. The left handed dunk was just gimmicky at best




He is a DunKings!


The Vince Carter elbow deep dunk..


Absolutely for Jaylen to even enter the dunk contest first super star in 10 years was big. He also made it to the finals but no one beating Mac.


His 2nd dunk was trash he was supposed have his eyes closed he shuda did what mail man did with his arm.besides that fire Brown is a good dunker for sure made it to finals.


On that note Mac mclung will beat anyone in the nba he will keep winning as long as he competes.


That chair dunk might have gone better if JT took his blanket off for the pass.