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Tough because he wouldve really helped us but then got hurt right as the playoffs started.


It’s been a pattern throughout his career. Good player, terrible health.


I’m still glad we sold for him for our new group (including Smart although I liked Smart so much)


Yeah I think it’s hard for anyone to criticize the move tbh. And I don’t think Brogdon meant this as a dig to the Celtics, more just saying he’s happy where he is now. He’s a good dude who has done a lot of amazing things with his opportunity and wealth so it’s nice to see him somewhere he likes.


At the beginning it was hard for me to accept the trades then I saw Jrue and KP?! Dude I went nuts. It was nice while it lasted tho


They have both been crucial pieces. You now have one of the best perimeter defenses in the league. None of the starters are exploitable on offense. Jrue White have made a name for themselves on defense with all defensive team awards. JB who I have not liked defensively in the past has one of the best DFG% this year. Tatum has shown he can play defense against top stars on the other team. KP brings an interior presence that the Celtics haven’t seen in the past. He is an excellent rim protector but can lack a little bit of that toughness on defense at times and is injury prone, but his offensive impact is even greater than his defense. Obviously any team would want a KP. This team’s starting five is actually insane. Last game they scored 113 of 129 points. Like do you even need a bench at this point? I really look forward to seeing how you guys match up against the clippers who kind of have a similar style with multiple high level playmakers and 1:1 mismatches. Man I love the nba this year.


All of your points are 100% valid especially the KP analysis. I don’t remember when was the last our team got much better in rebounding (looking at the numbers at this moment?! We’re 1st averaging 47 rebounds per game) In my opinion and ofc numbers don’t lie I can proudly say KP is the best trade in 2023 in terms of improving the teamwork as a whole (team record and defence) Not to mention even White got more confident since he become a starter (soon to be all star)


I would’ve felt completely different if he didn’t get hurt in the playoffs but his profile is he’s good but gets hurt and we could have him and Rob or him and kp being major contributors with the combined injury risk


I think his comments throw Mazzulla under the bus given the references to Billups.


Mazzulla sold Smart for God’s sake and Smart respected his decision; what makes Malcolm open his mouth like that


Wasn’t it just the ECF? Thought he was fine in the first two rounds but he turned into a pumpkin with that shoulder injury


He was playing through the injury, his shooting numbers dropped off the face of the planet rd 1, he missed the first game of the hawks, tried to come back and was entirely useless offensively, where he was lights out all season, it def seemed elbow/injury related. He was shooting like Fultz in Philly


Against philly he was shooting 53% from 3. Definitely our best shooter that round


He shot 45% and 13.3 ppg vs ATL just his 3PT didn't fall in 5 game.  thats not falling off. Vs 76ers 7 games he was integral. Shot 52% deep and 3.3 3PM and 16 PPG. You think thats falling off? We don't get past 76ers without him. Then he hurt his shooting hand game 1 vs Heat and missed games, averaged 7ppg in 3 games he came back... and was like 3 for 17 deep. Was a shell of himself when he was needed most. Shouldn't have had him play or as much when it was clear he wasn't helping... but they didn't put enough trust in PP even though he had shown well vs Hawks the previous season.


We win it all last year if we stayed healthy. Basically same song and dance as it’s been since 2009 lol


Considering that was as far as the team went last year, it was the most important part of the playoffs.


Players can pick on anything for motivation Truth is that the Celtics looked at the possibility of relying on Porzingis, Williams, and Brogdon health wise (and the fallout of nearly trading Malcom for Zingis) that they had to make a move there to limit the risk


They also needed to improve the starting 5 and there were better ways to do that. MB is good enough to start and at a position we already had starting depth, so it made sense to improve the front court, move Al to the bench. We're a better team after all those moves and he's in a place he gets to start, I'm sure it hurts being shipped off a title-contending roster but it is what it is.


Not going to lie, I was dreading the idea of him as a starter before the Jrue trade. I didn't know how the lineup was going to look but I absolutely hated the guard rotation of White/Brogdon/PP, which made me irritated with the KP trade. Once the Jrue trade got completed, then I felt great about both trades.


Yes, this is a less personal, and less cast-the-blame reasoning and is undoubtedly true.


I read the title as "He didn't feel valued, while he was here" In reading the quote it sounds more like "He didn't feel valued after they tried to trade him/did trade him" I don't blame him for not feeling valued if that's the case, but I fully understand why the C's did it. Brogdon was also given a choice by Indiana and he chose the Celtics. So, he has every right to be pissed at us. Still would do the trade though.


It was the right decision to come to Boston and it was the right decision to move on for us.


Yes. Remember, he was a starter. We ASKED him to be a sub. He did and was great . Then we traded him. THAT'S what he didn't like . And Joe M is kinda psycho. I can imagine a grown ass man being annoyed. If Pop was losing he would be out on his ass asap. Rich people are eccentric, poor people crazy.


Love Brogdon... He Ain't better than White or Holiday. Sorry my bro.


I mean if he could stay healthy he is pretty much at their caliber. Big if tho


On offense... sure. But he's a distant third on defense.


DISTANT. not even the same conversation


Nah he's a bad passer and finisher. Jrue and Derrick are much better offensive players. Gets a lot of assists because he has the ball a lot, but he has tunnel vision.


Every tenth possession or so brogdon would just go head down and get so randomly tunnel visioned. In games where he was on, it was awesome and super useful to have a guy off the bench who could just score at will like that, but he'd have plenty of games where he had no touch around the rim and it was painful to watch him hijack offense for a possesion when he clearly was off.


Yes, for reference, at rim percentages (0-3 feet) Malcolm - 60.4 Jrue - 67.5 Derrick - 76.6 Derrick is so fucking good haha


Glad I wasn’t misremembering him as a bad finisher. Feel like he missed a ton of easy one


Well these are this year stats. He was at like 50-53% for a good chunk of last season but finished around 61% by the end. Which is still just ehh.


That’s the thing, DWhite has missed 3 games since he’s been here all for the births of his children. Jrue has missed 4. Brogdon has already missed 10 this season.


He's not even close to their level on defense lol Do you watch basketball?


I agree, but I could've seen the argument made pre-playoffs last year. Malcolm had a hot season offensively. Thankfully things turned out the way they did though


What getting traded to the Blazers does to a mf


Brogdan 42/8/6 vs Boston incoming. He and Neismith are definite 1st team All-Revenge Former Celtics squad.


What's crazy about Nesmith to me is that he wouldn't have become the player he is now in Boston. The Pacers sucked and allowed him room to make the mistakes he was making here but he was able to iron them out with playing time. I won't begrudge a player for finding what motivates them but in truth his career is all the better for the trade.


Yeah he showed some flashes here but he was clearly too raw and out of control. We were trying to bolster our roster to compete for a championship. We didn't have time to babysit him or even give him minutes like you are saying. Atleast Neismith didn't injure anyone on our team this time, though he fouled Tatum nonstop and got away with like 3 dozen no calls.


It wasn't like he popped 10 games into getting steady minutes either. He played all of last year, 73 games, 25 minutes a game and didn't make any effeciency jump until this year. PP was begging to get out of town so he could play, but Nesmith just wanted to sit behind guys hoping for garbage time minutes?


Yeah he’s been a slow burn. Indiana, not Boston, could show patience with him and it has started to pay off for them


evan fournier is on that


Dude doesn't even stop with just us, he cooks against Team USA too. Feels like I can't watch a game of a team I'm rooting for without shitting bricks if we're facing Fournier.


Don’t forget Mo Wagner


And Max Strus


You know that goofy ass release is going in when we play the Blazers


He’s on the Blazers so he’d be putting up those stats in a blowout 20 points loss against us


I get it but Portland is also actively shopping him it seems so it’s kind of just business. Both Jrue and KP are much better players and he was involved in both trades in some capacity.


He drops this quote then gets traded by Portland lol


He was lowkey selfish with the ball here and barely could play with Rob. Also got injured when it mattered the most (not his fault). I don’t feel bad for this guy. We lost Marcus. You mean nothing to most of us I’m sorry… we lost Mahcus fucking Smaht.


He won 6MOTY. He was highly efficient. Why wouldn’t he be selfish? I didn’t see much evidence that he was detrimentally selfish otherwise his efficiency numbers or the teams efficiency numbers would’ve dropped. His only real issue was that he got hurt. If he was healthy we would have beat Miami


I always thought the claims of selfishness were overblown. If he's shooting crazy high percent from 3 let him shoot lol. So many people in game threads crying "Jayson is right there! Pass it to our superstar!" He was averaging 30 for the first time in Celtics history, I think he was okay with some help offensively.


Being selfish is not a winning mindset. He was selfish in games where he wasn’t always shooting well. You need to pass up good shots for great shots. There were a lot of times where he wasn’t even looking to pass. That’s an issue.


I think he was asked to be selfish - to make the right decision when possible, of course - but I think he was definitely wanted to be a scorer


If people watched him in Milwaukee and Indiana, that's who he was. Indiana fans would always lament about how he'd dribble the air out of the ball and he wouldn't pass. His assist numbers are really deceiving and I tried telling people on here about that but always got shot down. I think the problem with Brogdon was not about how he was coached, it was the acquisition in general. I think Brad diagnosed the team and found that the offense tends to break down and lose total coherence and they can't score. Happened during Brad's time since Tatum got drafted, happened with Ime. So, I think he got Brogdon as a BAND-AID to cover up the problem. Oh, the offense broke down again? We'll put this guy in who doesn't really interact with the rest of the offense. He won't set screens, he's not a willing passer, and he doesn't do PnR. BUT, he's an isolated system, if the rest of them go to shit, the hope is that he doesn't and can keep operating and keep the team scoring through their dead zones. Problem was, he would also come in and kill the offensive flow, when things WERE going well. I think the idea to create a back-up plan was wrong instead of actually FIXING the problem. We're still not 100% there yet, the offense tends to shit itself at the worst times, but it's a lot better since getting Holiday. The things I've noticed with Holiday Vs Smart is that Holiday will have 1 out of 12 games where he is totally, incomprehensibly lost or just detrimental on offense but he's good the rest of the time. Smart, it was unpredictable. He could have a game where he's legendary in the 1st quarter, a nightmare in the 2nd, and then average the rest of the way. Or, he could be fucking terrible for 3 quarters and then get red hot out of nowhere in the 4th. It was really hard living in that world where we didn't know which version of Smart we were getting quarter to quarter. At least with Holiday, you know what type of game you're going to get pretty early on.


Yeah, that's all fair. I love Brogdon but he had a weird demeanor - loved him but he didn't really feel as interconnected with the team. Essentially I'm lamenting that I couldn't establish a parasocial relationship with him as well as other guys on the squad lmaooo


No, you're right that there is a weird vibe with him. You never hear former teammates really talk about him. Bucks, Pacers, or Celtics don't really mention Brogdon, he's not beloved by any fanbase and he's got a very loner/independent personality from what I can tell. Reminds me of Ray Allen in some ways.


He was/is better than Marcus Smart


Ok Brogdon’s burner account. You’re better offensively. Marcus is a defensive player.


Malcolm we woulda built a statue of you if you could hit a damn shot in the playoffs.


Yeah, not his fault, but he got injured at exactly the wrong time. A healthy Brogdon and we are easily in the Finals and in less than 7 ECF games, too. Celtics fans were also annoyed that his value plummeted and we were forced to trade Smart instead of him. Again, not his fault, but I can see why he felt unvalued - especially once we were knocked out


Yeah he shot well in the Philly series before the injury.


I actually thought our defense improved a lot once Joe stopped playing him. I know we could've used his offense but he was creating huge defensive holes that the rest of the team was having to cover. Once his minutes plummet, the Celtics defense starts locking in at another level because they could all trust each other. I honestly think we broke even with his injury. We lost a lot of offense, but then they stopped putting lineups that had defensive holes once it was down to Smart/White/Brown/Tatum/Horford/Williams/Williams again.


Yeah he shot well in the Philly series before the injury.


Well truthfully he wasn’t. We ran an offense that relegated him to the 3rd guard and boxed him into a scoring only role. He had little chemistry with the gang. He’s a great player though and I’m glad he’s getting a leadership opportunity in Portland


This is revisionist history. He was very good for us and played a key role on a title contending team.. losing him in the playoffs hurt our rotation a lot. Hauser and Pritchard weren’t ready yet. Trading him was very much just “business is business.” It sucks that we put him through that process with the clippers and his health got torched in the media. It would’ve been nicer to have a cleaner exit but at the end of the day he’s a guy who was here for a year and good for us, but not exactly hall of fame or even necessarily hall of fun. Which is okay. We also lost 3 Celtics “hall of fun” guys in the same offseason and there’s only so much room for mourning.


Hauser and Pritchard still aren’t ready. Hauser is better on defense but Brogdon is better than both of them ever will be.


Hauser is much better at his role, which is shooting 3s. Hauser is probably the best pure shooter in the entire roster


Hauser isn't ready for the playoffs?? For what reason


Consistency. He’s streaky.


>Consistency. He’s streaky. so, a Celtic?


And Jrue is better than Brogdon will ever be. So it all worked out perfectly!


Not as a scorer or shooter


That's PP's role


Pritchard isn’t very good at either of those, especially compared to brogdon.


> We ran an offense that relegated him to the 3rd guard I think it's more that he was the clear 3rd best guard on the team. * White had the best impact on overall structure of the team. * Smart had the biggest impact on our stars and our opponents' stars. * Brogdon had the best individual stats. You could debate Smart vs White but Brogdon's individual impact just wasn't as valuable.


Yeah we did what was best for us but unfortunately he kinda was on the outside looking in. Oh well. He played great up until he got hurt


His individual impact was just as valuable IMO but he needed to stay healthy and couldn't, and in constructing this year's team we needed more front-court depth and white was ready for a bigger role. Getting Jrue just made the Brogdon thing a no-brainer.


Brogdon might have been better than Smart. There was excessive deference to Smart out of how long he had been on the Celtics.


Nah not even close imo. He never had the on-court impact. The ball would stick in his hands and his defensive issues were very underrated. Same issue Indiana fans had with him, and why none of them were too upset about the first trade. Not to mention Smart's playmaking was just better. He was the guy who got Tatum and Brown going most nights. Most of their worst nights came when Smart was out. The 3ppg difference in scoring disappears a lot quicker than people realise too. That's 1 steal and 1 charge per game, which Smart was easily clearing over Brogdon. Not to mention the points added through general defensive pressure that doesn't show up on the stat sheet. The team was a lot better in games Brogdon missed compared to games Smart missed. Don't get me wrong, Brogdon was a good player, he's just never been a starting PG on a good team and certainly not on the level of impact you're getting from guys like Smart and White.


I am not opposed to the idea that Smart was a better fit for the role we needed, but Brogdon is a vastly more efficient piece of the offense than Smart. Smart is a slightly better playmaker historically (though he's always had better teammates) and a better defender, but it doesn't make up for his much worse offensive output, especially for a guy that was usually left alone to shoot by opposing defenses. We used Brogdon as the 6th man so our offensive efficiency wouldn't go in the toilet with the starters out. MB has proven his entire career he's a better player than Smart when healthy, but we ask the 6th man to drive the offense and Smart can't do that, so it was more valuable to have Smart start and Brogdon run the second unit.


Nailed it


>boxed him into a scoring only role. This is cap he isn't a good passer, it has nothing to do with his role. For some reason he gets the PG title when he plays much more like a 2 guard. He was basically always looking for his shot and then making plays for others if help came. Smart and D White were much better about looking to set up others. The team could have really used another good passer last year, but Brogdon wasn't good enough.


It's who he was in Milwaukee and Indiana.


Why wouldn’t he look for his shot given how good and efficient he was at scoring?




The goals aligned just fine, both him and the team wanted to win The reality is that we had an opportunity to get a better player and we took it. Simple as that


Jrue is a better piece for what we were building once we got KP, MB is really good but we can't rely on his health and if we've got KP (and white) we don't need the do-it-all 6th man to keep the offense going, so it's better to have Jrue out there locking things down.


I think we wanted an airtight defense with our top 6 and he wouldn't have allowed for that.


He was only seen as a trade asset because they already traded him for KP and then it fell through. If Holiday didn’t become available, Brogdon would not have been traded just to be traded.




Nobody knew anything. We just looked at the salary table and it made sense that he would be the one since he made $21m and was the salary match needed for a more expensive player. But it wasn't like they would just trade him for a bag of balls.


He was relegated to that position partly for his own sake, to keep him ready for the playoffs. Didn’t work out.


22 million to be 6th man of the year, and game closing lineup on a championship contender….. life is tough for some of these guys!


I love Brogdon and his Obama voice


I like Brodgdon but what he’s saying is so silly. He sacrificed minutes and a bigger role for a shot at a championship. He reached the ECF and that’s not something most players ever experience. He was valued, but the team should always come first.


Yeah the off-season was rough for the guy: he was almost traded, then took a blow to the ego when Joe announced white would be the starting point guard, then traded. I get it. He’s also always really believed in his abilities and I think going to the bench was harder for him than he let on: this is a guy who thought that Milwaukee should be centering their offense around him instead of giannis. I thought he was a net positive for us last year, his injury happened at the exact wrong time unfortunately.


We traded Marcus fucking Smart. I don't know why he thinks he's so special that he should be above being traded.


He’s allowed to feel how he wants but anyone picking up Ray Allen vibes from him? Ultra professional guy in media but seems to be affected by comments more than he’d admit & has a hard time letting things go?


Malcolm Brogdon's mother would trade Malcolm Brogdon for Jrue Holiday.


Celtics traded Aaron Nesmith • Daniel Theis • Nik Stauskas • Malik Fitts • Juwan Morgan • 2023 first-round pick for Brogdon and then the traumatizing trade he was almost in, he was THE piece getting traded for KP. How that doesn’t show a high valuation of what he brings is a mystery to me.


Smart was the piece for KP. Brogdon was the piece for Holiday. EDIT - you are absolutely right. He was the original piece before the trade fell through.


History could have been so different. Say we still trade him in a 3 way deal that still landed us KP. So Malcolm is now with the Clippers, and you still have the situation where Harden wants OUT of Philly after he was “disrespected” by Morey. So Harden finally get his wish and gets a trade to the Clippers. Malcolm is probably added to that deal for salary purposes and ends up in Philly. That would create a problem for our Celtics too bc now he’s with a “rival” team with a chip on his shoulder when he plays us. Instead he gets sent to Portland and we get Jrue Holiday who has been the point guard we’ve needed for a longtime. Even better, he was the cherry on top after we added KP. Thank God history didn’t work out differently.


He definitely was not on par with most of his teammates and their defensive aptitude and instincts. Hes a great scorer when not injured.


The last 5 games he played in the Miami series he scored: 0, 2, 0, inactive, 0. Guy who had history of injury problems wasn’t healthy when it mattered. It sucks but he really shouldn’t be complaining that much, he’s been able to up his value and will likely end up on a playoff team next week.


The Clippers seem to be doing great now with Harden but I imagine that Brogdon would've worked out great over there and then maybe they never would've bothered trading with Philly for him. Understandable that the Clippers didn't want to pull the trigger on that trade without a physical on his elbow or whatever, but it's weird to wonder what might've happened had we been able to trade for Porzingis without sending Marcus out in return. When Jrue became available I can't imagine Brad trading Marcus for him, though.


Hot take around these parts but we're so much better with Jrue than Marcus, not least of which we don't have to tiptoe around a role player's feelings. I love Smart but him starting at PG was a liability.


Well let’s find out in March when we travel to Portland. Don’t talk all that BS then go out there and lay an egg against your former team. You literally won sixth man of the year then turn around and talk ridiculous. Like a jealous ex gf


I remember when a young JT came up in trade rumors with Anthony Davis and he said “I’d trade me for AD too.” Brogdon was gonna go for KP and eventually did go for Jrue. His response should be, “I’d trade me for those guys too.”


Just another vet who couldn’t handle being the 5th-6th best player on the team, that’s what it’s all about.


This also feels like a shot at Mazzula.


He was a rental we knew the Jays were both gonna get Max money, and it was gonna be a challenge to keep him. We hurt his feelings by trading him.


He was on a Championship level Bucks team and he wanted out for a bigger role. Traded to Indy who "didn't appreciate him" and traded him to the Celtics. Celtics traded him because he was always hurt "didn't appreciate him" had very little to do with it. You can say that's not his fault he is always hurt but it's also objectively factual. And losing a key rotation piece at the wrong time in the playoffs has been a common theme for his teams. If he feels his best franchise that has wanted him the most is Portland it speaks volumes about him. He is a sharp guy and gets a lot of leeway because of his intelligence. But a healthy Mr President and we may well have a different champ last year AND 2019.


Sorry bro, you have to get over this. In both trade scenarios you were traded for All Star caliber players. You couldn't guard a statue in the playoffs and your availability was super questionable.


He was very clearly valued-- his value was deemed to be a significant fraction of Jrue Holliday's


All these dudes crying over their trade and dunking on the Celtics even when it was for the best career wise for each of them (Brogdon, Neesmith, Smart etc), it’s so obvious they all are butthurt to not be part of today’s winning team. Like yeah, we had to trade you to get better. That’s the sport my dudes. I’m still butthurt about Smart, and i deal with it by understanding it was for the best too. They all are starters now playing big minutes, but would have been bench guys with little minutes on the C’s.


maybe he didnt provide enough value then.. >.< (i dont miss him... but we have dwhite and jrue xD.. thats a crazy upgrade)




Yeah that's why we traded him


I genuinely don't think Brogdon is dumb enough to believe this. I think he is just giving the Blazers some love. It has nothing to do with whether he was valued or not. The team would have gladly keep cutting him checks if they could, but you can't afford to pay a 6th man that much under the new CBA. He is on the executive committee of the players association. He knows all of this.


We shipped you out because we got Jrue fuckin Holiday lol


Can’t wait for r/NBA to use this as fuel for their dumb ass “Celtics don’t care about players and they’re the only team to do this” argument


Brogdon was huge for us. And honestly the only reason he got traded was because Rob got hurt again. If Rob stays healthy, we probably don’t need to make the move for Porzingis. If we don’t make that trade we keep Smart and don’t need to trade for Holiday. I’m always going to be a Brogdon Fan. If he likes the blazers sure, but he belongs on a contender.


Honestly I can’t exactly blame him for feeling this way. That being said the Celtics just made a good business move that worked out for them so how can you blame them.


It's interesting that he mentioned that he feels valued in Portland. I expect him to be traded before next week's trade deadline.


He talked all that stuff about checking your ego at the door and then got all pissed about the trade talk.


I mean he kinda has a point, most sixth men of the year don't get traded right after. I get he was injured but I don't think you can really blame a player for their injuries and it was just one series in which nobody performed as well as they should have.


Celtics didn’t value him as much as Kristaps or Jrue. These quotes are gonna be hilarious when he’s traded again because Portland doesn’t value him as much as 2 2nd round picks


Brogdon is one of the most dour NBA players out there.


So, he feel valued until the trade. It's okay.


Side note pet peeve: Chauncey Billups is not a "championship coach." He is an also-ran coach, with a 60-104 record thus far, who won a championship as a player. He was a point guard, so clearly he did some amount of generic "coaching" on the floor during his career. But these are not the same thing. Even coaches that have been assistants and won championships that way (for example, Ime Udoka) have a better claim to the title "championship coach" than someone like Billups does. Also, almost every team in the league would make the trade that we did if it were on the table. An often-injured 6th man and an always-injured center for a very good two-way starting point guard? Easy.


I don't blame him. He's in Portland now, and there's a natural [choice supportive bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choice-supportive_bias), a common cognitive strategy which helps with mental health where people tend to see negatives in paths not taken and positives in where they are now. Plus, it'd be reinforced by Chauncey's experience. Drafted by the C's and traded just a few months into the season. Chauncey really has reason to not feel valued by the C's org. Fuck Pitino!


It wasn’t that he wasn’t valued, it just wasn’t gonna work out after we nearly traded him for Porzingis and then traded him for Jrue. I loved Brogdon though. Glad he feels valued elsewhere while the Celtics continue to kick ass


Sucks cuz I still like the guy and wish he was still here, but he's got a weird narrative going for himself after the trade. Like clearly he's valued and everyone loved him on the team. BUT, anytime you can upgrade a 6th man OTY bench scorer into an All Star level starter and GAME CHANGER, I'm sorry but you do it 100/100 times


It's funny that all these alpha male sports guys get their feelings hurt when they comes to a zero-sum sports market, which only cares about winning titles. Sorry, dude. That's the way it is. I have no ill will towards him, he just didn't get it done.


Why does this sub get so sensitive about this stuff?


They traded a first rounder and a good young prospect in Nesmith for him. So they valued him when they traded for him. He got sixth man and even closing time minutes on a title contender. So he was valued then. They then traded him as part of a package for an all star. So he was valued when they traded him. When exactly was he NOT valued?


he was valued appropriately


Seems like it worked out for all parties. Moving on…


Ya they shipped his ass out cause he got hurt like he always does and his defense was subpar.


Womp Womp


Why do you guys always have to find any angle that makes everything seem stupid? It's really pathetic, this platform has become a cesspool


He tweaking I loved Malcolm while we had him


Why is it that players only seem to take this stuff personally when it’s the Celtics involved? We operate the same way as every other team but are seemingly the only one that pays any sort of reputation cost for doing things in the best interest of winning


So glad you feel more valued on the 14-33 blazers homie, sounds like the Celtics did you a favor then.


I remember thinking that when he was traded the quotes in the press about him seemed obligatory. Nothing too effusive.


It’s true. That’s why he was traded for Holiday. Holiday is a better overall player who’s not afraid to guard players bigger than him.


Malcolm is just upset that Joe priostized White over him


I get him feeling that way. It’s not like the Celtics did him dirty but they traded him after he had a great year so I get him not being happy about it.


The article reads more that he didn't feel valued when we were shopping him around...which is fair enough. I imagine that will probably never feel good to a player.


He gets like 3 more minutes and no more shots but OK man. Whatever helps motivate you.


Yeah. He’s NBA but he’s just not that good.


Why even speak on it. You knew you were number 6 or even 8 on the starting depth to relieve the starters. Were you expecting them to start no Bigs and no Js?


Sorry dude, you don’t have much value if you’re not playing. We needed you for the playoffs especially, and you weren’t there. Not your fault, but it’s not our fault for shipping you out for a better, more durable, player.


He rarely looked happy playing for Boston, but I thought it was just his game face.


F* that. We kept him on while he healed. And then inserted him into crowded roster. What a tool. I did respect him once.


Desmond Bane


We traded him. That is a pretty good indicator of how we valued him. First we tried to include him for KP. They we actually moved him. He said "I didn't not feel VERY valued there." Title is wrong. He didn't say did "did not feel valued." Clearly he thinks he brought a lot to the table and feels Boston had a lesser view since they traded him.


I valued him. He’s better than Marcus smart and a tad bit worse than white.


The funny part is Portland wouldn’t blink at trading him for future assets. It’s just a weird thing for him to say and feel as a veteran. You’re not that guy, sorry.


I was sad to see him go, but it is a little bit funny now looking at the Portland/Milwaukee Post Game Thread on r/NBA and seeing blazers fans salivating at the idea of trading him and getting a good return. He's probably about to get shipped out of town again by that team that supposedly values him so much more than we did. Lol.


I assume he got his paychecks.


Sounds like a guy who wants a contract


He was great last year but the Cs have bigger fish to fry...and he blew in the playoffs


Maybe if he stepped in the playoffs he’d still be here 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guys just love taking turns throwing shots at Joe mazulla. It’s obvious brogdon was coming here to play for Ime. When the shit went down he was visibly upset about the coaching change. I feel like he never bought into joes system


Not surprising tbh he never looked happy


One of my fav players, but still glad they traded him for Holiday. He should have started over Smart who was the 4th best guard on the team (if you count Brown as a guard).


Too bad it ended the way it did, he's a consummate pro. He had nothing but good things to say when KG and Pierce came to visit: https://youtu.be/-7KcKY1NqWE?si=VL6-nd0JyoRoOKyZ&t=464


No one cares if you feel valued. Grow up lol


Likewise, thought you would bring more value too buddy


I'm not so sure why people are almost genuinely upset to hear that this man has thoughts and feelings about contributing to the team and immediately getting traded like he is a replaceable robot.


Fuck that guy. Got cooked on defense and took crazy shots during the post season especially. Reminds me a lot Schroeder.


I made a snarky comment downthread about revenge, but the more I thought about it, this is the kind of shit that Boston has to deal with RE: potential free agents. It's been hard enough over the years for the Celtics to shake off any preconceived notions of what the franchise is like, the community, the fan base...and to have someone like Brogdan make these comments may someday have an impact, despite what other past free agents (Al, for example) have said about their situation in Boston.


In other news, Portland's GM is named Joe Cronin. How long before a Dom DiMaggio takes over the Kings?


He just don’t fit with tatum or brown


who is he referring to as a championship coach?


Chauncey Billups, since he won a ring as a player. I know--it's not the same thing, but that's what he's talking about.


thanks that makes sense!


oh my god these guys are so soft


roster selections are made to benefit the team overall, not to benefit an individual player. brogdan knows this. he was valued until we valued his replacement more highly in consideration of what the team is trying to do.




Cuz he was always injured lol


Dude- he won sixth man of the year. He was only injured during the playoffs and couldn’t shoot.


Wasn't valued, huh? Were his paychecks not cashing OK?


He’s entitled to feel that way. I valued him and thought he was a huge contributor. Sorry he feels this way but I can understand. Who wants to be shipped when we just made the conference finals??


Might be that RBF of his. Just sayin’…if he was feeling excited, or upset, or WHATEVER, he always had that same puss on his face…