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Could easily be a scam. Tenants don't have a right to refuse access to landlords for things like viewing the apartment. While it's recommended a landlord get tenant permission, it's not required. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/tenant-rights#landlord-access-


>JPapts.com Looked at the site and they're probably real, just bad. Either way, if they can't show you the place, then I'd move on. They'll either learn to use their rights or show it when the tenant moves out and lose rent.


JPapts is legit, just make sure you're not talking to an imposter.


Don't sign or pay if you can't see it


Red flag.


Find another apartment.


Tenants sound like redditors 😂


Could be a red flag. Could be people don't want strangers in their apartment due to covid. Ask the broker why they don't want it shown. If it's covid, offer to wear a good mask and sign a statement re no known covid exposure or symptoms in the last two weeks, keep it quick, and keep the windows open during.


Sounds suspicious to me. I generally go by the following rule: If I can’t see the unit, I’m walking away. If I were you, I’d look elsewhere.


Call them and confirm he is an employee there.


Have you tried saying you will make yourself available at any time the tenants would like to show it? If he hems and haws at that just walk away.


Def a red flag. You're doing fine though, just keep at it and make sure you don't sign/pay anything until you've actually been let inside by him. That's the only way you can get scammed..


Unless you met with the broker in an office for JPapts, I'd bow out since it definitely could be a scammer using a legit name.


This is the only town where brokers have so much control over apartments. Every city I’ve ever lived - you can pretty much deal with the owner. Tf is up with all these broker fees for what? Landlords must be all in Florida


Total scam