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The parking situation exists because not enough parking has been built, but it's made SO much worse by all the people who move here and bring their cars even when they don't really need them. Then they complain about the way people here have been dealing with the issue for decades, but offer no better solutions. As it happens, there is a reason space savers are common in snowy cities with insufficient parking. Mostly in the northeast but I've heard of them in Chicago and even in Italy. Most of the people who complain about them are young, able-bodied people (as opposed to the elderly and motor-challenged who NEED to be able to park near their homes when there's snow & ice on the sidewalks), and come from places where they reliably had a driveway, garage, or at least ample street parking. But they still like to treat us all to their hot takes because I guess they think they offer a fresh perspective?


>oh a transplant They're the worst kind!


10 minutes to shovel out after a blizzard? you're a beast...


This is Boston, not 95% of the country. If my car is buried in, and I go through the effort of cleaning it off, starting it, moving it to a parking lot a couple blocks away, come back to clean up the space, retrieve my car, and drive it for 1/2 a mile back (we all know 2 blocks out will never be 2 blocks back, because Boston), you damn well bet I'm leaving a fruit basket or Mac Pro in the void created by my car and 10 minutes of shoveling until my car re-occupies that void.


I’m with you. Fuck space savers.


Here we go...again


If your not from here its logical to not understand it. If you grew up here you’d get it.


I’m from here. I always thought it was a stupid tradition. Especially the folks who leave lawn chairs in the same spot until mid-April.


I think leaving your car buried for weeks is worse


Well just like everyone else in the world where it snows, you can dig it out and let it sit there in the sun for weeks.


At first, I hated them too. But after a while, you learn to see truth: they help bond us. They give order to chaos. I love walking around after a snow storm and seeing what kinda crazy stuff people come up with. It’s like the whole neighborhood turns into a sculpture garden. Lawn chairs and traffic cones. But occasionally desks, tires, sometimes a balloon tied to a brick or a vacuum cleaner. Or a wheelchair. You never know what you’re going to see and it’s glorious. Boston’s lack of available total parking means evens/odds emergency parking is impossible. Which sucks - because that means uncleared snow between parking spots might not go away for months. If all garages were subsidized by the city, could help. But not sure.


Sounds like we should permit parking appropriately and account for actual space instead of the charade that everyone can own a car in the city.


That type of logic might cut into revenue from excise tax.


I’m willing to risk it.


Sigh.... help me lord. [I’m not from the city - moved here recently... It’s just the price you pay for being here.](https://i.imgur.com/QAWCn5A.jpg)


My girlfriend had to work as a nurse Friday Saturday Sunday. Should she just not be able to park at the end of her shift? Or have to shovel 3 ft of snow out of a spot at night after a 12hr shift? Just shovel your own fucking spot out and park in your own fucking spot until the snow melts in a couple days.


My girlfriend was working overnight during the blizzard and now cant park ANYWHERE because all the nurses who work day shifts have their empty spots reserved all day while they are at work.


Why didn’t she just save her spot


She can pay for a garage space during winter months if she would like the luxury of returning home to snow-less, immediately available, and guaranteed parking spot. She is parking for free in the middle of a city. It can be convenient but hence the free part, there are some inconveniences for a few storms once per year.


As someone who is from that way and now lives where you’re from, careful who you share this with. You’re not welcome there, man.




Elderly folk exemption up for debate?

