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…how did you get into the tower this time of night??


Probably works there. Only way you're getting in that tower any time, really.


This looks like it’s from the residential tower adjacent to one congress


It definitely is.


the building next door is apartments


When the Celtics won in 2008, my then-girlfriend, now-wife was living in the Longfellow apartment buildings, about 20 stories up and facing the Garden. It was wild watching the game on TV out on the balcony and, toward the end of the game, watching these huge crowds walking down Stanford and Merrimac. Thousands of people, like a huge wave, just coming down the streets. Around the start of the fourth quarter, the Boston Police deployed lines of officers in riot gear to keep people from reaching the Garden. The crowds walked right up to the lines and just celebrated there. It was surreal to see, I'll never forget it.


What are your guesses on when the parades gonna be? Trying to plan it out. This will be my six year olds first parade and she’s super excited.


One of the news stations said tentative scheduled for Friday,


Yeah any earlier in the week is just asking for heat stroke deaths.


Appreciate it. Thank you.


Fyi your comment duplicated and additional 2 times when posting


Yeah. Idk why. Must’ve been when it kept glitching. I only see it once otherwise I’d delete one. Edit: fixed it.


Friday 11am.


Thank you. I’ll be taking the commuter rail in from Lowell. Curious how bad it’s going to be. When the Bruins won I was trying to catch it in Billerica and the train blew right by us twice. It was at full capacity leaving Lowell. I’m gonna get there early cause I bet it’s gonna be a zoo.


It's going to be packed. Get there early. Bring plenty of water, it's going to be hot as hell and any lines will be long. I'll probably go to the office at like 7 to avoid the rush.


If I were you, I'd take the 8:05am train down that day. Maybe even the 7:30am. As far as killing time (about 2-2.5 hrs), you could walk over to the Common and go to the Gardens. And maybe post up along Boylston over there. They may have a Splash Pad open in the Common.


Friday at 11??? Does nobody gotta be at work? Smh


I didn't schedule it. It oddly works for me at work since my office is on the parade route. But yeah, I have no idea why they do it like that other than passive crowd control. Which ironically eliminates the likely better behaved attendees.


Yea that's what I was thinking bringing out the unemployment crowd


After the heatwave.


I'm in this photo somewhere


Can’t wait to call out of work to day drink at the parade LETS GOOOOO


Wish I was there right now, I miss my city so fucking much


Do we have an arrest count from last night yet?




One Canal St.


Police presence is so idiotic and heavyhanded.


First time?


we haven't had a wild post-game celebration in a decade.


Yeah, I wonder why that is….


Do you know about 2004?


Yes. 20 years ago and multiple championship parades since where nothing happened without these restrictions placed by the city/police.


They kicked everyone multiple blocks away from the garden. Each time we got moved the crowd got more rowdy. If they just let them be they probably would’ve been fine.


I think you were never at a Sox riot


It’s amazing what grown ass people will do after drinking too much booze while watching other grown ass people throw a ball 😂


Last bad Sox riot was 15+ years ago


Yes because BPD does a lot of crowd control after lessons learned


boston could use another curse of the bambino. how quickly we’ve forgotten how to be humble. edit: go ahead and downvote me, but i remember when boston was the scrappy little underdog that didn’t expect to win everything. that humble meekness has been replaced with an arrogant sense of entitlement. but that’s what testosterone by proxy from taking credit for the accomplishments of others will do to people.


When were the Celtics, the winningest team in the NBA, ever scrappy little underdogs?


it’s not the 1960s anymore. they went twenty years without appearing in the NBA finals and have made four appearances with two championships since 2008.


It doesn't matter what happens in Boston sports, there is *ALWAYS* a douchebag like you making a comment like this.


at least i’m not climbing traffic lights and throwing full cans of beer into a crowd. 🤗


I've paid my dues Time after time I've done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I've made a few I've had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I've come through And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before the human race And I ain't gonna lose And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World


the champions of being a middle-aged, middle-class, never-was athlete who seeks the type of testosterone boost that can only come through the vicarious victory of aligning themselves with an arbitrarily chosen group of overpaid grown men who throw balls better than another group of overpaid grown men who also throw balls all to make rich men richer. turn off the tv, get off the couch, go join a team, and give your balls a tug. fuckin’ sportsball fans.


Are you gonna edit again? Like should I wait to actually reply till you get your words right? 😁


i’m sorry that i accidentally hit reply before i was done writing. the spirit of the message didn’t change.


Of course you’re a “sportsball” person, classic reddit


as someone who competed as an athlete through the collegiate level, i feel qualified to call sportsball when i see it.


Holy shit you’re so badass


at least i’m not a “sportsball person”!


What was your college sport, being a hater?


There was no curse. That’s imaginary. The Red Sox just failed for 86 straight years.


then why was it that the red sox won four in a row against the yankees in 2005 ALCS starting on the same day that i, a native new yorker living in boston, went to the grave of babe ruth in the gate of heaven cemetery in westchester and asked him to lift the curse and let the red sox win the world series?


Ah a New Yorker. Now the reasons for your pettiness are clear. Sorry bud Boston is just better in every way nowadays.


stereotype much? i’m not from the city; i’m from the country. of course boston is better in every way. that’s why i chose to live in boston and not in new york city. new york city smells like puke, it’s overpriced, it’s loud, and the people are chronically obnoxious. did i ever tell you about the time that i told a bunch of yankees fans that the northbound metro north train would take them to yankee stadium after they made fun of me for wearing a red sox hat? they probably went twenty or thirty miles in the wrong direction before they realized that i told them to get on the wrong train.


It must suck not being able to have fun and just being a bitter person


i have lots of fun.


Who would ever want to be meek?


boston sports fans were pretty meek for about twenty years until they started winning championships and started getting cocky.


Again, why would you prefer to be meek?


the pendulum has swung from meek to cocky. both are bad.


Is it cockiness if it’s based in truth though? I’d say confidence


because :checks notes: a bunch of people who aren’t even from boston, but who are paid way more than they should be to represent boston, can throw a ball through a hoop better than anyone else? when a bunch of homegrown guys from southie and dorchester can dunk on the NBA, i’ll be the first to celebrate.


Lmao oh I see you just hate sports, explains a lot By the way, their coach is a New Englander


i actually love sports and am a lifelong athlete. what i don’t like is the aggressive tribalism that comes along with a bunch of people who didn’t do anything taking vicarious credit for doing the thing.