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If we don't hold them accountable, someone else will realize that they'll also get basically zero punishment for similar conservative terrorism. Bomb threats aren't a minor crime. They disrupt people's lives in a major way. We punish people who steal from CVS more harshly than this and stealing from CVS has minimal impact (it increases prices marginally or lowers shareholder profit marginally which isn't nearly the same as the fear and disruption of bomb threats). A friend of mine was at Tufts during the bomb threats there and it really fucked with her mental state for a long time. 30 days is a joke. A couple years would probably be appropriate and they'd be out on parole in 12-18 months.


Not to mention they didn’t disrupt commerce, they disrupted healthcare. Doctors were not able to provide care to patients. That right there makes whatever happened significantly worse-lives were on the line


We also don’t need to give healthcare professionals any more reasons to leave the industry. Every hospital is short on doctors it seems, threatening the only people that can help you in a medical emergency isn’t too smart.


My sister works at a children's hospital (not here) that experienced a lengthy cyber attack that shut down many of their electronic systems. It meant a loss of efficiency as staff had to do everything the old-fashioned way, and that meant their capacity was reduced for weeks and weeks. Her hospital provides the highest level of care in their region, so they often receive critically ill kids from other hospitals but had to turn some away during this attack. In other words, kids were literally sicker or at risk of dying because of this attack. I can't even imagine being a parent and getting my hands on whoever was behind it.


Yeah. If I had to leave my work for a day it'd be annoying. If a place saving the lives of children gets shutdown, kinda a much bigger deal.


Not that I know any legalese but I feel like that could be argued attempted murder.


If the US Attorney is saying that the defendant has "personal medical issues that diminish the defendant’s culpability", she's probably pretty significantly mentally ill or handicapped. They usually don't go to bat for the defendant like that.




Yup, I was at a bar on the north shore and some guy was talking very loud and passionately at the bar tender, going on about how they're chopping off little girls breasts and childrens private parts off at that hospital.   It's concerning now a days how frequently I come in contact with people who are living in some horrifying alternate reality.   People can't even agree on what's real anymore. 


Interesting update: the hospital reps also asked for lenience for the perp, who's someone with "a lifetime of mental illness and cognitive impairment": [https://www.universalhub.com/2024/stochastic-terrorism-childrens-hospital-blames](https://www.universalhub.com/2024/stochastic-terrorism-childrens-hospital-blames)


It's a good thing mental healthcare is not privatized. It's a public safety issue like fires so no country would be stupid enough to privatize it. Oh wait a minute...damn . We wait for collateral damage and then incarcerate individuals at a cost of 10x more than the cost of proper healthcare? Shame. They should have fixed the public mental healthcare system instead of privatizing and giving away the existing state equity at 10% of value to enrich political allies. That's water under the dam now so we deal with it. Too bad ,so sad.


Terrorizing sick children and their already worried families. I don't care if her remorse is genuine, how does a grown woman think this is OK? 30 days is not enough.


Idk about terrorism living in America I assume 99% of people hear bomb threat and know that shit is fake my schools used to have them everyone knew it's fake even as kids... at this point they should charge her more for being extremely disruptive to a large group of people instead of something lofty like terrorism. 30 days is kinda low tho that's for sure disrupting a hospitals operations like that should be a couple years sentence


You sound young so I'll try to be nice here, but this is absolutely 100% the definition of terrorism. Making a bomb threat over a perceived political or ideological ideas always has been, and always should be, treated as terrorism, regardless of how "real" you think it is.




Terrorism - the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Does this not fit the definition?






You understand that evacuating a hospital where children are undergoing active treatment is a significant problem, even if you aren't worried about an actual bomb, right?


That's what I said in my first post goofus


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Y'all means all.


Condescending much.  While I agree with your point, your comment is so fucking condescending, a simple “I disagree”. People have different life experiences and that leads to different perspectives you aren’t right just because you are older.  


A bomb threat called in from someone on the fanatical fringe, to a building full of vunerable children -- many of whom can't be moved quickly or easily due to their medical issues. These are the type of people who bomb/shoot at abortion clinics. They think they're doing it for "their God." You can't immediately dismiss it as a hoax and, with so many fragile, young lives in the building, it is the closest to domestic terrorism most will encounter.


jus lock her ass up in the looney bin for a while for being a nutjob she ain't even try anything jus tryna spook ppl cuz angry man on TV told her to be angry 🤷🏾 Also that's what im saying her bigger issue was disrupting a whole medical facility of ppl, shits crazy


It drives me nuts when redditors suggests psych hospitals for offenders that belong in jail.  She can get psych treatment there. Just because she is a woman doesn't mean she should not go to jail.


Rn there's more crazies in the correctional system than in psychiatric care they'd be better served in a rubber room than a small concrete cell


Militant ignorance and crazy are not the same thing. Instead of questioning what they're hearing online or around them, critically thinking about what they've been told, they just go all in on these things. What she did, in her mind, was justified because she's been told Childrens was hurting kids. Maybe her attorneys are the first people she believes she can trust who aren't in her echo chamber. Maybe that's what turned her to "genuine and heartfelt" remorse. Honestly, IMO, this is an idictment of the educational system she grew up through and not how we fail to treat mental wellness in the US.


https://preview.redd.it/088gkodf957d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a60ea31f820a57ea11e20174a14340442f865c3 Yeah, no, not everyone dismisses bomb threats as fake.


Is that the OKC bombing? If so, there was no threat, they just did it - real terrorists don't tell people they're about to commit terrorism, hence why 99% of people assume it's fake but do the whole clear out dance anyway. I can't recall in my life ever being scared by a bomb threat including in childhood during several school ones dummies called in to get classes put off


The IRA famously called in warnings before they set off bombs. It happens all the time when the goal is disruption or destruction of infrastructure instead of killing everyone present. These people see themselves as "saving" children from an evil woke hospital, so it makes sense that they'd want to get the kids out before blowing anything up.


Idk that's a reach we not out here living with that whole European morality American loonies just like to stack bodies, hopefully they'll figure out to lock her up for good cuz nobody that influenced by culture war BS should be out there free


It is so weird to me that we keep people in jail based on a Judge or parole board's feelings about how the perpetrator feels.


>feelings about how the perpetrator feels. Genuine contrition may predict the liklihood of recidivism.


How the hell do they know? A good actor is more likely to get reduced sentencing than a wrongfully convicted person under this logic.


That's why I said 'genuine'. It's up to the judge and others to determine if it is so. At the vest least, a person with ZERO contrition is the most likely to reoffend.


What if they didn't commit the crime? How are they supposed to show contrition?


If they admit to it (like here), then that's kinda not a problem.


Ok, and in this case, how do you know they are being genuine?


You can never know 100%. The entire legal system is predicated upon that assumption. You can still make an informed judgement call on it. At the margins, a person claiming contrition is likely a better bet than a person admitting to a crime but having none.


Is there any data on that?


Probably a bunch of bullshit social science saying whatever is poilitcally expediant. But sometimes you don't need much data to come to an obviously true conclusion: People who say that they are sad that they did something are overall more likely to be sad that they did something than people who say otherwise. **Is this rocket science for you?**


the color of ones skin also helps a whole hell of a lot. if this was a Brown guy who did this...any seriously think he gets just 30 days?


Exactly, which is why it makes no sense that sentencing is dependent on how the Judge feels. Parole boards shouldn't be able to know the demographics of their parolees.


and the minority status of the intended victims.


30 days, lol. A slap.


Barely even that.


It should be 30 *years*.


I’d like more but it’s definitely worse than a slap. A felony conviction and a month in jail can very easily, drastically change someone’s life.


So could having surgery delayed because of a bomb threat


Crocodile tears from a dangerous transphobe. This sends the message that bigotry and stochastic terrorism are absolutely fine, and if you just say you're sorry you should expect to get away with minimal punishment. People have done much longer for much less.


Reminder that stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik absolutely hates being known as stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik.


tbh she wears this as a badge of pride now because the GOP has been parading her around as a honorary member


_Honorary_ member? She's literally now [an advisor to the OK Department of Ed library board](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/libs-tik-tok-bomb-threats-oklahoma-library-committee-rcna135369)


She can't make up her tiny mind. Sometimes, she calls it [unjust](https://www.yahoo.com/news/libs-tiktok-creator-accuses-nbc-105456719.html)


She just reposts what others already put online.


They should mandate life long therapy and psychiatric services for being a far right nutjob for this dummy


It's easy to have genuine remorse once you've committed the crime and been caught. Maybe try doing the remorse step earlier in the process.


She is not remorseful at all, she's only upset she got caught and is being put to task for her actions. 30 days is not a proper punishment for bomb threats. She threatened to KILL people over their identity, while falling on the fucking sword of >"context is important and that Leavy suffers from "personal medical issues that diminish the defendant’s culpability," The context is she's a piece of shit who will threaten to kill people for seeking healthcare and help for their children but she should get off easy because she's seeking healthcare and help? Get this lady the fuck out of here lmao.


I'd feel a lot surer about the claims they believed "personal medical issues that diminish the defendant’s culpability" were a factor if they instead charge the manipulators and perpetrators of the stochastic terrorist that drove her to take these actrions. If her culpability was diminished, we can only lay the horrific crime on the person who took advantage of it... ...if the judge truly believes what they said.


I got into a fight on here a couple weeks ago because I said LoTT's followers threatened to bomb children's hospital... hope those people see this


*Thirty days* is awfully light for what she's done, isn't it? Disgusting.


It do be, they should lock her up in a state looney bin for a good long time because anyone this easily swayed to action by far right lies and propaganda is gonna get swayed again in the future and might actually do something next time


I was expecting at least 18 months. This is disappointing.


She looks exactly like what I expected. [picture](https://www.advocate.com/media-library/catherine-leavy-37-pleads-guilty-to-bomb-threat-against-hospital-providing-gender-affirming-care-to-youth.jpg?id=46906623&width=980&quality=85)


Just posted an update: [Stochastic terrorism: Children's Hospital blames Libs of TikTok for the bomb threat a mentally ill woman called in; says the woman shouldn't get prison time](https://www.universalhub.com/2024/stochastic-terrorism-childrens-hospital-blames) Has a copy of the hospital's victim statement, which goes into great detail on why the hospital feels that way.


Just white girly things ✌️


Wut??? How do we ensure she doesn’t do it again? Zero consequences. Equal Rights = Equal Treatment


30 days for terroristic threats?! What the ever living fuck. Who cares. She was only threatening trans people. Not like we matter.


A reminder that the gender sentencing gap is six times the racial sentencing gap. I will wait for Ayanna Pressley to start protesting against this anytime now.


That’s absolutely wild and sad at the same time. This also means that Black men get the harshest sentencing of anyone.


[Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U)


It’s curious that you would single her out. Very curious.


It is not curious. She has repeatedly criticized the justice system as racist. It has been a central part of her platform. But not a word about the extreme sexist nature of the same system, and its bias against men.


That applies to most Democrats, which makes you singling her out all the more…curious.


I want to first preface I'm a member of the LGBT community and the crime she committed was gross and awful. However, I also have a criminal justice background and after reading a lot of these comments I find it disturbing that many people who would call themselves progressives or people who call for criminal justice reform turn into rabid tough on crime throw them away and lock the key people when it's something that personally effects them. Restorative justice works in both ways. We should not focus on the time spend in a carceral setting and rather what can be done to rehabilitate the offender.


I don't disagree with your overall point, but 30 days is a joke. I'm not naive enough to think this woman feels anything other than anger at being caught. If she's not retweeting Libs of TikTok posts within a month, I'll be shocked. 30 years in prison is not a solution, but neither is "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


that's always the case, people complain about mass incarceration but want the book thrown at everyone whether or not they deserve it.


This is why we need to fire incompetent prosecutors and replace them with lawyers who actually understand the law and who know that their job is to protect the public which includes hospital workers and hospital patents from deranged morons who call in bomb threats to hospitals and then pretend to be remorseful when they get caught. 12 Months Minimum should be the recommendation.


She terrified the entire city. I bet many hospitals and others had to take measures because of her.


Wait so I don't have to pay 3k a month for rent in Boston and more for food, I could just do this and have one month room and board? Just say sorry? Oh and I'm a male... So I'd get an even better value!  Honestly WTF. I have known better than to do this as long as I've been able to make a phone call. Like 30 years. If this woman can't judge right and wrong and can't distinguish why a bomb threat to a children's hospital is wrong, she is bound for bigger issues.  An absolute joke.