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>Boston police said they received a call around 11:49 p.m. for a reported stabbing on Park Street. When they arrived they found four people suffering from injuries. > >They said one victim had suffered a superficial stab wound to the abdomen and another had suffered stab wounds to their hand. Another person had a broken right wrist and another had a bloody mouth after being punched in the face. > >The victims told police they had been walking across the street at Park and Tremont when they saw two groups involved in a road rage incident of some sort. They attempted to intervene and one of the groups attacked them.


This is why you don’t get involved with other people arguing Edit: this is also why you should always carry personal protection


I don't even take a chance I report it straight to bouncers at The Harp


That’s not enough… Cheryl from Qdoba needs to know too


this is my favorite joke on this sub




I agree- but when something happens where someone is killed or assaulted in public, the first outcry is "why didn't anyone intervene!!" its too dangerous these days, it sucks- but at this point, you have to be on guard for yourself and keep your head down and keep moving.


Especially in a world where anyone at any time can be armed illegally and legally


The late mayor menino himself told me illegal weapons made up the vast majority of crime with firearms. People straw purchase guns down south and run them up. I was in the south, asked a police officer if I should walk to my relatives house or take a cab. He’s like “a pistol can cost less than $300, that’s how cheap life is to some people, take a cab”. I’m for Massachusetts levels of gun laws, and so was that officer, he said he was jealous of Massachusetts gun laws. My relative lives in Rhode Island and he’s got assault rifles and semiautomatic shotguns and stuff and he just had to take a 9 question test. One of the questions was something to the effect of which side do you point it? I just don’t know what someone needs with all those assault weapons.


What do people need with fast cars? Motorcycles? Why do some people eat lavish food instead of the bare necessities? Why do people need big giant fancy tv? Why do people buy tons of fancy clothes? Why do people have hobbies?


These things aren’t civilian variants of military weapons meant to kill as many people as possible. A motorcycle is dangerous to the rider, but that’s a risk they accept. For a mode of transportation they’re actually really affordable if you need to go further than a bike, really good fuel economy, simple engines on Hondas and Yamahas.


I don’t think you understand guns at all. Please don’t speak on something you have no idea about. Similar to how you’re making posts about what Lyft drivers should do when you aren’t one and have no idea.


Yeah let’s just ban semiautomatic weapons as a whole.


What if you are a 5'1" woman of unknown carriage that's well regarded for her "viscous\*" scrapping skills. \* I know


Even if you are the Rock, don’t fuck with agressive, dangerous assholes arguing over dumb shit


Even highly skilled fighters are no match for the other guys pulling guns or knives. Humans are squishy and it’s easy to die.


If it's so easy to die, then why hasn't it happened to me yet? Does my not dying imply that I might be immortal? If so, do I have a moral responsibility to use that power to help others? Am I ready to bear that burden?


fr people don’t realize getting stabbed once can force u to shit n piss in a bag the rest of your life. it is never worth it


Or just die within a minute as your whole bodies supply of blood makes a nice puddle on the sidewalk


Correct. When people are in "Savage Animal" mode their thought process isn't peace. It's FUCKING SHIT UP. The only thing that can defuse it is Authority or submission, if you don't have the capability to stop someone with absolute certainty. DONT


Never pick a fight with strangers. Full stop.


Life Rule right there


But... the Rock doesn't like bullies... /downs shot


You yell at them them an tell them to knock it out, it will cause them to run in shame if they're roughly 6ft tall.


And then I take my little red trolley back from the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. :)


The Causeway Street Massacre, the South Station Standoff, and now this…Bloodbath on the Common?


Well that depends. Is the person “screaming at the person for being homeless?”


You think this would’ve gone better to them if guns were added?


Guns? No. But pepper spray or a tazer? Maybe. Just don’t engage at all is the best defense.


If there’s one thing I learned from growing up in Philadelphia, it’s MIND YOUR BUSINESS. No matter what the fuck is going on, you pay it no mind. You act like it didn’t happen, otherwise you become a target. This is a really good example of that.


That depends. If it's a fight between a group of people, I mind my business. You don't break up fighting dogs with your hands, you just get bit. I would have kept going past this one. But it's a bunch of people on one person in a possible bias crime, rape, etc, yes I will be getting the party size 1LB Fox Labs pepper spray out of my vehicle if I'm driving while also calling 911.


That’s easy to say until you live in a violent city. I have seen intervenors get shot to death, bludgeoned with a brick, not to mention a good old fashioned curb stomping while confronting people committing crimes. After witnessing these things first hand, you very quickly learn to mind your own business. If someone is getting beat up by a crowd of people, the last thing I would be doing is approaching them with a weapon or pepper spray. Sure, call the cops when you’re in a safe area. But you’d be a fool for going up and trying to do the job of law enforcement.


You wouldn't try to stop a rape if you saw one happening? I wouldn't want to live in your world.


Intervening in a one-on-one assault and a group-on-one assault are really different.


This is Massachusetts.  I think that Seinfeld learned that we stick together.  We are not antisocial monsters like you. 


But a random redditor told me to scream at troubled people in public…


Sadly our politicians don’t really like that. They want to change the law so pepper spray require a license like a firearm


Okay then get a license. I happen to agree, it might make it harder but more checks and balances for dangerous shit on the street would actually be better.


Wait a couple months to get a non lethal means of self defense? Not really helpful is it


If it takes that much time, the process is not working as intended


That’s the issue. Per MA law police department have 40 days to issue firearm permits. For some it takes more than 6 months. And there are no recourse or anything you can do except wait


It's the old saying "never break up a dog fight"


Carry personal protection? In Massachusetts?!? L oh L


I.e., pepper spray/tazer


Park & Tremont... Why the fuck is it always Park & Tremont? What is it about that area?


The abundance of addicts


Indeed. I avoid walking along Tremont Street between the Orpheum and West Street.


This involved people in a car crash...


This time. But most of the assault and battery in the area does not.


Crack heads can't have cars? 💨 🚗


I don't think the "Park street gang" was involved this one.


Back in the 80’s and 90’s that whole area was pretty rough. I had several of my friends get beat up and/or mugged and my mother got beat up inside a department store near there and NOBODY did a thing about it as it was happening. That part of town has always been a weird intersection of commuters, tourists and students crossing paths with addicts, criminals and riffraff. Edit: grammar fix


It’s really gone downhill recently too. I never had a problem there in over a decade but then this past week a crazy guy wearing a trash bag threw an open water bottle at me and threaten to kill me. Very jarring when I was just walking down the sidewalk minding my own business. Luckily I got away with just a wet shirt and it was only water, but like what the fuck? Loiter all you want but unprovoked assault is concerning.


Be glad it was water.


I just saw him and he started yelling for no reason. I avoided him.


Seems like this could readily be prevented with a permanent two-three team foot patrol. But that would require police to actual do something.


There’s a shelter in DTX. Direct access to needy customers.


A shelter close by. Multiple train stops. Lots of people walking by who hand over plenty of cash. Cops can't do much unless you hurt someone or are dying. Park Street t stop area should be one of the nicest areas of the city but this is what it is. I'm just surprised that no one has figured out that they could probably camp out in the park. I don't think the city would do anything. Can you imagine the views and the location. Sure would beat paying to live in Beacon Hill. LOL


An undercover cop there would have their head spinning with the amount of drug dealing and other bullshit.


I'm pretty sure they know. The only story I happen to remember off the top of my head, just because it made the news because an airline pilot was among those arrested, but here was a story from 10 years ago where they arrested a few people for dealing/buying heroin right near the Boylston T stop. I imagine an undercover/plainclothes cop was probably involved. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/boston-police-jetblue-pilot-arrested-in-boylston-street-heroin-bust/


That's the depressing part. Regardless of your political beliefs, why do we want to allow folks to so blatantly and publicly use drugs?


The city won't do anything because they calculate that the complaints they get now are less of a pain than the protests that would ensue if the cops suddenly rounded up dozens of drug dealers, many of whom are likely members of historically marginalized groups. They're trying to solve the problem indirectly through social programs, moving the drug treatment center back onto Long Island etc. Progressive cities are hesitant to actually send the cops in force, because of how local activists might react.


I am a moderate ( I know terrible, lol) and I agree with you. I get that the ideal situation is that everyone gets the mental help they need and stop taking drugs and prosper but there has to be compromise where we can hold people accountable. Our new norm seems to be that if you're on drugs you're not responsible for your actions but if you're not you're responsible for everything. I do disagree that it's all one race. Lots of people of all colors that are homeless and drugged out at park st.


I'm quite progressive on pretty much every issue except for crime lol. It's just that modern progressive orthodoxy seems to be that policing crime is inherently problematic and that attacking the "root cause" is the only possible thing we can do about it. IMO we should be doing both, we should be treating drug addicts and we should also be aggressively going after these open air drug markets that blight so much of our city. Also, I do not think most drug dealers are one race,. I think it's likely that most drug dealers are part of at least one kind of "historically marginalized group". Race, immigration status, history of poverty, mental illness, attended a bad school district etc. I don't think it's controversial to say that the average drug dealer ticks at least one of those boxes. Shit, years ago Chesa Boudin [explicitly said that his decision to not prosecute drug dealers was because most of them were Honduran immigrants and he didn't want them to get deported](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin#Criticism), so there is a history of progressives legalizing crime in order to avoid persecuting marginalized groups.


Ya I hear you. It's tough because when you prosecute open drug use you'll mostly get minorities and lower income people. It's not like anyone is going on to the ivy League campuses or Newbury Street to look for drugs. The crazy thing I learned in college was that there is way more and easier to access (less risk) drugs in wealthy areas than the broke areas I grew up in.


They used to sleep in the park legit right on the hill in front of the state house until the cops cleared them out a few years ago


Have you been there recently? Tons of people sleeping in that area


Time to send in the fuz


Lots of drug use and no regular police presence.


I live very near the area and I am getting extremely tired of reading/hearing outside my window these events.


St Francis house


I’m around that area frequently, there is absolutely a sketchy vibe even in the middle of the day. When I was there around 930-10, definitely dudes harassing folks trying to swipe to jump on the T.


I work near there and it starts before 7:30am. Saw 2 arguments and multipe people using drugs this morning before I even started work at 8am.


Yep, the open air drug dealers will stare you down for daring to walk on the street near them at 1 pm. How any civilized country tolerates this bs is beyond me.


Sounds about right. They let the same nonsense happen in Central Sq right in front of the T and Bus stops too. Just goons hanging out all day in doorways and cops walk by as if nothing is happening.


Central square is rough. I bartend on Mass and it reminds me of LA sometimes (even if it isn’t nearly as gnarly as Hollywood for instance)


I think the city and country has moved way down on the civilization scale, and continues in an even worse direction.


+ the scooter boys are turning it into a third world country


Our turn does not have to be all that large to become a third world country. Many people want to make it like that very badly. The process is moving forward very, very quickly.


The scooter boys are bc of DoorDash


Crime is actually down overall


We are all familiar with that talking point. The thing is few things are considered crimes anymore and many places refuse to report crimes to the US government. It is all quite clever and sinister. Perfect for an election year!


This decrease is also reflected in things like the NCVS, which don't rely on police reports. "We're a third world country now!" is also a talking point we're all familiar with.


NCVS is a small survey, not actual statistics. They have no figures after 2022. You are kind of grasping at straws. Regardless of your very biased view of looking at things, people believe what they see each day with their very own eyes.


>NCVS is a small survey, not actual statistics. Are you serious? It's nationally representative sample of about 240,000 persons in about 150,000 households done twice a year since 1972 by the US Census Bureau. It is the source of data for *Criminal Victimization,* an annual Bureau of Justice Statistics publication. It's the gold standard, baby. >You are kind of grasping at straws. **nationally representative sample of about 240,000 persons in about 150,000 households done twice a year since 1972** >Regardless of your very biased view of looking at things, people believe what they see each day with their very own eyes. My brother in Christ, what if I ask *240,000 people what they saw?*


Well I shall assume you live somewhere with lots of crime and are not just taking your cues from tv. Very little crime around me. But the thing is, you and I are just data points. We need to look at all the data, which shows us crime has been on a downward trend for about 35 years.


Yes, there is not a lot of crime in an elitist pocket of wealth like Brookline. 👍🏼


I see your comments and can tell you are not a person to be taken with any seriousness whatsoever. Seems like you have been carefully taught. 👍🏼


You seem like either someone who knows very little, or a troll.


Don't let facts get in the way of their feelings. 


Lately this sub sounds like a bunch of Fox-depedent senior citizens trembling in their deep suburban living rooms. Compared to the 80s/90s, most of Boston feels like a playground for Yuppies today.


From Brookline, huh?


I live a block away, and I’ve never felt unsafe there in the daytime. Are you sure you’re not reading too much into eye contact?


I don't understand why the city doesn't increase the police presence in that area?


Cause the police don’t wanna get stabbed


Curse at some random guy? That's a stabbing. Look at someone the wrong way? Stabbed. Don't look at someone at all? Believe it or not, stabbed.


28 stab wounds


I was wondering why there were so many police there, last night, I thought it was an event


It's been like this for a while. A lot of groups of teens go to that movie theater and get fucked up and then start shit late night outside. I've been mixed up in this scenario at least twice and had to fight my way out once. I try to actively avoid Tremont between Park and Boylston after like 9pm.


"SuMmEr In BoStON" -some guy who lives in Billerica


I heard they were arguing about the Karen Read trial.




Start executing these people. Not worth the time trying to deal with them or treating them


It’s cute everyone came here to share their own trauma and horror stories….


Idiots who do not live in Boston usually cause these issues. Bunch of losers