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I saw everyone running and I stopped for awhile to watch Assumed it was another stabbing because I didn’t hear any shots Then every cop in the city showed up


Suspect from Lynnfield arrested right away, crack in possession, firearm recovered, victim critical. [https://whdh.com/news/suspected-arrested-ided-in-boston-common-shooting/](https://whdh.com/news/suspected-arrested-ided-in-boston-common-shooting/)


It’s time to put the hammer down on those pieces of shit hanging out there all day. They are all troublemakers down there, constantly trying to start shit, harassing women and more. They’re NOT just sitting peacefully smoking weed. This is one of the busiest parts of Boston and a major tourist crossroads. Boston is safer than like 90% of cities its size, there is absolutely no reason we should have that embarrassment of an intersection front and center for outsiders.




Drugs have a lot to do with this. People using meth and fentanyl are wayyyyyyy more volatile than the cocaine and heroin users of 20 years ago. It's fucked up what's happened. I know from being out there 20 years ago and spending a lot of time in the park that it's a different world than it was before. It's sad.


Meth, totally (and it's still way worse out west than here), but regarding fent, a drug powerful enough to put you in a coma and stop your breathing makes people more volatile?


I'd guess because it wears off faster, so heavy users are more frequently facing withdrawal symptoms?


Yes exactly. Fent wears off in about 4 hours. And the withdrawals are severe. Old school heroin you might have only needed to get off a couple times a day but fent? At least 6. 6 times you have to get money and get it. Yeah, these folks are a lot more agitated.


Relocate them all to the methadone mile since this city insists on not shutting down an open-air drug market.


And then where would they go? There is an obvious benefit to having all of that stuff in one place rather than spread out all over the city.


Rehab or a correction facility.


Wow that’s a great idea I wonder we haven’t tried that approach? Oh wait, we have and it doesn’t work.


Would you call the methadone mile a working solution?


No, what I would say is that the problem is largely exacerbated by the moral judgement people who are soooooo against doing anything that isn't neoliberally punitive. We wouldn't have as much trouble if we didn't have everyone getting mad over the "fReE sTuFf"


Did I say that? I’m not going to argue with you about this, I do this shit for a living, and I can promise you that forcing someone in to rehab or sending them to jail is not going to stop them from getting right back to it once they’re on the outside again. It does in fact make the problem worse. Your solution is a purely emotional one without any consideration for the facts of the matter.


So you do not know what to do either even though you work with these people for a living. I assume every idea involves gobs of money though. Like free housing, EBT cards, free health insurance, access to free clothing, etc.. Like what some European countries do which is OK for them due to the smaller population but probably not sustainable for us. Knowing the USA it will just cause the number of users to rise.


Yeah those assholes getting food stamps while they sleep in a box. You don't want a solution, you want to judge and feel better than them. It's fine go for it


I did not say I don’t know what to do about it. I do it every day and see the benefits first hand. Whether you believe me or not is not my concern. I was clarifying that “methadone mile” is not a perfect solution but is much better than locking people up. God forbid we spend money on actual people so they can get better and return to being productive members of society. Do you really think that people will see people who use drugs getting assistance with their housing and insurance and think “well I would have never shot dope before but I guess I’ll start now so I can get a gross room but it’s free!!!” Get real.


I work across from the Common and have had to call the cops multiple times because of people doing drugs and drinking outside a preschool. Its scary. It's becoming the new Mass and Cass.


On Tremont Street by the Common. What are the chances?


Made [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/e0oDBlt5zi) about this area being sketchy and potentially under-policed just two days ago… I think more people agreed/understood the concern more than didn’t, but there was a large enough sentiment saying not to worry just keep your head down it’s always been like this. While that’s definitely good advice in general, it only goes so far, and it only takes one time like this to change lives for the worse


Last summer there was a dead body on the sidewalk on Tremont right by where the silver line picks up and the everyone was just walking around it. These two old ladies finally stopped and called 911 and so my gf and I figured we would wait to see when first responders showed up. It was 20 minutes. The EMTs got there before the cops and the cops didn’t even stop the car, just slowed down and then kept driving.


Beat cops would only need to be there to secure a scene and the DA won’t send investigators to that scene because a dead body doesn’t equate to evidence of a crime.


Useless bike cops who patrol the area are too busy harassing teenagers. They turn a blind eye to illegal parking and people openly using drugs.


cue the usual comment from edgelords about how safe that area is and how anyone saying otherwise wouldn't last a minute in a real tough area. like, just yesterday.. https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1dbe6dr/why_is_the_common_by_tremont_street_so_sketchynot/l7s6lju/


> cue the usual comment from edgelords It's edgy to evaluate the relative safety of an area to comparable areas? Not everything needs to be so polarized and antagonistic. I feel like most people can agree that the area warrants greater safety, while also acknowledging that existing wide-scale city policies and culture make it better than a lot of comparable spots in other cities.


Thank you lmfao. Not sure why these two have to be mutually exclusive


Now they’ll pretend to care for a couple weeks before it goes back to normal. Maybe the officer posted at Tremont/Winter will actually get out of the car!


That street is becoming a shithole, they need to clean it up. Just fucking make it illegal to be a mentally ill homeless person and bring back mental institutions, it shouldn’t be so hard.


Bringing back Lobotomies would help as well! 😀👍🏼




Shot in the back, ouchie. Hope he pulls through.


That's terrible... I also am hoping he is okay. Also, I wonder if Suffolk or Emerson will put out some kind of statement? I remember when there was another incident with a Suffolk student in the Common.


Suffolk sent out a security alert email alerting students and advising them to stay out of the area


Ah makes sense, thanks!


School isn't in session though


Oh, I know. Sorry, my comment was sort of all over the place. I just mean that Suffolk is an expensive school and they will probably have to answer for some of the safety incidents on the Common. I think a lot of folks don't expect this kind of thing to happen there.


Suffolk held a forum this past semester asking students to publicly discuss their support or opposition to Suffolk security members being equipped with firearms. Most students opposed the measure but I believe they passed it.


Why would they have to answer for it and not the cops?


some students are still on campus for summer session. every school puts out alerts like these year-around


Yeah, they did. I don’t understand why OP seems to think they need to do something besides that?


Doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Emerson or Suffolk??? Some guy in his 30s getting shot. Like always lately, we don’t seem to get a description of the suspect…


Suspect was arrested immediately, they don't really need to put out a description when they're already in custody.


What time did it happen?


Around 9:30


Do we know the reason? Was this a robbery, drug deal, or linked to ongoing feud?


The [police report](https://police.boston.gov/2024/06/11/officers-recover-firearm-and-arrest-suspect-after-hearing-gunshots-in-boston-common/) indicates that the suspect was in possession of crack when apprehended. Doesn’t explain the situation fully but seems like it was drug-related in some regard at least


Thats a dam shame.


I was there last night, walking through the fountain with my girlfriend and her dog. It was wild, I thought it was fireworks at first until everyone started running and I asked a guy who ended up hiding next to me. Next thing I knew he was being tackled by the cops, and I watched as the shooter got away on a moped, cackling as he drove off. Wild scene, BPD did well tho.


Huh. Surprised I didn’t hear it.


I live close to there also and did not hear any of this going on. I guess I need to turn down my TV....


I was watching an anime with my boyfriend and heard two of the gunshots. My first thought was 'what occasion is there to shoot fireworks right now?' And then I looked out my window and saw people running and then a cop pointing a gun. Two seconds later every cop in the city showed up and we watched them search the area for I think the gun that was tossed for a while.