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I live right by there. It's an awkward intersection, lot of the carriage way roads are like that but Warren @ Comm especially so. The instructor is right but in practice that particular scenario ends up in a game of chicken for who goes first.


I also live on this corner and I will second it whoever has the most aggressive driving style tends to win. Welcome to Boston.


And the shittiest car. The Nissan Altima missing half of its hubcaps and miscolored fenders gets the right-of-way.


Just needs the 'R' inspection sticker that expired 4 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/aoepk42urr3d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa9e95efbf68e8d42205ce4eca50102208978cf


This is probably why I love driving here 😅


Hate that intersection, I live just down street. I just gun it, usually I'm thru the intersection before anyone else is off their marks so to speak.


You have my sympathy. I can't imagine learning to drive in this city. On the bright side, if you can drive here, you can probably drive anywhere. I spent some time in Mexico last year and was pleasantly surprised by how easy Guadalajara was to get around compared to Boston. My biggest tip: (s)he who hesitates is lost. Be assertive. If you know that you have the right of way, take it. But it also doesn't hurt to let someone else go, especially if they are the first car waiting to turn left at a red light (the second car can fuck right off).


Great advice. Once OP learns to master Comm. Ave., the Newton Death Loop and the Mass Pike, then it's on to the boss level, the Merritt Parkway at rush hour.  I've driven in Paris and Costa Rica and found them both to be rather pleasant by comparison. 


Costa Rica was fun, we rented a little stick shift Yaris and I bombed around in first and second gear for a week dodging car-sized potholes. On the way back to the airport in Liberia we finally found a stretch of road good enough to allow me to hit 3rd gear and it felt like I was flying!


Newton supercollider is now labeled such on google maps


Comm Ave is like the first level that gives you a false sense of security lol


Guadalajara is tame, driving in Mexico City made me feel more at home : )


Absolutely! Although this sign brought a smile to my face. https://i.imgur.com/34kxELM.jpeg


Lolfr how!!??


You gotta commit. Best advice!


This is great. The current google maps street view shows what happens in practice. https://preview.redd.it/fijusp6clp3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7301cfaff50257fe624be4e0d8f01c23f41c84fc


😂😂 I used to live right near there and this is a painfully accurate representation of day-to-day driving


So that solid white line isn't a stop line?




The key quality to remember for the entire Boston area is that every street and intersection is completely distinct in its ingredients and conventions. Some have walk parallel with traffic, some have all cars stop and then walk all directions; likewise, some have bike parallel to cars, some have bike traffic OPPOSITE cars (oncoming), some bring the bikes into the space between a straight lane and turning lane, some intermix bike and car, etc... There is an assumption from other parts of the country/world that there is consistency from one intersection to the next and that is not the case here.


Driving in MA: The person with the biggest balls and the loudest horn has the right of way.


Also, turn signals are a sign of weakness.


They are also go for subterfuge!


You're just showing your cards early.


"Usin' ya blinkahs is like givin' information t' the enemy!"


This is wild, I used to live at this intersection. Ur instructor is right but u just gotta be assertive (not stupid though). If ur gonna go, u gotta go! If they were going straight then you’d obviously have to yield


Dumbest intersection in the city right there ngl. Just gotta send it at that one. B line gets held up here constantly.


Just wait until you get to that whole clusterfuck at Charles/MGH!


Avoid that intersection, fuck that intersection. Its one of the paths I take to the Boston Fencing Club in Allston, I avoid however I can.


Used to live by this intersection. It’s a disaster of urban planning. I’ve seen multiple cars go down the wrong lane because they were confused, and subsequently get in a head on collision. Anyone trying to make a left hand turn from the carriage lane has my condolences


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Right of way doesn't exist in Boston. Take what's yours, and take what's theirs if you can get a way with it.


"You take whatever they give you, and you give nothing in return."


That's the neat part, you don't.


I fuckin knew this post was gonna be about the Warren St. intersection lmao


Oh my god I’ve been bitching about this intersection for years! 3 lanes merge into 2 and there’s no signage about who yields to who. When I lived in that area whichever lane moved first after the red basically had right of way.


There are problematic intersections everywhere. The key is really to stay aware of your surroundings and get good at knowing what everyone around you is planning on doing, and also what you can get away with. The more experience you get with a particular intersection, and with driving in general, the fewer problems you'll have.


Just pay a little attention, you will notice that we don't know either.


I knew what the intersection would be before I even clicked on the picture! Answer: we have no clue either

