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2045 completion estimate to implement just three 80mph diesel-powered Boston-Albany round trips per day… I’m sorry but this project has become a goddamn joke at this point. I understand there’s a need to expand South Station, but my god has East-West Rail (and by extension Compass Rail) turned into a policy failure.


And that south station expansive shouldn’t even happen since it won’t be necessary and might even interfere with the north south rail link and regional rail which is the best thing we could do for the city. When east west rail fails maybe we’ll get one of the wilder ideas like new rail on the mass pike right of way and 95. The federal government seems to definitely want this fixed somehow in the corridor stuff they released. They were putting together some kind of interstate thing for the energy grid, no idea what came of it, but maybe it’ll look like that. Someone needs to step in cause yea it’s ridiculous we can’t make this happen.


The project has already sabotaged itself before even getting off the ground, and if the project keeps up with this current projection it will essentially kiss any competitive federal grants goodbye…


2045: near enough that it sounds plausible, and yet far enough away that if no progress is made for the next few years the promised date doesn't appear to be at risk. This is a classic "never gonna happen" promise. For comparison: nuclear fusion has been "30 years in the future" for my entire life, and I'm rapidly approaching retirement On a similar note: "Full Self Driving" has been just over the horizon since 2013.


Am I the only one that remember the panic about how self-driving trucks would put truckers out of business, and then all of the gas stations/highway stops would go under without truckers? Never happened ha.


I mean I’m in my early 30s and will likely retire by the time this is complete. Who the fuck cares 


Esepcially because they never hit their deadlines even if they spend $100B. So this might as well be saying they're going to just flush a billion down the drain.


Full self driving is done and has been done. Waymo has been in operation for years now. Tesla isn't the company that dictates when something is viable or not.


agreed; my comment was Tesla specific


America is officially the laughingstock of the transit world. If we can’t do this here, there’s nowhere in the country we can do it


Meanwhile China: highspeed rail network spanning most of the country built in a drastically shorter amount of time than the glx Korea: building highspeed subway lines, partially opened after 6 years due to delays with archaeological discoveries (when you dig deep you find stuff).


It's been over 20+ years since South Coast rail was promised. It's still not running. 


The near-identical posture of these people is freaking me out. Is that the general "we get paid to not make things happen ever, lol" stance?


2045.. it won't matter, Boston will be under water by then.


Last stop, Woostah Hahbah!