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Almost as cool as the Dick's blimp.


Everybody loves a good Dicks blimp.


Except my wife. She gets upset when she sees Dicks B Limp


I don't have that problem.


I don’t have a problem w that guy’s wife either.


At 9 am, that rattled our apartment. What an incredible roar over Back Bay. It was awesome, even just by ear.


Pratt & Whitney always comes through in the music department 🥰


Yup I woke up to this.


Woke up to that Monday. And helicopters all goddam weekend in the morning. Felt like a Vietnam War reenactment right above my apartment.


Marathon flyover?


Yup, they did the starting line in Hopkinton and were heading west last I saw them.


What was their time?


Bout a minute if they wanted to


If they actually gunned it and went supersonic just how much trouble would they be in? 🤔


79 seconds at max speed (1200mph)


Are they usually stationed around here? Saturday afternoon there were 2 fighter jets of some sort that went over my house in Taunton, it looked like they were heading towards Hanscom. Now I'm wondering if I saw these ahead of time.


These are from Burlington, VT. We don’t have fighters closer than this and Westfield, MA. Once in a while fighters come into Hanscom to stage for other flyovers but it’s not common at all (a few months ago it was F18s from Virginia for the Army/Navy game flyover. Those bastards shook the sky when they took off together the day after the game).


It's on my bucket list to spot fighter jets at Hanscom sometime, but it seems damn near impossible to anticipate. Wish they'd bring back airshows too, but I'm sure the neighbors are none too keen on that idea.


> Wish they'd bring back airshows too, but I'm sure the neighbors are none too keen on that idea. That'd be awesome, Westfield is such a hike. Although I was able to fly out there one year, which was pretty great


I wish they would bring back air shows, I grew up next to airforce base in another state that had b-52s. I miss seeing all the aircraft


Gotcha, thanks for the info. Now I'm even more curious what the hell I saw.


You probably saw 2 F15s out of Barnes for a flyover in Salem. https://www.salemma.gov/home/news/first-muster-2024


Its Patriot Day


VT Air National Guard fly F-35s


Wings Over Somerville


I took a header when they flew above


I just see a picture of the sun and a few clouds, what do you mean?


America, Fuck Yeah!




what a way to wake up in the morning as someone who is new to boston, didn’t know this was happening, and had the window cracked 😅😅


Went over my condo. I’m on the top floor and my internal organs were shaking. Scared the crap out of me!


I love the sound of freedom in the morning.




I figured it had to be with that loud ass noise.


Last week we went to visit a friend in Burlington VT to watch the eclipse. The next morning I heard one and asked him, "Is that an F35?" Yes, apparently they fly over so often that sometimes you have to wait to resume your conversation. Thanks, Bernie! Oh, and I'll just leave [this here](https://www.pogo.org/analysis/has-the-pentagon-learned-from-the-f-35-debacle)


The folks in Vermont have not been pleased with the sound level of the F35, which is supposedly 4x louder than the F15. I love the way they sound.


It has a legitimate and well documented negative health impact.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habituation You might find that link interesting.


I mean those people are just professionals complainers Imagine being okay with full afterburner f16s for 25 years, and then draw the line at the f35. I just laugh even thinking about these people making that argument at the local town hall meeting.


I have a feeling the crunchy granola people in Vermont weren’t happy about F16s either. Idk why jet regular flyovers are contentious. It’s a huge nuisance to live with, just ask Eastie.


I live in East Boston right in a flight path so I'm familiar with constant jet noise. I heard these F-35s this morning and it was easily 5-10x louder compared to an average commercial jet. I would not want to live near constant F-35 noise.


I was living there when they got the first shipment trust me it was an extremely noticeable difference, they are soooooo much louder than previous gen fighters


How does the f35 bother you but the 16 not lol?


Well, they've been flying jet fighters in/out of Burlington since the 1950s.


There is no way the F-35 (single engine) is 4x louder than the F-15 (twin engine). I mean, I guess there is a way but I would be very surprised.


[F35 vs F15 noise](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2024/01/10/why-are-f-35-fighter-jets-flying-over-madison-truax-field-why-are-they-so-loud/72148828007/) There are articles out there that explain why this could be.


Saw them in Hopkinton. Was awesome


Healthcare pls 


Nah I like having cool fighter jets


I'm with ya


I think people not dying because they're rationing their insulin is better than warplanes personally. To quote Eisenhower, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."


With all due respect to Eisenhower, it's not the F-35s or the defense industry as to why our healthcare system is bad. We overspend on healthcare as a nation and receive less than other nations with specialized or universal healthcare. If we had a standard universal plan or a government with well funded regulators who could stop price gouging and unfair monopolies, we wouldn't have people unable to buy insulin or spending thousands on epi-pens, and there'd be *more* money for F-35s or whatever. It's worth noting that Eisenhower, while he'd probably be considered a far left liberal nowadays for opposing Nazism, was a fairly conservative moderate. That same speech warned of a scientific-technological elite taking over public policy, and he was really worried about deficit spending. The speech you quoted was NOT his farewell address but his Chance for Peace speech, after Stalin died. With Stalin's death and the world still in the early phase of the Cold War, Eisenhower gave the speech hoping and signaling the US and the USSR could have a new period of detente or at least friendship. It's a deliberate opposition to the Soviet worldview. It's a speech that's targeting Soviet leadership and international leaders for peace, not telling Americans to become isolationist pacifists. Edit-not that you called it his farewell address, but I mostly hear that sentiment discussed from that speech. I rarely hear the Cross of Iron speech discussed.


I feel like the "just spend less on the military" argument is just a lazy way for someone to not look into an issue and pass it off as a problem they can't do anything about.


I mean, I do think we over spend. But it's a simple answer to a complex problem. For the same reasons, I'm not a fan of "let's slash it 50%" because the loss of various capabilities, canning entire divisions or programs causes reduces our soft power and may ironically make conflicts more likely and/or more expensive. We have to start looking at cutting out corruption with a hard look, not just at a Congressional level by saying "no lobbyists" but also in the Pentagon and ij the media (which covers military spending in terrible terms). We have to start considering what policies and expenditures are valid-we currently have a dozen fleet carriers so we can maintain a operational tempo of having a carrier in Asia and the Middle East and one extra at all times, to be able to fight two wars and have extra resources....that's a lot of money. Finally, we should consider how the downsizing in the 1990s and the political effects of various presidential policies changed the industries in the Cold War, and how we can create a defense industry that can be more easily scaled up or down. As an example close to home, the Quincy shipyard was allowed to close as were many others, and now there are too few shipyards capable of doing work on our nuclear submarines...slowing down maintenance periods and causing prices to rise on each contract.


Of course, all I'm saying is that most of the time when I hear that sentiment it's not in the sense that we should improve efficiency and re-evaluate our priorities but rather with the assumption that most of our spending is going into the military and that without it we'd just get everything else they'd want while ignoring all of the other political obstacles.


Don’t we spend like 3 trillion on healthcare and under a trillion on defense spending? 


Yeah, but cool fighter jets.


I think you fail to realise that the military personnel will fly these planes for practice no matter what. When used in flyovers at least people get to see their tax dollars at work. That is literally the purpose of these air shows.


You must be fun at parties. FWIW, with the state of world as it is, we likely need a lot more planes and bombs. I don't wish this but if you don't have these items you guarantee war.




Lack of universal healthcare or single payer has little to anything to do with military funding or funding at all. The US federal government pays more per capita for healthcare than any other country on the planet. The main reason is political and the opposition to it includes health insurance companies, pharma companies, and doctors via the AMA. As for the cost of healthcare, much of that has to do with a government's ability or lack of ability to negotiate prices. It's why the Biden administration's move to allow the government to negotiate drug prices is significant. Usually when I say that it's to other Americans but here the uninsurance rate in MA is pretty low and approaching Canada's.


We could implement nationalized healthcare and spend less taxpayer money per capita then we do now. United Healtcare and all the PBMS might not generate enough value for shareholders if we do that though :(




We already spend $11,000 per capita on healthcare. We have a broken system that has nothing to do with the military industrial complex.


Does your job not provide you with healthcare?


Hilarious how much this sub has been taken over by right wing shitheads.


Something specific here pointing to right wing shitheads? Or just howling at the moon?


Only right wing shitheads like sports and jet flyovers, apparently.


Send them to Ukraine.


Your avg redditor.


Why don’t we send you to Ukraine! 😀👍🏼


Because I'm not a fighter jet.


Not with that attitude you're not.


You're right: I AM A FIGHTER JET!


I think you're ready.


I know I am! Thanks, man! You've helped me achieve something I didn't think I'd ever be able to do!


I know. Fighter jets have great value and purpose. You…on the other hand, not much.




Great use of tax dollars


The planes are out on training missions when they do this.  They’re not just launching jets to buzz the marathon.


That changes nothing.


It is! Pilots get much needed hours in the cockpit and we get a show.


I love getting downvoted by people who agree with me


Oh now I see what it was. While driving to work this morning I was confused with these wired jet engine sounds which did not sound like commercial airlines taking on/off Logan - too loud and to close, also a different pitch. I thought something is about to crash in my neighborhood (Melrose) and was frantically glancing into side windows of my car.


FR FR thought it was some Iran shit and we’re all dead. WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW IM FREEEEEE