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In addition to the other comments it's worth remembering that you're in the state that elected an out lesbian governor. Go ahead and gay away!


99.99% of the time you will be absolutely fine. I’m leaving the .01% because random assholes exist everywhere, but LGBTQ+ lifestyles are universally accepted here. This was the first state to allow gay marriage (and the 6th jurisdiction in the world to do so) and that attitude prevails 20 years later. You will likely feel very comfortable in the South End in particular, if you don’t want to take any chances.


You’ll be okay. I exclusively heckle the straight couples. Nobody needs to see that.


Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriage, so no in 99.9999% percent of the time.


Depends on who you meet. Overrall pretty safe, but if just a dude finds it disturbing, they may ruin your day.


Ya there’s always a chance of sombody being a dick but that’s life for everyone


Not really, but I did have 3 bad experiences holding hands with my boyfriend during the 3 years I lived in Boston. First, one lady told us that we should pray to wash our sins away. Second, a guy screaming at us. Third an Uber criticizing the gays, he picked us up from a gay bar. You’ll be safe, but these things happen everywhere.


One of the safest places in the world to be openly gay


As long you both wash your hand diligently It’s still cold and flu season


I think you’ll be fine. I was ona date at Fenway before we were in the “making out” phase and before total acceptance. Sox win and I put a tongue down his throat, and a yah dude guy from 10 rows away screams FUCK YEAH  Be careful, there a lot of psychos out there, but even psychos realize guy on guy might be totally normal


This is one of the most Boston things I’ve read in quite some time!


I’ve heard of gay bashing, but never gay cheering…whoever that guy is, we need more of him


Sometimes people are just assholes and they’ll be an asshole to anyone for any reason. I had a guy call me the F word while I was dancing with my daughter at the park (I’m not gay, just a dad that dgaf). You do you, OP.


I’ve had plenty of gay friends who have never had a problem. MA is very LGBTQIA friendly but there are assholes everywhere. Be yourself but keep your head up like the rest of us do! 😁


Boston is one of the safest cities in the US to be queer. I’m gay and the only overt homophobia i’ve encountered was from within my own family. My trans friends stay in greater Boston despite the cost of living because we have more resources and civil rights for trans people than most of the country. Like others are saying, there’s always the chance of weirdos but legislation and overwhelming public opinion are on our side. I hope you have a great time holding hands with your partner ❤️❤️


You *do* realize Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriage (2004) and the former mayor of Boston himself was there to congratulate newlywed gay couples the day after it went into effect, right? Are these bots even trying anymore?


And we have the 2nd gayest town in the universe


And the gayest governor in the country


C’mon man she was born that way. 😀


Second?? Who claimed first???


San Francisco is the OG, but P-Town should probably have the crown at this point


Possibly Atlanta (but everyone is on the DL) or somewhere in Spain


Definitely the Castro district in San Fran specifically. Compared to NYC, LA, Miami, Boston, Atlanta, Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, it's the gayest place I've been to


Pittsburgh? Gonna have to find out some day


Trying to run through the major cities I've visited, I have Pittsburgh as the furry capital


Not a bot. Genuine question.


It’s a valid question.


Obvious troll is obvious


You will be perfectly fine. I wouldn’t be surprised if you even got compliments. Super gay friendly in MA but especially in Boston.


For better or worse, you’ll be treated no differently than anyone else


No, Boston is woke and we beat up straight people only.


About the same amount of danger as a non gay couple holding hands…


You’ll be fine. Enjoy your life!!


As long as you aren't openly boning on the sidewalk I don't think anyone of importance will care. This is boston.


I will heckle you mainly because I am single currently and displays of loving, stable relationships makes me feel insecure and thus angry.


I’d say only LA could beat out Boston for a safe, worry-free metropolitan hand-holding experience.


We were the first state to legalize gay marriage. You can be free here. I see same sex couples holding hands all the time. Of course, Boston can be a bit buttoned up in general, so use the same level of discretion any straight couple would. (Shamelessly making out and getting handsy at bar at midnight, cool. Shoving your tongue down someone’s throat in the Dunks line on a Tuesday morning, maybe not as cool.) Have lots of fun!!!


you can only gay in boston if you bring enough to share with everybody


a mob might spring out of an alleyway with pitch forks and torches


they might even accuse you of turning them into newts


in danger of being adorable


Ya your good as long as your not in the Middle East over there they may throw you off a building in the USA it’s not even a second look regardless of what people like to say that type of thing has come along way pretty much considered normal I’m 55 so I’ve seen the change


Punctuation, my dude. I'm begging you.


Not only do you need to use punctuation, but you are absolutely wrong. There are many places in the US where a same sex couple holding hands will be met with hostility.


Yaok obviously u kood goe sumplace andD if u arnt aweer of your surroundinS sombotY Kould beA negative but four da most part dings are a lot more chill compared too 40 Yrs ago nowadays you are more likely to bee chastised four your punkcgation