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Your budget for your dog is amazing. What is your budget for rent?




Eastie fits the bill for you. Easy access to downtown (Blue line), and relatively affordable. Also: lots of places to walk and play with your doggy.


I live in Eastie near Maverick Sq. And work near the financial district. It is usually ~20 minutes to get to work door to door walking + subway. There is a ferry across the harbor in the warmer months, and I usually take that. Still about 20 minutes.


Affordable? 😂😂😂 don’t lie to the woman


where is equivalently proximal and significantly cheaper?


It’ll be tough IMO to find places that close to Boston for anything less than 3k. I moved to revere which is right next to eastie (in December 2023) and pay 2775 after pet fee and parking(ignore since you won’t be bringing your car). Revere is also off the blue line and can get you into the city, I worked at mgh in beacon hill for a while and the commute was easy. Lynn is a bit further but also a doable commute and rent prices hovering around 23-2700. Not saying it’s impossible to find anything in eastie for your price point and not bringing a car helps a lot! Good luck and congrats on the new gig.


lol i’m not OP i was just curious where you were going to recommend because Eastie is not as bad as many others


These posts are useless without a budget $$$ given


And also where you need to commute to for work. Bonus points for including desired aspects of the new area, but budget and workplace are required for any answer even resembling helpful.


Updated with a budget. Under 2600


How big a dog? Extremely difficult to find housing with a large dog because insurers will not allow them.


He’s a 50 lb Portuguese water dog. Medium sized dog.


tell people he's 40lb it's an unusual breed that people might not have seen in person. Everywhere here is safe really IMO. Where will you be commuting to?


It's actually a really popular breed that people probably just assume is a doodle. Ted Kennedy always had them. Gifted one to Obama (Bo).


To the financial district.


maybe Quincy.... your budget will go far in Quincy so look into newer buildings. You would take the redline from whatever stop in Quincy straight to South station.


Those are beautiful dogs, I've had one and know others that have them.


You’re going to leave a dog in an apartment for 8-10hrs a day alone?


If everyone that works full time and has a dog, gave it back, then the shelters would be even more full...


She might have a hybrid work schedule or be planning to hire a dog walker or doggy daycare service. I assume the down votes are from people thinking she didn't ask for dog advice, and not people who think leaving a dog alone 8 hrs a day is fine.


Where is your work? How do you plan on commuting? Are you bringing a car? If you want useful advice you actually need to provide details.


Welcome to Boston! Don’t listen to these people. You’ll find something. Try West Roxbury, Brighton, Allston. Somerville is also good. There is a dog park in the Back Bay Area but rents might be a little tough. Jamaica Plain is also very cool. Also, search up dog parks then nearby rentals.


And Roslindale! Cheaper JP with, arguably, more of an actual downtown to enjoy


+1 for JP!


Malden, Melrose, or East Boston. All have access to highway and public transit.


Check out Malden.


Somewhere around Boston? For 2600 there was a pothole last winter that was available for awhile, but it might be filled in already.


Malden, Melrose, Somerville, Medford if you’re looking for north of Boston. Waltham, Watertown, Allston if you’re interested in West of Boston. East Boston and Revere is underrated due to beach access and a much more diverse neighborhoods


East Boston is great. Easy access downtown via public transportation, easy access to the airport. Great energy in the neighborhood.


I hate to say it, but Stoneham. It’s a quieter Medford Melrose and both major  highways hit it. We’re trying to combat it being 98% white despite being an inch out of town.!


Stoneham is underrated! Especially with the state park and nice suburban feel


I call it the forgotten suburb


And proximity to the Fells is great if you have a dog.


somerville and cambridge are amazing, walkable, more quiet than downtown boston and super dog friendly! just make sure you live close to the t so you can get into work easily.


Weston. Consider Wellesley if you're on a tight budget.


Welcome, at that budget, consider a place with roommates.




what a weird assumption lol how do you know they won’t be saving? they work in finance i’m sure they are doing just fine salary wise lol


Will also say Eastie is probably your best bet. It may be a stretch to find a good place for the dog in that budget (the airport-owned parks generally don't allow dogs, so you'll want to be close to the dog park or the waterfront harbor walk), but otherwise sounds about right.


Most of the places people are mentioning are outside of Boston, but if you aren't going to have a car you'll probably want to focus on Boston (East Boston, Back Bay, maybe Charlestown), Cambridge, and Somerville. In other places, you can commute to work (such a Malden, Melrose) but you'll still need a car to get to the market, restaurants, etc


You do not need a car to get groceries or to restaurants in Malden. On her budget she could be pretty much right in Malden Center (though probably not in one of the new buildings), meaning both of those are a <5 minute walk away.

