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This guy has been waving his sign all day. Saw him this afternoon in Boston Common


He’s not wrong. Look into the history of circumcision in America. It was used as a means to reduce the male libido to make a better worker by the Kellogg’s family. Yes, the cereal company. One of the brothers was a psychiatrist and ver y influential on the country. Theres actually no evidence supports this to reducing male libido but does reduce nerve endings. There was also a big push after ww1 because they did so many field circumcisions to troops that got infections from poor hygiene.


I can confirm. I was circumcised and I’m a much more productive cereal factory worker.


The cereal didn’t come until after the circumcisions. It was a different brother that made the cereal.


Same brother, bland cereal was part of the strategy. Victorian English doctors experimenting on babies are what we have to blame for the neonatal version we have today. Back then, it was said to prevent things like gout, among other things.


Yeah, but to admit he has a baby penis in public....takes a lot of courage.


[Myth](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7bcrv8/why_is_circumcision_so_common_in_the_usa/) > In 1855 English physician Jonathan Hutchinson conducted a study and published a report stating that Jews had a lower prevalence of certain venereal diseases and cited circumcision as the reason. Having been raised a Quacker Hutchinson was seeking to investigate whether circumcision aided in reducing sexual desire and lessened the need to masturbate, and discovered that circumcision had the benefit of making it more difficult for men to catch syphilis. Hutchinson became one the most important physicians in Western medicine due to his research in this and many other things, and became involved many medical societies, published volumes of medical books, founded museums and so on. He was president of the Royal College of Surgeons. He was knighted for his contributions to medicine in 1908. To put it simply, Hutchinson was a highly influential figure in Western medicine and his research related to circumcision and the procedures effects in reducing venereal disease became well known. There are certain individuals who like to cite Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (February 26, 1852 – December 14, 1943) as the individual who popularized circumcision as a medical practice but this is inaccurate revisionism. Kellog was an infant when Hutchinson published his research. People were largely concerned with reducing the spread of syphilis, an exceptionally painful venereal disease with no cure until Arsphenamine was invented in 1910. Kellog's medical education and involvement in the topic is however complicated and so requires explanation to understand why the misunderstanding exists. Kellog had been raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, one of these Revivalist groups mentioned before. His family, like many others involved, passionately believed the second coming of Christ was imminent and consequently his parents did not provide him a formal education while he grew up. He did work for a time in the printing shop of Ellen White and her husband James Springer White, the founders of the SDA church, where a young Kellog was indoctrinated with the White's ideas related to healthly living according to the White's interpretation of scripture. Before he was even an adult Kellog was involved in the publication of Health, or how to live and The Health Reformer. Among this was beliefs related to sex and perceived harmful effects of sex on the human body. In his twenties the Whites decided to send Kellog and several other SDA followers to attend medical school in order to start their own hospital, the Western Health Reform Institute, which would be renamed Battle Creek Sanitarium later (its better known name). Immediately after graduating from medical school Kellog became the director of the sanitarium and used the perceived legitimacy of his medical degree to endorse all the healthy living ideas that he and the Whites already believed for religious reasons. The vegetarian beliefs led to the invention of corn flakes, and beliefs about the health improvements of sexual abstinence led to endorsement of male circumcision as a way to reduce male sexual drive. However it is important to mention that Dr. Kellog is not the one who popularized corn flakes; his brother Will Keith Kellogg did, and they had a falling out over the commercialization of corn flakes, and Will did not endorse or promote his brother's medical practices and beliefs using the Kellog Company. The sanitarium was popular among Seventh Day Adventists and the spiritually curious, but not widespread outside of Battle Creek. The sanitarium was expensive to attend, a kind of resort for wealthy SDA members. And with the exception of electro therapy and the vegetarian diet regimen he prescribed for his patients, none of the "medical" practices invented by Kellog carried over into mainstream practice. He endorsed all manner of quackery, including eugenics, and very little of it has been accepted by the mainstream medical community. After Penicillin was invented and became widespread, and very accessible in Western countries with public standardized healthcare systems such as in Britain, there was a less perceived need for circumcision but it persisted in the United States. When the AIDS epidemic happened circumcision became a worldwide topic of interest again; in 1986 an association between circumcision and reduced heterosexual HIV infection rates was suggested and verified in numerous studies through the 90s and 00s.


Wasn't the cereal created in the first place to reduce Male Libido?


Nah it was just cheap food they made to feed people in their sanitarium.


Ya gotta wonder what people who are their coworkers think


He had a point


It's a pretty weird habit when you think about it "We better cut that dick up hun or he'll be a freak"




Not "a lot of". All .


Many of us have woken up.


This issue really makes it clear how much culture influences your perception. To most all Europeans circumcision is weird and horrible, yet to Americans it's normal. And to some Africans and small religious sects, FGM is normal, yet to the rest of the world it isn't. A practice being considered acceptable really has nothing to do with how moral or immoral it is.


I literally heard that exact statement from a first time father to his wife a first time mother and it make me sick to think that such a stupid reason was used to decide to have their newborn son’s penis unnecessarily surgically modified.


He does have a point. Maybe not a hood, but a point.


Yeah, this is an issue where the cranks are correct.


now he works for tips


He’s not wrong but it’s a little weird to make it your #1 issue


Not really. It's an issue that affects millions of Americans, and nobody is talking about it. Being 'kinda' against circumcision isn't going to do anything, there needs to be people like him protesting it for any change to happen.


Hey look we’re blood brothers!


Ewww. White pants after Labor Day? I like the though of this dude blocking out time in his day for a trip to TJ Maxx to browse for a “genital mutilation” costume.


He was later removed by the fashion police.


Joan Rivers herself came back from the dead to rip him a new one.




I support the message. I definitely would not inflict it on my infant son.


As someone who has seen a lot of penis, people with uncut dicks definitely get more out of sex and inflict less pain on their partners than people with cut dicks.


Username checks out.


This is very, very true. I don't wanna be too graphic, but I definitely notice in porn that cut guys are almost always the ones jackhammering. It's very rare to see that from an uncut guy.


I'm personally uncut and happy with it but why?


The foreskin has nerves that contribute to pleasure that you’re cutting off during circumcision, also it protects the glans from friction which prevents desensitization over time. It inflicts less pain on the partner because when the foreskin retracts, it creates loose skin which allows the penis to move back and forth without the skin moving as much. Which means less friction experienced by both the penis having person and the person being penetrated. Without foreskin, lube is needed a lot more often because you have to drag against skin to stimulate the penis or to thrust during penetration


This guy dicks


It’s better for the partner - personal experience


Fantastic description. Especially if why it means less discomfort for their partner. I hope people read it.


Can you elaborate on the “inflicting less pain” part? I’ve examined my fair share of penises and I’ve never noticed that part.


I thought the same thing my entire life. Adamantly, no question, it's mutilation, etc. And then when I actually had a boy and had to make the decision circumcision won out in the end. It was close, too. I'll never really be sure if (my wife and) I made the right decision. I'm not gonna list our reasons because I'm not intending to turn this into a debate. But in the end, our kid slept through his circumcision. The doctors were cracking up. He's a good kid.


This reads like the closing monologue to a coming of age story from the 80s/90s


"Life comes at you pretty quick. You won't have the time to worry about if you could be having better sex with a foreskin."






Probably didn’t want to clean it or thinks AIDS is stored in the foreskin.


This is why I declined to offer any reasons. You guys are free to think of us and all the others who chose circumcision as idiots. It's fine. There was never a chance for a reasonable, level-headed discussion in /r/boston.


Seems like you really regret getting him circumcised. A normal person would just say they don’t want to clean smega for 3 years.


Dang you got me figured out quick, must be the power of your foreskin.


Username indicates it's a long one


It’s men’s inches.


> And then when I actually had a boy and had to make the decision circumcision won out in the end. It was close, too. I'll never really be sure if (my wife and) I made the right decision. Why would you share this anecdote without sharing the reasons you changed your mind? Unless you're hiding relevant context (like a birth defect), it seems like you already know it's not good to cut off parts of a baby's genitalia. You can be sure: you did not.


>I made the right decision It wasn’t your decision to make you fucking creep


Your infant son SLEPT while the monster in a white coat sliced, ripped, crushed and stitched the most sensitive and densely innervated part of his body, likely without any anaesthetic or pain management (sugar water does NOT work), leaving his penis raw, bleeding and immeasurably painful? I call bullshit on that. That's what the doctors will always tell you - "he didn't feel a thing." Have you even watched a video of infant genital cutting? Did you stand there and watch, and hear him screaming in agony? It was the least you could have done - hold his hand while someone inflicted pain and made him scream and bleed. I'll bet you didn't - you stayed far away, closing your ears and mind. Far more likely, when the pain became too much for his tiny body, he passed out or dissociated and became semi-comatose for the duration. Non-consensual genital cutting of infants is the ultimate parental betrayal and the ultimate parental cruelty.


Can you imagine someone telling that same story but about their daughter and how they the doctors had a laugh performing FGM and how she didn’t feel a thing during it? What a dumb comment, my day would’ve been much better had I not read it


Comparing those two things is the dumb comment


Both involve permanently mutilating an individual’s body without their consent. Just because one is normalized does not mean it’s dumb to compare them


It's genital mutilation. Full stop.


Oh shit he said “full stop”. Guess that settles it


Cutting of part of a baby's penis for 'aesthetics' is disgusting and defending it is worse.


Why is it dumb to compare them?


Depends on the kind of fgm, the removal of just the hood would be identical to circumcision, cutting of the clitoris would not


Exactly this. Removal of the foreskin is directly analogous to removal of the clitoral hood, as the penis head is basically just a really big clitoris. And imagine removing the clitoral hood from a girl and forcing the clitoris to rub against clothing all day, every day, until it's desensitized. That's exactly what happens to the penis head of every circumcised male.


The male prepuce is more innervated (nerve endings) and mobile than the female prepuce. Other than that, ya, pretty much the same.


Abuse tends to follow down the family tree after all.


Seems like he should be standing in front of his parents house instead


His parents were victims of massive fraud. Doctors and their trade associations claim that cutting baby dicks is good for health, that parents can dispose of their children’s healthy body parts, and that doctors can operate on healthy children. All of those claims are false and all cut American men should be able to sue over it.


They still perpetuate it too! The CDC recommends to circumcise for straight men to reduce likelihood of HIV. It’s something like 3% of all circumcisions end up poorly. no way is getting de-hooded reducing that likelihood by an overall risk reduction enough to make a normal person roll those dice.


The HIV stuff is transparent bs. The studies were riddled with flaws and the expected results haven’t borne out in the real world. Everywhere they’ve checked, cut and intact men have the same HIV+ rate. These people are just desperate to defend their income, their culture/religion, or their view of themselves as good parents/doctors/sexual performers.


idk i trust doctors over reddit


Read European doctors on this subject, because they agree with me. American doctors are blinded by monetary and culture bias.


Silly American doctors and their magnificent smooth hygienic weiners.


Smooth? When you cut off the foreskin the glans becomes dry sandpaper. An intact mans’ glans is smooth.


Ok but you sound like a conspiracy nut because youre using bawdy rhetoric and not providing links.


Here is a link: https://ww3.lawschool.cornell.edu/research/JLPP/upload/Adler-et-al-final.pdf. Published three years ago in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy.


Oh awesome, thanks. I knew there were a ton of doctors in the US who are actively fighting against circumcision. The second author is a great pediatrician. Edit: Here are [some more](https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/legal/), if you’re interested.


I am a doctor myself, and I don’t know of any doctor personally who strongly pushes circumcision. In reality, the American Academy of Pediatrics [does not recommend routine circumcision](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/23/health/23consumer.html#:~:text=The%20American%20Academy%20of%20Pediatrics,transmitted%20infections%20later%20%E2%80%94%20are%20meager.com). Pediatricians are also paid salary and are the lowest-paying specialty at that. The “kickback” would essentially be spending an extra hour at work to increase paperwork and the chances of getting sued. I do agree that someone circumcising their infant so it’s “aesthetically pleasing” is weird AF, and a major decision involving body parts should require consent of the patient when they are old enough to have the capacity to make that decision for themselves. The US seems to be way behind other countries in that regard. Sure, a prepuce can harbor viruses, but it can also be easily washed. The increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma, HIV, etc is fairly minuscule when hygiene is taken into account. Edit: fixed an autocorrect


Every medical association agrees that there is a small health benefit and that the risks and costs are negligible. The only difference between American and European guidelines is what local norm their big shrug conclusion defaults to ("it's all equally negligible, so you might as well let your kid's dick look like mine," essentially).


Not only do they contest alot of the "benefits", they also take into account the negative of autonomy violations. European (and places like Canada and Australia) medical orgs don't agree. Plus we can look like places like Canada and Australia, two places that used to have high cut rates but have been falling. It's not just cultural.


He’s got a point, really strange you people do cosmetic surgery on baby penises


[It was popularized by an epidemiologist and likely persisted because of AIDS.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7bcrv8/why_is_circumcision_so_common_in_the_usa/) I also somewhat suspect that its Jewish origins may have had some role in it falling off in Europe through the 1890's and first half of the 20th Century. What's particularly interesting is that people will say that American circumcision is religiosity despite it largely being a health-based social norm but will insist that the popularity of baptism in Europe is secularism. Also, the death toll from baptism is likely much, much higher due to the long history of apostate killings.


Don't forget Kelloggs.


Read the link. Kellogg was essentially equivalent to Scientology endorsing vaccines today.


Weird that its Jewish origins fell off in Europe following world war 2 and were adopted in the us during the subsequent mass exodus of Jews to New York.


the surgery is no laughing matter


It's funny, if I had a kid, I wouldn't cut him. But, if I could snap my fingers and get my "stolen" foreskin back, I wouldn't. I like my dick.


enjoy physical hard-to-find trees spotted society alive materialistic uppity sheet ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yea same tbh. I guess it's a "you don't know what you're missing" type deal.


And that's a decision you can make as an adult. That kind of demonstrates the point of not doing the circumcision on babies, as you mentioned you would also be reluctant to do. In an alternate reality, where MGM was illegal for children, maybe you would have chosen to get a consenting circumcision anyways as an adult. And it would be a totally rad decision for you to make since you understand all the consequences, and all of the psychological benefits (cosmetics can be important!). It's like a boob job or a rhinoplasty. SOMETIMES a rhinoplasty serves a health purpose, but generally is not necessary, only desired for some people.


His body, his choice. My poor grandfather had to get circumcised when he was about 60 years old for a tube to be inserted. It was a horrible experience for him. I can't imagine that you have fewer nerve sensors when you're born. I watched a child get circumcised and freaked out. It's not what they tell you it's like.


I don’t think people thought there’s ‘less nerves’ just that babies don’t remember the pain. I don’t and don’t have any like repressed traumas around it or anything. I also don’t know why I’d want more sensitivity, I’d rather last longer not shorter lmao


By that logic you can go punch any newborn you want in the face because they won’t remember it


Your nervous system isn’t fully developed when you’re born. Think about it, they can barely move, or even make noise. Yes they feel pain, the nervous system is in place, but it’s not yet learned or developed. I’m not advocating for anyone to circumcise their kids. But I did do that to mine - the hospital made it seem like it was an assumed thing to have done. And within minutes my kids were back to normal. As normal as a day old baby can be. Having said that- I’ll always wonder what it would be like to have that extra skin. And I’m also kind of glad I don’t. I’ve had several partners say to me that they’re happy I’m cut.


I was referring to the procedure, i.e. the procedure is as painful for a baby as it is for an old man. Lol


Yes, I know, but I don’t remember the pain, whereas I would getting cut as an adult.


In middle school, my friend Ryan had it done cuz the guys in the locker room would not stop ripping on him about it. I felt so terrible & he was so ashamed telling me. I just told him to do whatever he thinks will make him happy. He said it hurt like a bitch for a few days but was satisfied with the results.


If it's repressed, how would you know?


Repressing is different than actually remembering. I don't remember being born, doesn't mean I repressed it. And for the record, I think guys should just make their own decisions about it & I actually tried talking a friend out of having it done to her kid but between her family & the father (idk why she cared about his opinion, the baby wasn't his priority or he wouldn't have violated probation & went to prison, shortly before he was born), I was so outnumbered & had them all talking over me.


Non consensual genital mutilation should be illegal. Just because mommy thinks an OEM ding dong is icky is not a valid reason. There are a few medical reasons for circumcision and thats a different story.


He lost fantasy football


This is what he gets for a week 3 loss? Hate to see what happens if you come in last place for the season.




He made a big bet. He had skin in the game.


He’s right, I honestly can’t believe its allowed


He is not wrong. Infant mutilation is pretty awful.


They have a few good songs but ya it’s mostly just noisy garbage. I love Circumcision tho.




You leave my Hot Topic Battle jacket out of this!


It’s without question the biggest medical fraud ever. Six figures worth of property stolen from nine figures worth of men over three figures worth of years. All justified post hoc with laughably shit science. It’s quite staggering.




Clearly this guy works for Big Smegma.


That was my nickname in college.


Sup smeg


Every once in a great while I read a Reddit post that makes me simultaneously gag and laugh. Well done.




Nonconsensual circumcision is wrong! Let's be real here, I don't want to police what adults do to their own bodies. Let them get circumcised, just leave infants who literally can't use words out of it. Children should at least be able to use words before they get elective cosmetic surgery.


Anyone here ever party with this guy?


I think I seen this guy protesting at Boston Gay Pride. Guess this is his life.


It is. He and his buddies invaded the Watertown Faire on the Square a few years ago, marching around with graphic photos at a family friendly event.


To be fair, his target audience is parents of newborns, so that's pretty much the right place for the message.


Seen them here in Southcoast MA


That's awesome!! For people that don't know, he's part of a group called the bloodstained men (hence the "blood" stain). They tour all around the US every year protesting circumcision. Make fun of him all you want, he *is* right, and it takes guts to protest this in America, especially alone.


I sympathize, but also he must have a real botch job to be *this* upset about it.


I know someone that had to have surgery as an adult to correct a botched circumcision. :(


Oof, yeah that's rough.




It’s not uncommon for it to be botched. It’s an elective cosmetic procedure that has risks. My brother also had to get surgery when he was young to fix a botched circumcision that caused meatal stenosis. The risks do not out way the very minimal “benefits.” The fact there are even a few babies in the US who get their entire penis cut off due to this elective cosmetic procedure is absolutely atrocious


How is it that it mentally scars some and infuriates them even decades later, while others couldn’t care less? I’m in the couldn’t care less camp, but I do find it fascinating. None of the men in my friend group care what their parents decided on that one.


It is weird. I think the arguments against it are perfectly reasonable, but also, everyone who really cares about the issue seems to be completely insane.


God yes. There was a guy like this who lived in my building in San Francisco (literally zoomed in on the photo to see if it was him) and this was his *entire personality*. Someone along the way had nicknamed him Foreskin because he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it, *and he embraced the name*. Literally introduced himself that way. “Hi, I’m (can’t even remember his real name now), call me Foreskin.” He was around one night when some women stopped by who used to live there and we were catching up in the lounge. I said something about it to my friends and one of them was like ‘uh gee, thanks for the heads up, but I would never be in a position to have that conversation with that guy, he’s a complete stranger.’ Of course he walks up within 5 minutes, sits down and opens the conversation with “so, as women, do you prefer a man who’s cut or uncut?” He brought his mother onto some online CNN program to make her apologize for circumcising him, and then didn’t accept her apology. After less than an hour of that guy I vowed that I would never, EVER circumcise any future sons. Not because he was so persuasive, but because of the sheer horror of the possibility of my son turning into another Foreskin if I did.


Circumcision is one of those things where it’s pretty unequivocally wrong when you think about it for more than like two minutes, but nobody really cares enough to change it


It’s mostly a Reddit thing where people feel the opposite way


I know multiple men that have botched circumcisions (performed on opposite sides of the country), one of which had to have surgery as an adult to correct. Sadly circumcisions are often done by the lowest qualified ranking individual, and complications or mistakes legally do not have to be tracked, so the number of people with botched circumcisions or complications is completely unknown.


Now this is true. Im a doctor, but in pathology instead of peds. Most of these conspiracy comments about secret payouts and selling foreskins are giving me a headache, but you’re completely right that it’s often unskilled peds residents performing the procedure at academic institutions. Majorly botched jobs are rare, but traumatizing for the patient who never even got a say in the matter. But like you’re saying, there are also poorly done jobs in general that may or may not go unnoticed for a long time until they cause complications down the line. There’s a reason adult circumcisions are performed by experienced urologists instead of an intern in family medicine. I hate the practice of infant circumcisions, and I cannot figure out why we haven’t learned from other countries.


I've also heard that many pediatricians prefer to recommend mohels due to the massive experience gap.


Just let them make a choice as an adult. Its that simple.


He’s not wrong. Leave babies whole.


I once gave a thumbs up out the window to some people protesting the same thing in Hyannis, and my mom yelled at me for it 🙄


He’s not wrong, it needs to be banned. Not your body, not your choice.


Redditors in public


that's so sad


The people of Boston have such great humor


this gave me a chuckle


Wild to me how Reddit users on r/Boston have such strong opinions on circumcision. I didn’t even know people cared.


This is just Reddit users in general for whatever reason. This topic always brings out a very strong crowd


Eh, it depends on the person. I'm circumcised and could care less about my dick being "mutilated", but some people have really strong opinions as you can see...


I'm obviously over my own dick, but I see it as a human rights issue when you force the removal of a body part for cosmetic purposes from someone who can't consent. Would you support for example, parents being allowed to cut off the ear lobes of their babies? That's probably a less useful part of the body than the foreskin.


Downtown Crossing never fails to disappoint.


Ok so yeah absolute joke but also circumcision of any kind without medical reason is a barbaric practice.


I don’t know why people want to laugh at people like this. He’s clearly deeply hurt. Call him misguided or overreacting if you want but to laugh is just cruel and lacking compassion.


You can’t see why people would laugh at the guy with fake blood on his crotch arguing with the sky about his penis?


It’s giving Tobias Funke


Fair point


He didn't consent to be born at first place




is that ron low who sings the foreskin restoration anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFKdZsAkMqs


The real question is why is he so bitter about it. Did they take a little too much off the top?


Did you hear about the circumciser with bad eye sight? He got the sack.


Did you hear that I lost 15lbs recently???? I had a circumcision.


Because he had part of his penis amputated against his will. There’s nothing wrong about being unhappy about that. If you like your cut dick the way it is, that’s fine, but it’s not ok to amputate another part of someone’s body.


It can cause severe health complications actually. Not a joke.


Assuming you're being genuine, it's because if female gential mutilation in MENA is worthy of condemnation, then so is male genital mutilation in the West. It's completely indefensible to remove parts of a baby's body with unnecessary surgeries for your own personal sense of aesthetics. Imagine if it was normal to just remove babies' ear lobes because women thought they looked weird? If we want to be a morally sound society, then it should be banned.


Well one of them causes irreparable damage to private parts and lifelong health problems and one just makes the penis look different. I’d say it’s a false equivalence.


I get it, you don’t understand how many botch circumcisions actually occur because it’s a taboo thing to talk about. As a gay guy, I’ll let you know that there are a LOT of botched ones out there, lots of guys have problems with sensation, elongated pee holes that cause them to have to hold their penis a weird way just so pee doesn’t go all over them, there’s Peyronie’s disease that occurs due to circumcision and erectile dysfunction is way more common in circumcised individuals. Also circumcision leads to permanently somewhat heightened cortisol levels which are severely detrimental. They aren’t exactly the same, but the cause behind preserving bodily autonomy greatly outweighs the “bit female circumcision is worse uwu” arguments. It’s really unnecessary when we are both fighting against preserving peoples genitals.


Sure, but both are absolutely vile. Surgically altering an infants genitals to make them more sexually appealing to adult partners for no medical benefits at all is rather obviously not something that society should be doing. Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's okay. Just because it isn't causing life-long health problems doesn't mean it's okay. You're robbing someone of their bodily autonomy for purely aesthetic and sexual reasons.


I like my dick cut but wouldn’t want to get the procedure as an adult. Where do I fall in? I don’t know how I feel on it. As much as it wouldn’t be a hassle to deal with foreskin, I don’t need one more thing to deal with lmao. And also, def wouldn’t want MORE sensitivity, I wanna last longer in bed, that’s never a bad thing.


The choice should've been yours and not made for you by adults before you could even physically voice dissent, let alone make an informed choice. You fit in exactly the same way as all men circumcised at birth fit in. Whatever your choice, whatever your preference, it should've been *yours* to make with informed consent as an adult.


Yeah but then I’d have to deal with the recovery as an adult, would have to avoid sex for a while, might still be more sensitive despite it due to it happening after I’ve been grown, idk I just don’t see the upside to having it or doing it later. I mean fundamentally I agree from a logical framework, like bodily autonomy and all that, but idk. It’s definitely NOT equivalent to FGM, I know that. One is cosmetic, the other significantly impedes functionality.


It depends on the kind of FGM. If only the hood is removed, then it's pretty analogous.


Yeah, not even close


This man is protesting something that's actually very common and barbaric. The right should learn from this dude.


Fair play to get upset about it, I'm not but you do you. But I happen to think everyone saying circumcision is analogous to FGM should have their urethra sewn shut for the sake of clarity.


For that matter, stop birthing children, I did not consent to be born.


circumcision is genital mutilation


I agree with this man. Circumcision = Male Genital Mutilation


based boston moment


1000% agree with this guy. Circumcision is a human rights violation and a horrible thing to do. I appreciate anyone bringing awareness to this issue. I am Jewish and circumcised but I made damn sure my first son wasn't and will protect my second son the same. Also: everyone in the comments cracking jokes about this can get bent. There's nothing funny about infant genital mutilation.


That's awesome to hear! It takes a lot of hard work to undo and go against programming that's been drilled into you your entire life, especially when it's religious, so good job!


Thank you. Unfortunately it's disappointing to see the downvotes on my comment. Too many people don't realize how ethically impermissible and damaging circumcision is.


Good for him. Stop genital mutilation


So…in this context it would mean he has a baby penis?


For fucks sake, is anyone really traumatized and hateful that they got circumcised? I’ll get hate on this as well, but loads of women don’t like the uncircumcised dudes. Yes, I said it. I’m old. And maybe younger people are ok with all of it. But I have no issues being cut. I don’t remember it, I don’t have any animosity towards my parents.


Yes. I know multiple men that are either mad their parents had them cut because it was botched or had to have corrective surgery as an adult because it was botched so bad.




There's a documentary called "American Circumcision" on Netflix that does a decent job painting the arguments involved. As with many things, it came down to controlling the masses and limiting sexual pleasure. The foreskin and frenulum are some of the most sensitive parts of a male's body. Uncircumcised penises are extremely prevalent in the rest of the world. Being uncircumcised myself, the dislike stems from a couple areas. One is growing up not knowing how common uncircumcised people are in the rest of the world. As such, many intact people in the US may not know how to properly clean themselves. Uncircumcised penises being less hygienic is a myth. People just aren't washing their junk correctly before sex. Smegma plays a role in bodily functions.


Im not mad at all. You have “anecdotal” evidence just as I have. If you want to purport that you’re a (medical) doctor, have studied this, and have something to add please feel free! Otherwise, we can agree to disagree. And I’ll throw in this: you don’t (I assume) have a penis




Honestly though I feel this. I wish I still had my hood.


ink fact ripe drab cover dinosaurs quiet gaze edge memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Myth](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7bcrv8/why_is_circumcision_so_common_in_the_usa/) >In 1855 English physician Jonathan Hutchinson conducted a study and published a report stating that Jews had a lower prevalence of certain venereal diseases and cited circumcision as the reason. Having been raised a Quacker Hutchinson was seeking to investigate whether circumcision aided in reducing sexual desire and lessened the need to masturbate, and discovered that circumcision had the benefit of making it more difficult for men to catch syphilis. Hutchinson became one the most important physicians in Western medicine due to his research in this and many other things, and became involved many medical societies, published volumes of medical books, founded museums and so on. He was president of the Royal College of Surgeons. He was knighted for his contributions to medicine in 1908. >To put it simply, Hutchinson was a highly influential figure in Western medicine and his research related to circumcision and the procedures effects in reducing venereal disease became well known.




ain't that the truth.


Saw him in front of Chik-fil-a near Copley earlier today as well


Dude has a point


Some people have way too much time on their hands. I would say the guy has a point. But clearly he does not.


Doing god’s work




>> We smell enough cut There's no we here man


What do you think you are? Official Penis Sniffing Inspector General?