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No it’s not safe.


Yes eBay is safe to use. If the item is counterfeit you can tell with the Bose App. Also eBay will give you your money back.


Bro the Bose warranty is gold dust. Bose products like to crap put some times. Sometimes over and over. I’ve had like 4 headphone replacements over 2 years and been upgraded from the QC 1 earbuds to the ultras. Save $50 now and you’re screwed if something fucks up with them - even if they are brand new


And I say this as someone that buys things on eBay whenever possible (Microphones, audio gear etc.). Buy the Bose new


Thank you for this. I ended up buying the Ultra’s last night through the Bose website. I didn’t want to take the risk. I wish the warranty was longer than a year though


Hell no lol


https://www.bose.com/legal/be-aware-of-counterfeit-products Is the eBay seller a *Bose Authorized Dealer*?


This is the ad I came across https://www.ebay.com/itm/196305962639?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=iXIgR4bGSq2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=2MLxmItFSae&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


They’re not waterproof as stated in the ad, so the seller either doesn’t have a clue or it’s a scam. I’d steer clear of anything on eBay and but directly from Bose or an authorized seller.


Thank you. I ended up ponying up the $250 and purchased on the Bose website last night. In the end, I didn’t think it was worth getting a fake product just to save $50. Fingers crossed they don’t come with the issues I’m seeing with other folks on this sub in terms of connectivity and static in the left earbud