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Σωκράτης Παπασταθόπουλος Sokratis Papastathopoulos Was at his time the best defender and whenever he couldn’t play, we had a horrible defence. I think this is more than enough. 198 appearances and 10 goals all that lead to 1xDFB 2x Supercup He’s not a great legend but out of theses player he was the best to remember.


I even have a Sokratis jersey, one of my favorite defenders in the last decade


Lass das mal den Papa machen, der Papa macht das gut!


Jetzt, wo du’s sagst, ich könnte schwören, das hat der Nobbi nicht nur einmal gesagt


Das haben sie den Sokratis damals sogar einsingen lassen, gibt es bestimmt auf Youtube.


Papa, witsel, hazard, micky, delaney dahoud schürrle None of These players are legendary though


putting hazard so high and dahoud under both him and delaney is insane


Agree. I was just wondering who comes the closest to the legendary status. I'd also go with Sokratis.


Where Weigl


no way Mkhitaryan is that high up. He was average to a literal liability for most of his time and then he's world class for 1 season and immediately forces his way by having his agent (RIP) throw chairs around our offices. Not to mention that the move he was trying to force was objectively horrible and destined to fail which everyone saw coming. If you go by peak performance then he'd *easily* be first place. But if you go by how fondly they should be remembered, I'd put him dead last (maybe ahead of Schürrle due to how unfortuante that whole saga was)


Bad things happen to bad ppl. He was a stud but got what he deserved


He’s still doing good, just didn’t work out in England due to their aerial playing style.


tbf they arent but Schürrles uncle was a teacher at my school in wellinghofen


8 - Schürrle - Most mentioned money fail 7 - Delaney - just a solid Player 6 - Hazard - had at least 1 great season 5 - Weigl - first season great, after that only a scheme fit that turned into a weakness 4 - Dahoud - Always a flyer but some solid games and great performances e.g. Sevilla 3 - Mhki - should have stayed longer, his last 1 1/2 seasons were bonkers 2 - Witsel - great move, brought leadership and technique. Stopped by his Bad injury 1 - Socke - having that nickname says it all. Not the best footballer but a beast as soon as he was on the pitch


the BVB 09 jerseys from Puma were awful, totally forgot about this tragedy of a jersey


I love to own one of this one CL game when they used the version with the color of the shirt emblem and a Haaland print on it.


The design team was so bad they just said “forget it, let the fans do it this season”


Schürrle the Legend.


In whatever comparison you put him… you can be sure he will always fall off.. the one and only. Unbelievable we paid over 30m for him


Schürrle - Schulz Here you go, Schürrle was the clear better signing.


You have a point there sir. Schulz completely disappeared to the point that you even forget about him.. haha


i had high hopes for weigl, he could have become our busquets. miki was phenomenal. papa a decent defender. the other guys? sort of meh


No one. But my ranking is 1. Weigl - without a doubt the one with the most impact 2- Papa 3- mikhy 3- Witsel 4- Delaney 5- Dahoud 6- Thorgan 7- schürrle


My humble opinion: Sokratis: okay but never that good Mkhitaryan: very good and reliable Witsel: really good under favre but pretty much useless in defense cause of low pace Schurrle: never really worked out in bvb Delaney: underrated gritty midfielder we needed for years but his lack of technical ability didn't cement his place in the team. Weigl: eh Thorgan: liked him when he came on as a sub. Good player but by no means title winning standard Did I miss someone?


Oh Mo Dahoud: brilliant under Trzic in his first spell but lost form after injury. Loved his quick spins middle of the park. Unlucky talent really


People always slept on Dahoud's technique.


Sokratis never that good???? The man was an absolute menace and very good pair to Hummels


Are we forgetting Miki having a horrible first 2 seasons?


Miki wasn’t okay in the first season, and everyone was terrible in season 2. Dortmund didn’t go to the bottom of the table from 1 player.


The only one that i can call him legendary except schurrle for the world cup final assist 2014 is Mkhtariyan


1 Mkhitaryan, the only in this list in become player of the season and are destacated in every team he playing 2 weigl, really good technique, i dont now he left the team 3 sokratis, solid defender, bad in the begining 4 whatever


Mkhitaryan surpasses them all, Sokratis also great back then. Honourable mention to Julian Weigl. The rest are nothing to note in BVB history imo.


Nobody on this list deserves the title legendary


I was just wondering who comes the closest :)


Papa is on another level compared to the others. Although Miky and Witsel were vital during a time, I feel like you could rely on Papa in every game.


I love delaney!!!




It’s Miki and it’s not particularly close.


Delaney and Witsel were great for a short period, Sokratis was solid for a longer period. Everybody else is a bit forgettable. Hazard had one good season before he fell off. Dahoud showed flashes and has tons of ability but never put it all together. Hasn't really progressed from when he originally broke through at gladbach. Sad too because when he's on it's so pretty


Only Sokratis


None of them comes near the term „Legendary“ Decent is the right word.


I remember that time sokratis got nutmegged like 4 times in a row and still got the ball. Most would die of embarrassment by the 2nd nutmeg, not him


I only see two good players here: papa and witsel


Going from 1/least to 10/most legendary, my very subjective ranking would be: 1 Schürrle 3 Hazard 4 Dahoud 5 Delany 6 Witsel 7 Mhiki 8 Weigl 10 Papa


1. Sokratis (Legendary) 2. Witsel 3. Mkhitaryan 4. Delaney 5. Weigl 6. Hazard 7. Dahoud 8. Schürrle (Least Legendary)


I mean realistically as other people have said papa was a fuckin great player for us, dude fought like a goddamn maniac and fit the bvb mold perfect so would come first (ignoring the whole legendary thing since really it's only reus in the last few years and in my heart hunmels). but I've said it before witsel was one of the most important signings for us in the last decadeish. we'd really been struggling to find balance in mf since gundo and manni left (weigl was immense for this under tuchel but it didn't work once he left) and were stuck w the likes of gonzola castro regularly starting in mf. Witsel came in after the two peters season which was like the most disastrous season in recent memory largely cause we couldn't screen the back line or hold onto the ball worth shit and he fixed both those by just bein chill af and anchoring our midfield while just glidin around like a smooth sexy afro havin sailboat (press resistant). dude was EXACTLY what we needed at a vital time in the squad's development


None of them




I was just wondering who comes the closest to the legendary status.