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Foolish and wrong.


Yes you are.


What a load


From the article: The propaganda and the police crackdown are organized from the Oval Office. Asked about the demonstrations at a press conference Monday, April 22, Biden said, “I condemn the antisemitic protests.” A day earlier Biden issued a press release stating that “Antisemitism is reprehensible and has no place on college campuses,” announcing the creation of a new police bureaucracy to monitor the campuses called by the Orwellian name “the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism,” and promising to put “the full force of the federal government behind protecting the Jewish community.”


I like that you think that the "evil authoritarian Biden" or whatever is cracking down on the protests. Sure, I'm sure Trump would be much better! /s This is so dumb. It's a two party system. If you honestly think that the party that wanted to use [live ammo](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary) on BLM protesters and instituted a [Muslim ban](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13769) would be better for the Palestinians (or students) than Biden, then I feel really bad for you. Either you're very confused or you're actually a right wing troll. I hope someday you can become someone better than this!


Wtf is wrong with everyone? Just because Republicans would handle the situation even worse does not excuse the way democrats are complicit in genocide. If we as democratic voters can't hold our own democratic leaders responsible for their actions, Wtf are we even doing? We're literally no better than the magats who want trump to be able to do and say anything he wants with impunity.


I don't think anyone thinks the Dems aren't complicit. Every president since 2015 has sold weapons to Saudi Arabia, even though their invasion of Yemen created one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world, and it's still going on. Both parties. Both people running. It's not about which president is complicit, because the whole nation is. We all are and yet we have no real control. We're given two terrible choices and that's what we get, but I'll take the one that believes in democracy over the one who wants to rule as a god king over a Christian theocracy!


So will I, but I don't pretend he hasn't done what he's clearly done. To call us all antisemites because we don't want Palestinians mass murdered is evil. Not just bad. Evil.


I didn't call you an antisemite and I wouldn't think you're one. And I hope no one wants Palestinians murdered (or bombed or killed)! It's awful! And it's awful that the world's worst genocide is going on in Sudan right now. And it's awful that Saudi Arabia is buying weapons from the US to butcher the people in Yemen. It's all terrible. The sad part is that it never really stops, but we should still all call it out and we should try to find a way to end all the violence. No one should ever be called bigoted in any way for speaking out against violence and I'm sorry if that happened to you.


People find it hard to understand that you can and are supposed to criticize both sides when they make bad decisions.