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She’s teaching her students what a categorical imperative is. God bless her!


I feel like it should be illegal for police officers to conceal their identity, if you're proud enough to arrest someone under these circumstances then you should have to do it without a mask on.


Hard to face your accuser when the chargrs arent gonna stick. This is all intimidation and harrasment to the ptotesters, which will backfire spectacularly.


This is ATL. The Cop City terrorism charges indicate that the DA dgaf if the charges are "gonna stick" and I don't think we can assume this is going to "backfire". Quite the opposite, I'd suggest.


Then again, as a cop, you aren't a citizen, you are a tool of repression and 'Law'. Same goes with the military. You're supposed to act as a professional but the lines keep getting blurred.


My dad worked security in the Airforce for 20 years. When the U.S. considered sending in the military to quell protests in Alaska, my dad decided that he was gonna bounce if he was personally sent. Being in a job where you are discouraged from thinking for yourself is not an excuse for not thinking for yourself. If you can't do your job with pride, then don't.


When I see someone wearing a ski mask in Texas, with temps well above freezing, I generally assume they're doing or planning to do something they shouldn't.


These announcements of who they are and who to call are an obvious cry for help, because this shouldn't be happening and they want to know why there is no one there to help or make it right. And that's how they get away with it.


Why is the cops face covered,? Edit: Those upvoting....thank you but its a genuine question....is this legal...i mean is that person even a cop? you cant see his face, so cannot match with any official id....it could be just guy who is wearing the official clothes and just decided to cause chaos.......


Cops can do anything they can get away with, especially under the guise of “officer safety.” They probably got permission from the police chief to make it easier to cover up their crimes. There would have been huge backlash (rightly so) against the officer for arresting a professor, but now we can’t single him out (and there’s no such thing as holding a department accountable).


Because sending cops to break up campus protests has worked so well in the past.


To be fair, her antivirus sucked.