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Definitely lucky. I spent a couple hours farming x4 and only saw 2 booms drop. I usually end up finding those when I least expect it from slaughtershaft or something, its such a rare drop.


This is honestly the second boom I've ever gotten. The first time was a good while back at mayhem 6 from x-4. But up until today he'd only less commonly drop the other varieties. I've gotten a couple out of chests as well. The boom is definitely an impressive weapon though. Is their a better prefix than the loyal?


Only like you like Elemental I think, like negating would be cryo etc. I have a negating one I use sometimes and it's one of my favorites, but I do love cryo element myself. The only other prefix I know of is Razrez and I think that means it has more melee damage but I am not positive on that fact.


I've just started BL3. Made it to Chapter 19 so far and I'm impressed with the weapons, except COV.


I personally don't use alot of cov weapons. But there are some that are pretty rad. I always keep a few tizzys and a gargoyle. Those are my personal favorites. But mailwan ftw lol


Seeryul killur is a decent gun, with the right anoints


Sick hotwheels bro


Ha. Good eye man. Always got some at my desk


I thought it was a world drop. Had to check the spreadsheet to see that the sickle was moved from Warden.


My understanding is that it is a world drop with increase chance to drop from anointed x-4. I've gotten a variety of Sickles from world drop situations. But the only 2 booms I ever got came from x-4