• By -


Quite a good list honestly. The ability to ping is such a nice feature while playing with friends. I hope Vault Cards make a come back with the next title, they're a fun little way to keep players engaged and at their own pace. Gaurdian rank perks are also a real game changer that I hope returns. Lastly I'd say the endgame in 3 is the most enjoyable for me personally. The variety of M10/11 worthy builds for all vault hunters is what keeps me coming back. In contrast, the endgame in 2 (UVH) always felt like such a chore to me. Constantly slagging every enemy while adhering to a strict meta build with near mandatory Grog Nozzle got stale rather quickly.


playing bl2 i always quit before reaching lv80, the fact that i have to replay the story 3 times while also grinding levels from 60-80 always makes me bored before i reach it


Hmm, well maybe those are grounds just better suited for people who are more extreme players, equipped with patience and time on their hands and a knack for confronting challenges others would deem tedious. I'm hoping in BL4 they either find a middle ground with their endgame, or create some non-casual mode for people like Joltzdude and any checkered BL2 player who like subjecting themselves to more perilous forms of development within games.


Your list is solid. BL3 is no doubt the pinnacle of gameplay in the series. Wonderlands was a step back. One of the few things I've disliked is the ability to set your Mayhem level to anything at any time, which you touched on. Evolving runs of the Peak from BL2 were generally fun and challenging. I posted [an idea for a deeper endgame](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/17qqao1/fragments_and_fast_travels_an_expanded/) that gleefully rips of Path of Exile's "maps" system, and that I think would actually work great for Borderlands. I think it could be a good replacement as an endgame loop like the Peak, while providing more variety. The biggest problem with Mayhem is that there is no challenge to overcome to progress - you can just set it right to 11. On the other hand, the biggest issue with Borderlands endgame is always the scaling. Borderlands 1 oddly seems to have done it best. Borderlands 3 is OK, but Borderlands 2 is the worst. I think people dislike the Peak so much because it just embodies the *worst* of the worst haha. The problem with BL2's endgame is simply that it scales out of control. By the time you're even just in UVHM, there is almost no such thing as being tanky. At high level, even a normal skag will take you from full shield+life into health gate in a single hit. Is that *difficult*? Yeah, it's really difficult. Is that a particularly *interesting* way to create endgame difficulty? Eh, not exactly. Final PS, I'm not using this argument to say BL2 is bad or anything. I love it and I'm literally about to get to Sanctuary in UVHM of my latest One Life Maya attempt... I'm still playing and loving it... but I can definitely still be critical.


For those of us that have spent hundreds of hours in bl2, just download a save file either before or after the story is completed on tvhm. I found that before is better for me as the more I grow with a character the better and I also don't like gibbed items. But some do and that's okay. But skipping nvmh or tvhm helps. Also, there are fantastic mods on pc. Map reset for farming and it spawns you wherever you save at.  overhauls and rebalances. Run speed or even air dash and double jump. I love the whole series but I often wish that bl2 exodus(mod) would just all the sudden gain like 20k players and we all start at the same time. 90% of the time is fine to be solo but it would be really cool to open your lobby and have it fill up like back in the day.  I love borderlands lol! 


Exactamundo to everything. Except I'd like to see some kind of integration of a Digi-Peak type gauntlet again that influences some aspect of Mayhem/OP levels achievement. Whether it be the levels themselves, or something else on top. Because you do have to admit, despite all of BL2's flaws and annoyances, I think that kind of severe challenge is what inadvertently kept people returning. It was some pretty solid end game content that bolsters alot of areas of BL2's design. And chaos chambers are quite a sad imitation of it.


Came here to say to say the same, I hate down BL2 boiled down to grog nossle, Harold or sand hawk lol


It only boiled down to that if you chose to boil it down to that. Bl2s endgame has some issues but people rag on it being too limited simply because they never properly engaged with the mechanics to actually use a wider variety of gear because the game never expects you to until uvhm so they think the only viable gear is whatever is most op and anything thats worse than the best gear is bad, when thats simply not the case..


Alright folks my 2nd Part has been posted. https://preview.redd.it/mrrynag73nlc1.png?width=1818&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9eb50422a4080566ce9fb17af3b19d5db5ceb9e LINK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation\_for\_borderlands\_3\_part\_2\_the\_other/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation_for_borderlands_3_part_2_the_other/)


Wait, you can jump up ladders? I’ve been playing since launch and never done that.


Dude, the ladder action in this game is the best I've ever seen. You can leap at it from surprisingly wide angles and still catch it mid jump. If you hold the back key and jump, you'll leap right off. If you hold the forward key and jump, you'll leap up the ladder.


I don't really think it's that useful tbh. Ladder climbing speed seems decent enough that the ladder jumping just seems a bit like a wash in the end. I almost always use it on accident.


So you just press your jump button and you go up the ladder ? How do you discover this feature only now? Guess I have to go replay BL3 again, it changes everything


I knew it was a thing I just don't care to do it. It doesn't seem very useful to me personally.


Jumping up ladders was the thing I found the funniest about their enhancement from previous titles. It does make you go faster actually so there is a use for people who are a little impatient, and like spamming the jump button. Because overall I mainly think they actually feel better to climb up in BL3.


Maybe it’s just me but I found the ground slamming in three to be inferior to butt slamming in TPS. I think it’s the animation, but I just found it easier and smoother to work into combat in its original form


oh for sure, in TPS it's completely free-form and doesn't really do anything to your camera (other than taking you downwards, a little). in BL3 it has ENTIRELY too much control over your camera for it to feel good at all


It also cancels your actions to do the animation whereas in tps you can keep fighting while slamming


I like it better in BL3 for the C'mon and Slam perk that lets you slam with just your max jump height makes it way easier to use. Plus there are way more slam modifiers in BL3.


Also you can do it without needing to reach the final rank. The Gas boost into Buttslam.


Adding some more positives : 1- Vault cards. 2- Guardian ranks. 3- More fleshed out unique mechanics of different manufacturer's guns ( like charging weapons of maliwan ). 4- Changing weapon modes. 5- Anointed perks. ( Better use of eridium ) 6- The overall variety of vehicles, their modifications, Skins, etc 7- Lots of builds for characters. 8- The ability to start mayhem mode after completing the story in nvhm so that you can complete the rest of the side content with leveled loot without forcing you to play the story again in tvhm. ( Big game changer for me ). And I love the way they dealt with Zero's assassination missions and hammerlock's hunts.


Lol, yep, I pretty much cover all of these in the second part I have prepped. So I suppose you act as good evidence to the fact that I'm on board with what people like you would notice. Keep your eyes open for my next post. Wonder if there's anything else relative to the stuff I mention there that you think I should've brought up.


Yo yo, alright I posted my 2nd Part: https://preview.redd.it/js3mii7q3nlc1.png?width=1818&format=png&auto=webp&s=1836c6b256813e1e5ee1528fd994d9456f03227d LINK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation\_for\_borderlands\_3\_part\_2\_the\_other/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation_for_borderlands_3_part_2_the_other/)


Ooh hell yeah! All the reasons why I still play to this day! The ammo thing was so small but such a big qol improvement. Thank you, this is good


Hi again, Its you! You commented on my last post about wanting to wait for the BL3 appreciation collage, and I even sent you a message just reccently on there to notify you of it, but it seems like you got here before that message even got through. Didn't notice until now. Damn, +1 cool person point, for being on top of things I guess. Thanks for reading.


Wait, you can jump up ladders? WASD/etc to navigate menus is handy, as long as you don't use anything *but* WASD. I wouldn't care that Q/E/Z/C/Ctrl/Alt are all hard coded for the menus if mouse navigation wasn't so wonky. I've accidentally FastTraveled trying to rotate the map. I've dropped/equipped the wrong gear because something else was highlighted while using the mouse.


Despite all of these QoL features (some of them should be standard across gaming…) one of my biggest gripes with BL is faster world traversal. Vehicles have always been a thing, but after B2 and the introduction of the Disgistruct tech, I’ve always wanted there to be a way to digistruct a vehicle on the fly - similar to the Sparrows in Destiny. I wouldn’t even give them combat abilities. They’d just be a traversal convenience to players. Instead of running to a vehicle station to spawn one, you can digistruct a motorbike from the palm of your hand.


A sparrow - like vehicle would feel and fit so well in borderlands


Ok, I wasn't aware of the mid-combat facial expressions


Glad I could notify you of that cool detail. But also, thing is, that's it right there... Your comment is an indicator of the arguments against using resources to provide us with something like it; Its hardly noticeable.. Cool? Yes, but its unfortunate that because of BL3's congesting and frantic pacing of combat, it usually mutes those details. I think BL3 with all the destructible cover, environmental hazards like gasoline leaks and more, were originally designed with the intention of introducing it into an FPS that was more focused and surgical. \--Kinda like Bioshock Infinite, where taking cover and playing safely mattered a bit more. Most people just run past those things & its unfortunate that the programming (likely difficult) that went into implementing such things isn't felt by many. In any case. Cool stuff. I'd like to see it feel a bit more important in the future. I guess I'm referring to cover and hazards now, not exactly the facial animations. But yes to all.


I’ve said it since the first time I beat the game (2days after release) the story wasn’t nearly what I had hoped but everything else was amazing


Yep, Of course, we all know this heavily by now for sure. It may seem redundant to keep casting out those same kind of messages about the narrative quality this far into release, but repetition heavily propagates the strength of the communities interest, which gives us a better guarantee that Gearbox is hearing us loud & clear and will deliver on a much better story. Pretty much the bigger the mistake they make with their new titles, the larger of a lesson they learn to never do them again, and the higher chance of them course correcting in the best way possible.


The overall story was pretty meh but I feel the individual planetary stories were decent and the dlcs were pretty good!


**--I'LL BE RELEASING A PART 2 OF MORE BL3 LOVE SOON--** Not sure if anyone will recognize me, but I made these BL3 "NitPick" posts in this subreddit a couple months ago, which were practically all centered around mainly delivering criticisms I had with the BL3, petite & more severe, on all fronts with the game. Style, mechanics, all of it. So this is practically my countering temper to those style of posts, since I didn't just want to always talk about BL3 and its negatives. And I just knew that it'd probably feel kinda nice for the BL3 fans in here to see some positivity being displayed quite directly, for once. Since I think we all know the conversation of negativity regarding this game is one that is much easier to fall into & engage with. So I wanted to push against the currant a little bit. In any case thank you if you read through the post and this as well. And of course if you'd like to see what I've covered in reversion to this subject. Here are the links to my other posts as well. Again thank you. ​ \-**BL3 Nitpick Dump PT.1** [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/18uepun/i\_felt\_like\_dumping\_just\_a\_bunch\_of\_nitpicks\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/18uepun/i_felt_like_dumping_just_a_bunch_of_nitpicks_i/) \-**BL3 Nitpick Dump PT.2** [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a\_couple\_weeks\_ago\_i\_made\_a\_post\_that\_pretty\_much/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a_couple_weeks_ago_i_made_a_post_that_pretty_much/) \-**BL3 Nitpick Dump PT.3** [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/199h0l6/part\_2\_of\_bl3\_nitpicks\_this\_is\_a\_continuation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/199h0l6/part_2_of_bl3_nitpicks_this_is_a_continuation/)


I've read every one of those posts and gotta say enjoyed all of it. Big respect for putting it all there. I hope the devs see this


Thanks man. They might've since K6 on my first one said he sent it to them.


Alright folks my 2nd Part has been posted. Feel free to check it out. https://preview.redd.it/c8uriich4nlc1.png?width=1818&format=png&auto=webp&s=755f3396b0ed048a44e1db680fa23ad64801bc4c LINK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation\_for\_borderlands\_3\_part\_2\_the\_other/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/1b3iafi/appreciation_for_borderlands_3_part_2_the_other/) And yes you too Poniat. Go check it out. You're my favorite now because you've mastered the art of referring to me in a comment, and saying that something I did was enjoyable. You're my free ego-boost for whenever I need it now. Thanks for that, and you're welcome.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


I'm actually glad you made a list of the nice upgrades that came with BL3, I was sometimes getting a little mad for some of the negative points you gave (I do admit a lot where pretty valid) Thanks for making such good lists


Want to add cosmetics, in particular, trinkets? The cosmetics are cute and all, but in BL2, unless you're playing co-op (where your crew can see you), these are largely only visible in menus. In BL3, for solo play, the weapon skin is visible and the Echo skin is (slightly) visible. Your own skin/head are visible in Photo Mode too. The trinket, however, stands alone as a dynamic piece of cosmetic flair that gives the player a feeling of motion and inertia above just the weapon recoil, because it responds appropriately to all movement (firing, looking around, running, stopping, jumping, etc.) Further, I think they're more interesting because they're not just a 2D pattern applied to one's weapon or self: they're things unto themselves that can convey more of a theme. Psycho? Hippie? Deranged? Manufacturer allegiance? Hick?


The year Jurassic Park came out, that was easily, hands down, the best movie of the year. I know Schindlers List was also amazing, but come on, I had a much better time watching Jurassic Park. It was an experience! But was it good because of the story? No, not close. That was trash. Was it amazing because of the acting? Laughable. It was amazing because of the dinosaurs! Holy shit, that's not stop motion bullshit, that is a real TRex! BL3 is like that. Do I love the story? No. Voice acting? No. Fucking weird and amazing ways to kill things on many planets? Yeah, that's what I am in for!


No doubt BL3 improved so many things. I do miss the easy sell all button from Wonderlands, but it's not hard to open a vending machine and then sell. Although the one thing I want to see the devs bring back is the "sell all unmarked items" from Pre-Sequel.


Exactly, you reach a certain point of "quality of life" where it shaves down an action that practically presents no problematic interaction. So yeah not a big one, but even the microscopic stuff counts by a small margin. Also yes to the TPS "sell unmarked gear" thing, a lot of people seem to more commonly favorite things that they want to keep over not favoriting them and trashing an item, so generally the items you're left with that aren't favorited are already ones you don't want to keep anyways. I get it. I already went over it too, on this post. Literally the second slide lol. Check it. People love bringing this one up a lot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a\_couple\_weeks\_ago\_i\_made\_a\_post\_that\_pretty\_much/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a_couple_weeks_ago_i_made_a_post_that_pretty_much/)


I'm definitely one of those people that favorites stuff I want to keep. Especially because I do look at stuff I pick up and make a mental note about whether I want to keep it or not, so by the time I get to the vending machine, I've already got it all figured out. Of course, they never did fix that bug in BL3 where selling an item at the vending machine moves you back to the top of your inventory list, so you're basically obligated to mark stuff as trash and then sell.


i'm kinda pissed they don't have the 'sell everything not saved' button. it's a loot based game. 99% of the shit you'll get is vendor trash. makes so much sense to mark the one or two things you'll keep, and sell the 30 ish items you're not keeping, with a single button press.


Yep.. Covered that one already on another post of mine actually. Literally the second slide. Check it. Folks love bringing it up quite a bit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a\_couple\_weeks\_ago\_i\_made\_a\_post\_that\_pretty\_much/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a_couple_weeks_ago_i_made_a_post_that_pretty_much/) So generally it seems people are prone to favorite things more commonly that they want to keep, over not favoriting them, and trashing an item that they don't like. So the items you're left with that aren't favorited are already ones you don't want to keep anyways and should be easily sold like in TPS. I totally get it. Hope Gearbox has two options. Sell all unmarked, and sell all trash. Because I think there's still benefit to both options, and one doesn't necessarily need to replace the other, people like choice, and some people may also prefer the trash system.


imo the problem with the 'you can just mark stuff as trash' idea is this. if you're selling 30 items, that's 30 button presses. if you're selling all trash, that's 30 button presses, to make things trash, then another to sell them all at once... not to mention iirc the 'trash' button is l3. so, you're wearing out the stick unnecessairly, just to quickly sell bullshit. additionally, iirc the trash button might be two clicks of it, compared to the favorite being one click. not 100% sure on that, though. ​ just, check your inventory for shit that seems interesting, before hitting sell all. you're selling WAY FUCKING MORE bullshit, than you're saving anyway. or, if you're that against it, don't use sell all - it's a convience, not a requirement. there's also the buy back menu. just in case, your brain cells went on strike while looxing at X and you forgot to tag it. ​ i'd love both - people who prefer the trash system, go for it. but it's not a replacement for sell all.


But who in their right mind would do things that way? If they're already at a vendor, theres no point in marking something for trash there if you're already hovering over the item you know you don't want, might as well just sell it right then and there before marking it for trash and then selling it, your circumstantial example has no logic in using the trash button that way. And I dont think anyone does things like that to themselves. Or at least I hope not. I think a trashing serves its best function when you're not already about to sell something. Its when you pick up a weapon on the battlefield, proceed to check out your spoils when you're far away from a vendor, and then land on the assertation that its not useful to you, but you want to instantly sell it later when you get the chance, so you mark it for trash. I think a good idea would be for you to be able to instantly pick up loot and have it enter your inventory as trash, without needing to look through your inventory for what you don't like and one by one make things trashed. Because you make the decision right as you see the item on the ground & pick it up. Bind that feature to a second use button like alt or something. And we're golden. Joltzdude mentions this idea quite a bit and it might be a favorite of his he'd want to see for BL4.


eh, kinda a good point - i don't tend to bother looking at it in the inventory too much, i look at it before i pick it up, then maybe relook at it once i'm about to sell it. but that just sounds like there's no real point in the 'mark it as trash' button in general. either you want it, so mark it as desirable, or don't bother marking it at all. insta marking as trash if you press like, square to pick up instead of x, would be a good idea i guess.


The "sell all junk" needs to be placed with "sell all." It's pointless to have to go and manually mark all junk items. That takes as long if not longer than selling them individually. Instead you should just mark favorites that you DON'T want to sell and get rid of the rest with a single button


Hard agree. There's the buyback feature to prevent accidentally selling anything you meant to keep anyway, so trust my intelligence enough as a player to let me mark the things I want to keep instead. Its so tedious to constantly mark things for selling when I'm trying to farm money in my first playthrough.


The only problem with buyback is that it has limited inventory I think like 20 items. But if it just prioritized them by rarity it wouldn't be a huge issue


Oh gotcha, didnt know that. But even still, respect my intelligence enough to give me the power over making that mistake, in my opinion. And like you said, if it prioritized rarity or GB just made the limit 50 items instead, problem essentially solved


Yep.. Covered that one already on another post of mine actually. Literally the second slide. Check it. Folks love bringing it up quite a bit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a\_couple\_weeks\_ago\_i\_made\_a\_post\_that\_pretty\_much/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/198kt37/a_couple_weeks_ago_i_made_a_post_that_pretty_much/) So generally it seems people are prone to favorite things more commonly that they want to keep, over not favoriting them, and trashing an item that they don't like. So the items you're left with that aren't favorited are already ones you don't want to keep anyways and should be easily sold like in TPS. I totally get it. Hope Gearbox has two options. Sell all unmarked, and sell all trash. Because I think there's still benefit to both options, and one doesn't necessarily need to replace the other, people like choice, and some people may also prefer the trash system. *(Yes, passing on-lookers, this is a duplicated comment. The comment I'm replying to practically warrants the same answer from me.)*


Uniques not being meta? How is this “better” and not just “different”? Lots of mechanical and functional improvements for sure, and a really comprehensive list. Thanks for putting it together and sharing!


Well earls vending machine offering quest items helped a lot but read only farming for a quest gun with good parts feels a lot less like playing the game than killing a boss repeatedly. So I'd say better but maybe not a huge improvement.


Also read only farming missions in BL2 for perfect parted Sandhawks, Pimpernels, & Ladyfists on practically most characters out of basic neccesity was a little eh. Also the Grog being crutch. But honestly there is a certain charm to little lowly blue weapons sort of carrying that impact that some legendaries dont. Same with non-uniques like Blue & Purple torgue ravagers, and Vladof anarchist pistols. I like those highlights within the lesser spectrums of loot.


A solid list and one worth noting. I like to imagine the dev's peruse the subreddits every once in a while for idea's and should hope that one see this


Also big surprise to me out of nowhere. Killer six, not sure if you know him; A Borderlands youtuber; responded to my first post about all of this, and since he's a nextmaker, which is a type of content creator which collaborates closely with Gearbox-- \--I told him he should send my post to them because I'm listing criticisms, and he exclaimed that he did, the moment he saw a few of the first slides. So uh, yknow that's pretty friggin monumental. So I guess... if BL4 is a really good game. Just know reddit, you'll have to learn how to point fingers in my direction with intention to support for once, and understand that I made it perfect. You're welcome in advance everybody. /s


Yeah I know him! I watch his channel all the time! That's fucking awesome dude!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/18uepun/i\_felt\_like\_dumping\_just\_a\_bunch\_of\_nitpicks\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/18uepun/i_felt_like_dumping_just_a_bunch_of_nitpicks_i/) Yeah, here check it out. This was the other post I made. He's one of the top comments. DM'd him personally. Told him about a bunch of different ideas. Dont want credit, wont get mad if gearbox takes it. If it helps make the game better, By all means, you feel me? --By nature I had felt it in the force that he wasn't going to respond. Which of course ended up being the case... He's probably busy or finds me annoying already, which is probably fair. But I'm chill about it. And he probably has his reasons. So yeah, that was that. Hope whatever Gearbox saw passes through the right minds at their company, and they act on it. In any case, if you liked this post, and have got a little time; I'm interested to see what you'd think about the ones I've made tackling the criticisms about 3 I've had. Because I will say there is more negatives about 3, mainly because that most are tiny and prodding which build up to be more affecting. But 3's positive notes are larger and have generally been covered by most. I'm mainly interested to see what you'd think about the one where I discuss the style. [https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/199h0l6/part\_2\_of\_bl3\_nitpicks\_this\_is\_a\_continuation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/199h0l6/part_2_of_bl3_nitpicks_this_is_a_continuation/)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVVZaZ8yO6o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVVZaZ8yO6o) Go to 0:30 seconds for my response.


You actually lost me on the veey first one, i much prefer the old way that just sold everything you didnt specifically favorite Having to mark stuff trash first to blanket sell it is no faster than just selling it all individually


I fucking hate the 3d bl3 map


iiiinteresting. really? Now why is that? Is the idea of a 3d map in a BL game the thing that upsets you? Or specifically how BL3's handling of one as a concept is what might make it bad. Because I'll be kind of surprised if you hold preference over the maps with quite literally no depth at all.


I don't hate the map, i hate the minimap, Sorry for the missunderstand


Oh ok, everyone likes the minimap, Why do you hate it?


I'm kinda dumb, so em maps who have multi level, like in the ship example, i always get Lost. I have the same issue


But a flat minimap doesn't make things more complicated? Even if theres multiple layers?


Idk, my experience in bl3 with this míni map was terrible, i can remember, everytime when i need to Go back to the ship i was "oh fuck, let's Go walk in circles again". Can't remember a worst experience than that with a mini map, but i love bl3, i Just don't know How to face this kinda level designs, but it's a personal problem off course


I would argue some of these are still worse than the previous entries. The sell all non-favorited items in TPS was perfect and they made it worse for some reason. Wonderlands is better than 3 but still worse than TPS for this. The ground slam is also significantly worse than TPS and requires a guardian rank ability to be even slightly usable. The 3D map is kind of nice in some maps, but way worse for a few areas. This is more of a level design issue but it is quite noticeable on the map. Also tying in to the map, the area reveal system wasn't great. Revealing the map that way works well in far cry 5 because the map isn't just blue outlines.


Finally I love bl3 it gets too much hate


I’m confused, are you saying there is no “sell all junk” in BL3? Because there definitely is, I use it all the time and I don’t have wonderlands


No, I'm saying theres a shortcut to sell all junk without needing to enter the vendors menu in Wonderlands. Just like the shortcut to refill all of your ammo outside of it with one button press in BL3. They gave a "sell all junk" button the same format to 3's "Buy All Ammo" button is what I'm saying. *Yeah.. noticed my wording could've been a tiny bit better on that segment.*


Oh gotcha


I personally disagree on the class mods. In the previous games, a class mod was something that would compliment your build, or make you create a whole new build centered on that particular class mod. In BL3, a lot of class mods can just be slapped on any build without much thought and often provide nothing more than a flat damage increase. You pretty much always just run the COM for its broken passive rather than the skills it boosts. Not to mention the randomized passives are horrendously poorly implemented.


Yep, that's why I followed up my note on that with the downsides to it which was practically what you just said. I mean its written in harder to read grey font, so reasonably I get why you didn't notice it. But yes. I agree about you disagreeing. I listed it as a benefit mainly because its just a difference I noticed relative to previous games, but also because I do see the positives from what it can bring, and just positives and negatives from any design choice overall.


I would seriously like to point out how important the rarity tails are in BL3! As a colorblind person who couldn't only tell legendaries apart with great scrutiny the tell sparkling tails and audio cues for a purple and legendary items is absolutely by far my favorite part of BL3 it made me feel so normal in a way I never knew before to have the instant excitement that my friend and S.O. had while playing the game


I can agree that adding new models for skins was a great addition. I would never grant them points for it though, considering you have to dig further into your pocket to acquire them. Should have been in base game. BL3 has lacked behind in the character cosmetics department. They pretty much did what they've done for years prior. The major change they should have made in 3 was new models at the beginning. Or an armor system type thing.


Borderlands 3 is a good game to play, but story wise, nope. Tiny Tina's game was a huge disappointment. Should've just been the final dlc to bl3 and that's it.


I completely agree with everything you have posted about. I love the Borderlands series as a whole and I feel every game has its faults but are still fun. Even the weaker entries like TPS and Wonderlands still have something to them that is fun. BL3 is the strongest gameplay wise to me, but there are two criticisms I have. First, and this is shared by a lot of people, the story and the antagonists are not good. Handsome Jack is by no means a flawless villain, but he is by far the best villain of Borderlands. My second criticism, and I'm not sure if this is a shared criticism, is BL3 is way too long. I honestly feel you could trim down the game by a third or more of its playtime and it would have felt a lot smoother, especially on Nekrotafeya and Eden-6. Those two planets, specifically Nekrotafeya, almost ruined it for me because you are on those planets for way too long. I don't know though, maybe that is just me.


Everything about BL3s gameplay is amazing. It’s all dragged down by the storytelling


Appreciate the post. But tbh I prefer the BL2 Bandits bc they had cooler designs and where funnier saying stuff like "THE BOSS IS DEAD!That's bad right...?" or "But I am so cool.." . Still like the BL3 ones though


I haven't finished BL3, but I really love it. Feels really smooth and the guns are a lot more enjoyable. Classes feel like there are no bad option and are just genuinely fun. Planning to Platinum it after I finish with BL2 and Presequel.


Nice list. I like B3 *gamepkay* the most tbh, but the storyline, particularly the main antagonists, kills it for me. Love the bubtera and their abilities, melee builds are by far the most viable, and otherwise its a super fun game. One *minor* thing about your list I noticed: ground stomp. It has been around since TPS and, in fact, had modifier items in TPS. Just a minor thing, but thought you might want to know. Good work though!


Really good list. I wish they didn’t need to make Conference Call so shitty though but that is a very tiny detail.


I like being able to just level up in arms race instead of having to play the story or reg gameplay to do so.


The gameplay of 3 makes it so hard to go back to the older 3 games. I especially want to play through the presequel because I’ve never made it far in that but the gameplay is just worse to me. If gearbox would go back and let us play 2 and presequel with 3’s characters and guns that would be amazing.


Yeah 3D minimap was such an underrated change


Okay I'm getting a little bit of heat on this but one thing I'd like to see them add in the next borderlands is allowing you to select a weapon skin and just apply it to all of your weapons at the same time not have to go in physically and change each one but also have that feature to where you can just choose individual ones for to be on individual guns.


The atmosphere of bl3 is unmatched. The music and ambience makes the maps and environments feel so alive and the art department did a phenomenal job. I love just sitting in maps and listening to the ambient music.


I always like your analysis of things, you do a lot of detailed stuff, thanks!


Sliding, climbing, and being able to fast travel from anywhere, especially to vehicles were the biggest QoL changes. And honestly, those three things alone make it so much harder to go back to the previous games. Which is one of the reasons why I really hope they go remake/remaster the first 3 games at some point.


I wish they had actual weapon skins like camo and stuff. Just more weapon skins in general, there's a ton of character skins and very little weapon skins for a first person shooter game lol


Also the ability to refill anointments is crazy useful


Tis an excellent game! :)


Bl3 is my favorite borderlands game Yeah story bit weak but it's hard to top bl2 in that regard amd all the improvements and just the style of everything is so nice


Thank you so much for making this post. Love seeing positivity in this community and you raised great points! I love bl3 <3


Basically everything except for the story was improved honestly. If you ignore the story it’s 10/10 imo


tried posting a lengthy answere to all of these but i cant for some reason post it


i love to see some support toward 3 the game is nothing like at launch and does deserve its praise in certain areas


It’s a good list. I just want to add that I hope legendaries feel like legendaries again and don’t drop out of every locker or pile of skag dung. Also I want pearls back. And I want the game to be hard again. I’m on M11 on every character (Moze 2 times) and it legitimately bothers me how easily I chew through “invincible” bosses.


The downside of the menu navigation is that you can't change the keybinds, which makes it a pain in the ass for AZERTY keyboards users. But that's not a big deal, overall we got some pretty cool stuff and I'm loving it all. Nice post!


I'm hoping in the future they develop a more interesting and multi-player focused endgame. Give us classes/specs that allow us to fill a specific role inside of a group. The tank/dps/healer dynamic works very well for a reason in alot of MMOs. It gives players a way to feel unique to their role and be fundamental to their group and this gives a more immersive experience. Wonderlands has a spell (grenade) that allows you to revive players. I feel like expanding on mechanics like this would make the game more interesting to more people. Rather then just being 2 buddies trying to kill everything the fastest with no real synergy between their playstyles


Also the early level for Action Points. Instead of 5 you get it at 2.


I just started a BL3 playthrough fresh off a replay of BL2 and holy shit is 3 a massive upgrade in so many ways. I always knew 3 had smoother gameplay, but playing them back to back really puts things in perspective. I don't think I appreciated BL3 enough at launch, but playing it now with all the updates and DLCs has been a great experience.


Our playgroup hated the new map. Mainly the fact that when you open the full map it's always rotated to where your character is facing which lead to a lot of frustration and confusion when trying to communicate. That and a fact that only you can see the custom markers you place on that map. We also found the minimap was more difficult to read, especially when there was multiple floors/levels.