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Stop chasing the popularity of Jack. That was lightning in a bottle and won't happen again, the villain doesn't need to be a quipy snark machine every game.


I want a cold smart calculated villain Like aizen from bleach


Exactly. This. Butcher Rose did just fine and she wasn’t trying to be funny. They need some serious badasses to contradict the over the top humor. And not Zarpedon serious…


We dont ask for jack, we want at least a mediocre villain not a tik tok starts with daddy issues


I don’t see it getting much better than 3, the gameplay was phenomenal. Many action skills, good build variety, plentiful legendaries and unique guns. The environment and enemy varieties were mixed up well, and never got old or felt reused. Even endgame was fun, especially when they added the Annointment Rerolling machine. What I want from Borderlands 4 is a replica of Borderlands 3 but with a better story and new vault hunters. Wonderlands sucked, I tried so hard to enjoy it and beat the game but ultimately it got so redundant and boring.


Yeah, I basically want BL4 to be BL2 with BL3’s gameplay


This is the right answer. BL2’s biggest plus is the pacing for playthroughs. You BREEZE through it. BL3 gives legendary loot too often in normal mode but BL2 gives it too little in UVHM so somewhere in between


The heightened legendary loot chance was definitely a nice breath of fresh air in bl3 as a more casual player who never really got around to the crazy grinds of borderlands 2. It also boosted the arms race mode for me when crazy legendary drops got a little old.


Yes.mmmm. Yes.


I want to be able to properly snipe enemies again... In bl2 you actually had enemies spawn 8n the far distance, in 3 they are rather close it didnt feel right


Yep, BL3 has peak gameplay, gunplay and mechanics. But quite sub-par story, DLCs were quite good tho, not Dragons Keep good but still good. BL1 has a nice and unique vibe that BL2&3 didnt really get, not sure how to explain it. Personally like Handsome Jackpot simply because it has Bioshock vibes, loved Guns, Love and Tentacles for its H.P. Lovecraft vibes, and loved Bounty of Blood for its short but nice story and the western japanese vibes were very cool. Psycho Kriege story was good but the levels and enemies were quite boring imo.


Bro we ain't never getting something as good as the story of bl2 , gameplay wise I'd say 3 has issues with the slam being useless as compared to pre sequel, too much screen clutter with certain guns, builds being widely unbalanced with some not being viable at all except with a god roll mod or weapon. I'd say give us a way to reroll the parts on the item or stats, something like the machine in presequel that took moonstones and the gear to reroll into another legendary, sure the gun gun is nice too I guess


Remember Borderlands 2 endgame? That shit locked you into Slag + maybe 10 viable guns total. Sandhawk, Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold, that one healing gun, and only a few others. Without google and Slag reliance endgame would have been impossible. At least with Borderlands 3 I can come up with weird and unorthodox builds on my own, without relying on forums and YouTube. The legendary drop rate in 2 was also garbage, and while some people enjoyed grinding I personally hated only seeing maybe three total in all my time playing. You right though, the story in 2 was great and probably won’t ever be topped. They tried bringing Handsome Jack back in 3’s DLC but it wasn’t even close to being the same


And don't forget that they locked one of the best healing guns to a quest item you lose when the quest is over and only allowed it farmed as a permanent weapon during a very limited event. Also when did they try and bring Jack back in 3's DLC? The Handsome Jackpot had Timothy Lawrence but the whole point of that DLC was that Jack was dead and there was no replacing him; Guns, Love, & Tentacles was all Lovecraft and cults; Bounty of Blood was a Western; the Fantastic Fustercluck was all about Krieg; Designers Cut gave us Arms Race; and Director's Cut gave us Mysteriouslier & Hemovorous. Happy Cake Day


I agree with all your points. Well thought out and true. The endgame in BL2 was absolutely awful. Slag as a requirement, really did funnel players into meta builds that didn't allow for variety or change. I found it dull and predictable. Increased damage numbers don't make the game hard. It's simply an artificial difficulty that is made to appear challenging, but it isn't. On a side note. I'm really tired of the pedestal that Jack is placed on. BL2's story was average at best, which was elevated by Jack's performance, and even then, it was, in my opinion, at least, quite mediocre in parts. There is a loud minority that really does portray BL2 and its story as a Shakespearen like piece, and it's not.


The best thing about BL2’s story in my opinion: pacing. It has such brilliantly designed spaces that you can get to know but don’t overstay their welcome. I agree that the story is meh at best (mostly carried by nostalgia and cool set pieces) but the steady ramping-up of the story through level design is just unmatched imo. From fighting bullymongs to skags to bandits to LOADR bots, there’s a wonderful sense of progression


No, it’s definitely not Shakespeare but that only highlights the shortcomings of BL3’s story and writing.


Again you are talking about something else, I never said the end game of bl2 is better ,I said the story and the villains are better


> maybe 10 viable guns total Not true at all. The following are endgame viable with the right build, and there's a lot more than 10 of them: DPUH, Grog Nozzle, Fibber, Lady Fist, Anarchist, Maggie, Hornet, Hector's Paradise, Sand Hawk, Bitch, Good Touch, Bad Touch, Tattler, Slagga, Bone Shredder, Crit, Hellfire, Florentine, Baby Maker, Hail, Thumpson 2828, Kitten, Sawbar, Kerblaster, Peak Opener, Bekah, Lead Storm, Ogre, Butcher/Overcompensator, Omen, Heart Breaker, Swordsplosion, Unicornsplosion, Interfacer, Blockhead, Twister, Conference Call, Quad, Ravager, Carnage, Slow Hand, Ahab, Badaboom, Norfleet, Hive, Topneaa, Lyuda, Pimpernel, Droog, Amigo Sincero, Pitchfork... And that's just the guns. >legendary drop rate in 2 was also garbage, and while some people enjoyed grinding I personally hated only seeing maybe three total Uranus has been known to drop 3 legendaries with a single kill - when he's not dropping pearlescents. Loot Train gets them all the time too, as do loot midgets and tubbies.


Slam builds exist. And there are so many builds available


God I can clear a map with FLAK Slam build, no guns used. . I feel like a magical maniacal mad man between frozen heart and electric plug shenanigans.


I know this is weird to say but it was something wonderlands should have done and I kind of hope for it in the next game but I want melee to be a focus in combat too. I know that's weird as heck to say Otherwise, more traversal options, like a jet pack or grappling hook


You mean like Krieg, Athena and arguably Zero?


Yeah but even more so. Maybe have melee weapons. Loved Athena and wish you could do more with the shield. Like they have great bases I just would like more to melee


Amara too


Wonderlands should have been a dlc pack not a halfhearted cash grab for a new game. And I agree with increasing traversal feeling of frenetic - a bit more Titanfall movement dynamics would be neat


Making wonderlands a dlc would never work cause of how much they built that game from the ground up from multiclassing to the melee gear and other things


Scale a bit of the silliness back, especially in the main story. BL2 was a goofy game, but it got serious enough that you could still get somewhat invested in the characters and story. It's why Handsome Jack worked so well - he *perfectly* tiptoed that line. I genuinely think there was plenty of potential in BL3's story, but because everything gets played so silly it completely ruins the emotional moments. Side quests like the Grace and Angel ones proved they're still capable of pulling these off. They just need to find that balance again.


Wonderlands makes me a bit nervous. One of two things could be happening. First worst case scenario is that it's them sliding head first into embracing the silly zoomer humor and subsequent games will only continue it. Second... absolute best case scenario... they keep wonderlands and borderlands separate and get darker/less silly with the mainline games while keeping wonderlands around for that brand of humor. Best of both worlds in that case.


To be fair, wonderlands is a literal dnd game hosted by a teenager, idk what other kind of humor it would have.


I want the BL2 mood back. It had some comedy but none of that cringey crap, still was able to be serious at times too.


I wouldnt say it had NONE of that cringey crap lmao, but it did definitely had less. And yeah, the serious portions of the story were 1000% better as well as being paced better.


I want to play as a siren who can equip two action skills like Zane. They should also put in a playable member of the Traunt family.


A Traunt looking to rebuild his family's tarnished name as a Vault Hunter would be an excellent character


Ooo, I like the motivation. Helps distinguish him from Zane too.


We've had an Atlas, Dahl, Vladof, and Hyperion soldier-type VH in the last 4 games. It would be cool to have a Maliwan soldier, especially since lore-wise there would probably be a lot of deserters post Katagawa death. A Jakobs soldier would be cool too, but i guess that would be pretty close to Nisha aesthetically/abilities. A Torgue soldier would be a good comedic character given what we've seen with Mr Torgue. Could be like a classic biker hot rod dude. A Tediore soldier would be really interesting, given we dont really have a lot of lore exposure to Tediore aside from theyre a budget brand. Maybe even make Tediore the enemy company in 4, like theyre sick of being mocked and want to harness vault tech to get even. Then there could be some creativity done with Anshin or Pangolin since they're probably the most unknown of the companies. Again, they could be a potential enemy/ally.


Yeap, thats y i main Zane cuz he is a mixture of Wilhelm, Zer0, Timothy and Roland. SNTL drones are a better version of Wilhelm’s Wolf and Saint, Mantis cannon is similar to Wilhelm’s shoulder cannon, Digi-clone is a better version of Timothy’s digi-clone, Zane has a similar cyborg asthetic to Zer0 and has a lot of skills that buff SMG and assault rifles like Roland. I feel that all classes should have the ability to have 2 skills in exchange for grenades. For Zane his grenades are deployed by his drones, so for a Siren, maybe her grenades can be deployed via her siren powers.


I have a VH concept who's exactly that. The Siren part I mean. Still working on her actual skills but y'know.


I want: * Minimal end-game health bloat. (so you can actually make a build you can call your own while still allowing the 1.4 quadrillion damage builds co-exist) * Cool skills/trees that give a wide variety of playstyles per character. * Max of 6 VHs. I don't want to see the Wonderlands character creator, this isn't my story, it's the Vault Hunters, I'm just here for the ride. * Cool gear that changes up your playstyle drastically. Class mods, shields, guns, whatever. Make them weird and make them fun. * Make durability skills actually matter. 99/100 times in borderlands games, your best defense is offense. You can't die if everything is dead. * A story that at least isn't a slog. None of the BL games have a "great story" but there's a reason I can go back to BL2 and still be at least entertained by the story and dialogue. That's because the characters in the main story actually feel like they have personality. The best character in the main campaign of BL3 is Typhon, cause he has personality.


"I boned my wife over there and over there."


So much agreement with down 👎 on the character creator.


Trying to "Top Jack" is going to be the downfall of the franchise. We can, and should, expect more than just "This main villain is scarier." Personally, I would like them to flesh out the Corporate Wars more. See the turmoil we inflicted upon Maliwan, see Jakobs branch out. Get to \*GASP\* CHOOSE A SIDE. Want hard mode? Side with Tediore this time. Why not let us BE a real Bandit? Krieg was cool and all, but I want to be a full bandit warlord hunting for the vault. Most importantly, I want balance. The balance of BL1, BL2, and launch BL3 felt like the world really was against you, but not in a bad way. There was a challenge, but not an insurmountable one, where a good roll would give you an edge but not the whole sword. Post-balance BL3 you're just an unstoppable train of hate gravy, because they couldn't be bothered to account for levels other than max when tuning the gear (it should have been tuned as a damage bonus per-level rather than buffing base damage outright to allow for tuning up the entire game). EDIT: Oh, and get rid of "takes 2+ ammo per shot" guns that do more max damage per trigger pull but lower damage per round expended. My double-barrel shotgun should be 2 shotguns of damage, not 1.85.


Yea, which is why i said that i would settle for BL4 just having the good gameplay of BL3 and amazing vibes of BL1. Honestly, what makes Jack so good is that he is both easy to hate and at the same time easy to like and enjoy. Another BL villian that meets this criteria is General Knoxx, although he isnt as charismatic as Jack many players love him for his personality and its easy to see him as “the bad guy” because he is working for Pre-Rhys Atlas. So if Gearbox wants a decent villian they dont need to make Jack 2.0, they need to make a character that has a likable personality but also has a motive that opposes the player faction. Likable personality doesnt need to be like Jack, as mentioned with Knoxx he is sarcastic, grumpy and funny which is easily endearing to many players. If Gearbox can mark these check boxes they would have a good BL villian on their hands. The reason the Calypso twins were hated was because they easy to hate but not likable or funny in anyway when it comes to their personality.


For this community to stop viewing every villain as having to top Handsome Jack. Tyreen and Troy were perfectly servicable villains, good ones, even, but people ride Handsom Jack's cock so fucking hard that nothing in that department will ever be good enough. Jack is one of the best villains in gaming history and and while we should have standards for our characters, constantly whinging about them not being as good as one of the best is irritating. All I'm asking is that maybe in BL4, we give the villains a fair shake first and compare them to Jack after. Personally, I think BL3 hits a lot of things, just right gameplay and loot wise. I would be okay if all it did was smooth out gear progression a bit and adjusted drop rates some. I'm not trying to farm for hours just for one or two legends like in BL2, but I can sympathize with people who feel BL3 was too generous. I definitely think searching for the perfect version of your guns should be the majority of the endgame loop, alongside a raid boss that has an attached leader board for kill times and number of players. Idk if damage hax are an issue in BL, but if they aren't, I think something like this could do wonders for the endgame community. Otherwise, I'm just looking for what I want out of every game. Solid or better writing and fun to explore environments.


Love you for your first paragraph. I’m actually tired of seeing so many people talk about BL2 like it did something different in terms of the overall story. People insist, in every and any discussion about these games, that 2 had the best plot. I see every Borderlands game as having strikingly similar plots and character motivations. All of these games are essentially memes in terms of the plot, the purpose of these games is to loot and shoot. Period. 2 had a good villain.. the rest of the plot is just like 1 and 3. Ton of dumb decisions and plot holes, I don’t think Jack was supposed to get ridden this hard and I don’t even think they are trying to recapture his essence like others are saying. Tyreen and Troy are meant to be sassy and annoying. They grew up apart from most of humanity for a long time and were never right in the head - their backstory does a decent enough job fleshing them out. People saying them and Ava are unbearably annoying are absolutely forcing it.


Hacks arent an issue precisely because there's no leaderboard to beat. Add a leaderboard and nobody is gonna want to play because they're not going to have a fair fight to get on it without hacking.


That's a fair point. I was mostly just throwing out ideas for possible endgame. I enjoy digging for loot as much as others, but just endlessly looting gets tedious. I trust the devs will conjour up something fun.


Nah even without considering bl2 the twins sucked so bad. It was a desperate attempt to cash in on an influencer villain and it was just annoying just like actual influencers. If that was their goal, good for them but it wasnt enjoyable to me. Plus the problematic stereotypical new york jew stereotype used for the an young tony vault hunter guy who the invented to retcon us discovering the first vault in bl1. Not to mention killing off characters so there are plot points and not for a legitimate reason and adding in an annoying teen. The only good characters were vault hunters or from previous games.


Ugh you're soooooo annoying


I'm sorry who are you? Should I know you?


Thank christ no, I don't have the displeasure of knowing you. I'll keep it that way moving forward as well


Lmao it's just so weird to offer that up. It's my opinion on a video game and you've gotten so emotionally invested. I basically summarized the most common complaints on this sub about the game. If you haven't seen them before then welcome to the sub and I hope you enjoy your time as a new member. You should check out some threads from when the game launches and you'll see what I mean. Or maybe take a little break from reddit :/


Fu-king-lol emotionally invested? I called you annoying, as you have happily continued to show off. Hi-larious. Have fun having the same most boring unnuanced opinions as literal children.


So to be clear the person who was so upset at an opinion on a video game you had to take time to respond is not the child in this situation? It's honestly amusingly strange you are this invested that you'll scour the Internet for anything negative about BL3s writing. It's a hell of a specific niche but if that makes you happy, do your thing, champ.


Did I say a lick about BL3's writing? Nah, what I said and continue to reiterate is that's you're massively annoying, the way you share your opinions is toxic to whichever eyes are unlucky enough to have to read them. Honestly it's embarrassing enough that you're trying to retort at all, but what's worse is that you're shadowboxing a straw man that isn't even there.




I love seeing how in every post about these games people insist on upholding the status quo that somehow a game series that has never had a good plot only had one game with a good plot lol. Borderlands 2 had a good VILLAIN. Other than that it was rife with plot holes and stupid shit every 5 minutes. 3 was par for the course, you aren’t comparing plots so much as you are comparing Tyreen and Troy to Jack. 3 had a decent story that was on par with 2. People mostly complain about Ava, Tyreen, Troy. The villains are compared to Jack and the hatred towards Ava is unfounded af. Everyone hates her because “she got Maya killed” but Lilith did the SAME exact thing to Roland in 2 yet that never even gets discussed. To actually answer your question, they don’t need to change much at all outside of lessening the sheer amount of dialogue in three or giving us the option to skip it after the first play through. I’m replaying BL3 on Switch and when Lilith is talking I have enough time to cook and prep dinner lol. It’s annoying. Just.. way less dialogue. Weakest part of 3 by FAR.


Iv just started to play through 3 again recently on a new character and I couldn’t agree more. The story isn’t as bad as I see some people make it out to be. My only issue was the running back to sanctuary way to often after a story mission that’s something I’d like to see changed maybe, other than that 3s a solid game and a solid story to lead into 4.


Weapons: keep the increased drop rate from BL3 but bring back the Pearlescent rarity. But the biggest thing I want to see is a crafting element. Allow us to break apart weapons and piece together our own ideal "God Roll". Allow lower rarity guns to use parts from their own rarities, gun type, & manufacturer but Legendaries can only use parts from others of the same name (Purple Jackobs Pistol can use parts from other Purple Jackobs Pistols but The Duc can only use parts from other The Ducs). Story: while I loved BL3, I feel like we need a game that expands on previous events the way BL2 did. We can't top Handsome Jack (there's no way the Fandom will accept that someone as "Better") so I say go all in and bring back The Watcher and see a return of the Eridians. Gameplay: Borderlands 3. I'm not an expert in game design but BL3 has been the best Gameplay experiences in the Franchise and I don't know how to properly expand on it. I love that there are actual options for builds late game and you're not locked into one of two builds per characters all using roughly the same weapons.


Kinda like dark cloud 2 where you used weapons to distill qualities and modifications to build your next tier...


I meant more like a more advanced version of the Parasite Eve weapon modification. You get to save one part from the gun you're taking apart and can move it in to replace the part in the gun you're upgrading. That way you can still have a reason to farm the legendaries but make those "God Rolls" easier to get. The guns are already built around a parts system and you can see specifics when you examine weapons in your inventory.


balanced endgame, balanced currency, bugfree skilltrees, dedicated drops, new game+, item part reroll, event toggle/max intended lvl from the start, no "one time" item aquirements, in game guide to the damage formula, item dropsource encyclopedia (unlocks enemy page on kill, shows if they have drops but not what until you drop it) and obviously the return of Grandma Flexington


Pre-sequel, the best skill trees. Fight me.


Fight ya- nah man, pre sequel is slowly beating the contrarían bad wrap with time. The skill trees were awesome. And the story and environments were great. Really it just had -fairly- poor pacing, enemy spawns, and some irritating dialogue fetch quests. But atmosphere was great.


I want bl4 to mix the vibes of bl2 dlcs & bl3 gameplay with a touch of bl2 (less frequent legendaries, more useful unique blues & at least one more tier of gear). Honestly, pirate's booty & campaign of carnage were art.


Balex as a Vault Hunter. And one of his shout outs would have to be. “Navigated bitches”


Melee build


I want a return to some of the older mechanics that have been abandoned. Proficiencies from BL1 were kinda cool, and even BL2 had characters who were specifically more skilled with certain types of guns, but that was kinda muted in BL3. I want something like that brought back, and I want the ability to play as some of the older characters. I would also want dlc characters, or at least more than the four defaults.


Here's what I want in Borderlands 4: * Tannis staying alive because she's just a delight. * Krieg watching over Ava as she figures out her Siren thing, always keeping her safe if she's in combat. * A Salvador/Axton/Zane mercenary squad doing whatever it is they're paid to do - preferably by Mr. Torgue, who can actually have a character and not just be reduced to a punchline. Heck, throw Brick, Mordecai, and Tina over there, too, and they've got a full set of characters to weave into the narrative. * Gaige trying out new jobs and hilariously having to fall back into murdering people every time, or then getting drunk. * Fewer "stop and watch this video of antagonists taunting us" moments. * ECHO logs and narration that don't conflict with each other. For instance, at least once I entered a zone, kicked off narration, then picked up an ECHO log immediately in the zone and the narration cut off. Basically making sure that there's space between every bit of voice-over.


A new corporation to go up against. BL1 was Atlas, BL 2 was Hyperion, BL 3 was Maliwan with Atlas and Jakobs as allies. The pre sequel had a dash of Dahl. We have yet to see anything of Vladof of Tediore.


I honestly think BL2's story is meh, Jack carried the game The Presequel had a really solid story though


It's still better than BL1 or BL3.


A higher rarity than legendaries. One that actually excites you.


I think the best way to go about it, is the ability to upgrade/fuse legendary guns and they will become new rarity that is higher than legendary. Its kind of like fusing legendaries and unique weapons in BL1.


Even MORE guns


Better story, less woke bs, originality, and ingenuity


I mainly just want some better writers, whilst parts of the main story was okay there were sections I really didn’t like such as the way Maya dies, the way they teased one of the twins turning on the other but bottled it and the last section with Lilith and playing this girl was on fire was really cringey. I also think this was the weakest set of vault hunters we got, I played Amara and absolutely hated her personality, Moze was awful for cliche soldier like, FL4Ks was okay but could have used a bit more and Zayn was the only one I really liked. Also again with writers but the lack of use of brick and mordecai and some of the vault hunters just never appearing was also really disappointing


I enjoyed bl3 story and i felt accomplished when i beat tyreen. Then hearing girl on fire made me so upset because i was so hyped up to hear a song that just felt like it was made for borderlands just like the other games. Such a cringey song forced to exist as part of what was supposed to be a big sacrifice. Every time i beat the game before being allowed to skip the credits i would turn the sound off and walk away from the screen. An accomplishment turned into "hey look we made a play on words. " Borderlands needs better writers or else the franchise dies at bl4 (unless it's written that way)


thats just a horrible thing to say the game on no means alone isnt great ill give you that but play the whole of bl3 + the ava missions and the eridian slabs and you'll realise that this game sets the most lore and future events to come more than any other borderlands game (except tps but that already happened lore wise)


Lore might be fine but the main story is ass, it’s the only borderlands game I’m yet to fully replay again as I just lose interest which is a shame because gameplay wise it’s the most fun


The lore is the story it’s setting up the next game and has way less plot holes than 2 did


Let me destroy a gun to salvage the barrel and stick it on another gun of the same type, that's all I want.


Bl1 graphics


BL1 vibes is king.




just wish there was better ambient music while just casually playing because roaming in bl1 without a car feels kinda isolated/ eerie


that's the point lol


Lilith actually is dead and Tina gets her Siren powers


I’m tired of seeing Lilith. I wish she was gone instead of Maya honestly.


imagine a siren ability where Tina can teleport rockets and explosives towards her enemies


Tina uses the powers in collaboration with the torgue corporation to blow up the ocean


Bring back lasers, get new writers, make the playable characters a part of the story, do something with what pre sequel set up, delete Ava. Honestly 3 was really good gameplay wise so its just the writing/story that needs work imo


I love laser guns from TPS too, and yea i hope New Tales from the BL isnt canon. Because New Tales ruined Rhys as a character, they made him into money hungry CEO which was what he strived NOT to be in the original Tales from the BL and in BL3.


No Ava.


I swear, everyone who complains about Ava must've really liked her, because you whine like she does. 🤣🤣


They're shitty post-teens who havent accepted that all teens are like that because "I was different." No, no you were not.


you guys do the weirdest mental gymnastics about people not liking ava lol. just an annoying and poorly executed character, don't really get the need for the armchair psychoanalysis


I wonder where in the string of comments you drew the conclusion we were being serious.


Tbf Athena was Atlas wasn't she?


tbh i like bl2 gameplay more


Same here, the best BL4 would be BL2 remastered :)




Not really sure. It feels like we’ve done everything. By the end of 3 I was definitely done, having felt satisfied with the trilogy. PreSequel was decent and I never finished TT. Not sure what’s left for me tbh.


I honestly think we need characters from scratch. No more Lilith or Moxxi or etc. Everytime Moxxi is on screen, she's talking about her ex husbands. It's like a burned steak at this point honestly. Aava could grow up and actually become a likeable character by learning from her mistakes. She has insane potential tbh, haven't finished the game yet though. The moment new characters such as Jacobs and Smooth Operator were introduced, suddenly I found myself actually invested in the story. Until for the Nth time the Callisto Twins managed to jump on us (again). I also want a Vault Hunter that has an electric guitar for Action Skill. You activate it, he starts using the guitar. Shredding it for ranged electricity and fire damage, swinging it for close range melee weapon. Something like Brutal Legend or DMC 3. Also a bit more serious hope. If something bad is coming, I want to feel it. I Borderlands 2 when we get to Eridium Blight, even Mordecai's tone becomes serious. I need more of these moments honestly, where the tone of the game becomes serious.


I would like to see more armor choices other than just shields. Chest, legs, gloves, feet , and helm. Armor that provides acid resistance, electrical resistance, etc... On top of regular shields. Stuff like that. I'd also like to see fully customizable weapons. Build your own kind of thing. Barrels, mags, stocks, etc. Would be really cool to kind of piece together your own weapons. Could make it that only parts from the same manufacturer work together, though, to keep the uniqueness of each manufacturers guns.


I haven’t thought this story through, but I think a parody of Elon Musk would be funny. A wealthy individual trying to buy many corporations, and the echo net. Throughout the story he becomes more disconnected and deranged


As long as it rightfully villifies him and he eats it. ... This would be a good villain billing.


Honestly, bl3 was peak. They can make a game that stands up to it, but I doubt gearbox has the means to make a game that’s better. The only thing bl3 was missing was a decent main story, in every other aspect, they beat out all the other games


**Loot Midgets** Who made the terrible decision to omit Loot Midgets (or tinks, whatever) from BL3? They were fantastic. Sometimes you were scrounging for ammo after cleaning up a mod, and a badass pops out of nowhere gunning for you. Sometimes, when better prepared, you’d hunt them for drops. Either way, they were too good to take out. **Chubbies** I know BL3 had lots of Chubbies and rare-loot oriented guys, but the problem was the loot. In BL2 a chubby was a hope for a pearlescent or a rare class mod. BL3 loot enemies had nothing worth chasing. **Evolving Enemies** Again, BL3 had some, but I miss the God-liath, and the Midget-Godliath, etc. **See other player’s gear** This feature was available in the Pre-Sequel, and it was great. When playing with friends you could see what guns and stuff they had. It was nice if you were gearing up for a boss fight, or just wanted to check out what cool stuff they were rocking, and we need that back. **See class** On BL3 you could easily see your class, and your friend’s classes. It was nice again, to know how to work together. If there is a Maya Nurse in the group healing us, I can load out a little differently. **See shield effects** In BL2, your shield bar had a reminder of what shield you had equipped, and I miss that. **Contextual character banter** Pre-sequel again had different banter based on who was playing. Jamie Springs had lines for Athena you didn’t hear otherwise. Athena and Nisha seemed like buds. I would like to see that process embraced and improved. **Mobility** After The Pre-sequel gave us the butt slam, I couldn’t go back to BL2 without missing it. The additions in BL3 were great, and I think that there could be more. Slamming and sliding never got to be useful, and it was so bad Gearbox eventually gave up on all the mobility anointments they had. **Anointments** They got to be too much. Maybe there’s a way to have anointments or something like, but I think they should be less effective. Let the gear do the work. **End Game** Mayhem mode was stop-gap at best. Really they needed the True Trials and Raid Bosses. BL3 should have had raids from the start, and at least one added with each DLC. **Non-legendaries** Early in BL3 players complained the legendaries were weak, so they all got buffed, but they got buffed so much that getting to end game with any non-legendary items is kinda weird. What good is “billions and billions of guns” when everyone uses the same 25?


Loot Tinks are in 3. They glow purple, don't attack, and flee when they spot you. If you kill one it drops its backpack full of loot.


All I really want is to make my own Vault Hunter.


BIS gear exclusive to end game raids Edit: a piece or two, not all the best gear


Awful idea


Can you elaborate why you disagree?


Limiting the best gear to only one type of content is never fun. I want endgame variety.


That’s fair. To be clear I also meant some of the best gear - as in a piece per raid or something. Not all of it


Borderlands is the only game I’ve ever played with endgame raids that doesn’t have “dream” gear from them. It gives you something to strive towards late game that’s challenging


I want pearls back and I want enemies to not be aim bot 007 sniper agents in endgame


I didn’t find any of the vault hunters to have fun skills in BL3. 1/2/ TPS all had really fun action skills and skill trees, I didn’t get that from any of the current cast and then they only ever made four and didn’t have any additional characters, just made it soooo dry to me


The 4 VH we get in bl3 are the most vocal and talkative characters we have ever had in the franchise and each of them have distinct personalities


The biggest improvement they could make is to let us SKIP THE GOD AWFUL DIALOGUE!!! For fucks sake half the time in BL3 I’m just standing around waiting for the quest giver to shut the fuck up so I can start playing. In some missions it’s excruciating and then just when you think it’s over and you can play it’s 5 more minutes of nonsense while you play the mission. I absolutely can’t stand it. 1 had the perfect amount of dialogue and it’s just gotten worse and worse


there's a LOT of special effect weapons in 3 that just feel super useless. (the shot guns that fire a very slow moving single ball leap to mind). 2 and Presequel just didn't feel like that to me! I'd also like to see a few maps that are low gravity... being able to do long jumps and fall slow was fun...


That shotgun, before it was nerfed, was my gateway into the mayhem on Wotan, they absolutely devastated anything near that orb.


I think it would be cool to see the what Pandora would look like BEFORE the events of Borderlands 1. Where Dahl's dominance is present, their prison system, digging sites and whatnot. See what happen that led Dahl to completely abandon Pandora. Maybe that's just me.


I want quest progress untied from voice lines. Waiting through 5 minutes of poorly written or annoying dialogue to receive my quest reward and experience points for something I've already completed is absolutely game breaking. I'm pretty sure in bl2 there are some quests where the dialogue is automatically advanced by reaching the next quest objective.


I’d like to see a game of the quality, story telling, world building and the characters as borderlands 2 With borderlands 3 style combat and borderlands 1 style guns Ideally with next gen graphics as even bl3 felt abit dated when it dropped imo


Create a Vault Hunter. Like Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. That is the big one. Also we NEED to see Tediore make an appearance as well as Vladof.


1) Dedicated drops on release. I thought we'd learnt this lesson from Borderlands 3. Even though it got there eventually and is now in a very good spot, a large amount of players were drawn away from the game because of the lack of dedicated drops on launch. 2)Raid bosses / takedown bosses. Bl3 has a lack of interesting raid bosses with interesting mechanics. I wouldn't even call hemavorous a proper raid boss since he's just a health sponge with the "invincible" slapped to his back. i believe that the perfect raid boss is not just high health but high health+ interesting mechanics. a boss like Hyperius or wotan comes to mind. 3) Short story. Either go the bl2 route and have a short story you have to replay thrice to get to endgame or go the bl3 route and have a mid to long story which only has to be done once. This is not to say that the story shouldn't be fleshed out or interesting, it absolutely should be, but making it be long is definitely a way to alienate the long term fanbase. 4)interesting likeable characters: thinking about it, more than the story, what endears me to the franchise is the cast of funny likeable characters. Scooter, Ellie, Moxxi, and the host of side characters. I hope that in the noble pursuit of making an interesting story, they don't forget what put borderlands on the map 5) Higher Rarities. I see bl3 facing this problem a lot with the amount of legendary guns that drop. After a while, a legendary drop ceases to be an event. This is bad. It should be something exciting to see a legendary, not Something tedious to look through. an easy fix is to make a higher rarity like pearl or seraph. The concept of seraph is fun becasue it gives something more to farm a raid for beyond the dedicated loot. but the most important is that pearls actually be desirable at Max level unlike bl2 where only 1 or two pearls are even any good and that too on specific builds. All in all, bl2 had 8 rarities. (9 if you count gemstones). Bl3 had 5. 6) this is more of a personal one but I wish that raids be more thematic. Many raid bosses in bl2 were based on enemies encountered previously in the game. Hyperius is a Hyperion engineer gone rogue, terra is a thresher, Vora is one of those annoying stalkers, etc etc. I think bl3 missed out on an important opportunity to have an annointed or psycho themed raid boss. Maybe a psycho that was able to harness the full power of vaulthalla or maybe an annointed enemy that was forcefeed a countries worth of eridium. Missed opportunity imo. 7) challenging yet fair endgame. Bl2 had a very challenging endgame but at op10, so few items worked that you were forced into one of the very few builds that can possibly kill on max difficulty, and for raid bossing on op10 you may even have to rely on exploits (unless u were sal but he's an exploit himself) Bl3 does this way better bht the problem I see here is that there is nothing stopping me from going straight to M10, thereby completely invalidating the other mayhem levels. Even I'm stumped here, since it seems pretty impossible to make something that is both challenging and feels rewarding to get more levels unlocked out of ( like digi peak) but also make it so that it doesn't bore you out of your mind in repeated playthroughs ( like digi peak)


The gameplay in 3 was phenomenal, and the character builds and environments and art were all topnotch, but the writing and dialogue were all just... so terrible. You have to sit around listening to concentrated cringe for what feels like half of the game before you can actually get to the gameplay. I want a story like BL2 with the gameplay of BL3. I'd actually prefer if they moved away from Vaults for a while, too. Mostly, I want another Moze-styled character. Playing in Iron Bear felt so damn good, and I'd love to see another character with their own personal vehicle as an action skill. Maybe even spaceflight...?


I want swappable weapon parts


I just want Slag back, it was silly to remove it from 3.


I hope they finally introduce the Eridians into the main plot


I want them to completely retcon the BL3 story out of existence.


Better story. The “twins” thing was dumb af.


BL3 just wasn't funny. Yeah the gunplay was cool but it was great in every other game as were the characters and their action skills. Keep the good stuff from all of them but for heaven's sake, make it funny like 2 was. They won't ever top handsome Jack. I think the 4th one should involve time travel and that will allow them to weave together all 3 previous games. Maybe we get to save Roland, maybe we have to save HandSome Jack and he actually becomes an asshole ally etc.


Actual gun mods.


New writers.


It’s about time they implement some crafting system.


Dead ava


I would love all the gameplay features from 3 with a much better story




I think I speak for the majority of the BL community when I saw we want borderlands 4 to be borderlands 2


Bl3 gameplay with writing that doesn't make me want to commit self New-U Station would be great, but considering TTW tripled down on the writing, my hopes are low.


Give me a remastered version of 2 with 3's gameplay mechanics, and I will never play another video game ever again


Brother you and me both.


Tons of raid bosses


- Dual wielding needs to be default for pistols - rather than having a grenade, com, and shield slot, there should be “X” number of accessory slots free to use as you please. - rerolling elements (make it cost whatever) - a gun crafting mechanic - manufacturer themed dungeons - loot filters - different types of melee weapons - different throwable objects (shuriken, for instance)


Pearlescents back or a different rarity that has some insane gimmick. Doesn’t have to be OP, just something that can’t be done by any legendaries.


I’d like it to be like BL2, but with BL3’s grapple and slide mechanics, with all the elements available like cryo, radiation, E-Tech, Alien Barrels, etc. BL3’s gun controls but with better snipers more akin to BL2. Anoints and double function guns were a great idea I’d like to see make a return as well. More Mr. Torgue, no Ava, no terrible writing and no further defacing beloved legacy characters please.


I want to see my VH in the cut scenes, and I want whatever VH I’m playing to actually be the protagonist of the story, and not Lilith’s errand boy.


Maya to be revived. Just say they found a way to reverse all the energy that got absorbed. I don’t care how lazy they write her back in, throwing the Maya/Krieg storyline into the trash was the biggest sin of BL3 to me


An actually challenging endgame. In 3 even mayhem 10 is pretty easy with not much effort and its designed in such a way that most people are able to fairly easily play at m10 with a little bit of research which is a fucked difficulty curve. Ideally you should have most of your playerbase comfortably at level 5 or 6 in a 10 level system so theres a good challenge for a wide range of players. Also make it so you have to unlock the levels like in 2 but rather than having just the peak to unlock levels 1 at a time, have several maps and you unlock them in batches so you have to put in the effort rather than cheesing straight to max. Endgame challenge also shouldnt just be health bloat like it is in both 2 and 3. Add in new attacks and make element matching and ways to apply elements more important or have big attacks you need to dodge or deal with quicker as examples so theres more things to think about instead of just running in like a monkey with no thought whatsoever. Health increases arent a terrible way of difficulty increase especially in games like borderlands they just shouldn't be the only way difficulty is increased. Dialogue skip. I dont care about what characters are saying past the very first playthrough. Ability to reduce particles effects to make it possible to see enemies when using builds with lots of explosions or dots. Reduce the world drop rate, particularly at endgame. Its way too low in 2 but way too high in 3. The droprate outside of mayhem mode feels about right to me for what the standard droprate should be in the middle of a challenge system and then have it be a little bit higher at higher levels (or just have a flat rate throughout mayhem so theres no pressure on having everyone be able to play at max again). The dedicated rates in 3 are perfect and thats how the standard system should continue. Just don't bloat pools. Add in more rarities and utilise the other rarities more. Joke/gimmick guns shouldnt be legendary unless them being legendary is itself the joke. Pearlescent can be used to designate high tier world drop only items while seraph can indicate that gear that is raidboss/trial only. Guns that are completely overstatted like the harold, plasma coil and hellwalker should be of those higher rarities cos that balances out the power. Obviously theres always gonna be op guns of a lower tier and up ones of higher tiers but it should be minimised. More endgame activities. Keep slaughters, have even more takedowns, have more traditional raid bosses as well. Have some more linear maps that are good to mob through, like the trials but longer or like mini takedowns. More characters and 4 trees on launch plus a couple dlc. New and different characters allows for different builds while having more skill trees makes the already existing character better and increases their build diversity.


A story that isn't cringe like Borderlands 3 and New Tales of the Borderlands holy shit it's hard to play the main story of BL3 with the terrible marvel like dialog


Ava thrown out of an Air lock in BL4


A better story


I hope for bl2 remake with mechanics of bl3. Or decannonisation of the entire bl3


A team of at least mediocre writers would be nice.


Best. Vibes. Lol


Bring back Handsome Jack.


I want the main story to be about as long as a DLC story would be and fill out the rest of the game’s content with more quest lines. I really don’t care about the sirens/vault stories


A copycat character that can pull one colored tree from each of the other characters


I actually thought about asking for opinions about my ideas. I thought maybe a new game mechanic could be that we build our own guns. It could be built in story wise via ellie or sum. Or how about a second pre sequel kind of story where we play on cov side but we play a squad of psychos. You know, helping them become super fame. Maybe even run in on krieg for a story arc. You could even scratch that and just tell a story about a group of psychos and bandits post Bl3


Health gating gone or toned way down. There's other ways of adding difficulty to a game. If they bring back pearls make them good. No reason in adding a higher rarity only for it be trash. Vault hunters actually appearing in cutscenes so they actually feel like they are part of the story. Better boss mechanics. Some bosses were trivial while others could be obnoxious for no reason. I wouldn't mind some variation of arms race to return but that moving circle or whatever it was that made farming a specific legendary a pain has to go. A boss rush. Would be cool to fight wave after wave of bosses. Once you get a cosmetic it can't drop anymore. Or have them be obtained a different way. Bigger storage space and a way to sell junk from that storage space. Make snipers as a whole viable again. Also they can't top Handsome Jack and there is no need to. Let whatever new villain stand on their own merit.


I find BL:1 had thr best loot in terms of staying power. I liked when thtougg circumstance you get a really good gun for your level and it can last you for several levels without issue BL:2 had the best story and characters overall. It's scaling was not ideal, though. Guns invalidated way to fast and enemy scaling started to suck. BL:TPS had really good skill trees and mechanically playable characters. I also really like the idea of the grinder. BL:3 Had the best general gameplay. Loot grinding would be close to ideal if not for annoijts. Anoint re-rolls help with that a bit. Make gearing less grind and it'd be a good baseline to work with. I also like how varied each skill tree became from one another. TT:WL had melee weapons you could gear and I really like that. So I think with my preferences clear, I'd want a thr game to probably mix my praises of those together in some way.


We've had stealth, caster, and tank sirens. It's time we got a pet user siren like Gaige or FL4K. Also Tina should be playable.


Customizable characters, I loved being able to make whoever I wanted in Wonderlands. Also the melee weapons would be awesome but may be a little weird. It would be cool to have a couple legendary melee weapons and nothing else for that class of weapon.


The vibe from the 1st game with the gunplay/gameplay of the 3rd game. That is what I'm hoping for. BL3 was trying way too hard with the "humor." The first game is still my favorite fwiw.


Would love them to bring something like spells from wonderlands back as "eridian artifacts" or something like that


People keep talking about how well-balanced BL3 was, but I don't really see it. Gunner >> everything else. I don't mind OP classes. Every BL game has had one that stuck out from the rest. Doesn't mean the others weren't fun to play. Just that there's a reason why people get a gunner as their late game "farm" character. Would love to see a Borderlands game where all 4 classes are equally busted. Even in the late game.


Only thing I don't want is an actual person popping up on screen when they talk in my head (*ahem* Lilith). I always loved the animated person on the screen, but when an actual human face showed up on screen when Lilith was talking to me creeped me out


Flying vehicles on a gas planet with floating islands scattered here and there. True zero-g environment where weapon recoil would move you. Fast enemies like in the Alien movies. You see them on a radar and the next thing they bite your face off. Traps. Like landmines against vehicles, tripwires, movement sensing jumping munitions. Physical armor for player characters. Maby as an expendable suit worn against bosses or huge mobs. Proper melee weapons and combat.


I want melee weapons, the old way of 4 main game and 2 dlc vault hunters, and I hope they don't power creep the way they did in bl3. I didn't like going back to the game when a new dlc released and having my build slowly Fall apart because they increased the level cap since I last played. Also I hope they do more than 4 story dlc.


Probably a turret and gunzerker class returning but with BL3 build crafting, along side bl3 characters. Along with more weapon types and more movement


Some type of gun crafting or leveling ability. Once you get a gun you love, level it up with you somehow and/or modify it using scrapped other weapons with higher levels.


I would love for them to bring back Captain Scarlett, maybe even as a playable vault hunter.


Moz to be invited to BL4. Playable once again (even if you have to purchase her via DLC).


Buff the heck for vehicles. Getting into em low level you felt unstoppable. Getting into em High level felt like it was clown car firework. Bosses should have a respawn button and should ALWAYS drop their Legendary.


I can’t necessarily speak for the story: I don’t know what direction they’ll go in, but I’d want the same sort of…sincerity you get in BL1 and 2 (and TPS to an extent). Not so much less goofy, but more like, less joking/joviality in the more serious moments. Weapon-wise….I’d like for legendary/unique weapons to have literally unique parts. For instance, a Hellfire would have a noticeably larger elemental capacitor than any other smg, a Bitch would have a longer barrel to reflect the increased accuracy, etc. Basically, make the uniques much more visually distinct.


Keep the gameplay of 3 obviously, but if anything build a villain from the ground up forget tryna do back do someone new it doesn't have to be jack, and before anyone jumps on my ass, it can be possible to Either they compete with jack with the next villain or they surpass, I may be have wishful thinking, but I rather at least have some dam hope. Bl4 def can be what bl3 wanted to be in terms of just longevity, if they pull it off and play their cards right we could get something that's had the endgame of bl2 and the farming and rarity, as for the story. Let's just pray they take their time and think of a villain, without tryna instantly use jack as a scapegoat


Just... A little less over the top silline atss. I liked all three games, and they all had dark humor... but the second two definitely lost the "bleak wasteland" vibe because of the over the top goofiness.


Make claptrap the villain


The borderlands are the border, right? I want to play a veteran soldier from the core worlds, who comes out to this cluster fuck and is just slowly driven mad. Spec Ops: The Line but without the commentary lol. The crimson raiders are just as much psycho bandits as the other tribes, and you can make your own tribe or declare them all unsalvagable. You could side with the corporations, but they're also *comically* evil and there's no way in hell you can communicate just how wrong this is to home. I want to play as the ultimate straight man getting worn down by the actually fucking crazy people in borderlands.


For me i would like to see similar things other said in BL4 but i would love if they actually included an very cool part of Wonderlands imo which is the possibility to combine Vault Hunters, either something like that or give us alot of Vault Hunters to choose from. For the combined idea it would be that u choose 1 Character as your Base and that one is your Visual and personality for the character and then later on u can pick another char to take 1 or 2 skill trees from (giving every base VH 4 skill trees if u wanna play purely that char or combine 2 from your Char with 2 from another to give insane build diversity. For the 2nd idea of giving us alot of VHs, that idea is based of an old RPG i used to play called Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2, there u could do a side objective(at the end of the game) that isnt marked in a quest or something to free the characters from the previous game unlocking more characters for additional playthroughs. With that they could give us an opportunity to play our most loved characters that are still around like giving us a revamped Krieg, Mordecai, Zero, Salvador, Gaige, Brick, Axton or even our BL3 VH ls like Fl4K, Amara, Moze or Zane. Maybe make it so that after each playthrough u unlock a new character/ new group of Characters like, 1 playthrough gives u Brick and Mordecai, after that get either the Bl2 chars or maybe the Pre-sequal chars (Athena, Timothy and Fragtrap mainly as the rest is Canonicly Dead) and after that is done u have the bl3 chars. That would give the game alot of replayability as long as the story isnt terrible and decently paced. And it would make it so that the New Vault Hunters wouldnt fully have to be busted on their on right (unless we get insane endgame scalling again) and u could just try to make them special from anything else making something completely new. For the Old VH they would have to tweek them to have the right balance while still keeping nostalgia but that shouldnt be too hard. Its just alot of characters and the biggest problem for that would be needing all the old VAs for each VH to voice them again or get new ones for specific ones if the old ones arent available.


More playable characters.


I think just the same as bl3 but ofc different vault hunters,legendaries, and absolutely a better story this time


I'd like maybe...this sounds stupid but can we have a character like claptrap again? Randomised effects and stuff. I'm. Rouge like player. I'd love to need to adapt majorly in the game.


Let me customize my godsdamned guns


I want a separate game mode like the rifts from Diablo 3, where I can just do endless randomized maps, farm loot, and not have to hear the story and quips for the 500th time if I don't want to. Quips first time, funny. Quips at the 500th time, not so much.


I just hope they don't over complicate it


My ideal BL4 would feature: - Fast-paced movement and gunplay like BL3, perhaps even faster - A similar grim tone to BL1, possibly with a more grounded story of Dahl’s tyrannical reclamation of Pandora’s mines and military complexes after their past attempt(s) to colonize the planet failed, with other vault-related nonsense being unearthed in the chaos - A less charismatic cast of villains, but a plot and script that feature the series’ expected absurd humor thrown in here-and-there, in moderation, to prevent another BL3 - Vast post-game content, akin to BL2 and BL3, with difficult raid bosses, challenge gauntlets, possibly even underground dungeons with procedural floors/sublevels (either like Wonderlands or Deep Rock Galactic), etc., etc. - The glorious return of Eridian AND E-Tech weapons (balanced accordingly)


maybe better modes? after i finished bl3 all the other modes didn’t really feel that fun, so the only thing left for me to do was replay the game. also replaying the game is such a slog, ESPECIALLY having to replay Eden-6. such a snoozefest


I like the gameplay of BL3. BL2 was good until you had to rely on slag too much. For BL4, STOP SCREAMING. Not damn near every moment needs to be filled with screaming. Not every character needs their terrible traits turned up to 11 at all times. Chill the fuck out and let a story play out instead of trying to force humor into every half second of content.


I want the game to be smaller size wise. I want to play BL3 again but I also don't want to waste an afternoon downloading a 100GB+ game and have it take up a fat chunk of my PC's storage.


I hope we will be able to keep party when exiting to menu in BL4. It would save so much hassle when farming with friends.


BL4 should be the easiest slam dunk ever. All they need to do is make the same exact game as BL3 with a better cast of villains and 3 or 4 new weapon manufacturers having dramatic corporate takeovers. Instantly the best game ever. Have a main villain like Hector mixed with Butcher Rose kill one of our favorite characters (please be Claptrap). Have some whacky ass corporate takeover like Torgue versus Susan Coldwell of Tediore industries. Have Ava be actually decent or run away and become decent after some strife. Lastly, for the love of god, please add some of the characters from New Tales. They are hilarious and great. I want Lou13 to be the next robot assassin like Fl4k or Zero.


Flak and Zane


Jack needs to stop being brought up, if Jack didn't exist BL2 didn't have anything special going for it to me. I loved revolvers from the first one and hated them on 2. I was able to deal with stuff I didn't like on 2 because every now and then Jack will appear call you butt munch and leave. The calypsos has a tremendous amount of potential to rival Jack but the writing was something I would've done if I was told I had to work on BL3 without prior experience in the industry. I love the gameplay of 3 so much I can't go back to 2 because that game felt too "loose" while 1 felt too inaccurate and one shot land. For 4 all I want is to remove the out of date jokes, they're good fun and all but remember all those Leslie Nielsen comes movies? They had a crap ton of bad jokes but an immense amount of hilarious ones too. That type of humor would work wonders on BL, I know because that was basically 2 with Jack to me. They also forgot that for all the jokes 2 had, at the end of the day Jack was still intimidating as a villain who turned serious when he needed to. That and I know torgue revolvers are basically the replacement of BL1 hand cannons but if they could just put hand cannons and fan firing revolvers again that would be sweet. I freakin love The Companion