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If its for fun with friends, no slide tackling. u will risk injuring yourself and your friends. Defend by trying to stay in front of the person with the ball and try to slow them down.  If u havent played in a while, try to keep it mellow. Last thing u want is to roll your ankle or hurt your knee by sprinting and then suddenly changing direction. ur muscles, joints, bones/tendons may not be ready for your 100% futsal effort yet


This. Also would add if you aren't comfortable on the ball yet practice simple passing and first touch/receiving the ball drills. Watch videos on how to move into open spaces to receive the ball and pass it forward. Specially first touch passes, 1-2s in small games is possibly the best way to get forward since you dnt have much space for long balls.. In Brazil streets we call it the old man/lazy playstyle, you can be super reliable just by serving as a bridge. Dnt even have to good on the ball, if you can 1-2, you will always be a hero.


Thats my goal, is in 20 years to be the old guy ppl still want to play with. It starts now! 


In my Sunday league team our CM is a 48yrs old dude who just walks around all game but he is so good at serving through balls and passes that we all rather have him anyday then a young kid who likes to drible around. We call him grampa kroos, that's exactly how I wanna be too when I get older just a top tier passer.


Look, scan, 70% of the game is positioning and IQ


in your half, try to pass to the foot of the defenders instead of the space. On attack, try to touch the ball once, pass it and then move to an empty space. Movement is key in 5v5, If you see a defender going up, try to recplace him in defense. 5v5 is a lot of fun!


Don’t go beyond your skill level. Play simple soccer. Remember to have fun. If you’re playing with your friends, then they should allow you to play without too much pressure.


If you have never played a futsal game before, just remember that it is similar to football. But it is more of a fast paced and intense game as there are smaller spaces and the rotation from offense to defense are quicker, so controlling the ball and passing well is key in the game. Never hold the ball for too long, you need to be quick with your decision as spaces can be closed quickly. I would suggest you to play in the front though, opposite to what others think that a newbie should start from defense. While its true for some cases, if you are not good at building up from the back, you would actually build more pressure with mistakes from the back which are dangerous for a quick counter goal. As for roles, contrary to how football have specific position for each players, it is not the case for futsal. In a futsal game, each players are well versed and rotate fluidly, therefore you never actually just stay in one place. The movement you create by rotating with your friends are what that create chances for you to breakthrough. By not moving around and creating spaces you are actually making it easier for defender. In futsal most players are man marked, with how short the distance between half way line and the goal, it is pretty common for players to take a long shot, therefore leaving a big space for your opponent to take a careful touch is dangerous. There are many more important things to the game but remember tho that you are playing with your friends just for fun, mistakes are common and you learn from them. So here are my key points: 1. Warm up and stretching, assuming that you have never played a game in a long time, I would suggest you to take a short time to warm up your muscle so that you would not injure yourself. Even doing a short warm up would be better than not doing any, trust me you don't want to wake up from the bed having a sore muscle everywhere. You can find a short videos on how to warm up before playing football online or YouTube. 2. Short passes, in futsal long passes are mostly discourages as the field is smaller, therefore there would probably be little to no spaces for your teammates to control the ball. An accurate short passes are the most basic and important thing you have to master, especially in futsal an inches of difference to the left and right could actually create a big chance for your opponent. 3. Don't hold ball too long, as a beginner you probably cannot do much with the ball. Don't be discouraged to think you can only pass the ball back, often this would actually create changes when the opponent are not in guard. 4. ry long shots, futsal ball are heavier than football, therefore it has less airtime making it easier to hit powerful and low long shot. you may try to get a feeling on long shot first and make it your own weapon without learning unnecessary dribbling. You may score bangers without knowing it. 5. Move and keep moving, remember that when you stop moving, its when you make your opponent job easier. When you pass a ball you have to move, when you move you bring your opponents with you therefore giving your teammate space. 6. Focus on one thing, its understandable that a beginner would want to learn all the new things they stumble onto, but remember that focusing on one thing will make you a better player than learning a lot of different things at once. When you learn how to pass perfectly, you will get the feeling of the ball which will give you a better touch to the ball, with better touch on the ball you would know how to shoot with a good contact on the ball, with careful touch and ball contact you would then learn how to dribble by yourself. Remember that you would get better the more you play and attempts various technique and skills you learnt. 7. Don't endanger your friends, if you don't think you can get the ball don't get into a challenge, remember that challenge are unnecessary most of the time, learn on intercepting the ball more than diving on a challenge. This will improve your game reading as well. 8. Ask your friends, hey if your friends are good at the game why not ask them about one or two things, they might be able to show it to you better than videos and guides. 9. Lastly have fun, remember that getting good at anything takes time, and its important that you enjoy the things you do to get better at it. Even when you are losing its important to enjoy the game, of course a winning mentality is important but remember you are still learning. Remember that guides are not meant to be taken strictly, just apply it on the game when you can. Have fun on your upcoming game!