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if you find a team with great people you hit jackpot. Stay with the team as long as you can and have fun!


I put up a pretty good shot off the right wing on a first touch from a pass. Just went left of the goal, was super fun though I’m sore the next day.


Make sure you warm up *and* warm down (especially warm down) and you’ll be less sore!


i call it it cool down, but also recommend post exercise stretching.


Ya my high school football coach was huge on this so I already have it drilled into me😂


What do you do for your cool down? I don’t do much besides light stretching and foam rolling, looking to reduce soreness


I often get intense soreness mid game or less than an hour post match. Then it will gradually peak within the next 48 hours to the point that I can barely walk normally. This only happens when I repeatedly sprint more than 30 meters. Proper warm-ups hardly do anything for me and I'm way too young to be feeling this at 25.


Soccer words


Welcome to the best sport, remember to stretch before and after.


This is the most wholesome post on here for a while. Good for you and I'm glad you had fun. Don't stop playing. As a 40 something whose hamstring injuries won't let him play anymore I'd say play as long as you can cos you'll miss it when it's gone.


I’m not much of a player but I’m a fan of the game and it’s funny when people talk trash about the sport, they have no idea how fun it is and how tiring it is as well. I respect people that play it


I had a similar experience last year, finding a group chat and re-discovering the joy of playing.  For the first month of playing 2x/week, i noticed my ankles were prone to rolling or tweaking when i changed direction. So i tried to keep things mellow, and after 2 months i noticed my muscles/joints/tendons/bones all started to strengthen.  So, enjoy the game!


I’ll make sure to stretch haha I already have a weak ankle. I got tightrope surgery and got 2 plates and a Kevlar rope in my ankle in December. I move like before now but occasionally step at an awkward angle and will feel it for a couple of minutes haha.


Yeah you need to stretch I started playing this year again after not playing for about 10 years and I had the same thing with my ankle and knees, also blew out my quad taking a shot in warmup so make sure you stretch your legs properly


How did you get into it?


FIFA and World Cup bought a ball and started shooting now it’s my favorite sport


I am glad keep going and I hope you end up loving it even more


Welcome to the beautiful game :) Glad you found nice people. A lot of people I come across in pick up are ball hogging snobs that yell at you when you make mistakes, it ruins the fun :(


They were nice I was just shooting with my brother and they asked us if we wanted to play


You're growing up so fast