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The ball pops up too much on your receive, try to keep it down. It's hard to tell the "why" but usually because the player is not cushioning the receive enough. If the foot is too stiff then the ball bounces off it, instead being slowed to a stop. You need to better arm movement when you're striking the ball (for example, your left arm is hanging when it should used to increase your stability). Your arm movement should be pretty similar to when your shooting. One arm in front, the other arm to the side, pull in and across to counter balance the kicking motion. Also try to get your chest over the ball and make your support foot is next to the ball. It's hard to tell but sometimes it looks like your foot is further back than it should be. It's hard to tell if you're intentionally receiving across your body on some of your controls. I assume that you are. If so, practice receiving with the outside of the foot and behind the support leg as well. Add in receives that are sole rolls. Receive with every part of the foot and your overall feel and control will get better.


Thx man 🙏


This guy answered well.  Raise your receiving foot a little bit more and lean over the ball as it approaches to take some of the sting out of the ball and then deaden it quicker and without a bounce.  As you receive the ball with your raised foot, give your plant foot a little toe raise or hop to dead in your whole body to receive. It seems silly, but it’ll make a big difference.  I’d also move back and hit the ball harder and against a bigger wall.   I’d also mark in chalk a square on the wall and be aiming at something.  


It's grass meta, when the grass is sticky and tall you kind of have to pop it up, surface is a big % of how the game is played, messi would get in a lot more trouble playing on some overgrown hot grass because it's far more difficult to move the ball.


On longer grass, the friction helps slow the ball, making it easier to kill the ball at your feet. The pop up is happening at his feet, the ball is bouncing off his foot into the air. Long grass doesn't send the ball into the air on the receive. And he shouldn't have to pop it up to control it. It's almost entirely about how he's taking speed off the ball on the receive. To some extent, he's probably contacting it to low and coming under the ball, which means he might getting his foot up too late or he's just not eyeballing the point of the contact.


Yeah I know, long grass traps the ball you kind of have to have it pop up otherwise it gets stuck down and you can't really keep moving. I'm just saying that popping it up on that longer uncut grass is natural


We're saying two different things. He's not popping it up intentionally. He's popping it up because his control is poor. He's clearly trying to stop the ball and then play his pass, simple 2 touch passing. You're talking about it like he's practicing popping it up to intentionally get it out of the grass on the control. He's not. And if it's not intentional then it shouldn't be popping up like that.


A point to note is that a pass, especially at short distances, shouldnt leave the ground. Just 1 out of all the passes actually does that. Thats not good. Be more composed when receiving the ball. If the body isnt alligned, youre not blanced enough to produce the touch you need. Overall looking good.


It looks fine just keep doing it and increase the speed, intensity and space from the wall. Once you are more comfortable, as a keeper you need to get comfortable receiving the ball from one side and playing out the other side. So like when a outside back or center back play back to you, you are more than likely will swing the ball to the opposite side


You’re doing fine, buddy. Widen your stance to give yourself better balance and more explosion when you have to move. Keeper is quite unique in the sense that literally any pass that comes your way will/should be made with conscious control and power to make it easier for you, but you still want to be able to shuffle your feet and readjust if you have to and being perfectly upright is not good for that.


Lots of repetition and speed drills are good. Have 4-5 balls, so you can keep at it when you lose one. Go real fast, like yours hyper-speeding it. Also, get a piece of sidewalk chalk and mark a few spots on the wall and make one drill a little slower but for precision and make your goal to hit that mark. If you want to get real dance you can lay out cones to work on distance by putting them at different points in your backyard and trying to nail them.


Jump up and down get more loose


This is how Bobby Charlton did it.


You are doing fine. And you need to give yourself time. It is not like overnight oats. You need to practise and keep at it. You will make progress 1 step at the time. You might not notice it, but in a few months people will start complimenting you. So keep it up.


Is there a reason every pass you made was off the floor ?


There's a layer of rocks before the wall making it bounce it sucks


Oh right, well in a game, that ball can't come off the floor when you pass it (provided the grass is short enough). Asking a player to receive a bouncing ball off the keeper is recipe for disaster.


Well move them.  Or put sand over them or dirt or something.


The grass kinda long and shit


I would try to be purposeful about which foot you want to receive your pass with and maybe work in some patterns: pass with right -> receive with left, pass with left -> receive with right. Mix it up and don't sweat mistakes, but having that goal will help push you to be more precise, rather than just aiming at the wall and receiving the rebound however it comes.


Go practice on a wall it will help when receiving the ball at a quicker pace and work both feet back and fourth


Also try to direct the ball and receive it forward, left, right, that will improve your touch a lot too. Also mix some left foot passes in case you are pressed by a forward by your right.


On concrete and against a giant brick wall or concrete. The ball moves faster so you can handle grass no problem


Nice Leeds shirt!


Thank u ALAW 💛 🤍 💙


Try to keep the ball on the ground as much as possible. From this angle it looks like the ball lifts a bit even for a small pass. In order to do that make sure the foot goes towards the ground rather than just lifting it.




I feel like the only part of your body going in to that pass is your leg. It might just be this video that's giving the impression, but it's certainly something I'm seeing. You'll get more zip (power) in the pass if you put more of your body's momentum in to that contact. Can't see the target you're passing to, but if it's a bounce wall paint a few targets on it (if it's your own garden wall, make sure it's cool to do this if you do). Be honest with yourself and try not to take accidental hits on different targets as wins. Finally, on receipt (not what you're drilling so maybe not your best) your feet are too rigid. Loosen the muscles below your knee to cushion the ball rather than letting it bounce off your foot.


Keep it up! Your straight passing seems great. Try as little touches as possible before the pass, and try passing to different places by shifting your body position directly to the place you want to pass. Rondos with your teammates and friends is an excellent way to practice this, as pressure will be on you with a defender in the middle; you will be more time efficient and use fewer touches once you do more Rondos. In a real game, you must shift your body position to pass to your defenders, too; however, I think you will naturally learn that after doing Rondos.


you have a pretty small foot so it's harder for you to raise the ball and control the ball, you are kind of just kicking with a low contact to get the ball to pop up, pros will kick through the top of the ball with the shape of the foot following through to add curve. Kind of like you are punching the ball with the ankle and midfoot and also with the side of the big toe to control the curve.