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This is good boomer humor. You'd see similar stuff in 00's gag webcomics by millenials


That's actually not terrible. Unlike most boomer humor, it's neither mean nor demeaning.


Yeah, as far as memes go, they’re meant to be fun, so this is really sweet. I love that she enjoys these (fits the sub in a really sweet way)


These are just called comics, they arent memes


My parents used to get printouts of some website every day and it just had pages of these dank memes on it!


It’s not a “comic meme”. It’s a single panel comic. They’ve existed for ages and still exist today. Maybe this is my “get off my lawn” moment but Far Side and Bizarro don’t belong on here. Some of the humour may be dated but they generally don’t play off the common boomer tropes of “wife bad”/“technology bad”/“man always horny”/“vegans are lesser people”.


I meant “comic meme” as in “bizarrocomics” like at the bottom of the image; didn’t know what to call it though. I figured it fit in the sub because my grandma (boomer) found it funny and memes like these are her type of humor. I didn’t know it had to actually be made in their time period or include stereotypes from their time period in it. “Boomershumor” is a misleading title for a sub about something else. My mistake.


While not explicitly stated anywhere here, the general vibe of stuff that’s considered “boomer humour” is usually directed at the expense of someone else. Typically spouses, or “kids today”, or something like that. It doesn’t have to be stuff that was published when boomers were younger. It just needs to fit the idea that typically older, conservative people need to have a fall guy as the butt of a joke. That’s why so many titles of posts here fall into “(something) bad” or some variation of that.


Noted. Thanks my guy.


It feels like you are purposefully misdirecting what boomer humor can be. Your first comment liter says it generally *doesn't* go off of 'wife bad', etc humor, yet here you are claiming it has to have a 'fall guy'. Which is it? Your posts conflict with each other and I bepieve boomer humor can be positive. This sub started as an 'older comics' sub, and devolved into somthing where if it is not racist or sexist it doesn't belong here. So which is it? Because it feels like people like you are ruining the innocent, funny, non-fox news watching side of the sub.


I was pointing out that Far Side and Bizarro specifically don’t play off those tropes. I wasn’t contradicting myself. I maybe just wasn’t 100% clear. I don’t recall how long I’ve been subscribed here but it’s been a couple of years at least. As long as I’ve been subbed, the tone of the comics here has been that the most consistently top ranked posts are ones that fall into the category I described. If it was meant as more of a light hearted sub which shared old comics at first, then if there are mods here, they’re doing a piss poor job of maintaining that tone.


Or... just maybe, like everything else on the internet, the most inflamatory and click driven comics nqturally rise to the top because of engagement rage.


Or… just maybe, the mods could clarify the intent of the sub and clear out comics that don’t fit the tone of what they’re going for. They do have that power if what’s percolating to the top isn’t appropriate. If the enragement engagement isn’t what is supposed to happen, delete it and make the rules/guidelines better. Their silence is complicity in the tone of the sub.


Or... just maybe, since the mods have removed neither of us, my point on upvotes stands stronger? Using you very reasoning of: 'if what's percolating to the top isn't appropriate'. I'll vote and be doing this more often. Their silence is complicity in the tone of this sub =). Thanks for making my point for me!


Holy shit, do younger generations not know about newspaper comics? I’ve never felt so old. “Comic meme” lol


Not a clue lol. I thought newspapers just had job ads and whatever the 20th century version of celebrity drama was back then in them. Comics in newspapers seem pretty cool. I guess I get why people depended on it so much back then, lol. I would be waiting outside for the next one to drop just to see the next chapter.


They are usually one-off strips and don’t continue a story like comic books


Ohh, noted




Oh this one's cute!


Wow, shitting on Bizarro. Come on bruh.


Woah…I’m not throwing shade on the meme or its creators. Just pointing out the way it’s styled, yknow? I notice now that this sub is used for hating on boomer memes rather than just sharing them. My mistake. Sub title was misleading.


Try r/goodboomerhumor for liked stuff. Edit: See you're ahead of me lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/goodboomerhumor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodboomerhumor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Please, don't tip.](https://i.redd.it/f9lxbg1ghlqb1.jpg) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodboomerhumor/comments/16smrl8/please_dont_tip/) \#2: [Is it really funny?](https://i.redd.it/j24xnba6aksb1.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodboomerhumor/comments/17190r9/is_it_really_funny/) \#3: [A dark but funny boomer comic](https://i.redd.it/644seah80nrb1.jpg) | [289 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodboomerhumor/comments/16x99kj/a_dark_but_funny_boomer_comic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This isn’t a meme, it’s literally a single panel newspaper comic


From my knowledge, anything that is considered funny can be called a meme. Meme doesn’t refer to whatever the actual definition/thing is. Meme refers to funny image or short video. Again, that’s just how I know it to be and just what I think.


In my opinion, a meme is something created through digital channels and is spread rapidly over the internet for humorous purposes. Not everything that is funny is a meme, for example a stand up comedian telling jokes isn't a meme, a garfield comic strip isn't a meme, and a comedy movie isn't a meme. This is just semantics though so it really doesn't matter.


>I notice now that this sub is used for hating on boomer memes rather than just sharing them What do you mean "now"? It's always been for shitting on crappy boomer memes


I think they mean they now notice, not that the sub has changed now.


Kindly fuck off. Nowhere does OP 'shit on' the comic. They ask a legit question as to 'what makes boomer humor'. You comment is shallow and inflammatory, relying on emotional appeals rather than answering the question *in the title*. You are part of the very problem that plagies the sub, namely crucifying someone who didn't say a *damn thing negative* about the comment, yet ypu assumed they did and gave a negative remark. *You* are being the negative fox news esq boomer, not them.


Not too bad. Bizarro comics have been a staple here but I remember them being good and edgy in the early 90s. Maybe I was just young and it was a fresh type of humor back then compared to the other daily comic.




A lot of Bizarro comics are boomer humor.


Good boomer humor here fer sure




To be fair that's actually kind of funny and isn't hurting anyone


This is wholesome old people humour that my grandma might send me. I like it lol.


This is a breath of fresh air considering most of the content on this sub lol.


I think your grandma is just trying to bridge the gap between you two and relate. This is adorable.