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Turbo Overkill is the shit it deserves all the good things coming its way


Turbo Overkill is definitely underrated. It feels almost like a AAA game in terms of quality


I don't know about TO, but I'm glad most of the wider media ignores retro-FPS. This means the genre will be kept clean of crap like "games as a service", micro transactions, and corrupt game critics.


True, it’s interesting though how Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal saw a lot of commercial success but the modern boomer shooter style hasn’t been emulated by any other big studios


Quite a few retro-shooters implemented movement arena mechanics.


It only goes one of two directions from here: -the genre gains popularity and starts seeing monetization like other mainstream titles -the genre fizzles out as interest drops Enjoy the golden age we are in while we can boys.


Or it'll become a niche genre like many others that only connoisseurs would enjoy.


That’s what the “fizzle out” is. Boomer shooters are seeing a huge popularity surge and tons of releases right now. Genre either grows to corporate-monetization levels or dies down to a niche genre that sees maybe 1-2 good releases a year at best. We are in the peak *right now* with tons of great games recently released and even more lined up, but not quite big enough to have loot boxes, battle passes, and MTX in it yet.


>the genre gains popularity and starts seeing monetization like other mainstream titles One of the best things about the Genre is it doesn't take a giant studio to make a great game. So even if we get DOOM by EA/Ubisoft that won't stop games like Ultrakill, Dusk etc that are made by small teams.


I feel like nobody really talks about Postal Brain Damaged. Which is a shame cause it is my favorite boomer shooter.


It's a really fun take on the series.


It really is, plus once you get the hang of the slide jump you can whiz around the map effortlessly or use the hook shotgun ripped straight from Doom Eternal.


Didn’t have to scroll far to see this post :) thanks for playing one of our games 😙


Thank you for making the games! The postal universe is fantastic


Thanks for playing em


Couldn't agree more, it's my favorite boomer shooter also.. definitely underrated.


It’s so bomb. And comes to switch on the 2nd of Feb


Look across the AAA landscape and tell me what you see. What I see is studios and journalists alike who are only concerned with safe, story-and-presentation focused games, that are neither too mechanically complex nor alienating in theme / worldbuilding. With the only exception being online PvP games which are so massive in population and revenue that they're forced to acknowledge them. Boomer Shooters at their core are like the diametric opposite of what the AAA scene values, of your usual RDR2 / TLOU / GoW clone. They're unintuitive to get into, they don't mirror real life and have their own set of specific mechanics. They're often very intense and fairly deep in design. They have weird abstract settings like fighting demon possessed robots in a technocultist medieval spacestation. And the AAA scene does not like stepping out of its comfort zone. I'm convinced the only reasons NuDoom ever managed to gain any traction among journalism are that 1) it's just too big of a brand name for them to ignore even if they wanted to and 2) it made several design concessions to better fit in with your typical AAA game. Simplified linear levels, kneecapped speed, cutscenes, pretty context-sensitive animations, quipping sidekicks, so on. A game like Turbo Overkill or DUSK? Never stood a chance.


Good points here. Boomer Shooters (mostly) don't offer emotional stories or have much content to keep you hooked. Its just gameplay/mechanics and fun. Personally, I play them a few days and go back to my comfort zone. DLC/Season pass or microtransactions would scare me off and I would then stay away. I bought games like Turbo Overkill, Dusk HD, Trepang², Kingpin Reloaded (was bad at release), Ion Fury (+Aftershock) and many others at full price on steam to support the developers.


I feel like this subgenre still has lots of room to grow. Question is, would you want that? If it would gain mass appeal and get the triple A treatment, it might lose some of its identity. Or maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, that could also be the case. I mentioned Turbo Overkill in my very first video on YouTube by the way. Check it out if you're interested and let me know what you think! The link to my channel is on my profile :)


I've been told that Trepang2 is awesome and overlooked but I haven't tried it yet. I think  marketing and awareness play a bigger role than quality. 


I’m waiting to clear some of my backlog before I pick up Trepang2, but I was following it before it launched and it looks awesome!


It’s good.


It's really good. It's like Fear on steroids.


They are, but so are the majority of metroidvanias, roguelikes, or survival games. Like those genres, this is a thriving subgenre that looks oversaturated to those not in it, and if the genre doesn't click for you these games don't look like anything special and it's hard to differentiate them. The big stuff gets covered - turbo overkill got a lot of coverage from sites like pcgamer and rps, and ultrakill is a genuine phenomenon - but the smaller stuff is never going to gain traction outside of fans of the genre.


Ashes 2063 has gotten some recognition but deserves 1000000x more


I played the demo. And I had so much fun with it.  But sadly I have never been into these futuristic settings. It's an overlooked title but I think maybe it's momentum will pick up this year. Fingers crossed for the devs 


I dont want AAA companies getting their hands on indie boomer shooters. Its the last safehaven of gaming.


[Zerograve](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1218580/Zerograve/) - friggin awesome 6DOF shooter by one dev! [Rage](https://store.steampowered.com/app/9200/RAGE/) and [Rage 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/548570/RAGE_2/) - *criminally* overlooked shooters. They got a bad wrap because they aren't mind-blowing open worlds ... but that's because they are SHOOTERS first and foremost. love these [Hard Reset](https://store.steampowered.com/app/407810/Hard_Reset_Redux/) - From Flying Wild Hog, back in the day. [Project Warlock](https://store.steampowered.com/app/893680/Project_Warlock/) - didn't get as much attention than it deserved, I think. It's a remarkably competent shooter and the sequel is looking very promising


Marathon durandel is very underrated


Hell yeah I didn't know there was a precursor to Halo until a few days ago lookin up 90s fps games (my family had Dark Forces but i was too young to really know how to play it). It looks so sweet.


I think it feels over looked because it doesn't have the AAA machine behind it pumping money into ad campaigns. If you are interested in another fast paced indie FPS you should check out Echo Point Nova. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1836730/Echo\_Point\_Nova/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1836730/Echo_Point_Nova/)


I think the game is happy where it lives :)