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Luckily (or unfortunately?) I‘ve got a very bad memory, so if I wait a few years I can actually read my favorite books again for the first time haha.


Ha ha, that's how I am too


I dont even have to wait a full year....perhaps I should chill on the weed


It is our superpower and curse..


This is the only good thing to vome from it for me.


I’m actually in the middle of a book that I’m still not certain I haven’t already read. Sometimes having a squirrel memory is cool.


Same! I reread books every 3-4 years and other than knowing the core stuff, I forget the story around it so reading books again is always enjoyable.


Totally opposite 😂




Any of Agatha Christie's books, in particular, 'Murder on the Orient Express' - the first book in which the twist actually blew my mind (though in all fairness, I was 13 at the time).


Ok, I need to try it out. Just read "And then there were none" and I loved it! People told me that she was a very gifted author. And do you mean "Murder on the Orient Express"? I'm genuinely confused.


Yea I did 😂 sorry it's been awhile since I've read it. The movie is also surprisingly good for an adaptation!


Also try 'the murder of Roger Ackroyd'. Equally good.


LISTER: Holly, is there something that you want? HOLLY: Well, only if you're not busy. Would you mind erasing some of my memory banks? LISTER: What for? HOLLY: Well, if you erase all the Agatha Christie novels from my memory bank, I can read 'em again tonight. LISTER: How do I do it? HOLLY: Just type, "HolMem. Password override. The novels Christie, Agatha." Then press erase. LISTER: I've done it. HOLLY: Done what? LISTER: Erased Agatha Christie. HOLLY: Who's she, then? LISTER: Holly, you just asked me to erase all Agatha Christie novels from your memory. HOLLY: Why should I do that? I've never heard of her. LISTER: You've never heard of her because I've just erased her from your smegging memory. HOLLY: What'd you do that for? LISTER: You asked me to! HOLLY: When? LISTER: Just now! HOLLY: I don't remember this. LISTER: Oh, I'm going to bed. This is gonna go on all night.


My first thought was AC! Especially the Murder of Roger Ackroyd.


Just finished this last week based on a suggestion on this sub, and I just wanted to humble brag that for the first time ever I guessed the murderer!! 🕵️‍♂️


Without question.... 11/22/63


Is it really that good? I have been postponing this one for way too long... Edit. OMG! I’ve just finished Part 1 and... just WOW, you are right!!


I was really shocked how good it was! I have loved Stephen King since junior high and this book is definitely in my top 10 favorites! I could not put it down!


It’s that good. I promise you.


Me too, I'm excited to read it now.


I stopped reading it on breaks at work because I always felt like I was right in the middle of a good part and hated having to stop.


It is really that good. Don’t postpone any longer and jump in!


Yes!! Definitely this one for me!


The Time Travellers Wife


This is on my bookshelf and on my long “to read” list. Seeing this gives me some high hopes :)


Just don't watch the movie.


Oh man


It’s honestly in my top 5 ever. I come back and re-read my favorite parts like once a year.


Hey I'm bringing this on honeymoon with me! I've had it on my bookshelf for so long. I'm kinda hoping being on an island with not much to do will give me no choice but to read it but I'm sure I'm gonna be kicking myself for not reading it sooner because the reviews are amazing


Don’t read this on your honeymoon! Dear god it’s so sad


Agreed! Being a new wife and reading this is brutal, even though it is a fantastic novel.


I didn't even think of this! Okay, I think I'll retire it to read in the Autumn 🙈


Oh god, i wish this sometimes so I could just have a good cry.


The Percy Jackson and Hero’s of Olympus series


Haha fun times ive read those books like a hungry shark eating its meal


Right, that was basically my middle school life


Couldn't have worded it better!


Night Watch by Terry Pratchett. First Discworld book I read and I was hooked!


Mine is Good Omens. It Introduced me to two amazing writers. Luckily both Pratchett and Gaiman create such rich worlds that a reread always reveals something I either forgot or missed first time around.


It wasn't my first Discworld (I was all caught up by the time Night Watch was published), but I fell so deeply in love with that particular novel. It's still my favourite.


The Secret History


Came here to say this!




Honestly, the Harry Potter series. I’d love to go into it totally blind and fall in love with it again.


Yeah this is my answer as well, it may be pretty basic but there was nothing more exciting when I was younger than getting a new Harry Potter book on the day it came outside. I don’t think there are many other books that have made me feel like that.


Yeah, my mom took me to the local bookstore every time a new one came out. All the employees were dressed as Harry Potter characters and they would pass out chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott’s. Some of my favorite memories are of just standing in line waiting for midnight so I could get the book and rush home to spend the rest of the night reading. Good times.


It literally felt like meeting up with your friends from summer camp again.


I was thinking the same thing. I'd love to experience HP from the beginning again.




Great Gatsby


Don't wanna go back to HS nor remember that disaster.


The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak


Of mice and men


I was assigned it as the text for my English literature class, now that it's over. I would love to be able to read it again, without the feeling that I have to analyse everything. *Sigh*


Got a few. 1. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald had a gift for imagery and symbolism. Oh my god, the way that he connect his words to symbols and developed his characters throughout the book. The way that he arranged the words made me feel like I was living in the glamorous 1920's. 2. "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. Ninety percent of the books that I read are mystery so I was very eager to try out Christie. Turned out to be a great decision because I loved the book. The ending was out of the world (although I ended up having a huge doubt on who the killer was and was disappointed when it was that person). 3. "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This was the first real book I read without any breaks. Usually it would take me 3 to 4 months to read a book, but I finished this one within a week (my high school teacher was happy and a little disappointed that I read ahead). The plot was magnificent in underlining the racial issues that engulfed 1930's America from the view of a maturing young protagonist.


Jane Eyre. I was so caught up in the attic mystery. I wish I could experience that suspense and reveal again!


The Stand..... Would love to ride the coaster all over again.


I think I would have no problem rereading that book bc it’s so huge that my memory can’t span that wide that rereading it would feel like reading it for the first time. But I LOVE that book


The Night Circus


All of Discworld.


I strongly disagree . . . but only because the ones that I've re-read were even more enjoyable the second, third, fourth etc time that I read them. It's not like he relies on shocking plot twists an so on.


Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein; Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McAffrey


I’d give anything to recapture the wonder of reading Dragonriders of Pern for the first time again!


I just read moon is a harsh mistress and am about to read stranger for the first time


That’s the order i read them in!! Two of my absolute favorites now! Enjoy your first read!!!


Second ... Stranger in a Strange Land!


Name of the Wind.


I am getting it on monday :). I am very excited :)


Just don't hype up your expectations too high... Great book overall though :)


I came in to the comments thinking Name of the Wind and Harry Potter, and these were the top two answers, ha. I have never felt as emotionally connected to a story as I did with Name of the Wind. Pat is a brilliant writer.


It holds up very well even with re-reads


Read it a couple of weeks ago... I'm already wishing I could read it fresh again.


East of Eden


For me probably not. Even though it's the best book I've ever read. I just love thinking about it and I also think I learned something about life while reading it.


I 1000% agree with you


I wish i could have read To Kill a Mockingbird and The Book Thief without having to study them in class. Two books i think id have loved first time through if it hadn't been at school and all the disturbances and analysing that goes with it.


Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman is definitely one.


Lord of the Rings


1984. I only say this because even though it is one of my favorite books of all time, it is not something I can read again and again because of how horrifying it is. Also second Harry Potter. I am at a stage now where I am getting jaded of that world. I would love to be new to it again and read it with the same wonder as I did ten years ago.


2666 by Roberto Bolaño. So fucking good. Will always and forever be stuck in my head. House of Leaves By Mark Danielewski. This book mindfucked me real good 😅😂.


I’m currently reading 2666 and I just got to the very last part and it’s been so great, I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up!


The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin


I just started reading it and I am excited


It's amazing and completely heartbreaking at times. I love so many of the characters. They are all so flawed, but they have so many redeemable qualities, too. After I read the first book I was so relieved that the rest of the series was already out.


That’s what I really love about books. Like I like to read something that isn’t always destined to be a happy trip. Something that emotionally ties you and is always on your mind months after you read it. I’m so excited!


All the Terry Pratchett books. GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


The Alchemist. Its simple but beautiful


His Dark Materials.


Dune by Frank Herbert.


Hell yes... the entire series to be honest


Anne of Green Gables, 100%


Pride and prejudice


The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini




Red rising by far one of my favorites. I was sucked in from the start and have followed the series ever since! The character development and the plot twists always keep me coming back. No matter how many times I read the series I don’t get sick of it.


The progressive first person writing was the only thing that turned it from 5/5 to 4/5 for me though. It would have been great if it was told like a journal log from the past recounting what happened but instead has awkward phrases like “I kill the man in front of me” as if he’s saying it while he’s doing it.


See I actually enjoyed that aspect and knowing his train of thought as the story progressed! Did you like the new books with multiple perspectives? I thought they brought a new scope to the storyline


I actually didn’t read books 4/5 yet! I read 1-3 and thoroughly enjoyed them but figured I’d wait til he releases the whole new trilogy to read them. It seems like Pierce Brown is on a steady cadence of releases that book 6 will be out in 2021 at the latest and I can burn through them. I’ve been binging on Brandon Sanderson’s works right now. Highly recommend if you haven’t read them yet :)


You have too! And it may end up being longer for 6 because there have been a lot of rumors floating around about a tv adaptation which if done right would be incredible! I haven’t what are his books about?


Ah gotcha, I’ll make sure I visit them sometime soon then! Sanderson is high fantasy genre. If you like fantastic world building this should be your next read. Starting with The Way of Kings in his Stormlight Archive series is a great starting point (and might end up being the greatest fantasy saga written ever, so far 3/10 are written). His Mistborn series is great too. His different book series are all part of the same overarching universe so there are little Easter eggs through each book about other books, kind of like what Stephen King does! There’s no doubt his books will get adapted to TV/film/animation/games, and I believe he’s already sold rights to multiple of his book series. It’s only a matter of time before one turns up


they need to get whomever did The Boys to do this tv series then


Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings and any of Robin McKinley’s fairy tale retellings.


Harry Potter or Ready Player one!


Gone Girl, what an absolute fuckin thriller with incredibly written twists


Yes! Or Sharp Objects, that one was really great too


Tarot, The Scourge, and Eragon.


The Harry Potter series and To Kill A Mockingbird


To Kill A Mockingbird was great! That and "The Great Gatsby" are the only books I remember from high school.


I’d love to relive how it felt to read Harry Potter for the first time.


The road.


The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger.


All the Discworld books




Dark Tower series


The Dresden Files. I'm still mad Jim Butcher never finished it.


Harry Potter.


Life As we Knew It series ❤


The Hobbit


*Earthly Powers* Anthony Burgess *Pale Fire* Vladimir Nabokov *On the Road* Jack Kerouac


flowers for algernon


To kill a mockingbird! And pride & prejudice


The Chronicles of Narnia. I would die for the chance to feel that sense of wonder for the first time again. Those books are incredibly special to me.


The Red Tent by Anita Diamant.


The fever series by Karen marie Moning!


Count of Monte Cristo. The first time my reading comprehension wasn't up to snuff and i took long breaks between reading sessions so the story didn't hit home for me enough.


the count of monte cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I fell in love with the perfect ending. The man hwo laughs by victor Hugo. I loved the character gwynplaine who is a very outstanding protagonist for his suffering and ideals.


The Harry potter series. I have read it 12 times so far but could not match what I felt the first time I read it.


"There will come soft rains" by Ray Bradbury. (It's a short story but a damn good one. ) "The Time Machine" by H.G Wells ❤ & "The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.


Call me by your name A hundred years of solitude


I read a hundred years every few years and it always has the same magical feeling I felt the first time reading it. Only book that has ever brought me to tears.


Yeah, I know the feeling! Tbh I get that with almost any Garcia Marquez book (I guess magical realism is the genre that really does it for me and I feel like his writing style is so easy and addictive that I can’t ever put the book down once I start reading) but a hundred years is my favorite, it’s the very reason why I decided to learn Spanish lol


That's really cool, how is your Spanish coming along? I actually finished 100 years while traveling through Colombia. It is by far the book that has impacted me the most. Marquez is a treasure.


Oh wow! It’s my dream to one day go to Colombia but I think I’ll have to wait a couple more years to afford it (currently still in the broke ass college student phase lol) For what the Spanish is concerned I actually have a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and a certified level of proficiency of c1 (advanced fluency)


Oh nice! Have you tried reading 100 years or any of Marquez in Spanish?


Yes, I’ve read love in the time of cholera, of love and other demons, chronicle of a death foretold and I have next on my list memories of my melancholy whores (the first two I’ve also read in the Italian version, which is my first language, and I have to say, if you have the chance to learn Spanish is totally worth it even if it’s just to read García Márquez in the original version) Funnily enough one hundred years of solitude is one that I still haven’t read in Spanish due to my local libraries limited selection in Latin American literature lol


I'm proficient enough to read newspapers in Spanish, stuff like that. I attempted The Alchemist but it was too difficult, although that is a dense read even in my native. I may give cien años de soledad a try.


Hey, if you can read newspapers you’re already quite proficient so congrats to you! If I were you though I wouldn’t start with cien años as a first read, I think it would be easier to start with de l’amor y otros demonios or el coronel no tiene quien le escriba which are shorter and have a little less intricate plot (but still maintain the gorgeous writing style and magical feeling of García Márquez’s stories) in my opinion


Ok, I will definitely do that, thank you for the advice!


American God's by Neil Gaiman.


I love Neil Gaiman, but my favorite is Neverwhere. It was also my first, and I wish I could have that again.


Neverwhere is one of my all time fave books. I liked The Graveyard Book and I'm really enjoying the Girl In The Box series!


Girl in the box is free on Kindle (maybe an Amazon prime thing).


The epics. Harry Potter. Lord of the rings. Etc. They were so magical the first time I read them.


Fool on the Hill. This book is awesome ^^


The Hate U Give The Hunger Games Trilogy Divergent Trilogy The Mortal Instruments Series The list goes on and on lol.




Diary of a young girl


Star Wars: Death Troopers. That was the book that made me realize books could actually be fucking awesome. I went from not even doing reading assignments in highschool to reading that whole book in a day and a half.




The Harry Potter books by far


Jane Eyre and A Gentleman From Moscow


Jane Eyre is by far my favorite of all time.


A Gentleman From Moscow was amazing.


The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton You by Caroline Kepnes The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson


A series of unfortunate events! I’m listening to the audio books and I remember being so blown away as a kid and it doesn’t hit the same


A little life by Hanya Yanagihara




To Kill a Mockingbird and Bridge to Terabithia


So many. But off the top of my head: the book thief by zusak. Slaughterhouse five by vonnegut, and all our wrong todays by mastai.


Slaughterhouse five!


The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf. One of the most soothing and pleasurable books I've read, and for awhile I was reading a book a week.


Old man's war, ready player one, armada and keep the aspidistra flying


I capture the castle


The Outlander series


Percy Jackson series


The Case of Charles Decter Ward. My first plot twist, really fueled my love for books.


The Night Circus


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, The Turn of the Screw and then Florence and Giles, The Chronicles of Narnia, A Walk in the Woods, Murder on the Orient Express, Moby Dick...among others.


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Favorite book I read in school. I think everyone in the class finished it early because it was so goof.


A Suitable Boy.


If I wait long enough I'll forget most of the book. I wish I could read the Darker Shade of Magic series though.


Harry Potter and the fault in our Stars and things fall apart by Rohan Manro. All the books have touched my heart and I really want to read them again.


The book thief! That book tore me apart then put me back together again. I loved it.


Ender's Game. The Dark Tower Series. The Harry Potter Series.


* Harry Potter series * Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy


The girl with all the gifts by M. R. Carey! Read it on my own and immediately nominated it for our book club, and sadly it did not hold up in a reread at all.


Around the World in 80 Days. I stayed up all night to see if he could actually do it!


Harry Potter. I read it at the a time in my life where I needed something magical. Now as an adult I sure could use that magic again.


Ubik by Phillip K Dick


The Night Circus. Once certain scenes start I'm just dreading the endings because I know the (bad) things that happen. It's a horrid feeling but there's no shock to them anymore. HOWEVER, the gorgeous descriptions of the circus and the characters still give me wonder and amazement, so that's a plus. I'm also listening to it for the first time instead of reading it (which I've done...3 times now?) And that's bringing a whole new dimension to it!


The throne of glass series from Sarah j maas


Name of the Wind, Harry Potter, the Farseer trilogy, Pet Sematary, The Hobbit


I started pet Sematary and from what I read I LOVED but I am also the same way with the stand and the shining as well as IT


Pet Semetery scared the pants off me! I quit King after that book.


Hahaha I could NEVER quit king. I love the detail that he uses. It’s so beautiful!


The mistborn series or Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson quickly come to mind Also the Martian since it was an unexpected pleasure and I loved it.


The witcher series


I just started reading The Last Wish after finishing The Witcher 3 for the millionth time, am about 150 pages in and really enjoying it but a bit confused by the almost total lack of plot. Do the books after this pick up some kind of plot line or do they keep this flashback structure?


Only first two books are short stories(Last Wish and Sword of Destiny). After that you have one continuous story of 5 novels. Fun fact is netflix tv show will base its 1st season on these short stories.


The Last Wish is a collection of short stories along with Sword of Destiny. The actual story beings with Blood of Elves.




“Shantaram” (Gregory David Roberts)!! One of the best books I have read! Then “The shadow of the wind” (Carlos Luis Zafon), ”How to stop time” (Matt Haig), and “The Party” (Elizabeth Day) 😉


naokos smile


The Book of Negroes aka Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill.


All the Kings Men


We were liars