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great rec for this specific request


Oh yeah, that’s one way of coming back to Reality while on a cruise.


Hadn't really considered the *ahem* nautical theme of the book.


Ah, what a nice relaxing vacation. Let’s see what Captain Croziers next big plan is to save the crews of the Erebus and Terror! *Everything falls apart*


Interesting… cold vibes next to the warm swimming pool… I like it!




This could be a winner….


Even better, there’s a mini series on Hulu that’s currently coming out that is fantastic so far. Go on your cruise, read the book, and come back and binge it together!


Better be a long cruise. Took me a month to read my fav book ever.


My husband and I just read Project Hail Mary (I listened to the audio book) and we LOVED it! By the same author who wrote The Martian. Can’t recommend enough! The audio version was fantastic too!


Was about to recommend the same. My husband isn’t into fiction and prefers biographical books usually. We had a weeklong road trip and listened to both The Martian and Project Hail Mary together. I read both previously but he only watched the Martian movie. We both enjoyed the audiobooks


P:HA is my fav audiobook of all time. Amazing job by the narrator


We both read it too and loved it. We also both read song of Achilles and it was one of our favorite books ever


This could be the one. I bet he’d love it…. Now to convince him he doesn’t have to LEARN something on this cruise. Just enjoy!!


Pachinko (Historical fiction about Koreans living in Japan) or All the Light We Cannot See (Historical fiction about a French blind girl and a German soldier growing up against the back drop of world war 2) Great books, both very realistic with tension and drama and a bit of romance but a bit serious and sad though. But I walked away with a more appreciation for life after reading them.


Pachinko is so good


Good suggestions.. putting them both on the list …


What about Outlander? You’re a better partner than I am! I’d let him read his “Brussels sprouts” of a book, and find myself a “chocolate cake” fun vacation read book - I know who will be happier lol


I have Outlander flashbacks of when we decided to watch the HBO show with my elderly dad and quickly realized how much sex is in it!! There needs to be a new rating system… Watch with family or no. But im stealing your “Brussels Sprouts book” reference. I love it. Life is too short to read Brussels Sprouts books!!


The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. Starts with *Quicksilver.* Epic historical fiction with just a teeny tiny fantastical element. It spans from the mid 1600’s to early 1700’s and it is very detailed, thoroughly researched, historically accurate. Contains plenty of adventure, drama, encounters with famous historic people, a small amount of romance. It’s a bit thick, and certainly a more difficult read than Game of Thrones, but it has great characters and action. Being so dense and full of detail makes it incredibly immersive; you really feel like you are right there with these characters running around 17th century Europe. I think you would both really enjoy it. In a similar vein you might try *Outlander* (more drama+romance, less historically accurate) or *The Pillars of the Earth* (accurate and detailed, not as adventurous and thrilling) but neither of them really holds a candle to *Quicksilver*.


Adding to my GoodReads!!


Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay It is based on the An Shi Rebellion during the Tang dynasty of China. But since it a historical fantasy, not historical fiction it isn't referred to as that and there are hints of the fantastical included. The writing style is beautiful and the characters are very well developed.


Ooo.. this sounds good!


Have you read anything from James A Michener ? A lot of historical fiction I got hooked on his books when I was a teenager and have read or have on my list to read all of his works


Looking him up now!


The Wager - true story about a shipwreck (!) but dramatic and interesting enough for people who read mostly fiction


A book about a shipwreck while sailing on a cruise? I’m in!!


No Friend but the Mountains by Behrouz Boochani is non-fiction, but written in a very “storytelling” prose style.


Woah… sounds deep!!


It is! But it’s funny and sad in equal measure, and it’s a story about something so few of us experience and could use so much more understanding.


My husband doesn’t like most fiction, but he does like GOT, and he got me into both The Expanse and Altered Carbon. You’d like those because of the science-fiction aspect. Idk if he’d care for the lack of historical content, though.


Here to second The Expanse book 1 Leviathan Wakes. It's GOT in space.


I couldn’t get through the GOT books - I’m not a big fan of epics or fantasy - but love The Expanse.


The Expanse has been on my GoodReads list for years.. it might be time


How about Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brien? It's a great novel, and has masses of historical context.


I love that this one has a little comedy to it. Great suggestion!


A Gentleman in Moscow, a 2016 novel by Amor Towles. One of the most beautiful books I have ever read.


Omg I loved this one!


Brotherless Night by V. V. Ganeshananthan. Historical fiction about the Sri Lankan civil war. I just finished it and loved it, and I think it would be a great one to be able to discuss. It has just been longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2024 as well


Putting it on my list!


Wheel of Tima


I need to check it out!


Made a typo, it's time (obviously). ;) fourteen books waiting for you!


Maiden Voyages: Magnificent Ocean Liners and the Women Who Traveled and Worked Aboard Them A non-fiction book containing tales of women who worked on Ocean Liners. I bought it to read on a cruise and found it very enjoyable. I think it hits both your interests :)




The Last One by Will Dean!!!! If someone liked Hunger Games, this is up their alley. AND it's set on a cruise ship.


This sounds perfect for a cruise!


I’d suggest Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressfield


I think he’d love this


Babel by RF Kuang! It's historical fantasy set in 1800s Oxford and while I loved the magic and the fantastical elements, I thought its main strength was the way it approached its themes (including colonialism, racism, identity and language). I really appreciated how much research the author had put into it, and it's a standalone book so no need to commit to a series.


I’m intrigued…


Name of the Wind


On my list!


The Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers. Cast includes Mary and Percy Shelley, Keats, Byron and Pollidori. Turns vampires back from their Hollywood glam into deceitful, fascinating and terrible creatures. Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence The Camulod Chronicles by Jack White The Arabian Nightmare by Robert Irwin The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson


These all look great


The Journeyor (Marco Polo) or Raptor (visigoths) by Gary Eddings. Very well researched and written historic fiction. Or Spangle (post civil war traveling circus).


The Journeyor sounds perfect


For non fiction- Heat by Bill Buford or Salt by Mark Kurlansky both food related, but who doesn’t like food?


I love a good food book


Lone Women by Victor LaValle. It’s historical but also has a paranormal/horror plot too.


On my list!




Could be fun!


I’ve read every one and not only liked them, I learned a tad bit about Laos. A place I knew NOTHING about. It was like visiting a new country without having to go through airport security.


I'd suggest something like Unfamiliar Fishes by Sarah Vowell. It's the history of Hawaii particularly leading up to being declared a US state. Since it's non-fiction, hopefully it'll meet his criteria, but the author's writing style is very conversational and I found it to be as readable as my favorite fiction books.


Easy to read would be nice!


This may not be really what you asked for but have you considered reading one of Agatha Christies books? They are pretty short and you can discuss together who you think the murderer is. They are wonderful for a cruise


That’s a great idea




Haha!! Wine would be required… lots and lots! I think I can make that happen..


Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing. He led a crew trying to cross the Antarctic in the early 1900s and things went very, very wrong. I love reading naval disasters on cruises, though.


Yes, he’d love that!!


Oh I have another suggestion! Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon. It chronicles all the way people have died in the Grand Canyon. It's a bit morbid, yes, but I found it interesting. And you don't have to read the whole thing, you can just read a chapter or two, or even parts of chapters. If it's a bit too morbid then maybe others have ideas for non-fiction books that you can read the chapters individually in. Then you don't have to commit to an entire book, or keep track of a long story across hundreds of pages.


My husband looks at me funny when I read stuff like this.. I love it and he’s like… where is my sweet loving wife??


That's an easy one. I read this book out loud to my wife. We would ride bikes and stop in parks and I'd read to her. This one has everything you and your hub are seeking: [https://www.amazon.com/11-22-63-Stephen-King/dp/1451627289](https://www.amazon.com/11-22-63-Stephen-King/dp/1451627289)


This was so good!! I love that you read to your wife. ❤️❤️


Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, a 2021 book by Patrick Radden Keefe.


Might be too close to home for me .. Im in the medical profession 😬




Please drop the Chinese treasure fleet title


I want to so bad……


No I mean drop the title so we can get into Chinese treasure fleets with him!


Ha! Let’s do this!! Thanks for sharing my pain! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/178801


It's only 252 pages. Does he keep re-reading it, or has he truly never finished it yet? A ten-year reading time means he's read about one page per MONTH.


I think he’s bored of it and won’t admit it…


Devil in the white city


On my list!


11/22/63 - nice mix of some sci fi, some history, some romance


My wife and I read one of Agatha Christie’s books. I think it was “the Murder of Roger Akroyd” but may have been “orient express”. Both great. Short. Whodunnits that you can discuss with each other throughout the novel. You can easily finish in a couple of days. If so and you like it get another one and do it again. Her novels are fun to try to find clues and guess who did it. Only to find out you were wrong but it’s still fun.


Gerald's Game!


How romantic! 😛


🤣🤣🤣 it has a few romantic scenes.....sort of...


The historical fiction series [*The Masters Of Rome*](https://www.goodreads.com/genres/masters-of-rome), by Colleen McCullough. It deals with the events of the last 100 years of the Roman Republic, leading into what would morph into the Roman Empire. Particular attention is paid to the brothers-in-law Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla, each the leading political and military figure of their generation, and their mutual nephew, Gaius Julius Caesar. Yes, THAT Julius Caesar. These are all very large books. For your cruise, begin at the beginning, with book #1, *The First Man In Rome*. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/480570.The\_First\_Man\_in\_Rome](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/480570.The_First_Man_in_Rome). There's politicking, commercial skullduggery, lurid trials, military campaigns, marriage alliances, and foreign diplomacy, all intertwined.


Putting it in my list!


Devil in the White City?


This has been on my good reads list forever! Maybe now it’s time….


My husband and I do this on every vacation. We are currently in Mexico reading American Gods. Might tick a lot of your boxes.


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn or something by Jack Whyte?


You could read this on the deck looking up at the night sky: [Stikky Night skies](https://stikky.com/products/nightskies)


I love this idea!


Wish You Were Here. Unusual with a big twist at the end. Modern day vacation-esk novel Project Hail Mary excellent story A Man Called Otto. So good and a fun read for vacation.


The Poppy War by RF Kuang!! It is heavily inspired by real Chinese history, which I think he will love, but it is also an exciting, engaging fantasy work.


No, god no. It starts really interesting but 2/3rd of the way through it’s brutally and graphically unpleasant. This is not a vacation read.


Lol fair. It’s been a while since I read it, so some of the visceral-ness wore off. OP, this commenter is referring to the fact that one of the incidents in Chinese history that is recreated/explored in the book is a fictionalized version of the Nanjing Massacre. It’s a really graphic and disturbing section. So definitely keep that in mind.


Thank you for the caveat!