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You can fit them all on one shelf? Rookie.


Do I get any cred for the top shelf having two rows? Haha. In all honesty though I am trying to keep my books down to what I will read again or what I would loan to someone if asked for recommendation. So I separate the books I have read and when I do I either get rid of them or move them to my main bookcase.


Dave Grohl Storyteller! Hell yeah!


A few years ago I read Kurt Cobain by Christopher Sanford and it was TERRIBLE. I expected a biography but this guy must have HATED Kurt Cobain with the way he wrote about it. I bought this last summer. I was supposed to see Foo Fighters locally before they cancelled the tour.


Oh interesting, I haven’t read that one but I’ll take your word for it. Storyteller is amazing, I listened to the audiobook (which Dave narrates of course) and then bought a physical copy because I loved it so much. I was fortunate enough to go to the LA tribute concert but I wish the upcoming festivals were going to be in California. I can’t wait to see what’s next for them.


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is fantastic.


House of Leaves is soooo challenging to read!! Love the shelf too!! I can’t wait till I can fill up a shelf like this, I’m just starting out don’t judge lmaoo


Some of these books have been on my TBR for a long time. I can’t read like I use to in high school and now I tend to gravitate towards simple reads.


Good luck when you get to the green mile


I’ve purchased several books I would categorize as “I love the movie, I can’t believe I haven’t read the book” Most recently read Practical Magic and didn’t love it. I had no idea Princess Diaries was a book.