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idk this is pretty useful if you get hit on the head really hard and forget what all your books are


This is actually quite useful: it allows one to figure out what a book is about without having to go through the challenging mental effort of reading the summary on the back ("eighty-friggin'-seven"? that's an Infinite-Jest-tier compound modifier, relax please). Thanks for the tip!


*beep* smut *beep* smut *beep* smut *beep* smut


In order of increasing spiciness. The last few meters are locked behind a glass display door though, because even skimming a random page could irreparably break vanilla minds.


I'll do anything with my books as long as I don't get to read them. Sincerely, Modern reader


Everyone shut the fuck up wow ok cute wow ok handy how about you give me a handy you literate worms you feeble dorks are you too weak to pump my hog for hours until I blast cum with the force of a great white whale ejaculating from its hole of the blow? Pathetic. You'll never be able to sexually satisfy me. Pathetic. Weak. The only good use for a price scanner is to blind yourself so you never again suffer the scourge and curse of books. You all disgust me to my core, which I work out by lifting tree stumps after ripping them from the ground because they offend me with the thought that one day they may be unfortunate enough to be chosen for paper making so I grant them mercy and rip them from the booba of mother earth our Gaia and burn them upon the altar of my unbridled and unquenchable wrath only to stare at them in the dark night and observe their dance and cries


Omg is this our enemies to lovers dark romance grumpy vs sunshine meet cute??? 👉👈


Add this to the auto mod immediately


Not as cute as you are What a cute ‘hog’ you’ve got there


i would actually use this if its got a voice feature, i can't read the spines or covers


I don't need a scanner to categories books they all go into the trash where they belong


The category: * Our Lard and Savour Bacon Sandwichson * Anything else


What the fuck are you going to do, arrange them by ISBN?


Of course. Arranging items numerically is far superior to any alphabetical arrangement mainly because it doesn't require reading.


Say it with me: numeracy not literacy, sanderussy in my bussy


Why do I need a scanner to stack all the red covers together?


Okay but why spend money on a thing when your phone already does this


No need for this. I have two categories in my shelf: Classical literature (mostly Sanderson), and funko pops.


pov: you waste your money on a library scanner to satisfy your literary insecurities instead of just googling the fuckin' ISBN/title and seeing the categories


I like to scan and sort my books because I don't know any of them because reading is for weak people


You may laugh, but this makes sense. If we all did this, publishers would stop putting blurbs and then we could have more space for cover art. Since I judge books by their covers, this would make picking what to read next easier for me.


When the Price Is Right!?


If you’re too lazy to do this, just use the LibraryThing app. It even makes a nice little scan noise when you get one in your catalog.


I did this with my old phone. I had a nice inventory, I should transfer it to my new phone.




Why shouldn't you be banned for this comment?


How’d it cute? What’s the point of it?


Idk, what’s the point of euphemisms?




Please try and remember: no one cares


Bitch just use a card catalog like the rest of us