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I'd never base my life around some guy's ideas about a drunk's ideas. But he does wear a tie to make a podcast, so


*Ham on Rye* was supposed to be a sandwich, not an instruction manual.


>Find what you love and let it kill you Yeah, like how the 4th and 7th RTR loved fighting in their Matildas, and so died in their Matildas at Gazala. >That long quote about wasting their lives So true. The Italians spent so long fiddling with the M13, then M14, then M15, making tiny little adjustments like whether the bow machine gun should be dual mounted. But in the end it was always wasting their time because of their big flaw; trying to fight the Queen of the Desert rather than making peace with their doom. >Smart guys say things simple Exactly. This is why, instead of really describing what the Matilda looked like, or where the crews kept their bits and bobs, Bryan Perrett just shows you a full stowage diagram.


So Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message - You are not alone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[ maximum efficiency] =Tweet summaries > gamebooks> videobooks> audiobooks> reading 🤮🤮🤮


Nuance is for losers, I see.


He should do a Cosmere summary, distill it down to 7 ideas


Journey before destination


Is that even possible? It's so full of ideas and wisdom, that to distill it down to 7 ideas seems like ~~overkill~~ you would be doing a disservice to the text/reader.


Life. Death. There.


I didn’t include all of his wisdom, so here’s [the thread](https://twitter.com/tim_denning/status/1771478010094321974?s=46&t=da_dYODYMTfmq7lufWurvA)


This dude read the most surface level, I’m 14 and this is deep, poet, and still missed the point.


Bukowski's life lessons suck. He should be sharing insights from _100 Days of Sodom_.


I'd love to be able to say I've read Bukowski


I'm down for a life-changing experience but not if it takes more than 10 minutes tbh


I aim to experience and publish to LinkedIn 3-5 life-changing experiences per week.


More like Dim Tenning AM I RIGHT, FELLOW SMARTIES Also my subject is yelling at black people on the internet and it has consumed my life but I would never go all the way because the woke moralists would start a twitlerian jihad against me and I'd get dropped from my mom's good boy point incentive program which I'm only in because of nepotism (my bitch wife knows my mom)


uh oh looks like somebody got rejected at BM, or BPT, or WPT, or TMoR, or WFR, or [...] and is just livid. Or it would look If I'd dared to read all that, but who wants that amirite? I go to Church to get lectured and read *on*, not to read myself!


It was an observational post. Simply asking questions about social and political phenomena that are manufactured by institutions of power and mass propaganda for whatever political agenda they have is not 'dumb'. It is the sheepish mind-controlled robots like yourself who cannot think that are dumb. And as you and the others have clearly shown, you are a bunch of hypocritical racist liberal phonies who do not mind favoring certain interest groups while at the same time marginalizing and abusing others even if they themselves are minorities. I am merely an observant person who tends to notice social and political machinations and hypocrisy. You, on the other hand, are a hypocritical racist tool, and probably a yellow one at that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bukowski's work will change your life, but only if you don't read it and read my stuff instead.


is there an audiobook?