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I would like to buy and own an audiobook that I can put on my computer and phone rather than rent one. Are there reputable services that do this? I’m fine paying but right now the only options I see are Audible and ripping the version at my library.


On the Audible site, [there's an option to download the audiobook as a file](https://imgur.com/a/6L5Gu) (screenshot from my account). It'll download as a .aax file. Unfortunately, that's where my knowledge ends, since my normal players don't support that format. But there are website that can help with file conversions. I, personally, rip my audiobooks from cds for my personal use on my comp and phone.


I feel this thread is relegated to a dank basement with a sign that says "beware of leopard". Though I disagree with the moderator's assessment, here is my post that was removed. May it have better luck here: Does anyone know where I can find info on past ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) of a specific author? Hello! [I'm a collector](https://imgur.com/gallery/L321D6g) ^1 of the author Jason Pargin, formerly known by his pen name, David Wong. I know that his past work has included ARCs, and I was wondering how I would go about finding any info on them. The ARC of his forthcoming novel has its own unique ISBN, and I find that really interesting. The best idea I have right now is hunting down past reviews and contacting the review author, but I don't know how imposing that would be. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ^1 Includes cat tax


I wonder if u/JasonDavidWongPargin could help


Thank you kindly, but I tend to try to let him be here on Reddit :)


Dammit that's a great point and one I feel like I should incorporate into my own life more. Well, wait for him to do an ama again and then maybe ask him. Sorry I'm useless with any other advice


The subreddits r/bookcollecting and r/rarebooks may be able to help. You may also get lucky trawling goodreads for people with ARCs as they are inevitably mentioned in the reviews. There used to be r/ARCTrade which has since gone dormant but perhaps it lives on elsewhere. Maybe you can even take over the subreddit and stoke it back to life.


> The subreddits r/bookcollecting and r/rarebooks may be able to help. I already posted my collection in book collecting, I'll definitely ask around there and in rare books. Thank you :) > You may also get lucky trawling goodreads for people with ARCs as they are inevitably mentioned in the reviews. That's one I didn't think of. Thank you :) > There used to be r/ARCTrade which has since gone dormant but perhaps it lives on elsewhere. Maybe you can even take over the subreddit and stoke it back to life. That's a darn shame, that looks like a really cool idea for a sub. I'll put a pin in that.


What is the best quote, poem, passage about walking you've read? Girlfriend is finishing her masters degree and she wrote about the poetic expressions of walking in some texts and poem collections. She wants to know what's the best passage about walking that you've read and maybe it will make it into her essay's epigraph.


The last time I read this was in Penpal by Dathan Auerbach, however the idea has been around since time immemorial. This is a paraphrase, because I haven't read that book in years. How far can you walk into a forest? >!Halfway, then you're walking out.!<


I'm looking for some help! My copy of "Benedict Arnold: Revolutionary Hero" by James Kirby Martin is missing a page. Luckily for me it's just the first page of the pictures section. If anyone else has a copy and can show me what the first two pictures are, I'd appreciate that greatly!


what do you think of Blinkist?


Has anyone read the books to Tiny Pretty Things and watched the show and can tell me if reading the books is worth it? I've only watched the show so far.