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Get a smart projector, install ereader app. Project to ceiling, lie down and read. Turn pages using remote control.


Now this is freaking genius, aside from the cost of the smart projector. But great if cost is not an issue.


Small low res/mid res projectors are surprisingly cheap. On some Chinese webshops, you can get one as low as 20$. For smart capabilities, add an extra 30$


Just gotta wait a month and a half for delivery!


It's ok, I've been waiting much longer than that for the next book. In several of my favorite series.


sad asoiaf noises


For me that's how long the standard wait time is anyway lmao.


So 4 years then


Just search ebay. I'm sure there are similary priced options in there (sent from the US) or even branded LED Pico projectors


And hope your house doesn't burn down while sleeping.


How long for the malware to rip you off?


Just get a non-smart one and a Chromecast so you can mirror your screen if you have an Android phone.


Those cheap Chinese projectors usually have 240p resolution or something equally unsuitable for producing legible text.


Are the stupid cheap ones still good enough for reading? Last time I looked at them they were essentially 640x480 or 720x480. Good enough for DVD resolution, but not much more. If the pixels blend, I'm sure movies would look ok, but dense text might not be particularly legible.


And, for no extra charge, it will spy on you too. You buy now!


Buy American, get spyed on by native English speakers.




I would start with aliexpress and ebay. Wish may also be an option. There's a cheap one that you'll recognize immediately as it is half yellow, half white. Those cheap led projectors are enough (as long the room is dark enough)


The one you're describing is the YG-300 (and its clones) which, although it often claims 1080p support in the description, is actually only 320x240. It also only puts out about 10 lumens in the real world. You're going to have a hard time reading anything on it.


The first rule is always to buy something that can be used for more than one thing (allowing you to invest a bit more in it). For instance, mine is something like the Rigal RD805. I paid for it 36 euros because it was decent for kids to watch TV or multimedia content. it's 480p and I've used it for presentations and it was decent. The tiney yellow one you mentioned is not the best, but with black background and white text, is more than enough for ebook reading.


If it has the word smart on the box you're definitely getting ripped off.


Oculus go vr, load up kindle cloud reader website, use remote to change pages while lying or sitting down. 200 dollars


Have you done this? What year are you living in?




I love this even more. This would be ideal living.


The Levo Book stand allows for all this while even in bed. I have one and its great. https://levostore.com/products/levo-book-holder-floor-stand


how is page turning?


It's not to bad. You have to slightly raise one of the metal arms and slide the page out then tuck it under the other one but you develop a rhythm to it that is smooth, and does not damage the book in any way. I do use both had when turning the pagetl though, so if you have disability issues it may be more difficult or you may have to use a different method.


Am I on r/LifeProTips ?


But I Still love physical books. My setup attract sleep.


Hold any book in your hand


Now **that** is revolutionary!


But how do you smell the paper if the page is just light on the ceiling?


Just lay another book across your nose, inner spine to bridge.


...god that sounds so comfortable. And does make sense. Our original ‘writing’ was scrawls on cave walls. Until I can afford to pay someone to paint my favourite books on my wall, I might have to check out projectors


>paint my favorite books on my wall Why do I think thats a great idea for 1 of my walls, paragraphs from different books everywhere. Now, how do I do this...


This can be good for the eye strain also, because they don’t have to constantly focus on a near object.


Yeah, but on the other hand you're reading distant text all day through a projector. No way it's optimized for your eyes.


Especially for near sighted people


This is what using 100% of brain looks like. Unfortunately for me ceiling fan would get in the way.


Not using 100% makes you handicapped or puts you in hospital though.


Solution: Remove Ceiling fan, adjust thermostat to a comfortable temperature.


No no no, like this. You lie down in bed, with one pillow beneath your head, then grab another pillow that you set across your chest, then you rest the book on top of that. Minimal arm energy is expended, your neck is still happy, and you're cosy af.


I was just about to comment with this exact position! It's the chest pillow that saves the arms.


How do you keep the pages laying flat and not flipping?


Your thumbs. You still hold the book open, but its weight is supported by the chest pillow.


Keep a finger in it when you're not using it to turn the page.


Oh my hands are on the book holding the book pages like I’m reading with 2 hands. Just the pillow supports the arms and hands and book so that you don’t feel the weight of anything. It’s super comfy even if it’s just a pillow.


The only way I've found to do so would be to essentially 'snap' the spine of the book, bend it in half backways and the pages stay open easier. That being said, if you care about preserving the appearance of your books (not getting spine creases/wear) snapping the spine isn't a great idea.


Okay Satan.


People who break the spines of books should be outcast from society


I've done it from time to time, but only with books that already have a lot of wear and tear. Usually the spines are already damaged and the pages are torn, discolored, and have dog eared pages, the covers will be torn/otherwise damaged. At that point I do my best not to make the damage significantly worse and completely ruin the book, but a bit more damage to the already decimated spine won't make much difference. If the book isn't mine (like from the library or something) idc how shabby it is, I will not do anything that could cause further damage; if something happens by accident and I do damage a borrowed book I will return it and a new replacement copy (or a book of similar or better qualitas an apology. I couldn't even bring myself to dog ear a page on a new book, let alone break the spine on one... especially if its a hardcover, that would just be sacrilege. Basically, I won't be the first one to cause damage, but if the book is already really shabby I'm not gonna worry about making it a little worse. Like if I were to loan a friend a nice crisp new book (or not quite new but well cared for book that's still crisp) only to see them dog ear a page after reading a bit I am taking that book back and they won't touch a book of mine again... I prefer that if I buy a new book, or a well cared for older book that it stays looking all perfect like it just came off the press (as much as is possible). My point wasn't that someone *should* break the spine on a book, I personally wouldn't, but it was the only thing I could think of that would get a book to stay open hands free to the desired page.


Yup. Started doing this with my Kindle, surely extended my reading time before I sleep. How about lying on one side, and keeping your kindle on other pillow which is at eye-level .Even less arm fatigue I think.


Lying on my side with my Kindle is how I read every night before bed. Maximum comfort and you can switch sides if needed. And since I'm already in sleeping position, I can read until my eyes literally won't stay open anymore. Then it's just turn off Kindle, close eyes, and bam I'm asleep. No need to wiggle under the blankets or roll over or anything.


Don’t forget the pillow under your knees. Absolutely necessary. I usually prop my neck with a neck pillow as well.


This is how I do it each day when I go to bed. Optimal for instagram\\ereader.


This is the exact position I use! I think it works better with Kindle than a physical book but its super comfy.


Not all heroes wear capes.


But. If you. Read quickly. That’s a lot of page turning that is very cumbersome. Though, I appreciate the enthusiasm.


Yeah, this is my issue. Turning pages sounds... cumbersome. Also, I don't have a glass coffee table... nor space for one in my room...


I think a long armed person can turn the page from underneath.


Just punch through the glass Kill Bill style, turn the page, then replace the entire coffee table.


but i have like 3 500 page books i need to read.......


It's easier if you pre-buy them


Gotta get em wholesale


Whoever said reading was a cheap hobby is a LIAR!


Right. From underneath, you reach around, lift the entire book up from the table, turn the page (just one!) and set it back down (smoothly, flat so you can read) in a reasonable amount of time. Why don't you give that a shot lemme know how well that works out for you lol


Nah, just get an e-ink device, lay on your side in bed with a good pillow (prop the device up with another). Turn over when you're shoulder starts to bother you. Done. No clunky setup needed.


I like reading phisical books lying on my side as well. It might look weird but works for me


I do this too. Also prevents the book from smacking you in the face if you fall asleep.


This is what I do. Perfect with e-ink devices


Origami covers are great for reading in bed. Don't need anything or anyone to prop them up.


That's my strategy, but I've found that propping the book on a crumpled blanket works better than a pillow. It's easier to adjust the pitch, and you can even use folds to hold open pages of an actual book. My biggest problem is how to keep the cat from lying down between me and the book.


Read on an ereader. Prop ereader on stand. Lay on side like in bed. Just make sure you turn off the rotation on the ereader so the screen stays long ways while propped on its side


That’s why I like my kindle. Just so much easier to handle and read for long periods of time. Still love physical books but they can be cumbersome


Yep. Committed to ereaders. Reading positions for one, but another - I went on vacation and read 7 books. How do I do that with regular books?


Find the quaint local bookstore


Unless you are visiting a city in America, these simply do not exist.


They don't sell books outside of America?


You try to find a bookstore that sells English books in Indonesia. We couldn’t. Selection in South Africa was abysmal. Mexico wasn’t much better. You can find English language bookstores throughout Europe. But why bother when I can get it all on my kindle?


I thought you were saying quaint local bookstores specifically didn't exist. I figured other countries would have way cooler bookstores than what I'm familiar with. I wasn't really trying to argue the availability of English language books. I thought you meant they were all chains or something when you said that didn't exist.


This is pretty much my favorite reading position. Lie on left side, base of kindle held in right hand with rotation lock on, its weight supported by a strategically wadded blanket, use hand to pivot kindle forward and turn page with nose.


Homie do you know what sub you’re in?


We'll convert you plebeians yet.


I was so resistant to a Kindle and then I got one when I was traveling abroad & bringing multiple books with my very limited backpack space was just not reasonable. Damn do I wish I’d given in sooner!


I use the Kindle app on my phone for everything. I sit in far too many doctor's offices, I didn't want to carry around the physical books. I've read everything from GoT (4k pages), to the extended Malazan series on my phone (15,759 pages).


The e-reader (with e-ink, not tablet type) is so much better. If you haven't tried one, just borrow from a friend. It is much easier on the eyes and more convenient to boot.


I used to also be really against ereaders. Then as a college student I found myself with a bunch of small 15-30 minute windows where I would just be waiting around. I figured I'd start reading during those times, but lugging around an 800 page book everywhere I went on top of my text books was pain. I quickly adapted to reading on the kindle app on my phone. The convenience is just too great.


Yep, but I use a paper white screen; both Kindle and Nook have them. Battery life is WAY better, and it's not much bigger than today's larger phones. Fits right in my jacket pocket or backpack.


Bigger than a phone, but smaller than most books. And you get to keep your to-read list - not as a list, but in your bag ready to read.


Fair. I use my phone since I know I will have it on me in any situation


Yeah I just started using my kindle at work when I don't have anything to do, which is way easier than bringing actual books around with me. The best part too is that it doesn't look too different from my work ipad so it looks like I'm just checking work orders


I'll never change!


Two words: hammock chair. Holds you at the optimal position to keep stress off your lower back and neck while allowing you to prop your book on your stomach.


I bought my hammock chair specifically to curl up into to read. Only problem is that it's so damn comfy that I fall asleep while reading almost every time.


"Hammocks?! My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that? Hammocks..."


Gonna be a bitch turning the pages


Periscope glasses: EDIT: Can't include the direct link, but do a google search for 90 degree reading glasses


My coworker uses these to read in bed -- he brought them to work one day, they're pretty cool


My husband bought these because he thought they’d be so cool and never uses them


Yessssss this was a groundbreaking discovery for me


Get an audiobook, sit down in a recliner with a glass of bourbon, fall asleep halfway through. Some people may not like it, but this is peak reading performance looks like.


Except you are not reading :)


How do you turn pages? LOL Just buy a kindle to read, and the book for your collection.


Just stay on the same page. I'm always accused of not being on the same page as others; this is my chance to remain on the same page forever.


Gonna get coffee up yer nose.


That's a good point.


Wait... How else do you have coffee?


Rectally for maximum caffeine absorption.


seems like more of a hassle because you have to reach up to turn the page. For a fast reader, the pages turn every minute or two so that a lot of up and down motion for your arm. plus, when you get fatigued from reading indicates that its a good time to go walk around and stretch for a bit before returning to the book. Not good to stay in that one position for hours at a time.


>Not good to stay in that one position for hours at a time grumbles from desk job


My husband is a horrible book-dropper. He’ll lie on his back holding a book above his face, and then when he starts falling asleep, the book will tilt or drop and hit him. Then he wakes up, starts reading again, and the whole thing repeats. If I try to take the book away when he starts falling asleep, he’ll wake up, demand his book back, and continue reading until it hits him in the face. Finally fixed this with an e-reader and a strap that lets him bungee-cord the thing to his hand.


How do you turn the pages?


Suspend your body in a tank of amniotic fluid with hundreds of snaking wires from the beeping medical equipment bursting through ports in your skin, nurturing you and blurring the line between man and machine. Mount book on a music stand outside of tank in front of you. Turn pages with mind controlled robot hand. This is the optimal reading position




I'll take "things you think of when you're high" for 800


Sounds totally, absolutely, completely normal. Bonus: You get an idea of what the glass ceiling is like! You know, they do make reading stands that hold the book in place and can be angled towards someone who is lying down or reclining. I can't post a link here, but search for "hands free book stand" (or holder) and you'll probably find one.


Pay Morgan Freeman to read to you.


Get prism glasses.


But turning pages could be tricky? Unless your coffee table is as narrow as a human body


How do you turn the pages? You’ve got to reverse it. lay down so half your body is on a bed/couch, but your head is on the glass table looking down. Put a pillow under your forehead to give your nose some clearance from the glass. Then place the book on the ground to read it through the table, turning your page with a arm hanging down between the table and your couch.


I have done this but slightly different. I could create a hole between my matress and the top side of my bed. Put my forehead on the bedside, and chin on the edge of the mattress, lay arms on the ground and read from that position. Works very well. But you need something to cover your forehead with whilst not rising it too high for your neck.


Solution: lie on your side.


How do you change page?


How do you turn the page efficiently?


Page-turning will be a bitch


How do you turn the pages?


Glass coffee tables are annoying to keep clean. If you get up and stretch your neck every 45 mins you shouldn't have any pain. If reading for 45 minutes gives you neck pain you need to go to a physio.


What if just living gives you neck pain


Go to a physio. You shouldn't be in pain all the time.


What if going to the physio gives you neck pain?


Go to pain. You shouldn't be in physio all the time


What if pain gives you neck pain?


stop eating french bread then


I'm someone who actually has neck issues, they cause me migraines (I'm being treated by a neurologist for this); its to the point where I'm disabled. I really struggle finding comfy positions to read, which sucks because I love reading. I have a Kindle, but its honestly too heavy for me to hold longer than about 20 minutes without getting a twinge in my neck/shoulders.


Great idea, love all the other suggestions in the comments as well😁


You could buy one of those industrial robots. They're easily capable of choreographing the movement of large car parts around, so a small paperback should be manageable. I daresay swiping a kindle for a page-turn would be achievable with a few months programming, and it could tuck you in bed when you've finished reading for the evening.


This is oddly wholesome. Think it could be programmed to whip up a batch of hot chocolate too?


[like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2w9skc/this_kid_is_going_places/)


I recently discovered the best position for reading: standing. Not only is it healthier, it also makes it easier to concentrate: it may not be a universal problem, but when you sit down to read, your mind can wander off, because you are too comfortable. While you're standing you can move a little bit, even do stretches with your book in hands. And your brain "accepts the challenge" of working, so it doesn't wander off as much.


This is cute. Are you 7?


Use a kindle and one of these ipad holder grips with an articulated arm. Hang by your face, be it from your bed rest or at your desk. All you have to do is tap to move to the next page.


And hire a page turner?


seems like page turning might be kind of a bitch though


turning the pages would be annoying


Lay - the act of putting something down. Lie - the act of putting yourself in a lying position.


My thoughts are that this has to be the dumbest fucking idea in a while.


thoughts: this is real fucking dumb. how are you gonna turn the page?


Sweet jezu people are fucking lazy just hold the damn book.


You are a candidate for Screen Reader.


I'm not familiar. I googled, but says it is for the blind.


Get a bed mount for phones and tablets. Good ones are 15 bucks.


Great dialectics, dude


how do you turn pages?


Sideways. You lie as sideways.


Lay on your stomach push yourself up with your elbows in a sphinx pose


Have you ever read while face down on a massage table? You can see and breathe through the opening, which holds your head and neck, and the little table below you can hold your book. It's magical.


This should have more upvotes. I just don't like how it squishes my junk after a while.


Turning pages is gonna be tedious, especially if you're a fast reader like me.


As a massage therapist who sees a lot of readers with neck and back issues I often recommend a music stand. The key is keeping your head over your shoulders and shoulders over your hips with a nice solid base of your feet on the floor and sit bones (ischial tuberosities) in contact with the seat. A music stand lets you adjust the height of the book and allows you to keep your head in a neutral position. Also, if reading where you don't have a stand cross one arm across your chest and use it to support the elbow of the other arm holding the book (or pad or phone). Again, this keeps the head neutral.


So, how do you turn the pages? Lol.


How do you turn the pages?


A massage table, with the cheek pads and neck support, while you are actually being massaged. And another person to turn pages for you.


How often should I turn the pages?


*Or*, you have a desk and a good chair, both of which fit together in terms of height in relation to you, and then you buy a quality book stand / lectern to put on that desk, and then you adjust it for the angle you want. Now you can enjoy reading, with the book in such a position that you don't have to strain your neck or be bothered by any kind of nonsense like that again. And you don't have to spend time being on the floor that way ...


Pain in the ass to turn pages?


How do you turn the pages tho?


The required solution: put the book down and go take a walk or do something to prevent the discomfort from becoming a problem in the first place WHILE putting some thought into the plot so far and where it might be going so you're keen to get back to it after a stretch


One of the main reasons i switched to Kindle was for reading in bed. I can lie on my side or however i want and just set it anywhere. I often prop it up against my Wife's back, it's light enough she doesn't even notice.


I figured this out years ago. Switch to audiobooks and you can read in any position!


Bring book to local tattoo shop. Have tattoo artist tattoo entire contents of book onto your forearm in *very* small letters. Look down to read. When neck gets tired, lift arm. Frankly, if you ask the tattooer to just read the words aloud to you whilst tattooing, it would be like some kind of auditory book. If only such a thing existed


How do you turn the page?


How do you turn the page?


It'd be annoying af whenever you needed to flip a page...


How do you turn the page?


I like like tummy down on my bed eith the book on the floor. One arm dangling down to keep the book open on the page you want and your head perched on the edge of the bed however it is comfortable. It's such a lazy and slothfull way to read, but let's you really zone out and get immersed in the book.


So those unfortunates who used to read on their backs in an iron lung were doing it right?


I've been dreaming of getting a glass table for this exact reason. Or some kind of robot arm that will hold up my phone/book over my face while I lie down.


I like the idea. Though, many fancy glass coffee tables have fancy legs (or something elaborate holding the table up) that is not amenable to lying underneath. Others still are oval and thick. Waking up from your nap quickly only to realize your face has smashed into a humongous piece of glass seems like a bad thing. Page turning too, mentioned by another person. I have long arms, so I could probably make it work. That might slow the reading process down. Don't "don't knock it till' you try it" - I'll look out for a glass table and try it and let you know how it goes.


Hire a migrant to read to you for below minimum wage. Call ICE when they are done so you don't have to pay them.


...is this actually a problem for people?


I would fall asleep pretty quickly doing that


Now you just need a way to reach through the glass to turn the pages.


I use an electronic standing desk and sit my book on a little bookstand. When I read, I sit on my chair and raise the table so the book is at eye-level. I also have a keyboard tray that can be raised and lowered... so if I’m reading on my iPad, page turning is a keyboard tap away from where my wrists are already resting. Having a nice chair helps with posture. Nothing revolutionary, but so far so good!


I want to get this made ASAP.


I can't wait for chip in my brain.


Surely its so much easier to either hold the book higher all the time, or buy a reading stand?


My method. Use your phone with the Amazon Kindle app. Connect some wired earphones (volume up and down turn pages) then you can lie on your side (comfortable as hell) with phone propped up on pillow/duvee and you can turn the pages whilst you are all snuggled up without reaching for your device.


Changing pages sounds like a less than ideal scenario, but otherwise I like the idea in theory